[DS] Panic, The AZ Audit Will Be The Gold Standard, Trump Explained The Way Forward – Ep. 2492
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BREAKING: Biden Admin. Halts Oil And Gas Leases In Alaska’s Arctic Refuge Sold By Trump
- he Department of the Interior today suspended all activities related to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge pending completion of a comprehensive analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Source: breaking911.com
- For the first time since 1991, the US imported oil from Iran.
- According to the Financial Post:
The United States imported a rare cargo of 1.033 million barrels of Iranian crude in March despite sanctions on Iran’s energy sector, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed.
The cargo is only the second oil import by the United States from Iran since late 1991, data on EIA’s website showed.
- President Trump imposed sanctions against Iran due to the Iranian regime’s numerous atrocities and terrorist actions.
- Now the Obama/Biden administration has imported oil from Iran.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- President Joe Biden has ordered the Financial Stability Oversight Council to prepare a report on how the financial system can mitigate the risks related to climate change. The Financial Stability Oversight Council was created through the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform act and is supposed to identify and monitor excessive risk to the financial system. The council is composed of the heads of the major federal financial regulatory agencies, including the Federal Reserve.
- Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is no doubt pleased with Biden’s order. Powell has been pushing for the Fed to join other central banks in fighting climate change. Among the ways the Fed could try to mitigate the risks related to climate change is by using its regulatory authority to “encourage” banks to lend to “green” businesses and deny capital to “polluters.” The Fed could also use “quantitative easing” to give green industries an advantage over their non-green competitors. Another way the Fed could “fight climate change” is by committing to monetizing all federal debt created by legislation implementing the Green New Deal.
- Climate change is not the only area where the Fed is embracing the agenda of the “woke.” Some Federal Reserve Banks have taken the lead in a series of events called “Racism and the Economy” that are concerned with dismantling “systemic racism.” The Fed’s commitment to ending systemic racism could lead the central bank to requiring that banks and other financial institutions further relax their lending standards for minorities.
Source: lewrockwell.com
World’s Largest Meat Supplier Halts Some Beef Production After IT Systems Hit with Ransomware Attack
- JBS, the world’s largest beef supplier was hit with a ransomware attack on Sunday, threatening US meat supply.
- The company maintains 11 beef processing facilities in Australia and 26 chicken processing plants in the U.S.
At least six JBS locations in the U.S. posted on their respective Facebook pages for workers to not come in Tuesday, an NBC review of their posts found.
White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters the hackers are likely based in Russia – *eyeroll*
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Charles Hoskinson, the inventor of the Cardano network, sees cryptocurrencies and a decentralized financial system as the “antidote” for “a broken financial system”.
- “There is no going back. You can’t change that, you can’t put the spirit back in the bottle. The central banks will go away. It’ll just happen. The conventional old banks will disappear. These payment methods, which are so nepotistic, corrupt, and slow.”
- “In the next 10 years, there will be more advances in monetary policy in our industry than in the last 100 years of central banks.”
- Of course, the “corrupt financial system” has no interest in change. But that could no longer be prevented. Because too many people were already dealing with crypto technologies. The markets are too big, the pace of innovation too high. Nobody can stop that.
Source: disclose.tv
- Major League Baseball (MLB) has said they are pulling this year’s All-Star Game from Atlanta. However, they won’t be going anywhere without a legal fight.
- The Job Creators Network (JCN), a conservative group representing small businesses, plans to file a lawsuit against MLB and their Players Union in hopes of forcing the league to return the game to Atlanta or compensate the Atlanta businesses impacted by the league’s decision to leave due to Georgia’s voter reform laws.
- According to Fox Business Network’s Charles Gasparino:
MLB Faces $100 Million Lawsuit For Moving All-Star Game Out Of Georgia
Source: breitbart.com
- A new poll from The Hill shows American voters now ranking the media and “federal government” the “least trusted institutions” in the country.
- “Fifty-three percent of registered voters in the May 21-23 survey said they have little or no confidence in the media while 52 percent said the same of the federal government,” reports The Hill.
Source: hannity.com
- President Barack Obama said in an interview published Tuesday his former Vice President Joe Biden was finishing the work he began to redistribute wealth through programs like Obamacare.
- “I think that what we’re seeing now, is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job,” he said in an interview with New York Times columnist Ezra Klein. “And I think it’ll be an interesting test. Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing and building on the policies we talked about…”
Source: breitbart.com
Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps damning Joe, but most media just ignore it
- Hunter Biden’s laptop continues to yield damning information that shows t Joe Biden, played a significant and knowing role in his son’s sleazy influence-peddling.
- The latest, of course, is the photographic evidence that then-Veep Joe attended an April 16, 2015, dinner with shady Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakh “businessmen” and even posed for photos with the unseemly guests.
- To put some face-saving cover on the event in the private “Garden Room” at Café Milano, a posh Georgetown eatery (“Where the world’s most powerful people go,” run its promos), Hunter billed it as “ostensibly to discuss food security,” as he emailed one guest, and invited several officials from the World Food Program.
- The photo of the then-veep and Hunter smiling with the two Kazakhs, clearly shot at Café Milano, isn’t the only proof Joe actually attended the dinner: Pozharskyi emailed Hunter the next day, “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. … It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.” So much for any claim that Joe never met with Burisma officials even as he was Team Obama’s point man on Ukraine, a role he used to demand the ouster of a prosecutor who was looking into the firm.
Source: nypost.com
- Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is signing a bill aimed to protect women’s sports — a move that comes at a time the left pushes to allow biological males who say they are female to compete against – and with – biological girls.
- “In Florida, girls and going to play girls sports and boys are going to play boys sports,” DeSantis said Tuesday to applause.
Source: breitbart.com
Geopolitical/Police State
Today marks the anniversary of when we said, “Au- Revoir” to the Paris Climate Accord, which destroyed jobs and was a joke.
When Biden re-entered this deal, Xi Jinping and his fellow travelers cheered.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) June 1, 2021 1:09
The Guardian: Amazon US customers given one week to opt out of a plan that will turn every Echo speaker and Ring security camera in the US into a shared wireless network.
— The Bias News (@thebias_news) June 1, 2021
Iran Rearming Hamas with ‘Thousands of New Rockets’
- The Iranian regime is giving Hamas terrorists resources to produce “thousands of new rockets” in the Gaza Strip, according to a new report in Tehran’s state-controlled media.
- Following a two-week-long war with Israel this month in which Hamas and other terror groups bombarded the Jewish state with missiles funded and provided by Iran, Hamas is moving to restock is weapons cache.
- grow stronger day by day, and the Israelis should know that they will not be able to live beside an enemy which enjoys a great power now,” he added.
Source: freebeacon.com
False Flags
UK vaccine passport plans to be scrapped
- May 30 – Britain plans to drop COVID-19 passports as a legal requirement for large events,
- The UK officials working on the review into COVID-19 status certificates believe there is no chance the law will be changed to mandate their use within the UK, the report added.
- “It’s not a case of it’s finely balanced, it’s not going to happen,” “Everyone says it’s dead.”
Source: nypost.com
Ohio Bills Introduced to Cancel Vaccine Lottery and Abolish All Vaccine Requirements
- Ohio is one of 4 states where COVID “Vaccine Lotteries” are being held to encourage citizens ages 12 and up to “roll up their sleeves”. Lawmakers who don’t support the lottery have introduced a bill to cancel it immediately. They have also introduced legislation to protect Ohioans who don’t want to take any vaccines.
Source: activistpost.com
Not only are vaccine manufacturers immune from lawsuits in the event injuries occur, but OSHA has just suspended the requirement for employers to report vaccine-related injuries at all. If the vaccine is so safe, why is no one addressing these public health and safety concerns?
- The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that a recall effort, aimed at unseating the state’s Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer, can move forward, agreeing with the state’s Board of Canvassers, which approved several recall petitions.
Source: dailywire.com
WaPo Quietly Edits Story From Last February Claiming COVID Lab Leak Theory Was ‘Debunked’
- The Washington Post changed the headline on a story published more than a year ago that accused Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., of pedaling a supposed “conspiracy theory.” The headline now calls the Wuhan lab leak theory “disputed,” instead of “debunked.”
- Dr. Anthony Fauci is set to publish a book towards the end of the year offering his views on truth, his philosophy on life and looking toward a brighter future.
- Fauci’s book “Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward” shares his own experiences and lessons that have shaped his “life philosophy.”
Source: dailycaller.com
Every piece of evidence suggests the Wuhan virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Communist China owes the world answers.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) June 1, 2021
INSURRECTION DEBUNKED: New Video Shows Completely Peaceful Protest Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
DOJ moves to dismiss case against accused participant in Capitol riot
- The Department of Justice moved to dismiss one of the hundreds of Capitol riot criminal cases it has filed voluntarily for what appears to be the first time, telling a magistrate judge it “serves the interests of justice” to toss the charges against the alleged participant.
- The defendant, Christopher Kelly, had been accused in court documents of violating laws related to the obstruction of congressional proceeding, aiding and abetting, unlawful entry, and violent entry or disorderly conduct, relying partly upon an unidentified confidential source for information. Documents also cite alleged Facebook messages from Kelly to argue that the accused traveled to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 with his brother, an ex-NYPD officer who was not charged, and is seemingly connected to the far-Right Proud Boys group.
- But on Tuesday, acting U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips and Assistant United States Attorney Tejpal Chawla of DOJ’s District of Columbia office asked the judge to withdraw the charges.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
- Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday he would veto the section of the state budget that funds the Legislature hours after a Democratic walkout killed his priority elections bill.
- “No pay for those who abandon their responsibilities,” Abbott said in a tweet. “Stay tuned.”
- Abbott’s tweet referred to Article X of the budget, which pays not only lawmakers and staff but also funds legislative agencies, such as the Legislative Budget Board. Under the current budget, the legislative branch is funded through the end of August, and the budget Abbott is referring to covers the fiscal year starting Sept. 1.
- Abbott has until June 20 to carry out the veto.
- State lawmakers are paid $600 a month, equal to $7,200 per year. They also get a per diem of $221 for every day they are in session, including both regular and special sessions.
- The following memo from Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P. summarizes and encourages the passage of SB 528 on next Monday, June 7th in the Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee.
- From: Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.
- To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]
- Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART XII] – Bullet-Points
- I was requested to succinctly summarize salient features of the prior memos because “It would be most helpful if you could turn it into a one-page succinct explanation w bullet points of evidence and bullet points of suggestions that I can send to leaders.”
- The LATTER is easily stated, for SB 528 must be passed on June 7th by the Senate State Government Committee, then by the entire Senate, then by the entire House, then implemented forthwith. The Auditor General [1]—has unfinished 2020 electoral business (see the petition); [2]—Reported that 70% of votes couldn’t be validated (see the testimony); and [3]— has the legal authority to complete this process (see legal citations). Evasion by lamely seeking “bipartisan” legislation is to be CONDEMNED, for Dems have already trashed all GOP ideas. Thus, ANY deviation from this retroactive plan for a Forensic Audit must NOT be followed (even as the PA Speaker of the House just called for a Bureau of Election Audits).
- The FORMER is analyzed via myriad formats in Memos I-X and synthesized in Memo XI by invoking the 10-point Navarro Decalogue (my neologism) outline of statewide/national aberrations/fraud (see Pamela Geller’s compilation, citing Election Integrity: The Foundation of Our Freedoms):
10,000 {a} Absentee ballots cast that arrived after Election Day
14,328 {b} Absentee ballots cast from addresses other than where voters legally reside
58,221 {c} Absentee ballots cast that were returned on or before the postmark date
9,005 {d} Absentee ballots cast without a postmark (violating state law)
8,021 {e} Dead voters
742 {f} Double voters: in-state
7,426 {g} Out-of-state voters who voted in-state
202,377 {h} Over-votes (per State Representative Frank Ryan, et al.)
680,774 {i} Poll watcher & poll observer abuse (defying SCOTUS orders)*
1,573 {j} Voters age 100+ (suspect, per state records and obituaries)
Demonstrated herein are the following unassailable/unambiguous conclusions:
{a} Absentee ballots were received up to three days after Election Day.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Christina Bobb: Pennsylvania sent a delegation out here. They’ve expressed interest in the Arizona audit and replicating this in Pennsylvania. So there is a delegation of state legistlators from Pennsylvania that are arrive in Arizona today. They are getting a behind the scene tour tomorrow. I’m hoping to catch up with them tomorrow so hopefully we’ll have some of that.
Donald J. Trump
3:58pm May 31, 2021
Wow! I hear they have thousands and thousands of boats parading in Jupiter, despite the fact that they tried to cancel us. Everyone is having an incredible time. On this day, we especially appreciate everyone who served and fought for our great Country. I love you all!
New York Times Reporter Claims Trump is Telling People He Will Be Reinstated By August
- New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman claims that former President Donald Trump is telling those close to him that he will be reinstated by August.
- Haberman tweeted that “that isn’t how it works,” but that she was simply sharing the information.
- “
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How long do we wait Dave?
Until the country is destroyed?
Pingback: [DS] Panic, The AZ Audit Will Be The Gold Standard, Trump Explained The Way Forward – Ep. 2492 | awarecitizen.com
Great broadcast as usual… so happy that we can still listen to your information!
Pingback: Bonds have started to go out internationally
I really don’t believe Biden, Harris , Fauci, etc took the vaccine. I believe they took a saline shot. That’s why they still wear the masks. Has anybody thought of this! Find the people who gave the shots and find out! They know what these shots are already doing and can do. Why would they take It?
Oh, Lord Jesus, please let all of this be true.
God: “This is My nation and I will change things according to the time and season”:
Spring 2021 (MAR 20 – JUNE 19):
-Reveal and expose evil things that are hidden.
-Setting up for the next election (A second 2020 election/re-election? 2022 election? 2024 election?).
Summer 2021 (JUNE 20 – SEPT 21):
-Hurricanes and tornados.
-Tumultuous rendering. The earth trembles/shakes.
-God seems quiet, but is waiting.
-Uncovering of great evil.
-Strange July, strange July…
-Two presidents – one is double minded.
-Two terror organizations (dark powers) rage, then pierced.
Fall 2021 (SEPT 22 – DEC 20):
-Pandemonium! Pandemonium in the White House! (2020 winter – election and human trafficking rescue under the White House), but look to the fall…
-Many will fall in the fall.
-Summer tremors so that the fall can do its work in America.
-In the fall, many will fall and many will rise from the dust.
-In the fall, things are shaken and rebuilding happens, release of resources (QFS, NESARA/GESARA?, gas/oil?).
-Trump is revealed as President – “My chosen David”.
-Hypnotic November…
Winter 2021-2022 (DEC 21 – MAR 19):
-Christmas! I will make them happy!
Pingback: X22 Report 6/1/2021 – President Donald J. Trump Uncensored
Israeli Mossad
Please send me your X-22 Reports so I do not have to watch them on You Tube.