“We Must Fight”, Running Red, Sonic Boom, Operation Mockingbird – Ep. 2581
Watch The X22 Report On Video

Trump was right again, CA is being used as the test bed for zoning laws, this will dramatically shift the housing market in the wrong direction. The Fed is trapped now, no matter which way they turn it will end in a disaster. People believe as we continue down this path the economy will weaken. Ransomware attacks on the food supply is increasing. The patriots are on the offensive, they are the hunt. The [DS] has no place to hide, no place to run and there will be no deals. The truth is about to be unleashed on the world and the [DS] is preparing to stop it. Get ready for the sonic boom. The month of Oct will be running red, the hunt is on. It is time for the patriots to fight with truth and facts. Operation mockingbird will fail. The clock is ticking down.
- Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed three housing bills that will drastically reduce single-family (SFR) zoning in California.
- The new law will make it easier to build housing projects in suburban areas zoned for single family residences – all in the name of equity.
- “The housing affordability crisis is undermining the California Dream for families across the state, and threatens our long-term growth and prosperity,” Newsom said in a statement. “Making a meaningful impact on this crisis will take bold investments, strong collaboration across sectors and political courage from our leaders and communities to do the right thing and build housing for all.”
- The new law will destroy suburban developments and values will drop.
- SB 8 effectively takes power away from local governments and accelerates the approval process for housing projects.
- Cities won’t be able to push back on the development of housing projects.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Donald J. Trump
Biden supports Cory Booker’s Bill that will force low income housing in the Suburbs, which will lower property values and bring crime to your neighborhoods. If Dems win, GOODBYE SUBURBS!
Donald J. Trump
Democrats admit that President Trump’s message is “working” on violence coming to the Suburbs in a Looney Biden Administration. Plus, Biden just doubled down on forcing Federal control of local zoning. This means low income housing and projects. So much for the American Dream!
The Fed’s Time Is Running Out for a Timely Taper
- The central bank should start pulling back on its $120 billion monthly bond purchases and signal when it will lift rates, but it probably won’t.
- It has been only 17 months since the biggest unthinkable in the oil market — the price turning negative — illustrated vividly that the global economy was experiencing an unprecedented shock that required an exceptional policy response by the government and the Federal Reserve. This week, Fed policy makers will discuss how to unwind two of its three chief components over time.
- the Fed is unlikely to do so this week for several reasons, from the inability to embrace sufficiently yet the extent to which the demand and supply paradigm has shifted to concerns about triggering a disorderly correction of elevated asset prices after the excessive risk-taking encouraged by years of ample and predictable liquidity injections.
source: bloomberg.com
- A plurality of Americans remain pessimistic about the future of the economy, predicting it will be “weaker” one year from now, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.
- The survey asked respondents, “A year from today, will the U.S. economy be stronger than it is now, or weaker?”
- A plurality of Americans, 47 percent, said the economy will be “weaker,” compared to 29 percent who said “stronger,” 15 percent who said “about the same,” and 9 percent who remain unsure.
- Democrats are the exception, as 48 percent believe the economy will be “stronger” one year from now, compared to 26 percent who say “weaker.” A majority of Republicans, 71 percent, and a plurality of independents, 47 percent, believe the economy will be “weaker.”
Source: breitbart.com
- – Iowa-based grain cooperative New Cooperative Inc. was struck by ransomware in recent days and has shut down its computer systems as it tries to mitigate the attack.
- The attack occurred on or around Friday, according to Allan Liska, senior threat analyst at the cybersecurity firm Recorded Future Inc. The ransomware gang, which goes by the name BlackMatter, is demanding a $5.9 million ransom, Liska said.
- New Cooperative confirmed that they had been attacked and said they had contacted law enforcement and were working with data security experts to investigate and remediate the situation.
Source: uk.finance.yahoo.com/
New Photo of Justin Trudeau in Blackface Emerges Night Before Canadian Federal Election
- Canada’s federal election will take place on , September 20 and another photo of Trudeau in blackface, likely from an “Arabian Nights” themed party, has been leaked to the media.
- Recall, a photo of Justin Trudeau at an “Arabian Nights” themed party from 2001 previously surfaced but it did not derail his political career.
Source; thegatewaypundit.com
- It sounds obvious on its face, you cannot consider immigration reform as a spending bill, but that’s what the Democrats were attempting to do regardless of the constitutional limits. Immigration reform is not a spending issue, and the Senate parliamentarian has denied the scheme by Senate Democrats in their $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” bill. (pic: migrant caravan)
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
- Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden should “ignore” the ruling by the Senate parliamentarian that found Democrats can’t include a pathway to citizenship in reconciliation.
- “This ruling by the parliamentarian, is only a recommendation,” Omar tweeted. “Sen. Schumer and the White House can and should ignore it.”
Rehoboth Beach | Southern Border#BidenBorderCrisis pic.twitter.com/E8u2VPgXV0
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) September 19, 2021
- ISIS has issued a statement taking credit for a Friday attack on a gas pipeline in Syria’s Deir Ali, near the power station. The attack caused a power outage in the capital city of Damascus and the surrounding areas.The Syrian Oil Ministry confirmed on state media Sunday that the power station is back in operation, and electricity has been restored.
Source: news.antiwar.com
False Flags
- The Vatican City State announced that effective October 1 no one can enter its territory without presenting a coronavirus Green Pass, by order of Pope Francis.
- The Green Pass can be obtained by showing proof of vaccination against the coronavirus, demonstrating recovery from the coronavirus, or by showing a negative rapid antigen or PCR test, the Vatican ordinance states.
- The decree also declares that the Green Pass mandate extends to the Vatican’s extraterritorial properties stipulated by the 1929 Lateran Treaty, which include Vatican-owned churches throughout Italy.
Source: breitbart.com
- Your child has to wear a mask all day at school, but the Democrat elites can galivant around town maskless.
- San Francisco Mayor London Breed last Wednesday night partied it up – maskless – at an indoor jazz club in violation of her own Covid order.
- London Breed danced the night away with musicians and BLM co-founder Alicia Garza at San Francisco’s Black Cat nightclub in the Tenderloin.
- When asked why she violated her Covid order and partied indoors without a mask on, London Breed said she was “feeling the spirit” and “wasn’t thinking about a mask.”
- “I don’t know about you, but if you know who they [legendary Bay Area musicians] are, I don’t care where you’re sitting, you’re gonna get up and start dancing,” Mayor London Breed said when asked why she was partying indoors without a mask on in violation of her own Covid orders.
- She continued, “I got up and started dancing because I was feeling the spirit and I wasn’t thinking about a mask. I was thinking about having a good time and in the process I was following the health orders.”
The Only People Wearing Masks At the Emmys Were Servants
- Your children and grandchildren cannot eat in a public school cafeteria without wearing a mask and remaining socially distant; so sayeth the rule-makers.
- However, proving once again that masks and social distancing are a theater of social construct that does not apply to the self-proclaimed elites, the only people wearing masks at the Hollywood Emmy awards tonight were the servants
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
- The U.S. will require adult foreigners entering the country to be fully vaccinated
- White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients added travelers must also provide proof of a negative test no later than 72 hours prior to boarding.
It is not clear if that requirement would mean only U.S.-approved vaccines would be accepted.
There is no indication if or how the U.S. would ensure those arriving across land borders from Mexico and Canada will show proof of vaccination status before entry.
Source: breitbart.com
Vaccines Are for the Serfs: No Vaccine Rules for Global Elites at UN Meetings This Week — in NY City
- New York City has stringent mask and vaccine rules for civilians.
- But masks and vaccines will be optional for the global elites this week at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.
- Vaccines are only for the serfs.
The U.N. General Assembly will ignore vaccine requirements for attendees at next week’s big meeting in New York, snubbing NYC rules for convention centers and public gatherings.
Presidents, premiers, monarchs, dignitaries, diplomats and their traveling staff members have been told by organizers they won’t have to show coronavirus vaccination passports or other proof of inoculation on arrival at U.N. headquarters on Turtle Bay, Manhattan.
Source; thegatewaypundit.com
Biden: Vaccine mandate.
Everyone: What about freedom?
Biden: My job is to protect all Americans.
Everyone: So you have a plan to rescue Americans held hostage by the Taliban?
Biden: No, not like that.
— Rep. Lauren Boebert (@RepBoebert) September 19, 2021
- It appears Premier Andrews slipped a little bit and admitted publicly the vaccination passport will be required for everything… AND it will be needed as the Australian government moves from vaccines to booster shots. Yes, the freedom in Victoria will be dependent on updating your vaccine registry with booster shot registration. [Video at 50:13, Prompted] WATCH:
- .
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
NEJM now admits that there is no clear data that the vaccines are safe for pregnant women.
“Pregnant women were counseled to consider the available evidence and make personal decisions about vaccination in the absence of human safety data.”https://t.co/l9fj6tizX0
— Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) September 20, 2021
OUCH! Richard Ebright and 15 Top Scientists Eviscerate Fauci and Daszak in Lancet Medical Journal
- The Lancet has now published an article explicitly condemning the letter organized by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, Jeremy Farrar of the Wellcome Trust, and others.
- On February 2nd 2020, when confronted with first evidence the Covid pandemic may have originated in the Wuhan Lab he funded via Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, Fauci organized a conference call, apparently to discuss how to suppress this dangerous information, since the trail led straight to them.
- On Feb. 19, 2020, Daszak, Farrar and others published a letter in The Lancet, saying that “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”
- This letter was then used to suppress and censor the Chinese lab leak theory in Mainstream Media and on social media for over a year. There was, and remains, no evidence for the “scientists’” claims.
- Now, a new article in The Lancet by Jacques van Helden of Aix-Marseille University in France, Richard Ebright of Rutgers U. and 14 other authors has skewered the Fauci apologists’ unscientific Fake News “which claimed overwhelming support for the hypothesis that the novel coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic originated in wildlife.”
- Contrary to the Fake Scientists’ claim, “there is no direct support for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, and a laboratory-related accident is plausible. There is so far no scientifically validated evidence that directly supports a natural origin.”
- “Neither the host pathway from bats to humans, nor the geographical route from Yunnan (where the viruses most closely related to SARS-CoV-2 have been sampled) to Wuhan (where the pandemic emerged) have been identified. More than 80 000 samples collected from Chinese wildlife sites and animal farms all proved negative”, the researchers write.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Officials say Judge Christopher Cooper’s ties to leading Democrats and key figure in discredited Trump-Russia probe should disqualify him from case of Michael Sussmann, lawyer who fed anti-Trump dirt to FBI while hiding connection to Hillary Clinton campaign.
- And now Republicans are raising concerns that the judge appointed to the Sussmann case has too many conflicts of interest to preside over it fairly.
- Current and former officials say that federal District Court Judge Christopher Cooper’s professional and personal relationships with top Democrats and figures behind the FBI’s Trump investigation should force his recusal. Cooper’s wife, for instance, represents disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who oversaw the FBI’s Trump probe.
- In September 2016, Sussman met with Page’s boss, then FBI General Counsel James Baker. The former DOJ cybersecurity expert handed Baker documents falsely asserting that the Trump Organization’s computer servers were communicating suspiciously with the computer servers of a Russian financial institution.
Source: justthenews.com
‘It’s spreading’: Phony election fraud conspiracies infect midterms
- Former President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims about a rigged election have metastasized.
- It started as one big, false claim — that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.
- But nearly a year later, the Big Lie is metastasizing, with Republicans throughout the country raising the specter of rigged elections in their own campaigns ahead of the midterms.
Source: politico.com
There are people telling me “Don’t say decertify, you will lose support”. I say – if we certified incorrectly we MUST #Decertify. It is our duty. Justice demands it. Our country demands it. Look at what’s happening to our country because we falsely certified the results! #AZAudit
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 20, 2021
Archive Bread/Post Links: 10716213 / 10716779
Direct Link: 10716779
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) September 20, 2021
It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.
Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict.
Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?
Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.
Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)
POTUS has everything.
Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).
Follow Huma.
Operation Mockingbird.
Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.
Many in our govt worship Satan.
Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.
Where is HRC?
Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?
Trust in your President.
God bless, Patriots.
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My Norton antivirus just started listing the X22 report as A malicious site. I’ve been playing it for A year or more. and it just started yesterday. 9/19/2021. I thought it was just A fluke.
I am having a hard time believing the Military is going to take over until a new election happens. Who exactly in the Military is going to give the command to do this?
I really just can’t help believing that Trump and the Patriots, at this point, would rather see all of America destroyed, re-imagined and in complete peril – just for the sake of his revenge and going out there and always saying I was right – Okay, we get it – he was right – how about saving America now like he promised, how about draining the swamp (the very same people he is allowing to do the destruction) – What’s really going on – trying to stay strong and optimistic, but there hasn’t been anything I’ve seen to encourage those feelings!!!! They Should – But They Aren’t – That’s the Problem – People are just complacent Not Everyone Is Waking Up!!!!! HOW ABOUT TRUMP AND THE PATRIOTS NOT EVEN ALLOWING IT TO GET THAT FAR – THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SAVING AMERICA – RIGHT – Trump is the RIGHTFUL President – RIGHT – SO DO IT – Because even if people push back – what’s to stop DS from implementing what they are doing in Australia and Canada !!!! WE CANT WAIT FOUR YEARS – WE CANT EVEN WAIT ANOTHER TWO MONTHS!!!!!! They seem to have already dumbed down America and the children – just look at some of the kids coming out of school – THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL
very good thanks
Hi Dave, thanks for another great report. You probably haven’t heard anything about the Jan. 6 hostages. I am wondering what is going in with them. I am sure as soon as you learn something you will report. Thanks for everything and God be with you.