States Will Lead The Charge, The People Will Decide, Constitution Is The Only Way – Ep. 2491

The [DS] is now moving forward with their plan to shut down as much oil production as possible under the cover of protecting the environment. We have seen this playbook before, it’s called he climate agenda. [KH] commands US Companies to setup shop in other countries. Alternate currencies are on the move. The [DS] election plan has failed before it even started. The people already believe the election was stolen. When the truth and facts emerge it will only confirm their belief. At that point it won’t matter what the [DS] media reports the people will demand that the cheating government be replaced. The people have always had the choice they just forgot how much power they actually have. The states will lead the charge
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Biden Threatens American Jobs, Oil and Gas Industry with Latest Move
According to The Washington Post, the Biden administration moved to protect some of the bird’s population under the Endangered Species Act — specifically, the population in Texas and New Mexico. Northern populations in Oklahoma and Kansas weren’t listed because their numbers were determined to have declined less drastically.
- The problem is that population overlaps with the Permian Basin, an oil-and-gas-rich area — meaning more energy jobs could be lost. In the proposed listing, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service put specific blame on the petroleum industry for contributing to habitat loss.
- “Petroleum and natural gas production result in both direct and indirect habitat effects to the lesser prairie-chicken,” the report stated.
- “Well pad construction, seismic surveys, access road development, power line construction, pipeline corridors, and other activities can all result in direct habitat loss by removal of vegetation used by lesser prairie-chickens. As documented in other grouse species, indirect habitat loss also occurs from avoidance of vertical structures, noise, and human presence … which all can influence lesser prairie-chicken behavior in the general vicinity of oil and gas development areas. These activities also disrupt lesser prairie chicken reproductive behavior.”
- The report added that oil-and-gas development “activities have resulted in decreases in population resiliency and species redundancy.”
- Joe Biden on Saturday delivered remarks at an annual Memorial Day Service in Delaware.
- Biden slurred his way through a 9 minute speech.
- 7,300 people tuned in to the White House’s YouTube channel to watch Biden speak.
- There was 1,500 “down votes” and 199 “up votes.”
- But Joe Biden totally got 81 million votes.
Biden Grimaces Through Memorial Day Speech – Only 560 People Watch on White House YouTube Channel
- Joe Biden delivered remarks on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery.
- This was after posting his creepy Memorial Weekend tweet on Saturday.
- Joe Biden had 560 people watching live on the White House YouTube Channel.
- These numbers continue to show a shockingly unpopular president.
- The video has more downvotes (1,200) than viewers (560).
Eric Swalwell Learns the Hard Way That Trolling Ric Grenell is Not a Very Good Idea
- Grenell, who was an acting Director of National Intelligence under former President Trump, took issue Sunday with the fact that Face the Nation’s John Dickerson did not mention Vice President Kamala Harris’ tone-deaf Memorial Day weekend tweet in his commentary about Memorial Day, though Dickerson did make sure to take the time to mention a speech President Biden gave Friday about the sacrifices made by the men and women of the U.S. military:
It was then that Swalwell he’d troll Grenell with the fake news Atlantic story from last year about Trump allegedly calling dead American soldiers “suckers and losers”:
Later, he bizarrely (maybe drunkly?) cc’d Grenell on a Fox News story about 2021 Memorial Day weekend cocktail trends, as though that further “proved” his non-existent “point”:
Grenell responded accordingly by referencing le affaire de Fang Fang:
- Not only that, but Grenell also retweeted this tweet revisiting the issue of voting to strip Swalwell of his committee assignments in light of his relationship with the Chinese honey trap:
- Swalwell stopped badgering Grenell after the references to Fang Fang were made,
Organizations like the New York Times, who have now as much as said we didn’t believe it because it came from the Trump administration, are truly fake news and are operating in a political space devoid of science
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) May 30, 2021
- President Trump went on Newsmax with Dick Morris to discuss, among other things, the border crisis. His criticism of Joe Biden’s agenda and weak policies was sharp, but he does not believe the Biden administration is doing it on purpose. Instead of pushing for open borders as many believe, Trump thinks Biden is simply incompetent.
- “If he would have done nothing we would have had, right now, the strongest border in history,” Trump said. “All he had to do is nothing. I had everything worked out with the other countries whether it’s Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico.”
False Flags
- In Germany, mask mandates in schools have also been under the microscope, in particular in an extraordinary judgment given last month.
- On April 8, the Weimar District Court banned two schools in that district from enforcing mask mandates, social distancing requirements, and rapid COVID-19 testing on their students. The court also ordered the schools to no longer conduct distance learning.
- The decision followed a legal action by the mother of two students, aged 8 and 14 respectively, at one of the schools, who argued that such measures were causing physical, psychological, and pedagogical harm to her children, as well as constituting an infringement of her children and parental rights under German and international law.
- The judge, Christian Dettmar, upheld this argument (pdf), noting that mask mandates and social distancing requirements for children, were not only causing the harm mentioned above, but were in direct violation of Articles 2 and 6 of the German Constitution, which guarantee the rights to freedom of individual development, education, and parental assistance.
- On March 19, MI State Police arrested a Polish immigrant who escaped communism and moved to the United States to find freedom. Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, the owner of Marlena’s Bistro and Pizzeria in Holland, MI, was arrested in front of her residence and taken to the Ingham County Jail for refusing to shut down her restaurant.
- MI Attorney General Dana Nessel released the following statement, condemning the Holland restaurant owner: “This owner has continued to willfully violate the state’s food laws, public health orders and the order of the court – a dangerous act that may have exposed dozens of diners and employees to the virus following the discovery that one of Marlena’s customers tested positive for the virus within two days of eating there.”
- Last week, a photo was released of MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer defying her own rules related to wearing a mask and social distancing in restaurants and bars.
- After she was caught, Whitmer released a statement of apology. But what about the thousands of people who no longer have jobs or businesses in her state because of her unconstitutional lockdowns? What about restaurant owners like Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, who were forced to spend time in jail and/or were fined for not complying with the same orders she doesn’t even follow herself? Shouldn’t they get a refund if the governor can’t even follow her own guidelines?
- 117 employees filed a lawsuit against a Houston-area hospital over its Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
- The lawsuit argues the vaccine mandate violates the Nuremberg Code and US statutes that allow Americans to refuse “unapproved” treatments, according to Law & Crime.
- The employees are suing The Methodist Hospital, the Methodist Hospital System and Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital.
- “100% vaccination is more important than your individual freedom. Everyone [sic] of you is replaceable. If you don’t like what your [sic] doing you can leave and we will replace your spot,” Bernard told the employees.
- The frontline workers at Houston Methodist are pushing back against the CEO because they don’t want to be guinea pigs.
- “Methodist Hospital is forcing its employees to be human ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment,” the lawsuit argues.
Facebook has removed 18 million “misleading posts” about COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, and labeled more than 167 million others.
How’s that working out in impacting voter opinion?
68% think the virus came from the Chinese lab.
Story –
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 31, 2021
- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke out against the unconstitutional continued persecution of the Jan. 6 protesters.
- The US Government has arrested somewhere near 450 US citizens for the protests at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
- Many of those patriots were arrested by the FBI after they were welcomed into the US Capitol by police officers that day.
- And many of the men and women arrested continue to be held in isolation without trial.
This is unconstituional.
- Arizona Republican Governor Ducey vetoed 22 bills just before the Memorial Day Holiday weekend. His actions are more and more reprehensible as the days go by.
- Governor Ducey explained his insane actions this way:
- This Ducey guy is a Democrat-communist’s dream:
- This isn’t the first time the governor showed his true colors. Ducey ignored a boatload of evidence of potential fraud in the 2020 Election and signed off on the results anyways in November, while at the exact same time Rudy Giuliani and the Trump team were presenting their case in front of the Arizona legislature.
- Nationalfile reported yesterday:
- HB 2792, sponsored by State Representative Jake Hoffman, was a crucial piece of election integrity legislation, which would ban the mass mailing of ballots to voters that did not request them. And as National File reported, SB 1074, also originally introduced by Hoffman, bans public entities from promoting or using taxpayer dollars to fund anti-white critical race theory training.

- Cheeley relayed shocking information regarding the security alarm incident yesterday at the Fulton County ballot storage warehouse where a door was found ajar, and the facility unattended.
- Cheeley recounted how he hired his own off-duty police security detail since the hearing on May 21 to guard the warehouse as he did not trust Fulton County to do the job as per court order.
- Two Fulton County Sheriff vehicles had been securing the building since May 25th when Judge Amero ordered the facility guarded. Yesterday at 4pm, the two Sheriff cars left the parking lot for two hours. Twenty minutes after the cars left the premises, the security alarm went off. The private security detail heard the alarm and investigated, finding the door unlocked and the building unattended.
- No one else responded to the alarm. Either they did this purposefully or the alarm system is not monitored. The off-duty officers walked in the building and did not see any further damage or personnel. At 8pm, a Fulton County employee finally came to lock the door.
- Cheeley divulged there is one security camera at least on the top of the building, and he has requested this footage.
- Cheeley delcared he is filing two motions of contempt against Fulton County this week for willfully disobeying the judge’s order to have the facility guarded at all times.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
“BREAKING: Alarm Went Off at Secure Building in Fulton County Georgia Where Ballots Are Kept – Building Found Wide Open”
Great work is being done in Georgia revealing the Election Fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election. But, we must not allow ANYONE to compromise these ballots by leaving the building unsecured, which was done late Friday. Republicans and Patriots must protect this site and the Absentee Ballots. The Left talks about election security but they do not practice what they preach because they are afraid of what might be found. Fulton County Leadership—do the right thing and protect these ballots. Our Country is at stake!
Trump’s Ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Calls For Myanmar-Type Coup In U.S.
- Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.
- “I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”
- “No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”
The election was lawless, six states allowed their delegates to vote by false certifications, but the EC process happened.
The Constitution has only one process for removal of a sitting president: impeachment and conviction.
No, President Trump is not going to be “reinstated.”
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) May 30, 2021
The best thing we can do as constitutionalists moving forward is to ensure this utter disregard for states’ election laws never happens again.
That’s why election integrity is the number one issue facing America today.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) May 30, 2021
Is this fair? No.
Did Trump win? Yes.
Were the GOP state legislatures utterly spineless? Absolutely.
But Americans follow the Constitution.
And just because we can’t “reinstate” Trump does NOT mean we give up or that we lost. If our founders gave up, we’d still be British!
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) May 30, 2021
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— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 31, 2021
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 30, 2021
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 30, 2021
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 30, 2021
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 31, 2021
Donald J. Trump
8:47am May 31, 2021
On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. The depth of their devotion, the steel of their resolve, and the purity of their patriotism has no equal in human history. On distant battlefields, in far-off oceans, and high in the skies above, they faced down our enemies and gave their lives so that America would prevail. They made the supreme sacrifice so that our people can live in safety and our Nation can thrive in peace. It is because of their gallantry that we can together, as one people, continue our pursuit of America’s glorious destiny.
We owe all that we are, and everything we ever hope to be, to these unrivaled heroes. Their memory and their legacy is immortal. Our loyalty to them and to their families is eternal and everlasting.
America’s warriors are the single greatest force for justice, peace, liberty, and security among all the nations ever to exist on earth. God bless our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, Airmen, and Marines. We honor them today, forever, and always.
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God Bless Bibi and Israel for running the Child Rape Child Murder for Blackmail Operation on US Politicians ,.
Best move Trump ever made was sucking off Bibi to absolute and TOTAL completion .
Hey Bibi ya want a another $10 Billion of US Taxpayer Money ?
Just let us know when to send it .
We will be back in charge before Labor Day. Remember those who gave their lives to keep us free. My father came home from Europe and is now interred at Arlington; and is in my thoughts today. God bless you all, and God Bless America.
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Absolutely right. Thank you for your service and thank you for your diligence and sacrifice. We the people salute the military and enough of we the people have your back the way that you have ours; to defeat that element of the worst generation which plots and schemes to invalidate the sacrifices of the best generation.
God Bless president Trump and God Bless America.
From an Australian friend.
Convention of states on the horizon.imho
I would be good if you would be more specific as to who the puppet masters are.
Mel K believes the Biden administration and the Deep State are attempting to stir up a Color Revolution on the American people as the means to overturn our government over to the communists and to complete their Great Reset. They, as in Obama and Soros, have tried this playbook on the Ukraine and Libya before and succeeded. They fabricated a false race war in those countries – claiming they had become ungovernable, and in a state of emergency, asked the UN to enact the Responsibility to Protect law (RtoP), in order to send in the UN troops as a way to “restore order”, which in reality was the means to overthrow their government and to install the government they wanted. It looks like they are doing the exact same thing in America – to stir up race wars, calling America systemically racist, forcing critical race theory on our youths, attacking law enforcement, weakening military, flooding the country with human traffickers, drug cartels, terrorists, violent criminals, etc..through wide-open borders. Also through stirring as much as anger and chaos as possible in American people.. by forcing lockdowns and compliance, censoring free speech, violating civil rights and the Constitution,.. by destroying our economy through out-control-spending, rising inflation, crashing stock markets, causing famine, gas-energy-food shortages, low employment, taking incentives to work by sending out free checks, relying on government subsidies, raising taxes, reducing income, pushing us into poverty. Lying to us through fake media, propaganda, constantly insulting and offending American people. They have already accused the election audits and fixing election laws as RACISTS and Jim Crow. The UN Ambassador has already claimed that America is systemically racist, that our Constitution was written by white supremacists. And with the coming results of the election audit in Maricopa – undoubtably proving election fraud – Antifa/BLM will be ready to start the riots again. And Mel K is worried that they are just about to call for the UN to enact RtoP law pretty soon. If that happens, and if it’s true the military will act under executive branch…and allow the UN troops to invade our country…then that will end American sovereignty and essentially our freedom. Even civilian militias may not be enough to stop them. I agree with her, that is what I am very worried about, and I hope the Patriots will act soon to carry out the plan to save our country.
What do you think? Do you think that’s what they are planning to do to America by calling on the UN to enact RtoP law? Do you think that is what Q meant that the military is the only option – to protect America from the UN/globalist/communist overthrow of our government? Thanks.