Ep 2346b – The [DS] House Of Cards Comes Crashing Down,Evidence Shines Light On Fraud
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The [DS]/MSM entire house of cards is beginning to come crashing down. The [e] fraud that is being presented is unprecedented. The states are now ordering signature verifications, Trump and team are analyzing the Dominion voting systems and video has been coming out documenting the fraud.The world is watching and the [DS] system is now being exposed to everyone.
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But is there enough time? Is Dec. 14th a hard date, or can Trump still prevail sometime after that date?
Whatever the case, thanks for all you do!!!
There are no specific dates in the constitution! Just one 1/20/21
Thank you thank you thank you Dave!
Since every rule has change this year due to “the virus”, why cant we change the date for confirmation date?
Dear X22, Dave,
Again great job. I always look so forward to your reports. Please take this not as criticism, but our one form of kickback. They, the bastards are calling *joe biden President elect. They have never called President Trump President, but just Trump. Please if you can, please call President Trump, President every time you call his name. Everyone needs to hear President Trump. He is President. Thanks for letting me voice off.
Philip Clark,
* I never capitalize these people names. I have no respect for them
Enjoyed Ep. 2346b. Would like references to studies you mentioned so I can look it up myself.
Thank you for all your work.
Please keep it up Dave, more great info…
If a mask could work, then companies like 3M, North, Kimberly-Clark, and other mask makers would CERTIFY protection.
The fact that no mask manufacturer will certify a level of protection for their mask is all the evidence you need that masks are a hoax.
If a mask manufacturer were to certify a level of protection, they would monetize it … YUGELY.
Dave, I wonder if the governor and the AT in Georgia have been bribed OR threatened, possibly, physically if they don’t certify the ballot as is. Could this something you can check out? Thanks
How can these state Legislatures not understand that China has purchased Dominion patents and therefore has an open-access to voter tallies which can be manipulated? I am also concerned about the constant chain of custody records that fail to be provided by these legislators. thoughtful observer
Face book will not let me share this posts anymore,
the FTC has law suit going on go to the FTC websites and put your name you re pat of the law suit
FTC is suing FACE BOOK go to FTC Website and add your name because face violated your freedom of speech and blocked your posts you re part of the lawsuit
Thank yoi Dave. I wait every week day for your report. I am 83 yrs young and I thank God for giving us President Trump. I was following Q from the beginning and now I follow your report.
Dave, I believe that in the states where Dominion is used; they have fraudulently elected the officials now in office in those states. Therefore, why wouldn’t these very politicians try and hide the fraudulent activity in the presidential election. The rabbit hole goes much deeper.
Dave, I’d like to be able to read that Florida Health Dept report but it’s too small to read it. Where can I get a copy? Can you send me a link?