Dave Hayes – Durham Is Not A Shiny Object, Trump Will Make A Move Before 2024
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Today’s Guest: Dave Hayes
Website: http://prayingmedic.com
Dave Hayes has written two books about Q. The Calm Before The Storm and his newest book The Great Awakening. Dave begins discussing how the Supreme Court allowed the legislatures to pass the laws needed to protect the election process. The military will be used to restore order and Trump will make a move before the 2024 elections.
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- ← Ep 2441b – Trump Revealed Part Of The Plan, Hope, The Best Is Yet To Come
Hi Dave, thank you for sending me the X22 Report every day. I send you all my love. Do you know I am 73 years old? You are a very special person Dave. I look forward to listening to you every day. God bless you and your family.
Dang it.
The video has vanished!
Did Rumble pull it or did you?
Trump to make a move before 2024,…we are still waiting for, indictments coming soon, arrests coming soon, military tribunals coming soon, jailing in Gitmo coming soon,…of the treasonous seditious criminals,…that has not even happened yet.
Now we are to believe,…that he will make his move before 2024,…???
What move,…he walked away from the ELECTION STEAL,…and on to the golf course,…he ALREADY has made his move,…abandoning his supporters and leaving us with Biden and Harris.
Wake people up,.. the only people that are not AWAKE is Biden supporters, and they won’t be AWAKE AT ANYTIME!!!.
We simply will be the happiest if we just obey the Tv.
Would you address the fact that Trump is advocating the Vaccine (Biological Operating System)-
Seems that we all know this thing is BAD for you.
Why would Trump say it’s okay? Is there a “Reversal” option??
It needs to be addressed.
At least arrest someone and I volunteered with the expectation that no one would be.
Home rule referendums may take away elections from the demrep mafia
Dave, great interview with Dave (Hayes), as are all of your reports, if Durham issues subpoenas and arrests, to whom does he deliver them to? We all are aware of the total corruption in the “lack of justice department”, so that wouldn’t be a viable option. Can he turn them directly over to the military and who in the military can be trusted?
Thanks, yours is the most informative broadcast out there, keep up the great work!
We don’t have the military, folks.
Thanks for the Comedy Show with Dave Hayes! Laughing my A$$ off here! He said Trump stepped aside basically to show Americans all the fraud….too funny! What fraud? What treason? What crimes? You do know that any of those always result in indictments? Yes? No?…..Trump gave up! He caved! And He did not defend this country against traitors, fraudulent actions, fraudulent stolen election! Both foreign & domestic! Now he talks about 2024! What a sick joke! By 2024 our country will be so screwed up it will take 20 years to fix it! This guy Dave is clueless & nothing more than an internet marketer hawking his books!
by 2024 there will not be a United States of America. The Biden admin will destroy America by 2022. I do respect your daily reporting and will be listening until they shut everything down.
Could someone help me? On Rumble I can listen to the first 5 minutes of a video, then it stops. This does not happen anywhere else, and it always happens on Rumble.
-God – “This is My nation and I will change things according to the time and season”:
-Spring 2021 (MAR 20 – JUNE 19) – Reveal and expose evil things that are hidden. Joy! Setting up for the next election (A second 2020 election/re-election? 2022 election? 2024 election?).
-Summer 2021 (JUNE 20 – SEPT 21) – Hurricanes and tornados. Tumultuous rendering. The earth trembles/shakes. God seems quiet, but is waiting. Uncovering of great evil. Strange July, strange July. Two presidents – one is double minded. Two terror organizations (dark powers) rage, then pierced.
-Fall 2021 (SEPT 22 – DEC 20) – Pandemonium in the White House! (2020 winter – election and human trafficking rescue under the White House), but look to the fall. Many will fall in the fall. Summer tremors so that the fall can do its work in America. Many will fall and many will rise from the dust. In fall, things are shaken and rebuilding happens, release of resources (QFS, NESARA/GESARA?), and Trump is revealed as President – “My chosen David”. Hypnotic November…
-Winter 2021-2022 (DEC 21 – MAR 19) – Christmas! I will make them happy!
Dave… I am very interested in investing in Bitcoin…unfortunately I do not know who to speak to begin the process…who are resources you can recommend. appreciate your help
Thank you for having Dave on the interview! I’ve missed him and Denise! Since my phone is a few years old it’s becoming more obsolete! Things aren’t working as good as before – plus the SWAMP interfering doesn’t help either! I really enjoy both of you together! Iron sharpens iron! Please keep me and my family in your prayers. They’re spraying us like crazy in East Central Alabama! I’ve had sinus infection, with tad of fever off and on for 3 weeks now. Then one of my sisters passed away on 3-21-21. They’re having a memorial for her today. 4- 2-21, Good Friday. I’m unable to go with fever. Thank you for all you do!
Things are getting weird, crime is increasing daily, Democrats are getting more powerful, GOP main Office Holders are getting dumber as we fall further & further behind, because we have no leader but Trump & he is being much to careful about this CABAL AGENDA. So many things are falling through the crack. For Example:
1. Q is incommunicado to me except what comes out on X22 Report, Rumble, Mel K, DrCharlieWard, or Simon Parkes and their broadcasts. Not many Americans know how to get news except MSMBC, CNN, or non cable fake news.
2. The information about the CABAL, 13 RICH FAMILY FRAUD, CHILD ABDUCTION, SEX TRAFICING by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Bill Gates, etc.
3. DOJ is not functioning in last few years. Where is Durum report? What happened to all the Declassified Documents.
4. Why can’t we know more of what is happening behind the seen. Dems are to stupid to follow, but their Marxist policies are being implemented.
5. The Quantum Financial System is suppose to be activated, but how does it affect us, Trump, GOP, Congress. Does anyone know about it. The Nesara, Crypto Currency reset, Gold backed currency, all questions that are just out there without notice, without updates.
6. Are the Rothchild’s, Racefellows, Payseur’s families still in control of everything like the stock market, gold, England.
7. Why has nothing been done about the Italian’s, Vatican, election interference with the election and the Leonardo Satellite been taken care of? What happened to the German servers.
8. What is being done with the Adrenochrome advocates.
9. Is their going to be a re-do of 2021 election without Dominian machines.
I don’t understand what comments are required. I just subscribed to receive these excellent patriot interviews
A lot of us got our we thought the top elite criminals oft times pictured behind bars on more than one alt right site. But since every goal posts gets moved by these sites it must be the impatient audience. I am thinking people are seeing all types of hype today from everywhere.
I pray that Kamala Harris is not the first woman president of the U.S. Lord, may it never be!
From Biden win me no here from Golden jakass
The fraud has already been discovered y Mike Lindell etc.