Sonic Boom, The Shot Heard Around The World,Wrays Of Light – Ep. 2455

The [CB] is now doing everything they possibly can to drive people away from cryptocurrency. The [CB] will not stop until the people give up or when the people say no more. China is now trying to divert everyone away from the fact they are trying to introduce their own digital currency. The [DS] / MSM are now being exposed to the world. The people are now confused with the pandemic message, people are no longer listening to Fauci and states are opening up and those states that are opening up the cases are dropping. Scavino sends message, sonic boom incoming. Wray makes a surprising announcement, that Antifa is organized and they local and regional nodes. The audit in Arizona is about to happen, will this be the shot heard around the world.
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Bitcoin crashes 15% as global regulators hesitate to greenlight crypto for commercial use
- bitcoin, saw a dramatic plunge of more than 15% – the biggest drop in more than seven weeks.
- The latest crash may reportedly be attributed to speculation that the US Treasury is planning to crack down on money-laundering practices carried out via digital assets, among other factors.
- White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Joe Biden is “proud” of UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield after she trashed the United States and called America’s founding documents and principles racist.
- Psaki made it a race issue and said Biden is “proud” of the anti-American Ambassador.
New: Unsealed Records detail FBI/DOJ Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cover-up
They always knew.
Today, the DOJ published records unsealed by court order in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. These included a motion and numerous exhibits detailing what the FBI/DOJ – and in particular, the Southern District of New York – knew about the criminal activities of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell back in 2016.
. Notes from a meeting in 2016 – reveal that a “US Attorney has said [Epstein] could be prosecuted elsewhere.” They failed to act for years, however.
2016 Notes, continued: “Photos of naked girls on Maxwell’s comp.”
Regarding the search warrant on Epstein’s Palm Beach home – someone tipped off Epstein: “Collage of photos included nude girls incl. clients. Epstein tipped off. All computers were gone.”
The victim “wants prosecution.” The DOJ/FBI didn’t do anything for years.
The notes continue: Girls “as young as 12 but younger the better.” Notes from a visit in Thailand with handwritten note “w/ name of girls – written by Maxwell.”
The notes also state that victim Virginia Roberts was “victimized summer 2000 @ age 16.” The minor was “taken to NY for training by Maxwell + Epstein – how to service men.”
2016 Email to the DOJ’s Amanda Kramer (from victim’s lawyers) regarding developments in Maxwell case and thanking Kramer for meeting with them. DOJ’s Kramer is offered more info if she needs it.
2016 email to DOJ providing contact info of an Epstein recruiter.
More US Troops Could Be Deployed to Afghanistan to Help With Withdrawal
- More US troops could be deployed to Afghanistan in the coming months to “help” in the withdrawal process, the Pentagon said
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.
I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, for two reasons. First, we can and should get out earlier. Nineteen years is enough, in fact, far too much and way too long. I made early withdraw possible by already pulling much of our billions of dollars of equipment out and, more importantly, reducing our military presence to less than 2,000 troops from the 16,000 level that was there (likewise in Iraq, and zero troops in Syria except for the area where we KEPT THE OIL). Secondly, September 11th represents a very sad event and period for our Country and should remain a day of reflection and remembrance honoring those great souls we lost. Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do. I planned to withdraw on May 1st, and we should keep as close to that schedule as possible.
- In a highly disrespectful and embarrassing move, Kamala Harris welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House on Friday.
- Joe Biden was nowhere to be found as Kamala Harris welcomed the first prime minister
- But it was way worse than we originally reported.
- No one met Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at the door when he arrived.
The only one standing there was a stationary Army guard.
Compare and contrast:
Biden embarrassing the Japanese in this way is no accident.
It would be one of CCPs most important orders to Biden. The CCP view Japan as an adversary in the Pacific.
Ordering a POTUS to snub the Japanese in this way projects not just American servitude, but Chinese superiority.
who benefits?
Does the USA benefit ? No.
Does Japan benefit? No.
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
Michigan set to make coronavirus restrictions on businesses permanent
- The state of Michigan is moving to make the state’s emergency coronavirus restrictions permanent.
- Michigan’s regulatory agencies plan to make COVID-19 rules such as mask wearing, social distancing, daily health screenings, record-keeping, and keeping a “COVID-19 safety coordinator” on-site permanent for Michigan businesses. Businesses would be forced to require their customers wear masks, whether or not they have been vaccinated against the virus.
- Other proposed permanent rules include requiring sports stadiums to “establish safe exit procedures for patrons,” with dismissing fans by section listed as a possible option.
Coronavirus: Oregon mulls permanent face mask, social distancing rules
- Oregon is considered to have some of the strictest COVID-19 regulations in the US.
Team Biden halts J&J vaccine — and a return to normal
- Rep. Maxine Waters travelled to Minnesota’s riot-plagued Brooklyn Center and called for people to get even “more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted — blatantly endorsing violent mob rule.
- The 82-year-old representative was breaking the city imposed curfew which was put in place to protect the community.
- “We’ve got to stay in the streets, and we’ve got to demand justice,” Waters told the militant leftists.
- “We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” the representative added, speaking of Chauvin.
- “And if we don’t, we cannot go away,” she added. “We’ve got to get more confrontational.”
- When asked about the fact that she was breaking curfew, she said “I don’t know what curfew means.”
- “A curfew means that ‘I want y’all to stop talking,’” she said, adding, “I don’t agree with it.”
Antifa set the Apple store in Portland on fire
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) April 17, 2021
BLM Mob Descends On Lori Lightfoot’s Neighborhood, Clash With Chicago Police
- Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot apparently had the police come to her neighborhood to protect her from the violent BLM mobs that she has spurred on. This was after she criticized this same police force earlier in the day regarding the Adam Toledo shooting.
- The crowd chanted “Hey hey, ho ho, Lori Lightfoot’s got to go!” as the march started.
Breonna Taylor’s Mom Calls Black Lives Matter a Fraud, “I’m So Sick of Ya’ll”
- Breonna Taylor’s mom lashed out at Black Lives Matter (BLM) this week amid reports the co-founder, Patrisse Cullors is living high on the hog in million dollar homes.
- Breonna Taylor’s mom went off on BLM and said the organization has not helped her family at all.
- “I have never personally dealt with BLM Louisville and personally have found them to be fraud, Attica Scott another fraud,” Breonna’s mom Tamika Palmer said in a Facebook post.
- “I could walk in a room full of people who claim to be here for Breonna’s family who don’t even know who I am, I’ve watched y’all raise money on behalf of Breonna’s family who has never done a damn thing for us nor have we needed it or asked so Talk about fraud.”
- She concluded with: “I’m a say this before I go I’m so sick of some of y’all and I was last anybody who needs it I’m with this shit enough is enough!!”
- Screenshot from Breonna’s mom Facebook:
Antifa ‘Panicking’ About Police Informant Inside Network: Andy Ngo Members of the infamous
- Antifa cell in Portland are anxious after an informant in their midst gave information to police, leading to arson charges, Antifa expert Andy Ngo says.
- “They’re panicking because this may possibly mean that somebody has infiltrated high … and there’s a lot at risk, because this is a criminal cartel,” Ngo said Saturday on NTD’s “The Nation Speaks.”
- “And if there’s somebody in there and they don’t know who it is who’s informing on them, it could bring down the entire cell,” Ngo added. “
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- No matter what the elites and liars say or do Americans know the truth.
- The latest national poll shows a majority of Americans believe Democrats cheated to put China Joe in the White House.
- Hundreds of boats turned out for the rally — FIVE MONTHS after the national election!
- Results likely to be ready mid-May, according to GOP Senate president.
- The Arizona Senate is poised to begin a major audit of over two million ballots cast in the 2020 election in the state’s largest county,
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) April 18, 2021
Sonic Boom
3 year delta
Sonic “BOOM”
Wray’s Testimony was a boom and so was Lin Wood’s 4/17 speech.
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It’s Sunday night……..time for Deep State Dave and the other deep state minions to mislead the patriots.
Never mind that Dave is NEVER right!
Never mind that Q has been exposed by both sides and proven to be a deep state operation AGAINST the patriots……Pop that popcorn…don’t worry 2020 election is protected……just sit back……
Trump was the BEST we had……but he is gone……and he is not coming back…….
Since Q…..who has gained control? patriots or deep state? think CHESS D five….Crime of the century …steal the 2020 election while patriots lulled into a false sense of security….think…ALL part of the plan
Does anyone else remember all those heart wrenching videos that came from nurses and others out of NY and other places in the beginning of the fakedemic, where they kept saying something was not right, like it seemed like people were being intentionally murdered?? Like ghosts, they have also been taken down and silenced. The pain and fear of those brave frontline workers that cried and suffered.
I will not believe the audit will be done in Arizona, till it’s over and the results are known. The deep state has agents everywhere. and will commit murders, to keep Biden in office. I do not underestimate any of them. Look at what they pulled on Jan 6th. If they will stoop that low, once, they will stoop even lower.
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I give up, don’t care anymore.
I give up, don’t care anymore. Everything you’ve talked about tonight I’ve already read somewhere else I don’t know Dave you do a lot of rehashing you say there’s a lot of things happening and a lot of things on Horizon it just doesn’t work out I don’t need Bitcoin I don’t need silver and gold I don’t need mypatriotsupply and I don’t need Keto so I’ll find my new software goodbye
I am so fed up with the mob, who STOLE THE ELECTION, thinking they can ram their stupid ideologies down America’s throats. WE DIDNT VOTE FOR THIS SHIT AND ITS TIME TO OVERTURN THE FRAUDULENT ELECTION.
Check out Follow the Data with Dr. Frank. He’s done statistical investigations in many areas with very interesting results. Check out Lindell’s new site that has videos with Dr. Frank. You might be interested in interviewing him.
I can find the Oxford Academic article, but I can’t find the first part
Trouble with PCR test
can anyone show me
Love your style and how you position your story lines. Keep up the GREAT WORK Patriot.
Consider you a FRIEND
Why is it so hard to track down the source on the PCR test report, with the comments?