We Have The Source, Assange On Deck, Zuckerberg Election Interference – Ep. 2355

The corrupt politicians are holding back helping the people because they don’t like the other side. Their first priority is to help the people. The US is now labeling certain countries currency manipulators. The WEF is now pushing their Great Reset agenda and they want the [CB] to help with the the vaccination program. The [DS]/MSM are panicking, they announced that all 50 states certified the elections but [KH] still has not resigned from the senate, why? The evidence is now being produced and audits are being done, the results are coming in and there is election fraud. PV release a recording of Assange, the patriots have the source, everything is now building upon each other.The AMA admitted that there was no reason to keep HCQ from the people, class action lawsuits can be very effective.
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Maxine Waters DEFENDS holding up coronavirus relief for struggling Americans because Democrats shouldn’t debase themselves by negotiating with Republicans because every single one of them are unpatriotic individuals who are “undermin[ing] democracy” and the Constitution pic.twitter.com/7kPj1JP7T6
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) December 16, 2020
BREAKING: The U.S. Treasury Department has branded Vietnam and Switzerland as currency manipulators while putting China and nine other countries on a watch list. – AP
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 16, 2020
- The World Economic Forum (WEF) believes a management triumvirate comprising big business, central banks and government can play a “pivitol role” in the global take-up of coronavirus vaccinations.
- A WEF report published Tuesday points to the personal records held by big businesses as an asset in identifying those who need the vaccinations, underwritten by banking institutions and globalist organizations like the U.N.-subsidiary World Health Organization providing “tracing apps and digital health passports.”
- It then points to what it believes the combination of tech, big government, and globalist organizations can achieve:
- Governments, central banks and organizations like W.H.O. are hugely supported by enterprises joining the good fight. Public-private partnerships, adopting the ‘all hands-on deck’ approach, have served us tremendously well even as corporations fight their own battle to protect employees, redeploy capabilities to help new pressing needs, steady cashflows and keep the economy running.From contact tracing apps, digital health passports, technology for safer public spaces, vaccine discovery, logistics capabilities for vaccine distribution to massive philanthropic funding for community support, enterprises are truly partnering nations struggling to tide things over through these trying times.
Source: breitbart.com
The MSM, Mitch Occonell and many others have called the election for JB and KH, If the election is a done deal, why hasn’t Kamala Harris given up her seat int the Senate
Poll: 92% of Republican Voters think the election was rigged!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2020
Trump’s allies slam Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden https://t.co/ak9nu6420L via @MailOnline. Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot). Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2020
Mitch McConnell is married to Elaine Chao.
Elaine Chao’s sister is Angela Chao.
Angela Chao is married to billionaire venture capitalist Jim Breyer.Jim Breyer is very close with the CCP chairman Xi Jinping. pic.twitter.com/HRvlmUEKGc
— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 16, 2020
- “So Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, his wife Elaine Chao, who’s the transportation secretary in the Trump administration, her family has deep economic and financial ties to the Chinese government itself,” said Schweizer. “They are in the shipping business, and they own something called the Foremost Group, and really, in 1993, Mitch McConnell, as a senator, travels to China with his father-in-law, James Chao, as guests of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation.”
- “The China State Shipbuilding Corporation is the largest defense contractor in China,
- “McConnell himself has benefited because a few years ago, James Chao gave Mitch McConnell a gift between five and twenty-five million dollars that more than quadrupled his net worth overnight,this is not just about Elaine Chao’s family getting wealthy. That wealth has now trickled into Mitch McConnell’s pocket, as well, and it’s a huge problem because if you chart the positions that Sen. McConnell has taken on China over the last twenty years, guess what? Shock of all shocks, he has become increasingly soft as it relates to China,
Source: breitbart.com
This a SHOCKING admission from the Fulton County GA Elections Director.
They adjudicated 94% of ballots. A voter panel then determines “voter intent”, meaning they can CHANGE the votes.
Forensic analysis now shows there is NO audit trail for the adjudication process. pic.twitter.com/Rp8Ry8yEvm
— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) December 15, 2020
RECALL KEMP: Efforts underway to ditch Georgia governor https://t.co/AN54HY5A9A
— The Election Wizard (@Wizard_Predicts) December 15, 2020
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were served these subpoenas on Tuesday afternoon, and they call for the information to be delivered to the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman on or before 5 p.m. on December 18, 2020.
“Three million people properly voted in the state of Wisconsin. More than 200,000 identified during this recount did not. But those votes got counted. Our statute says they should not have been. That in our view is a taint on our election in Wisconsin.” — Attorney James Troupis pic.twitter.com/6Me9aTfo1B
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) December 16, 2020
Former United States Solicitor General Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Election.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2020
Perhaps the biggest difference between 2016 and 2020 is @FoxNews, despite the fact that I went from 63,000,000 Votes to 75,000,000 Votes, a record 12,000,000 Vote increase. Obama went down 3,000,000 Votes, and won. Rigged Election!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2020
Audits of voting machines reveal ERROR rates:
in Michigan: 68.05%
in Nevada: 70%
in Arizona: we’ll know soon!— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) December 15, 2020
Now comes the question, why wouldn’t every county want to have their ballot images scanned to help restore voter confidence in the it systems? It’s a small price to pay to ensure integrity.
SolarWinds, whose software was backdoored to allow hackers to breach U.S. government agencies, was warned last year that anyone could access its update server using the password “solarwinds123”, per @bing_chris and @razhael. https://t.co/2mRGTKHu87
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) December 15, 2020
- The system, known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, handles classified information, up to the secret level. The Pentagon on Tuesday ordered the emergency shutdown of a classified internal communications network, three Defense Department sources confirmed.
- The unprecedented daytime shutdown comes amid recent revelations that other federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, were breached by hackers.
- The Defense Department alerted employees that the SIPRNET system was being shut down in the late morning for emergency software updates,
Source: justthenews.com
It’s time for the @ODNIgov @FBI @TheJusticeDept and @USMarshalsHQ to act. What happened on November 3rd was an attack on our nation’s national security and can never happen again. #GodBlessAmerica #USA https://t.co/GIrzn8uIf7
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) December 15, 2020
💯 agree@realDonaldTrump @SidneyPowell1 @BernardKerik @LLinWood @RudyGiuliani @JennaEllisEsq @kayleighmcenany @tracybeanz @lofly727 @DanScavino @PatrickByrne https://t.co/Rkgb78Z7sI
— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) December 16, 2020
- The Amistad Project, an election integrity watchdog group, highlighted in its recent press conference how Mark Zuckerberg placed constraints on the nearly half-billion dollars he funneled into the 2020 elections, including the ability to rescind donations if counties didn’t meet all of his demands.
- The revelation adds to growing suspicions over Zuckerberg’s meddling in the 2020 election, including leveraging nearly all of his money to exclusively boost Democrat turnout.
- Amistad Director Phill Klein explained in the group’s December 16th press conference how the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which received nearly $400 million from Zuckerberg, included stipulations in its contracts with state officials and legislatures that they could demand their millions back if their request were not adhered to:
- A clawback agreement in every contract that CTCL did with Mark Zuckerberg money that says if you do not follow our plan, we’re going to take back our money. All of it.
- In short, “you have to do what we say,” according to Klein.
- A fellow Amistad Project lawyer noted they found “clawback provisions in the CTCL contracts that were executed with local governments, local electoral officials” that “had within them specific language that said the electoral officials must spend the money on specific things.”
- “Dropboxes, satellite voting, there was a whole host of things that were stipulations in the clawback agreements. And so what we have here is a private agency giving money to a local elected official and entering into a contract requiring these local precincts and electoral officials to do specific things,” he added.
- “The claw back language in the CTCL agreements represents a longterm, contingent liability for counties and municipalities who received the CTCL grants. These liabilities pose long-term audit, bonding, or pension risks to those counties who received CTCL grants,” the Amistad Project’s official report notes.
Here is some comms from @DanScavino on Saturday. Always look at timestamps of tweets from him and POTUS #EO13848 pic.twitter.com/YkvHOQ6kd8
— CJTRUTH (@cjtruth) December 16, 2020
Majority believe media buried Hunter Biden story to aid dad’s campaign: poll https://t.co/3Y6pS9xelu pic.twitter.com/2CGpAsPWBL
— New York Post (@nypost) December 16, 2020
- Project Veritas has obtained a never before heard phone call between Julian Assange and Hillary Clinton’s State Department from prior to the publication of 251,000 US embassy cables that the WikiLeaks founder has now been charged with releasing.
- The stunning phone call between Assange and State Department lawyer Cliff Johnson sheds light on the efforts Assange went through to minimize the damage caused by the release of the cables.
- Notably, the audio from the call on August 26, 2011, makes clear that WikiLeaks only re-published the full US embassy cables after they were on hundreds of websites, torrent sites and Twitter. Specifically, the full cables were published on Cryptome.org and the Pirate Bay — days before they were published on WikiLeaks.
- The audio shows that Assange went to great lengths to try to prevent the uncontrolled publication of the full US State Department cables by third parties on the internet. He attempted to get editors not to run stories that would call attention to the unredacted cables
- Assange repeatedly reached out to the State Department to offer his assistance with mitigating the damage. He explained to them how to stop the spread six full days before the broader public gained access. Clinton’s State Department did nothing. He explained that the US would need to get an injunction in Germany, because WikiLeaks did not have the right to do so. They ignored his warnings.
- During the call, Johnson asks if WikiLeaks had taken any efforts to stop the rogue employee and others from publishing the unredacted materials. They explained that they had, but that the only real way to stop it was for the State Department to step in and, at the very least, warn people who may be at risk that the publication could happen within a week.
Source; thegatewaypundit.com
How does one acquire this type of audio recordings. Me thinks James isnt just some citizen independent journalist.
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False Flags
I regret to inform you that they’re dancing again
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) December 15, 2020
Look at New York City as an example:
“The latest transmission data show that 74 percent of new COVID-19 cases come from private in-home gatherings, and only 1.3 percent from bars and restaurants.”: https://t.co/b6oBYj3064 https://t.co/v4i4O6VzDD
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 16, 2020
Gov Desantis explains TAKE A LISTEN
U.S. national hospital bed utilization updated 12/15/20 shows C19 is NOT “overwhelming” general inpatient or ICU bed capacities: total hospital beds at 74.2% capacity, 15.9% of them w/C19 pts; ICU beds at 63.9% capacity https://t.co/HYw4kdE65v pic.twitter.com/5Lp4cPaUTP
— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) December 16, 2020
Committee Recommends Changing Name Of Abraham Lincoln High School Because He Allegedly Didn’t Prove Black Lives Matter https://t.co/ChJkjGf049
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 16, 2020
So ridiculous and unfair. Will people never make a stand! https://t.co/rO3EkzzkVA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2020
WH Director of Social Media Dan Scavino Released a Post Last Night – What’s He Telling Us?
- Apparently Dan Scavino put up a post showing the picture above and he shared:
This morning, any related tweet is not showing at Dan Scavino, Jr. or Dan Scavino twitter accounts – but there is a post on Scavino’s Facebook page:
The picture posted by Scavino appears to be from earlier this year since there are leaves on the trees. This could have been taken a month ago or before.
- What is Scavino trying to tell us? Who all is in the picture along with Scavino and President Trump? When was this taken? What is this all about?
Any contruction worker knows that you have to use special masks for painting with spray guns, etc, because a regular mask won’t stop the particles. I guess construction workers know more than Doctors.
Also, with a vaccine, why would I be concerned about other people not being vaccinated. I’m safe, why worry about others, Isn’t that what a vaccine does?
God Bless
Found this on Twitter, Iver Cummings is a bio engineer from Ireland
Holy Sh!T! Is this for real – the inventor of the PCR for CoV(2) saying this?
Quote Tweet
· Dec 15
Dr. #Drosten: “We are now losing public trust. Certainly.
.. Because the disease is not existing! [sic] It’s not there.
.. Even though the incidence goes up, the fatalities don’t go up. There are no dead people.”
Something on the German covid lawsuit:
talking is tired
promises are tired
Biden is phlegmy now. Anybody else would be under lockdown for covid. He said he just has a little cold. It is possible he will be a covid death, to push the pandemic narrative. He may not survive long enough to sit in the electric chair.
In the end Assange will have a full pardon given to him by Trump and the things that will come out as a result will send a lot of people to prison for a variety of crimes,… including MURDER!
Just listened to Report 2355b, excellent as always! I appreciate your gathering up the craziness and knitting it into the warm blanket of thought I sleep with every night, (except Sat., lol, miss you then).
You mentioned that Antifa, BLM are on stand-by should things turn in President Trump’s favor. I too, am concerned about that possible scenario.
What say you of the mounting evidence of China’s presence in Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico and Hong Kong, literally surrounding the continental USA? Wouldn’t that be a double whammy against America if China joined up with Antifa/BLM and could we withstand that magnitude of an attack?
Thanks Dave FULLY AWAKE thnx 2 u. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Dave,
In reference to the picture that Dan Scavino published of President Trump in the Oval office. If you notice in the picture, Andrew Jackson’s picture is flanked by two flags. Those two flags are US Army, and US Marine Corps flags. What’s even more interesting is that both flags are technically Battle Flags because of the battle ribbons attached at the top of each flagpole. To me, this speaks volumes to what Q has posted about upcoming events which may involve the National Guard, Marine Corps, and US Army. Is this the moment when Trump signed EO 13848, to save America?
I’m a Retired US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant with some semblance of attention to detail.
Semper Fidelis
MJ Renzulli
It appears there is a connection Between betrayer Mitch McConnell who has just sold Trump down the river, and the Chinese CCP:
1. McConnell is married to Elaine Chao
2. Elaine Chao’s sister is Angela Chao
3. Angela Chao is married to billionare venture capitalist Jim Brayer
4. Jim Brayer is very close to the CCP chairman and leader Xi Jinping
Vested interests it seems above one’s own country = Globalist. Globalists have no allegiance to country, it’s people or its borders. They enrich themselves and enslave the people of the world.
Biden’s UNITY cry was plagierized from the communist manifesto. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch04.htm
Hi Dave.
The news in Australia is reporting that 3000 Americans are dying every day and Trump is no where to be found.
Our government is defently part of the DS.
Anyone know who Assanges father is? I do!