Trump: “A lot Of Things Happening Right Now”, Military Only Way Forward – Ep. 2440

The states and business are opening up, people are feeling good, consumer confidence is way up, the real estate home prices are way up, this is Trump recovery from the pandemic. Optics are very important, with Trump out the pic the [DS]/[CB] believed they won and they can now open the economy. Meanwhile, the economy is being transitioned into a new system. Trump messaged everyone when he crashed the wedding, he let everyone know that people are reaching the precipice and that there are a lot things happening right now, then Trump announced his website, which had a pic of him in military attire. Scavino tweeted another pic of jet coming back around. Phase 1, Make America Great, Phase 2, change the election laws, show the people the [DS] system, bring them to the precipice, Phase 3, Save America with the help of the people and military.
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- Don’t worry, there’s no inflation – apart from in gas and home prices.
- According to AAA, gas prices at the pump are back near their highest in 6 years, up a stunning 42% YoY…
Source: Bloomberg
- And according to Case-Shiller, US home prices in 20 major cities are up a shocking 11.10% year-over-year
Source: Bloomberg
- This is the fastest YoY rise since March 2014.
- Away from the 20 major cities, prices are rising even faster, up 11.22% – the fastest YoY price appreciation since Feb 2006…
“The trend of accelerating prices that began in June 2020 has now reached its eighth month,” Craig Lazzara, global head of index investment strategy at S&P Dow Jones Indices, said in statement.
“The market’s strength is broadly-based: all 20 cities rose, and all 20 cities gained more in the 12 months ended in January 2021 than they had gained in the 12 months ended in December 2020.”
- Phoenix, Seattle, San Diego reported highest year-over-year gains among 20 cities surveyed.
POLL: 63% Of Americans Believe The Government Should Buy US-Made Products Even At Higher Price Tags
- A new poll found that a majority of Americans want the United States government to purchase products made in the U.S.A., even if they come at a higher price than international products.
- 63% of Americans would like government agencies to buy American-made products in general, according to a Reuters-Ipsos poll released Tuesday.
- According to court documents, Dove used the cryptocurrency bitcoin to pay for a membership to a Darknet marketplace called “Welcome To Video,” which contained the largest collection of child sexual exploitation materials by volume on the Darknet. In March 2018, the Korean National Police in South Korea seized the server that was used to operate the “Welcome To Video” website, which contained over 250,000 child sexual exploitation videos.
Cryptocurrency on PayPal – FAQs
- What did PayPal announce around Crypto?
We announced that PayPal users in the U.S. can buy, sell and hold select Cryptocurrencies directly through PayPal using their Personal or Premier PayPal Cash/plus account. Users will be able to learn about Crypto, track crypto prices, all without leaving the PayPal app. We plan to introduce this service to Venmo in 2021.
- The Sixth Circuit federal appeals court has unanimously ruled that Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, violated a professor’s First Amendment rights by ordering him to use students’ preferred pronouns.
- Shawnee State University, a public school in Ohio, violated a Christian professor’s constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns, ruled the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, the court said Shawnee State “punished a professor for his speech on a hotly contested issue. And it did so despite the constitutional protections afforded by the First Amendment.”
- The court’s opinion explained that after class, the student approached Meriwether and “demanded” that he refer to him “as a woman,” and use “feminine titles and pronouns.”
- About 5-in-8 likely United States voters say getting a handle on the flood of illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border is more important than providing amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, a survey finds.
- A Rasmussen Reports survey found 62 percent said “gaining control of the border” was more important than providing amnesty to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. Only about 31 percent of voters said amnesty was more important than border control.
NEW – Superseding Indictment hits Ghislaine Maxwell with charges for “sex trafficking of a minor”
- Newly Filed Superseding Indictment shows depth of conspiracy Today the US Government filed a superseding indictment against Ghislaine Maxwell, alleging an additional minor victim (Minor Victim-4) who was allegedly subject to a sex trafficking conspiracy between 2001 and 2004.
- Read the full document here.
- Maxwell had previously been charged with counts of conspiracy to “entice minors to travel” that lasted until 1997. This new indictment provides that there is a fourth minor victim to this conspiracy, which took place between 2001 and 2004. As explained by the Government in today’s letter to the court:
The new indictment also adds a new charge – a “sex trafficking conspiracy” – between 2001 and 2004, in which Minor Victim-4 was “a victim of this conspiracy.”
- The Government further alleges that Maxwell “Participated in the sex trafficking of a minor.”
- Specific Allegations in the Superseding Indictment:
- Maxwell groomed a “14 year old” victim “to engage in sexual acts with Epstein.”
Geopolitical/Police State
- The National Rifle Association (NRA) has seen a jump in new members in recent months, with 150,000 signups in 2021 alone so far.
- On average, the gun rights group is seeing about 1,000 new members a day,
- “We’ve had two federal bills that have been passed in the House, and they’re going to be heard in the Senate soon. You have Biden talking about executive action that he’s going to take, and it’s been pretty steady throughout history that when you have an anti-gun president in office, and he’s passing laws, signing executive action, that usually causes a surge in NRA interest in membership,” Hunter said.
- The NRA now has around 5 million members.
Biden Has No ‘Intention’ to Meet With North Korea’s Kim
Biden’s UN ambassador said the US is considering ‘additional actions’ over a recent North Korean missile test
- President Biden has no “intention” of holding talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday.
Report: US Preparing to Offer New Proposal to Iran
- the Biden administration is preparing to offer a new proposal to Iran on a way to possibly revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA.
False Flags
NEW: Illegal migrant children in San Diego to get in-person classes at migrant facilities; San Diego public school children are still forced to do online learning
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 30, 2021
- Joe Biden wants states to stop re-opening and to reinstate mask mandates.
Here, President Biden begs states that have lifted mask mandates to put them back in place. Based on his assumed ‘logic,’ you’d think that states that have lifted mandates or never had them were drowning in dead bodies and overcrowded hospitals. Is that the case?
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 29, 2021
Wait two weeks, they always say. Well, Texas ended its statewide mandate well over two weeks ago. By now, hospitals and funeral homes should be overwhelmed, right? Nope, not even close.
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 29, 2021
Georgia never had a statewide mask mandate at all. At this point, things there should be pretty close to an apocalypse that makes “The Walking Dead” (minus the zombies) look like child’s play. Or not.
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 29, 2021
Tennessee, my state, never had a mask mandate either. Sure, we had something of a casedemic, but things also never got close to getting out of control – and the curve has been more than flattened. How on earth did this happen without a statewide mask mandate?
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 29, 2021
Mississippi also lifted their mask mandate over two weeks ago, but cases continue to decline like the masks never had anything to do with it.
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 29, 2021
On the other hand, masked-up New York is leading in new cases and hasn’t really had much of a downswing. It seems like if masks were the answer, New York would be doing better, doesn’t it?
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) March 29, 2021
- Remember when we were told that Donald Trump was an incompetent, uncaring boob because he dared to leave vaccine distribution to state and local authorities and entities like pharmacies? Joe Biden criticized the former president on that front, promising to open 100 federal vaccination sites. That was really going to be his only major “change” to Trump’s strategy. All the other infrastructure that has brought us to where we are, and the pace of escalation of vaccinations, predated Biden.
- As it turns out, the federal government is still incompetent, and Biden’s only real contribution to vaccine distribution has failed. The program is now being reconsidered.
From Politico
- In other words, Trump’s plan succeeded, and all the hysterical narratives about him “not doing anything” by leaving it to the states was nonsense. Further, Biden’s promise to get 100 federal sites up and going never even materialized.
Fauci Was Wrong. Free States Fared Better than Authoritarian States Run by Tyrannical Leftists
- Fauci was wrong.
New information shows the US states with the least stringent lockdowns have fared better than the authoritarian states run by tyrannical leftists. - The map shows how Florida, with all of its seniors, has fared better than New York and California.
- And this was not just the case in America.
In Europe Sweden was criticized for leaving its economy open during the pandemic. Yet Sweden fared better than its European colleagues and did not ruin its economy. - Via Rand Paul.
Via the Foundation for Economic Education:
The results are in—and they overwhelmingly vindicate the free states over the authoritarian experiments. First, we saw that states with the harshest restrictions didn’t necessarily achieve the best COVID-19 death outcomes. Florida has fared far better than New York and New Jersey, for example, and multiple studies have found no correlation between lockdown stringency and death rates.
Yet lockdowns have come at an enormous economic and human cost. We’ve seen mental health problems and child suicide spikes, an increase in domestic violence, an uptick in drug overdoses, and much, much more. And, of course, the economic toll of shutting down businesses and criminalizing “non-essential” livelihoods has been devastating.
Trump Rails At Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx As ‘Self-Promoters Trying To Reinvent History’
- Former President Donald Trump railed against his past White House coronavirus task force advisers, Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, as “self-promotors trying to reinvent history”
- “Based on their interviews, I felt it was time to speak up about Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, two self-promoters trying to reinvent history to cover for their bad instincts and faulty recommendations, which I fortunately almost always overturned,” Trump said in a Monday statement. “They had bad policy decisions that would have left our country open to China and others, closed to reopening our economy, and years away from an approved vaccine – putting millions of lives at risk.”
- Trump characterized Birx and Fauci as avid lock-downers who, if it were up to them, would have kept the country under totalitarian-style lockdowns to this day.
- “If it were up to them, we’d currently be locked in our basements as our country suffered through a financial depression,” Trump said. “Families, and children in particular, would be suffering the mental strains of this disaster like never before.”
- Trump also targeted Fauci’s infamous flip-flop on face masks. The most vocal White House coronavirus task force member claimed in March last year, “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”
- “Dr. Fauci is also the kind of ‘flip-flops’ and moving the goalposts to make himself look as good as possible,” Trump said.
- Trump called her a “proven liar with very little credibility left.”
- “Dr. Fauci would always talk negatively about her and, in fact, would ask not to be in the same room with her,” Trump wrote. “The States that followed her lead, like California, had worse outcomes on COVID, and ruined lives of countless children because they couldn’t go to school, ruined many businesses, and an untold number of Americans who were killed by the lockdowns themselves. Dr. Birx was a terrible medical adviser, which is why I seldom took her advice.”
- CDC Director one day doom and gloom cases are increasing, the next day CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stated that CDC data released earlier in the day “suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick, and that it’s not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data.” Did the Pharmaceutical companies have a word with her
- It seems different factions are pushing and pulling against each other
this entire pandemic is fake as can be, the cure rate is 99.97x depending on your age, the pcr was miss used, the msm pushed fear , governors pushed flu patients into nursing homes to kill them, the MSM converted the flu numbers into covid number to convince us that this was really bad, the politicians locked the people down, made the people wear masks with no science to back any of this up. actually the science proves the opposite, lockdowns do not work, masks do not work against a virus and we do not need a vaccine for the common cold virus.
The WHO report is a sham continuation of the CCP-WHO disinformation campaign. It’s why I recommended we leave WHO. Dr. Tedros collaborated with Xi to hide human to human transmission at a CRITICAL juncture. WIV remains the most likely source of the virus — and WHO is complicit.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) March 30, 2021

- A ninth woman has accused NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual misconduct.
- The accuser, 55-year-old Sherry Vill, said Cuomo grabbed her face and kissed her in a “highly sexual manner” in front of her son in 2017 while touring flood damage on her property.
- She also said, during an online press conference with her lawyer, Gloria Allred, that Cuomo called her “beautiful” and flirted with her in an “inappropriate manner.”
- “He took my hand and said, ‘Is there anything else you want?’” she recounted. He then leaned down “forcibly grabbed my face” with his other hand “and kissed my cheek.”
- A majority of Americans see “cancel culture” as a threat to their freedom, a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey found.
- “Sixty-four percent of respondents said that there is ‘a growing cancel culture’ that is a threat to their freedom, while 36 percent said they did not view it as a threat to their freedom,” the outlet reported.
The ring leader in the plot to kidnap wretched Governor Gretchen Whitmer was an FBI informant.
He was planted into the group and was the one who pushed the entire plan. - The FBI was spying on lower, middle-class Americans and setting them up on terrorism charges.
- The FBI then later arrested one of their own informants in the plot,
- This was occurring as Antifa-BLM rioted and pillaged cities across the US.
Charges were dropped against three defendents earlier today in Michigan.
- On Monday Michigan Judge Michael Klaeren dropped terrorism charges against three men in the case.
- The Detroit News reported:
Three men accused in an alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will not face false report or threat of terrorism charges, a Jackson County judge ruled Monday.
Judge Michael Klaeren of 12th District Court in Jackson dismissed the charge against Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico, both of Munith, and declined a request by prosecutors to add it to the charges against Paul Bellar, of Milford.
As Democrats Claim Voter ID Is Racist, New Poll Shows Nearly 70% of Blacks Support It
- Democrats are crying racism after Georgia Republicans added a voter ID requirement to make the state’s elections more secure. The only problem is that the vast majority of those polled — including black and minority voters — support that new measure.
- Earlier this month, the Georgia state Senate passed S.B. 202 that included commonsense measures like tightening procedures for polling locations and requiring voters to present identification to request and cast absentee ballots.
- There are four things in the Football. The Black Book containing the retaliatory options, a book listing classified site locations, a manila folder with eight or ten pages stapled together giving a description of procedures for the Emergency Broadcast System, and a three-by-five-inch card with authentication codes.”
- Those codes need to match up with the one held by the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., which is responsible for strategic deterrence and reaction to a global strike.
- So it raised eyebrows – and fears – when STRATCOM tweeted this: “;l;;gmlxzssaw.”
The post was only up for 30 minutes on Sunday night, but it prompted speculation across the social media site, including theories that the 13 characters could be part of a launch code for nuclear weapons.
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— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) March 30, 2021
- President Trump announced yesterday that he has launched a new website –
WATCH: Donald Trump Crashes Mar-a-Lago Wedding Reception and Gives Funny Speech Trashing Biden
- at the 2:00 minute mark Trump says something interesting
Deep State Dave….Never Correct……Never slowing down on that push to sell those Q Lies
TRUMP informed in early December the election would not be overruled…..Q succeeds and then disappears……..
Nothing will stop what’s coming…….Nothing will Stop the steal of the election…….confuse patriots with
little mindless tidbits that lead no where…….The crime of the Century….made the super bowl look like a puppy show in comparison. …… had too be this way….they had to shut down the economy…….once they fooled Trump into shutting down the economy…….it was over….future proves past…….
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We can’t wait 4 more years , this country won’t exist 4 more years , we’ll all be slaves in 4 more years . Please God let something happen
I thought old Camel Toes was suppose to fix the Boarder.
It is time for the tribunals and restoration of our election security. Restore America to it’s former
PodBeam is truly the worst decision made for these streams. The constant popping and crackling, the insistent loss of audio and what sounds like a CD skipping, is driving me absolutely blackout insane. Dave, can you do something about this? It’s not my phone, it’s not my laptop, it’s not my TV. It’s this GARBAGE service. Thank you and God Bless you!
I am the author of this post
The video confessions/activities of the vile, corrupt against the children and captives will be the point where you will ‘wake up’ the leftists–they are still clinging to cnn and commie agendas….white hats need to take over a media outlet and get this done. People will hurriedly pass along horrific sights and obvious depravity–think cardi b !
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Everytime a marker gets moved back, I see people start getting frustrated and giving up, saying its gone back to conspiracy because its not happening. Its hard for people to keep a grasp on things when they get tired and lazy and stop following the true info. They go back to the old way of MSM because they are not seeing it due to sensoring. I know how they fill, like the Evergiven ship, we really didn’t see much or could find what was really going on with it, if any.
I search out my brother and sister patriot street fighters to give me strength and help keep me moving forward, like I said, not much of a technology person.
I did send our dear president a note on the new site. It was great, saw Mike Lindell’s site for all the videos and evidence to the election fraud. Search, send it out there.
Thanks to everyone, just trying to keep the faith and keep sending out the truth whether they like it or not. Also keep sending Govenor Ricketts to follow the other republican states, follow the constitution, and don’t let Biden destroy our state. Push back!! Every week I email him, lol.
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I just had to say something about Edward Snowden. For a bit of time there I was thinking maybe President Trump should pardon him. Today in an interview Snowden is saying the Trump only cares about money and was corrupt as President. He then said he believed Obama tried to do some good things during his administration. This really destroyed any good considerations I had for Snowden. The man just gave up any credibility that he had until he goes along with the liberal narrative. oooo bad move.
How about remove the MASK.