Bitcoin Ben – The Patriots Countered The [CBDC] Years Ago, It’s Now Coming To Light
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Today’s Guest: Bitcoin Ben
Website: Bitcoin Ben
Rumble channel
Calix Solutions
Ben discusses how everything is about to change. The conversation begins with Ben letting us know the [CB] are trying to make their move but this is not going to work. The patriots countered their agenda many years ago and it is now coming to light. The [DS]/[CB] are trapped in their own agenda and the patriots are bringing them down a path and once the crisis hits the move will begin. The people are learning how to protect their wealth. Russia and other countries already began the process, the US will finish it.
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Getting to be about time for another Bitcoin Ben crash. Gold will kill the Federal Reserve. Not bitcoin.
Dave, maybe you can answer this question that so far no one has been able to answer. The value of bitcoin is based on the dollar, so if, or actually when the dollar crashes what will the bitcoin value then be based on. I would really appreciate it if some could explain. Thank you
Hey Dave, I am on Social Security disability and I cannot afford Bitcoin Ben’s program at $25/month. So, I don’t know what to do. Can you run an episode with him or someone who is in the know, about what is going to happen to us poor suckers on disability when we all go to a digital currency? What will happen to Social Security?