The 16 Year Plan Has Failed, The [DS] Worst Nightmare Has Come True, We The People – Episode 2213
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Current News – 07.01.2020
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Macy’s Takes $3.1 Billion Charge, Pins Hopes on Gradual Recovery
- Macy’s Inc. recorded a $3.1 billion charge in the first quarter as the pandemic ravaged retail, even as sales have since started to show signs of recovery.
- The department-store chain’s business has tracked ahead of expectations in the two months since the quarter ended. The company said it continues to expect a “gradual sales recovery.”
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- Factory activity in the U.S. surged higher than expected in June, suggesting that the broader economy grew for the second consecutive month after April’s contraction.
- The Institute for Supply Management’s index of manufacturing activity jumped 9.5 percentage points to 52.6 in June. The gauge of new orders rose 24.6 points to 56.4, the largest ever monthly increase. The production component of the index also rose by more than 24 points to 57.3.
- Economists had expected a reading of 49, with the highest estimate in those surveyed by Econoday 51.5. June’s score was the best since April of 2019.
- “
- ISM Manufacturing in Expansion – 52.6 vs 49.8 expectations and 43.1 prior – best since April 2019
- PMI Manufacturing in Contraction – 49.8 vs 49.6 expectations and 39.8 prior – a record 10 point jump
Source: Bloomberg
- “US manufacturers have reported a marked turnaround in business conditions through the second quarter, unprecedented gains in the survey’s output, employment and order book gauges.
New Supply-Chain Strategy Mulled by Europe in Bid to Reduce China Dependence in Wake of Pandemic
- European leaders now talk of shortening supply chains in a bid to reduce reliance on the Asian country
- A revised pharmaceutical strategy is reportedly to address issues that were thrust to the forefront during the pandemic – such as Europe’s shortfalls in production capacity.
- China turns out approximately 40 percent of all pharmaceutical ingredients used worldwide, a
- China accounts for about 40 percent of global vehicle deliveries for German auto giant Volkswagen AG, which acquired stakes in the Asian country’s battery company Guoxuan High-Tech Co. and its electric-vehicle partner in May.
you will get data that looks like this for Florida, just as an example:
The deal includes new protections for intellectual property, copyright, collective bargaining and environmental issues, but the minimum wage rules stand to be the most disruptive. Journalists, don’t underestimate the importance of this deal.
Of significance is a part of the USMCA that requires 75% of the parts of a vehicle to be sourced from the U.S., Canada or Mexico or the vehicle will be subject to a tariff. NAFTA set the bar at 62.5%. It may sound like a small percentage increase, but it is significant. Critics have said it will lead to major shifts in supply chains in a short period of time in an effort to avoid tariffs.
The USMCA contains new mandates to drive higher wages by requiring that 40-45% of auto parts be made by workers earning at least $16 USD per hour (the percentage ramps up from the first year until 2023). The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis said it comes with some peril for American auto workers:
This could benefit U.S. workers since they earn higher wages than workers in Mexico, but it would also increase the cost of cars made in North America. In the long run, this could lead to decreased global demand for cars manufactured in North America as they become less competitive in a global market, which could ultimately hurt U.S. autoworkers.
The USMCA is important to farmers. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said:
Canada and Mexico are our first and third largest exports markets for United States food and agricultural products, making up 28 percent of total food and agricultural exports in 2017. These exports support more than 325,000 American jobs.
The new trade agreement will help U.S. dairy, poultry and egg farmers who sell products to Canada the most.
“No corroborating evidence to back reports.” Department of Defense. Do people still not understand that this is all a made up Fake News Media Hoax started to slander me & the Republican Party. I was never briefed because any info that they may have had did not rise to that level
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2020
Projection 101 The [DS] always accuse Trump of things they are guilty of
1. Ukraine quid pro quo
2. U1
3. Iran paid Taliban to Kill US soldiers in Afghanistan
4. Russia Collusionb
- President Trump’s plans for Germany were announced again today by the Pentagon, and once again they say the plan is to cut 9,500 US troops from Germany, bringing the current level down to about 25,000.T
Afghan Taliban Reiterate Support for Doha Peace Deal With US
- the Taliban came forward on Tuesday to reiterate their support for the Doha peace deal that they signed with the United States, and deny any knowledge of the bounty scheme.
- President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. In 1999, the Clinton administration launched a 78-day bombing campaign that killed up to 1500 civilians in Serbia and Kosovo
- In 1999, the Clinton administration designated the KLA as “freedom fighters” despite their horrific past and gave them massive aid.
- Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity by an international tribunal in The Hague in the Netherlands. It charged Thaci and nine other men with “war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, and torture.” Thaci and the other charged suspects were accused of being “criminally responsible for nearly 100 murders” and the indictment involved “hundreds of known victims of Kosovo Albanian, Serb, Roma, and other ethnicities and include political opponents.”
False Flags
- In continued effort to fight fraud connected to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission are partnering to alert the public of emerging threats to steal money and sensitive information through contact tracing scams. Contact tracing is a process underway to identify people who have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, instruct them to quarantine, and monitor their symptoms. Contact tracing scams often appear in the form of text messages or telephone calls seeking money, or Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, along with other sensitive information not required for authentic contact tracing.
As I watch the Pandemic spread its ugly face all across the world, including the tremendous damage it has done to the USA, I become more and more angry at China. People can see it, and I can feel it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2020
The left isn’t going to wake up. This chart depicts what’s really going on in Florida. It represents herd immunity taking place.
— 🇺🇸Michelle🇺🇸 (@mamabird_31) June 30, 2020
DeSantis says Florida ‘not going back’ on reopening as COVID-19 cases surge
Don’t believe the COVID-19 hysteria from the Arizona mainstream media & the left.
COVID-19 is serious, & we do have to take precautions – especially to protect our older population.
But the reporting of data out of AZ has not allowed us to have a true picture of the realities.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 1, 2020
➡️ Yesterday, there was a RECORD number of daily Arizona hospital discharges of COVID-19 patients.
(Where did you hear that in the news today?)
● There have been almost 4,900 hospital discharges in Arizona since June 1.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 1, 2020
➡️ The percent of COVID-19 cases hospitalized in Arizona continues to fall – it is now at 5.75%.
● Remember – almost three weeks ago, it was at 11%.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 1, 2020
➡️ The total mortality rate has fallen again to 2.05%.
● On June 1, this number was 4.43%.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 1, 2020
➡️ Last week, the CDC estimated that the United States may only be identifying 1/10 of positive COVID-19 cases.
● IF that estimation is applied to ARIZONA, the percent of positive COVID-19 cases hospitalized would be .58%;
● and the mortality rate would be .20%.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 1, 2020
➡️ And yesterday, the number of Arizona ICU beds occupied by COVID-19 patients dropped slightly.
Facts > Fear. No exceptions.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 1, 2020
@dougducey when the daily COVID deaths are smoothed out to show a more realistic view of the moving average, the deaths are plummeting.
Why did you start shutting the state down again?Please advise:@realDonaldTrump @SenMcSallyAZ @RealSheriffJoe
— S + 🔜 (@3nityAlchemy) July 1, 2020
- UK regulators have approved the resumption of a global trial aimed at determining whether hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are effective in preventing COVID-19 infections in healthcare settings,
- The trial, known as COPCOV, was paused after another British study found the drugs to be ineffective in treating the virus, however the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has now allowed the research to resume following positive COPCOV trial results.
- “Participants will take the study drugs each day for a period of three months, and will be followed closely to see how well the drug is tolerated, whether they contract the virus, and if they do, whether they develop mild or more severe COVID-19,” according to Tropical
BREAKING – Seattle’s CHOP/CHAZ has been dismantled in just under an hour by the police with little or no
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) July 1, 2020
He always knows.
— The Kate Awakening (@kate_awakening) July 1, 2020
Officers are investigating several vehicles circling the area of today’s operation. Police have observed individuals in the vehicles with firearms/armor. The vehicles also appear to be operating without visible license plates.
— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) July 1, 2020
BREAKING: LA City Council approves first step in a plan to replace LAPD officers with “community-based, unarmed emergency responders” for non-violent calls for service – KTTV
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 30, 2020
More Than Half Of New York Voters Don’t Support Defunding The Police: Poll
- More than half of registered New York voters are opposed to defunding the police and reducing police department budgets, according to a Siena College Poll released Tuesday.
- A total of 60% of respondents opposed defunding the police, and more than half, 57%, also oppose reducing funding to police, according to the Siena College Research Institute Poll. Thirty percent expressed support for defunding the police, while 37% supported reducing police department budgets.
- T
I will Veto the Defense Authorization Bill if the Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren (of all people!) Amendment, which will lead to the renaming (plus other bad things!) of Fort Bragg, Fort Robert E. Lee, and many other Military Bases from which we won Two World Wars, is in the Bill!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2020
The MSM/DS are now desperate all assets are deployed, there control on the narrative is declining rapidly
Really starting to feel like the legacy news media saw the handwriting on the wall, knew that their days as “journo elites” dictating public opinion were numbered, and decided to just incite the mob to burn down America out of petty spite
At least, that’s my working theory
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) July 1, 2020
— Leo Redfish (@LeoRedfish) June 30, 2020
Like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future.
Will we be a free nation under God?
Or will we cede our freedom, rights and liberty to the enemy?
We all have a choice to make. .
Evil [darkness] has never been so exposed to light.
They can no longer hide in the shadows.
Our system of government has been infiltrated by corrupt and sinister elements.
Democracy was almost lost forever.
Think HRC install: [2+] Supreme Court Justices, 200+ judges, rogue elements expanded inside DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, WH, STATE, …….removal 2nd amendment, border etc. ……… America for sale: China, Russia, Iran, Syria…….ISIS & AL Q expansion…….expansion surv of domestic citizens…….modify/change voter rules and regulations allow illegals+ballot harvesting w/ SC backed liberal-social opinion………sell off of military to highest bidder to fight internal long-standing wars……..
Their thirst for a one world order [destruction of national sovereignty] serves to obtain control over America [and her allies [think EU]] by diluting your vote to oblivion and installing a new one world ruling party.
The start of this concept began with organizations such as: world health org, world trade org, united nations, ICC, NATO, etc., [all meant to weaken the United States] also the formation of EU through threat [con] of close proximity attack [attack on one is an attack on all – sales pitch to gen public – fear control].
Re: EU _did each member nation cede sovereignty to Brussels?
Re: EU _each member must implement EU rules and regulations in all areas [think immigration, currency, overall control].
Their thirst to remove your ability to defend yourself serves to prevent an uprising to challenge their control.
There is a fundamental reason why our enemies dare not attack [invade] our borders [armed citizenry].
If America falls so does the world.
If America falls darkness will soon follow.
Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.
Their power and control relies heavily on an uneducated population.
A population that trusts without individual thought.
A population that obeys without challenge.
A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.
This is not about politics.
This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.
We are living in Biblical times.
Children of light vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.
Coronavirus Jumps the Border, Overwhelming Hospitals in California
Hospitals are airlifting patients to facilities hundreds of miles away to handle an influx of Americans and U.S. green card holders sickened in Mexico.
For 32 years, Judy Cruz has cared for patients who showed up in the emergency room in the arid, agrarian valley that straddles Mexico along the California border.
There have been bad flu seasons that caused hospitalizations to spike; weekends when off-road vehicle collisions in the desert resulted in traumatic injuries and scorching summer days when overheated farm workers required intensive resuscitation. Among the patients was always a smattering of Americans who lived across the border.
[camouflaged by protests_riots]
COVID-19[2] positive patients in MEXICO were quietly transferred [routed] to CA.
“The swelling numbers of COVID-19 patients entering the United States from Mexico comes as many parts of California have pushed down their infection rates, enables many counties to lift stay-at-home restrictions and reopen businesses.”
California Coronavirus Update: Governor Gavin Newsom Indicates L.A. County Could Close Back Down Soon: “We Will Be Stepping Up Our Enforcement”
Next challenge: rise in cases [due to testing inc & MX>CA] but overall decrease in death rates [nursing home scandal in public domain _no longer viable option].
BREAKING… Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies” (VIDEO)
How convenient.
Joe Biden told reporters he will hold NO CAMPAIGN RALLIES!
oe Biden can’t fill a gym.
He’s hoping the liberal media and tech giants will carry him over the finish line.
How do you prevent public embarrassment re: lack of crowd size?
How do you continue the ‘con’ re: [fake] polling lead?
How do you support mail-in ballot election fraud [“election was not rigged all polls showed Biden had double digit lead v POTUS” – example]?
Who benefits the most?
Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?
Senate Democrats block Republicans’ anti-infanticide bill 2019
Republicans’ effort to outlaw infanticide of babies born after botched abortions collapsed Monday, falling victim to a Democrat-led filibuster in what could be Congress’s only chance to vote on the hot-button issue this year.
The GOP-led Senate only mustered 53 votes seven shy of the 60 needed to overcome the Democratic filibuster. Three Democrats crossed the aisle to back the bill, while three Republicans missed the vote.
Backers said they were driven to act by recent state laws and bills they said would allow abortions up to the point of birth and, in at least the case of one failed piece of legislation in Virginia, would have allowed a child born despite an attempted abortion to be left to die.
Why would [D]s block a bill that stops infanticide [allow abortions up to point of birth] and does not provide new restrictions on abortion itself?
How is taxpayer funded [PP] allowed to donate [large sums] of taxpayer funds to select members of [D] party?
Is this about a woman’s right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE?
What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?
Define ‘Fascism’.
Forcible suppression of opposition?
Define ‘Censorship’.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?
Define ‘Narrative’.
A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?
Define ‘Projection’.
The attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define ‘Psychological Projection’.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
Define ‘Narcissist’.
A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?
Define ‘Dogma’.
A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?
Define ‘Aggression’.
Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one’s aims and interests?
Define ‘Suppression’.
The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?
[Bonus Round]
‘Narcissists’ are renowned for using ‘psychological projection’ to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Define ‘Realism’.
The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?
Actions of [ANTIFA]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
MSDNC pushes coordinated FAKE, FALSE, MISLEADING DISINFORMATION based on a biased [D] political viewpoint [controlled mouthpiece(s)].
Blue checkmarks then defend and attack [target] opposing viewpoints using slander, aggression, suppression, group-think, etc. [suppression tactics].
Non-blue checkmarks then defend and promote attacker(s) [blues] viewpoint(s) [leftwing ‘cult’] to instill echo_chamber wall-to-wall amplified narrative for each designated subject.
Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]].
[How to herd the sheep (you) 101]
If you do not follow [remain in-line] with their political viewpoints you are deliberately made to feel in the minority [isolated] and inferior [using aggression-slander].
[If majority thinks x then x must be true _projected false reality _minority projected as majority using news _ social media platforms to spotlight designated viewpoints [the ‘narrative’]].
A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control].
What % [of total] of Biden’s campaign for president donations [money raised] came from BLM donations [past month]?
Worth tracking.
Why is BLM pushed every 4-years?
Who pays for Sharpton to fly private?
Does BLM ‘donated’ money end up in Sharpton’s [+other ‘propped up’ narrative drivers] foundation [National Action Network (NAN)] and/or other private account(s)?
What outside [F] groups donate large sums of money to BLM ‘knowing’ it is then routed to Biden campaign for president and other ‘friendly’ [D] service providers?
How do you avoid campaign finance laws?
How do you ‘wash’ [clean] money?
Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE?

Next click ‘donate’.
Taken here:
Who is ActBlue?
Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties,
organizations, and c4s around the country.
[D] party funding?
What % of BLM donations auto-route to [D] party affiliated networks?
Expenditures 2020 Cycle.
[includes all contributions outside of ‘BLM’]
What % [of total] of BLM donations between June 1 – July 1 went to Biden for president?
What % [of total] of BLM donations between June 1 – July 1 went to [D] party affiliated networks?
Independent audits are important.
MSDNC pushes coordinated FAKE, FALSE, MISLEADING DISINFORMATION based on a biased [D] political viewpoint [controlled mouthpiece(s)].
Blue checkmarks then defend and attack [target] opposing viewpoints using slander, aggression, suppression, group-think, etc. [suppression tactics].
Non-blue checkmarks then defend and promote attacker(s) [blues] viewpoint(s) [leftwing ‘cult’] to instill echo_chamber wall-to-wall amplified narrative for each designated subject.
Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]].
[How to herd the sheep (you) 101]
If you do not follow [remain in-line] with their political viewpoints you are deliberately made to feel in the minority [isolated] and inferior [using aggression-slander].
[If majority thinks x then x must be true _projected false reality _minority projected as majority using news _ social media platforms to spotlight designated viewpoints [the ‘narrative’]].
A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they FEAR the most [loss of control].
This is a battle to save the Heritage, History, and Greatness of our Country! #MAGA2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2020
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Bounty? Says who?? Divergence?? Dumpster fire???
Look here? Not there?? Just move along??? Hmmm???
It is because of the CB system that no one is willing to work on the farm.
What % are there? If the MONEY (and I’m not saying currency ) loses value,,, it is useless.
Common sense. 2 steps forward and 10 steps backward. Hmmm??? Invisible license plates
as James Bond? Secret agents?? Can anyone make this up??? Prints all over the scene??????
Ft Bragg? That hurts deeply even though for reasons beyond my control I never made it there.
Hurts very, very, VERY much. Maybe have lived to long? I’m just just grateful my ancestors got the HELL out of Europe or is it EU??? Godspeed sir to you and staff. ALL THE WAY! I am just one voice. Can others judge why some choose to live under a bridge or shelter? Give up on a system THEY do not know??
Once you taste HONEY you,,,. I’ll spare the rest. Not inferior, just forgotten!!! Selah. GOOD NIGHT.