Trump Sends Message, Military & Civilian Control, It Had To Be This Way – Ep. 2893
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The [CB]/[Biden] admin are now trapped in their own agenda. Trump set everything up from the beginning and now the people can see the truth. Energy drives the economy and Trump made the country energy independent, now the system is collapsing and the [CB][Biden] admin only had to do one thing, make the country energy independent once again. The [DS] has all assets deployed. They are pushing their agenda as hard as they possibly can, they want Trump indicted before the midterms, because after the midterms the makeup of congress is going to be completely different. Trump had to wake the people, he needed to fight the insurgency. The military and the people together are the counter insurgency.
Biden Turns To Venezuela For Oil After OPEC Slashes Production
- The Biden administration proposed a deal that will ease sanctions on Venezuela, allowing Chevron to pump oil in the country
- The U.S. will unfreeze hundreds of millions of dollars of Venezuelan state funds held up in American banks and in exchange, the country will allow Chevron to produce oil on its lands, according to the WSJ, which cited sources familiar with the deal. The proposal comes after OPEC agreed earlier on Wednesday to cut oil production by two million barrels a day, a decision the White House called “shortsighted,” according to a statement
BREAKING: The Biden admin is going to ease sanctions on the communist government of Venezuela so Chevron can resume pumping for oil there.
They would really rather get our energy from Maduro than Alaska and Texas.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 5, 2022
- The economic data coming in the past week is in alignment with prior forecasts. Bottom line, energy driven inflation has collapsed consumer spending, inventories climbing, vendors are cancelling orders, and this is peak season for transpacific shipping- which has now recorded the most rapid drop in history.
- A single transpacific container shipment cost $19,000 in 2021, then $14,500 in 2022 as the intentional slowdown began. Now it’s only $3,900 as entire fleets of cargo shipments are cancelled due to lack of demand by U.S. purchasers.
- (Wall Street Journal) […] Trans-Pacific shipping rates have plummeted roughly 75% from year-ago levels. The transportation industry is grappling with weaker demand as big retailers cancel orders with vendors and step up efforts to cut inventories. FedEx Corp. recently said it would cancel flights and park cargo planes because of a sharp drop in shipping volumes. On Thursday, Nike Inc. said it was sitting on 65% more inventory in North America than a year earlier and would resort to markdowns.
- All of this has to do with the intentional destruction of the oil, coal and gas industry. Western national economic collapse is a feature of the Build Back Better agenda. The economy will continue to be lowered until it small enough to be replaced by “climate friendly” energy resources, windmills and solar farms.
Something truly evil is happening at the DOJ.
They are charging 11 pro-life activists for blocking the entrance to abortion clinics, carrying up to 11 years in prison and $250,000 fines.
A total of 0 people have been charged by the DOJ for firebombing pro-life pregnancy centers
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 6, 2022
Also, a total of zero people were charged by the DOJ for the protests held outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, which is an actual violation of federal law, but they're gonna put people on jail for protests outside abortion clinics.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 6, 2022
- In October 2020 the number of minors crossing into the US unaccompanied was 1,929.
Less than two years later in April 2021 there were 20,339 unaccompanied minors crossing into the US.
- That’s over a 1,000% increase from when President Trump was in charge.
- The problem is only getting worse.
- In August 2021, border patrol agents picked up a record 834 unaccompanied children who had crossed into the country in one day. The shocking number is the most the agency had ever encountered in a single day throughout its 97-year history.
- It’s by design.
- The massive 62% one-day jump in kids comes just days after Biden lowered the standards for selecting an adult sponsor for the children. Among other things, sponsors no longer have to get fingerprinted to claim a child from border patrol custody.
- The careless change was made in an effort to get more children processed and released to make room for the countless more that will be coming.
- The scariest thing of it all – these unprecedented numbers don’t even include the countless invaders that slip through undetected.
Hollywood Producer Arrested, Charged with 18 Counts of Sexual Assault
- Hollywood producer and former ‘Scrubs’ writer Eric Weinberg on Tuesday was arrested on sex assault charges.
- Multiple women accused Weinberg of sexual misconduct going back decades.
- Weinberg has been on law enforcement’s radar for years but the DA previously refused to bring charges.
- According to The Hollywood Reporter, Weinberg’s sex misconduct goes back decades and also involved minors.
- Source;
Geopolitical/Police State
- If we take back the House and the Senate, and Elon protects free speech on Twitter and allows hundreds of thousands of banned Patriots to return to spread the truth about 2020 and then we get President Trump back in 2024 (or earlier), I am calling it now:
- *The Cabal will Fall*
- This isn’t a pipe dream – it’s the most likely outcome
HHS purchases drug for use in radiological and nuclear emergencies
- As part of long-standing, ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is purchasing a supply of the drug Nplate from Amgen USA Inc; Nplate is approved to treat blood cell injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome in adult and pediatric patients (ARS).
False Flags
- An August 2021 email by the U.S. Department of Education’s Anne Hartge, of the Office of Communications and Outreach, following up on a conversation between Eric Hagarty, who is now Pennsylvania’s current Secretary of Education; Tara Piechowicz, Deputy Chief Of Staff
- “Not sure if you saw yesterday, but President Biden along with [Education] Secretary Cardoina in addition to calling for every school district to host a vaccine clinic, announced next week as a national Back to School Week of Action and introduced a slew of initiatives on youth vaccinations the Administration will be making including high profile trips acrosss the country…” Hartge wrote.
- Then comes an absolutely brutal revelation about how the vaccine requirements were used to punish children who did not want the jabs, or whose parents did not want them to have them, and limited many children’s ability to socialize, get sunshine, and exercise.
- “Public record emails show the Biden administration wanted to ‘leverage’ school sports and activities to coerce vaccination amongst students,” Megan Eileen noted. “… we have seen leveraging athletics and extracurriculars as a way to boost you vaccination as an effective tactic across the county.”
- “They used the threat of students missing games due to Covid-19 exposure and long quarantines,” Eileen added.
- “Your federal government purposefully made kids lives more miserable during covid by using official “guidance” to ham-handedly drive people to vaxx their kids “ an effective tactic.”
- The truly appalling aspect to the U.S. Department of Education’s childhood ‘vaccination’ drive is that there is now plentiful evidence that the mRNA shots cause known side effects, particularly for young persons.
Georgia just signed up with Konnech for the on coming elections.
You won’t get away with it this time Kemp you RINO traitor.
— UK Neil (@UKNeil4) September 1, 2022
The media is complicit.
‘Fact checkers’ created to reinforce the same narrative [propaganda] they themselves created.
Social media censor-terminate-silence anti-narrative accounts.
System of control.
Mission: keep the public controlled and in the dark
Information warfare.

- ‘True the Vote’ knew about Chinese infiltration in our elections by Konnech/Eugene Yu back when President Trump was still in office
- It is an act of war for a foreign nation to interfere with our election infrastructure, and now the Los Angeles DA has arrested & charged Eugene Wu
- Ivanka posted and deleted a pic on 11/3/20 with Trump’s note about True the Vote and Catherine Engelbrecht
- I believe he knew about this Chinese infiltration
- What did Trump do militarily to combat this act of war?

Another reminder the FBI stole at least 200,000 papers from MAL on August 8. The trove includes not just privileged information but personal records, books, press clippings, clothing items, and even his call log as president.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) October 5, 2022
8kun/qresearch: 10967624
8chan/patriotsfight: 356
So you think we still believe the theory that TrueTheVote/others and the military have been collating data for two years? Two-years? If they really had all this electronic proof, they should’ve used that proof loooong ago. No need for “…the people needed to be shown…”
We pray you are right, but have really given up hope.
How much longer are you going to push the whole “Red October, the people needed to be shown, Devolution, the military is in control”, etc, etc?? After TWO YEARS of our country/the world being decimated, we do not believe “the White Hats” would allow THAT to happen for two years if they were REALLY “in control” as you say. If after this month and the midterms, the Deep State is still in control, and nothing has been done about them, may I suggest you stop with the Devolution stuff, “let this play out”, etc.
If I am wrong, and MAGA sweeps the midterms and we have Deep-State major player perp walks BEFORE the end of the year, I will sing out “hallelujah”, and make apologies to you. But if I am right, I expect apologies from you-to-America, for leading us on like the other hopium peddlers.
Greetings, Dave. Just wondering if anyone knows what happened to Gen. McCrystal and his system to help the Deep State?