The [DS] Exposed Their Plan When The Truth Is Revealed About The Elections, Red Alert – Ep. 2506
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- In the referendum, Swiss voters nixed a trio of expensive environmental proposals, including a carbon tax, an artificial pesticide ban, and a redirection of subsidies to farmers who no longer use pesticides.
- “Many [Swiss] voters appear to have worried about the impact on the economy as the country tries to recover from COVID-19,” the BBC reported. “Opponents [of the proposed regulations] also pointed out that Switzerland is responsible for only 0.1% of global emissions, and expressed doubts that such policies would help the environment.”
Central bankers play down soaring cost of living
- Even while prices continued to surge, both Powell and Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem, who addressed the Canadian Senate Wednesday evening, continue to insist that the inflation we are seeing now is a flash in the pan.
- Price increases, they say, will head back down toward two percent after the pandemic’s distortions have passed and the economy gets back on track.
- “As these base-year effects fade [the central bank] expects the ongoing excess supply in the economy to pull inflation back down,” Macklem told the assemble senators.
- But that won’t push wages up.
- For consumers, the problem is that price inflation is cumulative. Unless your wages rise by an equivalent amount this year, your monthly pay will continue to buy you less stuff. , it will buy you less car, less gas, less clothing and less house.
Like Father, Like Son: Racist Hunter Biden tells Matchmaker: “No Yellow” Asian Women
- Daily Mail reported:
- Hunter Biden referred to Asians as ‘yellow’ in a 2019 text conversation with his cousin.Caroline Biden, President Joe Biden’s niece, was texting Hunter discussing setting him up with her rich, model friends.In the January 2019 conversation she asked her cousin: ‘Do you want foreign or domestic. I can’t give you f***ing Asian sorry. I’m not doing it.’The president’s son replied: ‘Domesticated foreigner is fine. No yellow.’The slur, uncovered from Hunter’s abandoned laptop, is particularly distressing as it comes amid a surge in racist attacks against Asian-Americans.President Biden signed into law last month legislation to expedite review of Covid-19-related hate crimes, and vowed to ‘stop the hatred and the bias’ against Asians.This is the second revelation about Hunter’s use of racial slurs in text conversations from his laptop.
- The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld Obamacare in the latest GOP challenge arguing a recent change to the individual mandate made it unconstitutional.
- The highest court of the land in a 7-2 vote ruled the GOP challengers, 18 red states led by Texas, did not have legal standing.
- Two out of three Trump appointees, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, sided with the majority.
- Neil Gorsuch dissented.
- Both Alito and Gorsuch dissented and said the court should have declared it unconstitutional.
Due to Biden’s open border policies, I just announced Texas’ plan to continue securing the border & build the wall.
Here’s how:
➡️ Down payment of $250M
➡️ Hire project manager & contractors
➡️ Begin construction
➡️ Demand Biden return TX land to TX— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 16, 2021
Politicians from the fed. level to the local level have threatened to take guns from law-abiding citizens.
Not in TEXAS!
I just signed SEVEN pieces of legislation into law protecting #2A rights in Texas — including constitutional carry & making Texas a #2A sanctuary state.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 17, 2021
- Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) advised Republicans to end communications with left-wing and partisan Democrat news media.
- Nunes repeated his call for Republicans to stop treating leftist operations as legitimate news media outlets o
- Nunes lamented how many Republicans still interact with CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and similar news media outlets despite widespread recognition of their deceptive conduct.
False Flags
Of course, we knew masking the public to stop a virus didn’t work 100 years ago but we went ahead and tried it again.
The Santa Barbara Daily News and the Independent
16 Nov 1918, Sat • Page 7@sbnpnews— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) June 16, 2021
- Florida’s state clemency board formally pardoned remaining coronavirus-related penalties lodged against individuals and business owners, with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) expressing the need to focus on “the real criminals.”
- Trump spoke to Sean Hannity
- Trump said he felt it was unnecessary to vaccinate young people against COVID
- He stood by his claim that China pay $10 trillion to the United States in damages
- Trump said China benefitted ‘very greatly’ from the economic turmoil of COVID
The Fake news is trying to coverall this up. They lie and coverup the truth during the event, then they coverup the lies by spinning what happened. People see the truth now
So if the lie about this because they were afraid, what else did they lie about
Health watchdog is investigating NIH grants amid mounting Wuhan lab questions
- The top watchdog for the Department of Health and Human Services has launched an investigation into the National Institutes of Health’s research funding
- The HHS inspector general’s office, led by principal deputy inspector general Christi Grimm, announced a review into whether the NIH and the groups it has been funding have been following the law, noting the NIH is the main federal agency conducting and supporting medical research and that it funds “grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts that support the advancement of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems.” The HHS watchdog said that “approximately 80 percent of NIH funding goes to support research grants, including grants and subawards to support research conducted outside the United States” and that the inspector general’s office “has previously identified NIH’s oversight of grants to foreign applicants as a potential risk to the Department meeting program goals and the appropriate use of federal funds.”
- One smart mom in California, Syndie Ly, did not believe the obfuscation and denial she received from the school; so she did her own investigation. Mrs. Ly filed FOIA requests for internal school emails and documents. What she found was the school was lying to her, so she went to the School Board with the evidence in hand and confronted them.
WTH? Joe Biden Tells Swiss Audience “We Yield Our Rights to a Government” – Huh?
- At least he didn’t start quoting Stalin, Mao or Hitler.
- Joe Biden told a Swiss audience that Americans yield their rights to the government.
Joe Biden: You heard me say this before, again and again. I’m going to keep saying it. What’s that idea. We don’t derive our rights from the government. We possess them because we’re born. Period. And we yield them to a government.
This Is The [DS] plan all along, he just said it out loud.
Like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future.
Will we be a free nation under God?
Or will we cede our freedom, rights and liberty to the enemy?
We all have a choice to make. .
Evil [darkness] has never been so exposed to light.
They can no longer hide in the shadows.
Our system of government has been infiltrated by corrupt and sinister elements.
Believing January 6 was an inside job perpetrated by Democrats and Trump’s fiercest enemies in the government isn’t a conspiracy theory.
Believing it was an armed, deadly insurrection incited by Donald Trump and executed by white supremacists is the conspiracy theory.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) June 16, 2021
“The FBI would never lie to FISA court.”
“The FBI would never use spies to infiltrate Trump campaign.”
“The FBI would never ambush the sitting National Security Advisor.”
“The FBI would never….”
Same people.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) June 16, 2021
— Avery (@Avery1776) June 17, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Thank you and congratulations to Laura Baigert of the Georgia Star News on the
incredible reporting you have done. Keep going! The scam is all unraveling fast.
- More than seven months after the November 3 election, 28 Georgia counties have failed to respond at all to The Star News Open Records Requests to produce absentee ballot drop box transfer forms. To date, The Star News has obtained absentee ballot drop box forms from 59 counties that provide chain of custody documentation for 266,492 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes during the November 3, 2020 election, which means that no chain of custody documentation has been produced for about 333,000 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes out of an estimated 600,000 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes during that election.
- Back in January Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told “60 Minutes” the state of Georgia, “Had safe, secure, and honest elections.”
- Earlier this week a Fulton County Georgia election official admitted that the chain of custody documents that are legally required per state law are missing from 24% of the ballots from the 2020 election.
- Brad Raffensperger, the corrupt Secretary of State in Georgia is ultimately responsible
- Just The News reported that an audit of documents found that more than 100 batches of absentee ballots are missing in Fulton County Georgia!
- Later this morning John Solomon said that Brad Raffensperger’s own team was saying that “bad, bad things” were coming out of Fulton County.
- Didn’t Brad Raffensperger continuously say it was a perfect election? Now we know for a fact that he knew there was all sorts of problems all along?
- CDMedia investigators have uncovered payments by a myriad of Georgia government agencies to the temp firm ‘Happy Faces Staffing’ financed by the firm ‘Now Account’ of which Stacey Abrams (former state rep and GA gubernatorial candidate) is an owner.
- The payments show the firm was also compensated by the GA governor’s office in 2020, showing work done for GA Governor Brian Kemp.
- A list of 2020 payments to Happy Faces Staffing is below by GA state entities. CDMedia will report more information as it becomes available.

Biden tells Putin certain cyberattacks should be ‘off-limits’
- U.S. President Joe Biden told Russian President Vladimir Putin that certain critical infrastructure should be “off-limits” to cyberattacks,
- Biden wasn’t explicit about which areas he wanted out of bounds, but spoke of 16 kinds of infrastructure – an apparent reference to the 16 sectors designated as critical by the U.S. Homeland Security Department, including telecommunications, healthcare, food and energy.
This sounds like they are setting up the narrative
- The widespread downtime recalled an hour-long global outage earlier this month, triggered by a software failure at content delivery platform Fastly Inc. The resultant cascading failures, which affected services from Inc. to Shopify Inc. and Stripe Inc., served as a stark reminder of how exposed the world’s biggest websites are to the impact of disruptions ranging from simple human error to coordinated cyberattack.
- These vast and complex setups are run by just a few companies, such as Fastly and Cloudflare Inc.
- While these setups usually work perfectly, their complexity means that even a simple error in a configuration file can trigger chain reactions of outages. For users, most of whom rarely need to think about how the internet works, that can come as a shock.
Are they telling us how they are going to pull off this event, by bringing down these key companies which will in turn blackout communication
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It was Great to see King Trump!
The swamp is draining….
Pingback: The [DS] Exposed Their Plan When The Truth Is Revealed About The Elections, Red Alert – Ep. 2506 |
David: I think Texas should have help from us Patriots in building the Wall. I would like to send money to help. Can you contact Gov Abbott? Maybe you can set up a fund to raise money from All X-22 supporters. Thanks Rob Sobzak Phoenix, AZ
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