Ep 2367b – Election Fraud Exposed, Message Received, They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street
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The [DS]/MSM fell right into the patriots trap. They patriots have been planning this for a long time. The people are now seeing election fraud for the first time and a grand scale. The MSM/SM narrative is falling apart. The constitution is now on deck and the patriots are waiting for the right moment to strike, good will always win in the end. The [DS] players will not be able to walk down the street. The people know who the real enemy is.
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- ← Ep 2367a – The People Now Know Who Destroyed Their Lives Economically
- Jordan Sather – What We Are Witnessing Is The Largest Sting Operation,The [DS] Will Go Down Easy →
Thanks for all
Have a great new year
Hugs from Chile
Thank you for all the updates, news and reports. Have a happy new year.
Quite lawfully and legally after Barack Obama’s trial for TREASON, after he is convicted and sentenced, he must be executed. Make sure miss Guillotine has a sharp blade to kiss him good night.
Many of these Voter Fraud Democrats may be sweating bullets of blood. Do they see (imagine) their own heads rolling on the floor, next to miss Guillotine?
Dear Dave,
Thank you for all the work you have produced and wishing that next calendar year is much bette,r, even though Exodus 12 show us that the new year begins 14 days before Passover in the Spring when fall-planted barley begins to show new green ears. This year NEW YEAR DAY will be 3/13/2021.
At 77 yrs., I look forward to listening to your faily news report to base me of current events and subsequently built upon by many other Patriots as they discuss the importance to our lives in reality, I feel like you are all family. I have not listened to any MSMmedia since 2016.
Dave, happy new year to you as well. Take care, and watch your back😏
Please take the time to watch this video this woman is brilliant.
Dear Dave,
Thank you for all the work you have produced and wishing that next calendar year is much bette,r, even though Exodus 12 show us that the new year begins 14 days before Passover in the Spring when fall-planted barley begins to show new green ears. This year NEW YEAR DAY will be 3/13/2021.
At 77 yrs., I look forward to listening to your daily news report to base me of current events and subsequently built upon by many other Patriots as they discuss the importance to our lives in reality, I feel like you are all family. I have not listened to any MSMmedia since 2016.
May our Father in heaven keep you all safe and the endeavor is successful within His will. Due to financial and physical disability we can’t attend the DC rally butwe will be watching as news is available.
sent with love to you all,
🙏Dave, I enjoy wholeheartedly your daily briefings—they help keep me updated to what’s happening in our rapidly changing world. Your concise yet powerful message provides great ammo against the enemy which means to keep us locked down and without hope. Your voice is one of enlightenment, empowerment, and liberation. Thanks for the Great Reporting!
Scott Miller
Thank you for supporting the people & standing strong.
Ha’oli Makahiki Hou Dave and to all my fellow Patriots!!!
2021 is the year of ACCOUNTABILITY … Hallelujah!!!
Happy New Dave to you and your family!! Do you know if January 6th be broadcasted live?
We love your reports. Keep them coming!
If you are planning to go to DC for Jan. 6, bring your own food, and bring winter camping gear.
The open areas in the Mall area may post no camping, but it is public land and it belongs to us.
Have someone in your party stay in camp at all times. Antifa may try to disrupt, and steal your supplies.
Carry concealed until you have to change that situation.
Better to be fined than dead.
Wish I could be there but I am old and disabled.
My heart will be with you all. God bless.
Have a Very Happy New Year Dave!
I’m looking forward to receiving x22 reports! I love President Trump and want to do whatever I can to support him. He’s my president
Hi Dave…
Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!!
So appreciate your content!! Been following you the past couple years..what a “show” we are experiencing!!
Daily, with your help, the Patriots are able to bring those who ‘could not see’ into focus!!
I do believe God sent us DJT to root out the evil presence in America..
It’s been a long time coming, but soon, America WILL BE GREAT AGAIN!!
Best Regards!!
I pray to God these reports are true
Love it!!!