What You Are Witnessing Is A Birth Of A New Nation, Indictments Coming – Episode 2319

The patriots have done it, the economy is in a V recovery. The markets shot up right before the elections. The people are now awake, they see clearly, Trump can now move ahead with phase II of the economic plan, it’s going to be glorious. The [DS]/MSM are now making plans for after the elections, they already know they lost, this is a landslide like we have never seen before. The people are awake, they want something different, they do not want the [DS] plan. We are witnessing the birth of a new nation, this is just the beginning. A new world is coming. Indictments are coming, nothing can stop this, nothing. The patriots have been in control the entire time.
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Strong Retail Sales Growth Points to the Resiliency of Consumers
- Retail sales have largely recovered from the pandemic heading into the holiday season
- , National Retail Federation Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz said
- “Strong growth in retail sales during the last few months points to the resiliency of consumers even in this disruptive pandemic environment, “Taking in all the evidence available, the U.S. economic recovery has progressed more quickly than generally expected.”
- Retail sales have completed a V-shaped recovery and are up 8.6 percent since January, according to data from Harvard University’s Opportunity Insights research project.
- The report pointed to increased disposal personal income, which was up 5.4 percent year-over-year as of August, and a savings rate of 14.4 percent that has remained in double digits for six straight months.
Source: sdcexec.com
And let’s not forget that a Biden presidency means that AG Bill Barr, DNI Ratcliffe, Sec State Mike Pompeo, WH xenophobe Stephen Miller, & the rest of Trump’s corrupt cronies will also be tossed out.
It’s a terrific package deal.
Vote Biden/Harris!
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) October 30, 2020
Brennan is worried about AG Barr getting another 4 years to investigate #Spygate. What he really wants is one of the most important investigations in history “tossed out.”
Ethics Watchdog Files Justice Dept. Complaint vs. Biden’s Son
- A conservative public-interest law firm has filed a complaint against Joe Biden’s son, calling for a Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden for failing to register as a foreign agent while he engaged in political activities on behalf of Ukrainian and Chinese business interests.
- The complaint to the Justice Department seeks an investigation to millions of dollars in donations from China.
- “There is evidence that Hunter Biden attempted to influence his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and other federal officials, and to directly or indirectly promote the political or public interests of foreign entities, including Burisma in Ukraine and CEFC China Energy Co., a Chinese conglomerate whose chairman had links to the communist regime in Beijing and in which Hunter Biden had a lucrative financial stake,” states the Oct. 31 letter from the National Legal and Policy Center to Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers.
- “
Source: realclearpolitics.com
Section 230 doesn’t protect @Twitter, @Facebook, @Google from accountability for their partisan election interference and corrupt censorship to help Joe Biden and hurt @realDonaldTrump. https://t.co/UlP3WKDM4k
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) November 3, 2020
- private jet traffic has soared as wealthy folks are leaving metro areas for rural communities,
- Data from Tivoli, an online payments platform for jets, collected by Private Jet Card Comparisons, showed private jet flights at Francis S. Gabreski Airport in Westhampton, New York, jumped 172% in October. Flights at Aspen Airport in Aspen, Colorado, surged 135%, and Vail flights were up 95% over the month.
Source: zerohedge.com
Al Qeada has called on all “lone wolfs” in the EU to begin attacks today.
If you or your family is there, remember every politician who allowed unvetted refugees into your country (and Biden wants in the US), allows “no go zones” or refuses to go after jihadis as it gets ugly.
— Robert Patrick Lewis (@RobertPLewis) November 3, 2020
South Korean lawmaker says North building submarine capable of firing ballistic missiles https://t.co/lThuKBUKUr pic.twitter.com/YMPL5DLpc1
— The Hill (@thehill) November 3, 2020
- the UK is raising its terror alert level to “severe” (from “substantial”), meaning an attack is “highly likely” following Monday’s attack in Vienna, and the attacks last month across France.
- Severe – an attack is highly likely
Source: zerohedge.com
CDC says people sick with COVID-19 can break quarantine to vote in-person https://t.co/EknxeyIaVC pic.twitter.com/ueHhHqb5Dh
— New York Post (@nypost) November 3, 2020
Just voted. Felt good. https://t.co/oQJdlUJv0u pic.twitter.com/c9TYHthLXh
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 3, 2020
Do not lose heart. (Vote.) https://t.co/ZMjIUqV2jb
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 3, 2020
Remember when Hillary SWORE BY mail-in voting? I guess she realized that scheme wasnt going to work…
Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “We continue to have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes” says they can win 270 even without PA and FL
— Charlotte Alter (@CharlotteAlter) November 3, 2020
You can hear the Biden campaign beginning to crumble. They are frightened…
DHS says voting machine problems in Georgia, NY, Missouri aren’t cyberattacks
The Amish are not playing around today pic.twitter.com/S3vIy3oMYR
— Barstool News Network (@BarstoolNewsN) November 3, 2020
“D.O.J. should be prepared to go to court on this — it’s Election Day, not election week or month,” said Tom Fitton, the head of the conservative group Judicial Watch.https://t.co/q8hKxEW83U
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) November 3, 2020
President Trump suggested on Tuesday that he does not a have a concession or acceptance speech prepared.
Video via @ABC pic.twitter.com/MtavjUv4B4
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 3, 2020
Geopolitical/Police State
JUST IN: Malawi says it will open a full embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, becoming the first African nation to do so in the city (Reuters).
— The Bias News (@thebias_news) November 3, 2020
Cyber Attacks
False Flags


that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863
Together we win.
Anonymous ID: 8d9ba6 No.924151
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat!WWG1WGA
Your trust & faith in us is enough.
You elected us to do the heavy lifting.
Enjoy the show.
are we ever going to seethese tribuals and executions? i realize these have already happened, but will these be posted on the internet? any idea when?
WHAT?!? Nothing has happened! No one has been indicted, jailed, tried and imprisoned/executed for TREASON! What happened to “Trust the Plan”? This (stolen) election is the result of Trump and his poor AG’s not indicting the criminals YEARS AGO. No accountability for breaking laws has led us to this crooked election. This was Trump’s election to lose, and his not playing hardball with his criminal political enemies, has caused the loss to happen. What a shame.
What You Are Witnessing Is A Birth Of A New Nation, Indictments Coming – Episode 2319 — Praise be to God for sending those who we need at this time, in order to keep our country ,,,,, and to keep our country free.
I see it! Patriots are coming together. People I haven’t spoken to in years are reuniting and taking a stand. They are discussing these politics openly and bravely. We the People!
Did you watch the same election I did? Because, although we expected trump to win in a landslide, it has not been reported that way….WHERE IS Q? WHERE IS DURHAM?? You need to start answering some of these questions after stringing us along for 3 years!! Are you part of teh Deep State being used to keep the rest of us calm while the lection was stolen?
Oh Boy, Dave. I can’t wait for your show this afternoon. What Happened?
Yeah right .. we are witnessing a birth of a new nation.. Socialism.. Thanks for giving me false confidence.. We’ve lost the Presidency and the senate and democrats hold the house. We are done. You made us believe we were winning. I’m done with you x22report and done with Q. Fuck everyone!
Hi Dave,
I wanted to listen to the e experts you were bringing on when I listened to this report and realized that today is the 4th and you were talking about yesterday No. 3rd. One was a person who had given accurate election predictions. Was this session taped by any chance and how can I find it? Thank you very much!
Adrienne 🌈🌴🌺
Well, it seems to me that no preventive measures were in place, or if they were, they were ineffective. Do the patriots really have control? I fear we are indeed witnessing the birth of a new nation…… a communist one at that. This election now appears to be the sum of all fears come true.
Well, the landslide didn’t work out. Once again, let down by Americans. Same as when O was elected. This will end up in the SCOTUS. With the corrupt chief justice, I’m not feeling all warm and fuzzy about this.
Another bullshit report. What happened to “Trust the Plan”? This (stolen) election is the result of Trump and his poor AG’s not indicting the criminals YEARS AGO. No accountability for breaking laws has led us to this crooked election. This was Trump’s election to lose, and his not playing hardball with his criminal political enemies, has caused the loss to happen. What a shame.
So…..now what?
I thought the elections were safe.What happened,
This site is apain to work i dont have computor this is a ps 4 i hate the Internet and cell phoes you are all caught in the web with your cell number being sized up For organs n blood to these blood line pedophilic inbreds who are the children of satan all they know is rape torture murder lie steel cheat drink babys blood canibalism drink piss eat shit beastiality sick lizards
Wisconsin has more votes recorded than the have registered voters. Can you say FRAUD!!!?
Love, your approach and terrific insight and analysis…sheep no more! Have been, sharing your shows with so ‘many like minded people’ …information warfare! Thank you, for your dedicated work, you will be in the history books along with so many…’true digital warriors’ that love this country! Ty, Paul
800 new cages on Gitmo will not be enough.
Losing confidence in this site because it seems overly optimistic even now when the election results are in a crisis mode. Your presentations credit the patriots and Trump for happenings that are obviously planned by others intent on removing him from office. Trump’s presidency has been sabotaged and he has had to continually defend himself throughout the past 4 years. Things are dire at the moment when it appears we are watching the election being stolen from Trump and yet your message is about a birth of a new nation. It sure doesn’t sound like it’s a future with Trump as our President.
I switched parties from being a democrat for 40 years to a Republican because of Trump. Have been disgusted by most Republicans cowering in corner refusing to speak out against the violence and destruction of Antifa & BLM. Trump has not only had to fight the foreign enemies but global elites, mass media, Hollywood, corporate & computer tech giants, corrupt/unethical employees in almost every US government agency but his own party’s establishment “Never Trumpers.” Their jealousy and hateful attacks are so upsetting to most Americans who love our country.
Organized crime seems to be in charge of almost every facet of life. Not a single person who spied on & plotted against Trump have been arrested and held accountable. Maybe there’s always been this much corruption and I was just naively hopeful believing good wins over evil, truth over lies, honesty over corruption. Most people I know are at a low point watching the injustice taking place.
Trump just spoke and even his usual upbeat attitude was missing. Your podcasts have helped keep me going many days but now reality is setting in that they might get away with stealing election from Trump & the American people. For what it’s worth, this is where many of us are in aftermath of dishonest election manipulated by the wealthy & powerful against the will of the people.
Thank you. May God’s will be done!