• A group of 24 states has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asserting that a newly implemented environmental regulation is unlawful and would have detrimental effects on their residents.
  • The lawsuit was filed in a federal court on Thursday. The states claim that the regulation targets farmers and landowners and is in violation of the law.West Virginia, Georgia, Iowa, and North Dakota are leading a group of 24 states in the lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • The lawsuit claims that the recently introduced Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulation, which was revealed in December, undermines the states’ jurisdiction over water bodies and the surrounding land. The lawsuit specifically targets the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers, who were responsible for approving the regulation.
  •   In the rule, EPA asserts federal jurisdiction over land and water that has no connection to navigable waters. This goes beyond what the statute provides in the Constitution.”
  • However, a coalition of 24 states, led by West Virginia, Georgia, Iowa, and North Dakota, filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden administration, arguing that the regulation is unlawful and infringes on their authority to regulate bodies of water and surrounding land.
  • The Trump administration had relaxed federal protections on water sources that it deemed not requiring federal oversight, by reversing the Obama-era rules. However, a federal court overturned the reversal in 2021.

Source: trendingpolitics.com