The Case Is Being Built, Crime Of The Century, The Eagle Has Landed – Ep. 2354

The foot soldiers of the [CB]/[DS] are now pushing darkness. They are preparing to shutdown as many businesses as possible. They will make it impossible for people to make a living, they need to destroy the economy to usher in the reset. Trump continues on, he just deregulated efficiency standards, which will create more jobs and businesses. The [DS]/MSM are pushing everything they have. They are preparing for the next phase when Trump and the patriots show election fraud. Trump places the pieces into position. The stealth bomber was revealed, the eagle has now landed. Next phase of the election case coming up, we are witnessing the destruction of the old guard, the people will soon learn that this was the crime of the century.
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- It is estimated that about 60 percent of restaurants in New York could go out of business by the end of the year due to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s lockdown orders.
- Contact tracing data released by Cuomo on Friday showed restaurants and bars accounted for only 1.43 percent off all covid cases in New York during the so-called “second surge” from the beginning of September through the end of November.
- “None of the sectors of the economy targeted by the government played any significant role whatsoever in covid spread, and government quarantine policy seemed to play a dominant role in the large majority of transmissions,” “Translation: We might have been better off in every way if the government had just stayed out of it.”
- Restaurants and bars “were traced to a tiny fraction of the cases,” Lonsberry noted. “And the governor, having this data, still imposed a color-coded scheme that further burdened and restricted both bars and restaurants. He knew they were innocent, and he buried them some more.”
SUBPOENAS ISSUED! Forensic Audit to be completed –
— Mark Finchem (@MarkFinchem) December 15, 2020
68% error rate in Michigan Voting Machines. Should be, by law, a tiny percentage of one percent. Did Michigan Secretary of State break the law? Stay tuned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2020
Hint: After auditing the adjudicated ballots and corresponding AuditMarks, you may discover Trump got 200k more votes than previously reported in Arizona.
— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020
- The CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, a voting machine and software company, will answer questions from legislators in Michigan
- It will be the first time John Poulos has answered questions since the Nov. 3 election, which saw 28 states use Dominion products.
Connection of SolarWinds Hacking and US Elections Explained…
— NetworkSecurityMonkey (@Netguy73) December 15, 2020
— NetworkSecurityMonkey (@Netguy73) December 15, 2020
REPORT: “I…just downloaded the infected installer from the @Solarwinds website &…found that the backdoor…[#SUNBURST Virus] is definitely still…on the[ir] website…right now”-@Andrew___Morris Founder Of GreyNoise Intelligence (@GreyNoiseIO)
— John Basham 🇺🇲 (@JohnBasham) December 15, 2020
Dominion deleted the reference and link to “SolarWinds” from their website, but we have the archive still.
Now you see it… now you dont.
— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020
President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man. He does not really like to fire people. I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially “Republicans.”
He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be going to jail.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 15, 2020
Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2020
TX presidential electors cast all 38 votes for Trump & Pence… they also voted to “condemn” SCOTUS tossing out TX election lawsuit. #txlege
— Wes Rapaport (@wesrap) December 15, 2020
States with Dueling Electors:
WISCONSIN!Great job! Thank you! 🇺🇸
— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) December 14, 2020
All eyes are on January 6.
I suspect there will be a little bit of debate and discourse in the Congress as we go through the process of certifying the electors.
There is evidence that still needs to be considered.
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) December 15, 2020
BREAKING: Given the fact that there are dueling electors from multiple states Joe Biden is not the president-elect. If it is determined that Joe Biden won on January 6th he will be the president-elect, but not until then. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading fake news.
— Dr. @amuse (@amuse) December 14, 2020
Trump ‘Alternate Electors’ Send Votes Directly To Congress ‘To Preserve Legal Options’
- While Joe Biden won Monday’s electoral college vote 306-232, Trump electors in several states also met, casting their votes for the president anyway, before sending them to Congress.
- According to White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, Trump’s team plans to support this “alternate” set of electors in key states won by Biden as a means to preserve legal remedies in the event any of the remaining legal challenges
- “This will ensure that all of our legal remedies remain open”
- According to Miller, there are three ways that alternate electors could become the real electors.
- First, judges could send their votes to Congress should any of the legal cases prevail. Second, “the state legislatures in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, can do the same,” perhaps if widespread fraud is proven beyond doubt by January 6, when the electoral college votes are set to be counted. Third, ” anywhere.
The 2020 Presidential Election is 100% going to the United States Supreme Court, where the Justices will rule that this election is invalid due to Voter Fraud on a countrywide scale. This will go one of two ways.
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
1) Either SCOTUS will rule that all the unconstitutional Mail-In ballots will be removed from the Total Votes, and the states are ordered to hand-recount WITHOUT them, OR…
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
2) SCOTUS will simply rule the election is invalid due to countrywide Voter Fraud, and at that point it will be sent to the US House and US Senate for a vote. This is where it gets good.
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
The US House and US Senate would vote on who the President and VP will be. This has nothing to do with what Political Party that has power. Every State gets ONE VOTE, according to the 12th Amendment. 31 State Houses are held by Republicans, and 19 by Democrats.
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
The Senate, then, votes for the Vice President. This is the Law.
The only way President Trump will NOT be re-elected is if he concedes — and this will NEVER happen. So, stop watching the Fake News, don’t let your heart be troubled, and know this will all work out.
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
President Donald J. Trump will remain President of the United States. Pelosi is in quite the predicament here. If the Supreme Court says the election must be decided by Congress, Pelosi will not want to do it, knowing Trump would win. Say, then, she refuses!
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
Trump would, then, of course, refuse to concede. Queue the impasse! Do you see Trump’s advantage here? Pelosi has no option, unless the wants a hand-recount of ALLLEGAL VOTES.
See Option 1) above.
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
Another Fun Fact: the Media called Al Gore the President-elect for 30 days in 2000, until the courts ruled against him and declared Dubya the winner. The best part: two people involved in Bush V. Gore were none other than…
— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
…new Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed? John Roberts was also an involved in the Bush V. Gore litigation.
[END]— Aaron J. Carpenter🇺🇸 (@aaronjcarpenter) November 10, 2020
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) December 14, 2020
Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House. Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job! As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 14, 2020
…Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, an outstanding person, will become Acting Attorney General. Highly respected Richard Donoghue will be taking over the duties of Deputy Attorney General. Thank you to all!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 14, 2020
judging by the letter that AG Barr wrote it looks like he left on good terms. Also of note, he wrote: “I will spend the next week wrapping up a few remaining matters important to the Administration.” He didn’t actually say he resigns
Barr played his role.
1-year on the dot per C-U-E.
I’d say that’s a sign alright.— Romeyo Kirven (@KirvenRomeyo) December 15, 2020
AG Jeff Rosen and Richard Donoghue
Timing of drop?
Fight to reinstall roadblock?
Who is Richard Donoghue?

MORE – Deputy AG to be Richard Donoghue, who served as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division – the same military unit General Michael Flynn was part of.
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 14, 2020
The new Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen has guided numerous initiatives, including an antitrust review of online technology platforms, investigations, and prosecutions of cyberhacking, among others.
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 14, 2020
- We are also concerned about another threat, known as malign foreign influence. The key word is “influence.” Much of the time that is disguised propaganda. Other times, it is using pressure tactics on influential people. It can also take the form of hacking and disclosing private emails or phone messages. It comes in many different forms, all designed to influence how Americans think about issues and cast their votes. There are good lists of these on the FBI and ODNI websites.
- We cannot escape the reality that the opportunities for malign foreign influence in our elections are far-flung, so it remains a challenge for Americans as voters. That didn’t end in 2016. But it didn’t begin in 2016, either. Malign foreign influence efforts have been a longstanding concern in American elections, and that historical context can teach us some lessons. I’d like to use these remarks first to discuss some of this historical context, then to offer a few comparisons with what we’ve seen more recently, and finally to share a little advice we can borrow from our predecessors.
One thing that has not been much noted in recent years is that malign foreign influence in our elections has been a concern since the Founding of our Republic. Using the 3C’s framework, I want to start with coercive activities.
Going all the way back in 1787, when the Founders were debating the merits of “our new Constitution,” Thomas Jefferson told John Adams that he was “apprehensive of foreign interference, intrigue, influence.” Adams too worried that “as often as elections happen, the danger of foreign influence recurs.”
Comparisons with Current Media and Technologies
So malign foreign influence efforts in our elections has been a perennial problem. But though the general threat isn’t novel, some of the challenges we’re facing now are different. As President Trump put it in Executive Order 13848: “In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity…”
The 2020 Landscape
At this point, I want to touch briefly on the current threat landscape as we head toward Election Day. The department of Justice, DHS, and other federal agencies, have engaged in an unprecedented level of coordination with and support to all 50 states and numerous local officials to ensure that their election infrastructure is secure. We have yet to see any activity intended to prevent voting or to change votes, and we continue to think that it would be extraordinarily difficult for foreign adversaries to change vote tallies.
What happens if it was already programmed into the machine, what if the machines were designed to cheat and manipulate the election by a foreign government or from the inside. This would not be detected.
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) December 14, 2020
Tremendous evidence pouring in on voter fraud. There has never been anything like this in our Country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2020
Geopolitical/Police State
SHOCKING ALLEGATIONS: Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Indicted on Sex-Trafficking Charges
- Federal officials in New York today announced the unsealing of a nine-count indictment charging Canadian fashion executive Peter Nygard, 79, with racketeering, sex trafficking, and related crimes arising out of a decades-long pattern of criminal conduct involving at least dozens of victims in the United States, the Bahamas, and Canada, among other locations.
- Nygard was taken into custody on December 14, 2020, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada by Canadian authorities after the United States requested Canada issue a Provisional Arrest Warrant pursuant to the extradition treaty between the two countries.
False Flags
NYC Mayor de Blasio threatens another shutdown:
“Unfortunately, and I don’t say it with anything but sorrow, but I do think it’s needed. We’re going to need to do some kind of shutdown in the weeks ahead, something that resembles the PAUSE we were in in the spring.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 15, 2020
The coronavirus vaccines will probably prevent you from getting sick with Covid-19. But it’s not yet clear whether you can still get infected asymptomatically and silently spread the virus.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 8, 2020
They’re already moving the goalposts. Sad to say I knew the vaccine wouldn’t be enough for these people. They can’t bear the thought of giving up their control over people.
— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) December 15, 2020
We need more of this or the politicians will never ever stop their economy destroying power-grab. Lockdowns aren’t based in science. The politicians & media hacks still supporting them are actively destroying lives, but they don’t care because their paychecks aren’t on the line.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 15, 2020
check out the data on this site.
Where are pandemic deaths?
Wow… this opens the eyes…. I am passing this info to my cousins and friends who want more info. Still….. many still asleep.
“Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House. Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job! As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family”… Tweet by President Trump.
When I first saw this tweet from the President earlier today I had the feeling that Barr was simply stepping aside to allow a new actor to step in in order to carry out a special role in future plans, I was happy to hear that you agree with my assessment.
As we say here in Texas… STUFF’S FIXIN’ TO GET REAL Y’ALL!
why can I not see all of the Russel ramsland report ?? some of the photos at the end of the report are blanked out ,every where I look ?????
I cannot play any of the videos or audio on any platform.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Perhaps their paychecks need to be on the line per executive order in some fashion! Yes?
I definitely disagree with just following the constitution to its job guaranteed outcome. )use the so and put maybe 10000 in jail. Then continue on from a power position. The d’s will not play fair at any point and there too much to risk.