They Never Thought She Was Going To Lose, Public Awakening = Game Over, Tick Tock – Ep. 2647
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The population is waking up, they are seeing the difference between globalism and nationalism. As the [CB] push forward with their agenda they are exposing globalism. Trump calls out the BB plan. McConnell is looking to make a deal to raise the debt ceiling. The economic playbook is known. The [DS] is now struggling to maintain the entire narrative. The evidence of treason, corruption and crimes against humanity is now coming out. Trump is ready and prepared to take the bull horn away from the [DS]. [HRC] panics and reads or acceptance speech from the 2016 election. They never thought she would lose, she never thought she would lose and lose they did. Trump caught them all and with his new social media platform the people are going to see the truth without censorship, fake news interference, public awakening is game over for the [DS].
- Seventy-five percent of small businesses are being pounded by the supply chain crisis and thirty-year high inflation, a CNBC survey revealed Tuesday.
- CNBC’s polling indicates 75 percent of small businesses are undergoing higher supply costs, up five percent from the third quarter. Moreover, 58 percent of small businesses are feeling the pinch of supply chain crisis, up three percent.
- Inflation was marked as the top concern for small business owners at 34 percent, followed by the supply chain crisis at 23 percent, and coronavirus at 17 percent.
- Musk warned against the country’s $3 trillion deficit: “It might be better if the bill doesn’t pass because we’ve spent so much money – you know, it’s like the federal budget deficit is insane … It’s like $3 trillion. Federal expenditures are $7 trillion. Federal revenue is $4 trillion. That’s a $3 trillion difference.”
- “Honestly, I would just can this whole bill,” Musk said. “Don’t pass it. That’s my recommendation.”
- .
- The Biden gang is reportedly working with Big Media giants to reframe the Biden economy into something that it’s not.
- The DC reports:
The White House has been working with major news outlets “behind the scenes” to “reshape coverage” on the economic crisis, according to CNN.
The administration has been “briefing major newsrooms over the past week” while “discussing with newsrooms trends pertaining to job creation, economic growth, supply chains, and more,” CNN reports, citing an anonymous source.
- Mitch McConnell is going to set up a process for Democrats in the Senate to raise the debt ceiling by themselves.
- Mitch will enlist the usual Decepticon suspects to change the senate rules, for one-time only, allowing democrats to raise the debt ceiling without having to enter negotiations and concessions for anything republican lawmakers want (like eliminating the Biden spending bill).
- McConnell will need nine more republicans to change the process, but it looks like he’s going to be successful.
- Source:
Schumer by simply by a amending the budget resolution reconciliation can extend the debt limit
Made in America’ Companies Thrive in Supply Chain Crisis
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Pretty incredible the President of the United States didn’t make it to Pearl Harbor for the 80th anniversary
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) December 8, 2021
Report: Vatican Source Claims Red Francis Is Dying and Will Not Survive Beyond 2022
- A Vatican source told Newsmax this week that Pope Francis is dying and will not survive beyond 2022.
got from bad spy in the US
False Flags
LA school vaccinates students without parental consent in exchange for pizza
- The mother of a 13-year-old student at Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South Los Angeles found out the school vaccinated her son after he came home with a COVID-19 vaccine card.
- The parents of students at a California middle school were shocked to find out that the school vaccinated their children without parental consent after bribing them with pizza.
- The mother of a 13-year-old student at Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South Los Angeles found out the school vaccinated her son after he came home with a COVID-19 vaccine card.
- The son explained that he was given the vaccine in exchange for pizza and said that the individual giving him the injection told him not to tell his parents in fear of retaliation.
- “
- The Food and Drug Administration is asking a judge to give it 75 years to produce data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, up 20 years from a previous request.
- The agency, known as the FDA, told the court it can work faster than its previously proposed 500-pages-per-month-rate. But it also said there are over 59,000 more pages than mentioned in an earlier filing.
- That discovery, and a desire to make sure it can work on other Freedom of Information Act requests at the same time, prompted the fresh request to the judge to allow production of roughly 12,000 pages by Jan. 31, 2022, and 500 pages per month thereafter.
- That timeline would take it until at least 2096, Aaron Siri, a lawyer working on the case, said in a blog post.
- “
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Apparently, they are trying again to start a war with Russia – if something doesn’t change soon – we will be in WWIII and they will have their crisis – and We The People Will Suffer, We The People Are Already suffering – People aren’t going to do the right thing – Trump better start thinking about using the military and others things – He Won’t Be Able To Get The People to Do The Right Thing – especially if they are working with the Deep State – The Deep State WILL NOT STOP!!!!!! As For The Election Fraud – What Ever Happened to Lindell’s Supreme Court Case Over Thanksgiving – I Don’t Hear Anyone Talking About It – Not Even You – I thought this was going to be groundbreaking – but guess what – CRICKETS!!!! Nothing happening – The PEOPLE WILL NOT DO THE RIGHT THING – THEY BETTER START THINKING THAT WAY – OR THIS THING – THIS HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE WILL NEVER END – I’m Glad Trump isn’t in any RUSH – While We The People ARE CONTINUING TO SUFFER AND STRUGGLE AND GET DOXXED!!!!! People are already AWAKE – HE WILL NOT EVERYONE TO WAKE UP – WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO WAIT FOR THOSE PEOPLE – THEY WILL NEVER WAKE UP – THE DEEP STATE WILL NEVER STOP – It Sounds Like Trump is enjoying watching everyone suffer and struggle – it’s nice to know he and the patriots are nicely insulated – WE THE PEOPLE ARE NOT!!!!! IT IS TIME TO SEE ACTION – THEY SAY THEY HAVE THE EVIDENCE – WHERE IS IT – SHOW IT AND GET THIS OVER WITH NOW!!!!! Exactly Why – Not All The People Are Seeing Everything Unless They Are Listening to You!!!!! What Good Is a RED WAVE – IF THE DEEP STATE WILL ONLY CHEAT AGAIN – HOW WILL THAT GET STOPPED – The Sad Thing Is – They Will Do Exactly That – Does Trump and The Patriots Have A Counter For That – Will Trump Allowing That To Happen To All Of Us – Who Haven’t Been Vaccinated – Before They Do It – It’s Only A Matter Of Time – And You Wonder Why I’m So Aggressive And Angry That Nothing Has Been Done To Counter This And We Got The Point We Are At Right Now – HOW MUCH MORE DAMAGE AND DEATH DO WE HAVE TO ENDURE – LOOK WHERE WE ARE !!!!!!! THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING – UNTIL SOMEONE PHYSICALLY STOPPED THEM AND I DON’T MEAN WE THE PEOPLE – I MEAN A STRONGER AND HIGHER POWER – THE MILITARY AND THE EBS!!!! WHERE ????? Well That’s What They Are Doing Cheating – Who Will Stop Them Come the Mid-Terms – Will This All Come Out Before Then – I would hope so – or WE ARE SCREWED!!!!
Attorney Thomas Renz “We Got Them. Fact Check This!” All New Whistleblower Info – 4853
Pingback: They Never Thought She Was Going To Lose, Public Awakening = Game Over, Tick Tock – Ep. 2647
I wonder if anybody actually leaves a comment here? , I feel like a putz for continually listening to this report when no justice is served , having said that , if the counter is accurate , I’m not the only putz listening , and that is somewhat comforting. This report does at least provide some hope , which is an eternal thing aside from faith and love , the only three things that lasts forever , so I’ll keep listening / reading the report I reckon , what the hell else do I have to do. My stomach has been in knots for about the last three damn years hoping and praying and waiting on some justice to be served , I know justice is blind but this shit show is getting ridiculous……
Best regards , sincerely , Billy bad ass.
P.S. if for nothing else , thanks for the hope. ✌