Ep 2427a – The Economic Trap Has Been Set, [CB] Fiat Exposed
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
Trump and the patriots are using the virus to force Chinese companies to drop investments in American companies. [JB] ready to raise taxes on we the people. Trump cut taxes which made the economy boom, [JB] will do the opposite. UK and Poland stock up on gold. Gold will destroy the Fed.
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- Ep 2427b – How About A Nice Game Of Chess, Next Move Checkmate, The People Will Soon Know The Truth →
Hey Dave
They are using Bitcoin to steel peoples money, That’s why it’s pushed so hard.
Thank you!!!
Dave, you still have not answered my questions. Where, how, do you buy bitcoin. Dont know where or who to trust. I want to move my whole 401k either into bitcoin or gold ira. How can i trust these people???
I have it on good authority that NOTES, not crypto, will be attached to gold when Trump gets things set up. Gold will back the paper notes. This is more secure than having your money run over the internet.
You will see that when financial system is transferred over from the central banks that Trump’s plan is to have NOTES, not crypto, will be backed by gold. That means our paper dollar at that time will hold its value and not be subject to inflation/deflation. It’s value will hold steady and a dollar will be worth a dollar.
Buy gold. It’s simple to do. Go to a well established gold/silver trading company. They have websites, you can check what they sell/buy.
That’s what I did. I’m not savvy enough in computer stuff and I don’t trust electronic stuff either, that’s why I’m not into cryptos. But depends on how people feel at easy with either gold/silver or cryptos.
Either way, precious metals or cryptos, it’s a way to get out the banking system. I did that to save my savings, especially as in the EU (I live in France), they may be tempted to take savings from people’s accounts to bail in the banking system and the euro. I won’t get spoliated by them banks !
Follow Digital Asset News on YouTube and many others. You can learn a lot about buying and investing your money into BTC or Retirement at ITrust.com. Just sign up and follow this guy and few others.
It’s the same message, every single episode. Guess what, EVERYONE SEES EVERYTHING. Soon enough, there won’t even be a country left to save. This is all hopium porn. I feel bad for the false flag victims that will be dead before the gun restrictions pass.
I have it on good authority that NOTES, not crypto, will be attached to gold when Trump gets things set up. Gold will back the paper notes. This is more secure than having your money run over the internet.
What i actually get as a message from all your ‘comments’ or ‘analysis’ of your reporting is that WE, THE PEOPLE are EXPENDABLE (Merriam-Webster: [b] more easily or economically replaced than rescued, salvaged, or protected) merely the prize to be won between two factions which both claim to be the good guys, but the ‘real good guys” wanted so much to drag IT covertly so long AT THE EXPENSE OF WE, THE PEOPLE.
It is horrendous to leave things covertly. LET ME SHARE SOMETHING I’VE NOTICED FOR BEING IN THE KNOW – LIFE IS VERY GOOD, VERY GOOD INDEED. When in the know, it doesn’t matter being in “GOOD OR BAD WEATHER” as you don’t really suffer or in pain for wh you know as you ca weaher it out easily. It is like a construction worker that knows the plan and the one who doesn’t know the plan and is working on the construction site, both with goodwill. AS A FOREMAN (Merriam – Webster [b(1)] : b(1) : a chief and often specially trained worker who works with and usually leads a gang or crew ) or supervisor… that the workers under your care that know the plan as much as you are the ones more spirited and the least to get injured or be collateral damage. When a foreman has to fire a worker, I can assure you no one in the know will be sacrificed before an EXPENDABLE [(sheep) from, WE THE PEOPLE}. As being in the know, it is easier to know where to hide, know where to go for safety, know what to do, where to go, what decision to make, and never deprived financially…
It is not the same OPTICS WHILST in the know, as you feel empowered, resourceful, patient, harness, willing to get the bumps and bruises of a days work on the construction site: and as a foreman, you notice the ones who know, heals faster and seem stronger, and are the ones willing to die for the cause. WHILST NOT IN THE KNOW, WE are sheep and “normies” that you like it or not… which creates the whole problem to start with that permits the horrible manufacturing of ADRENOCHROME.
IF THE GOAL IS TO AWAKEN IN SUCH THAT THIS PLANET BE LIBERATED FOREVER OF THIS EVIL EVER >>>RESETTING<<more<…) everyone knows (as even the worst of the sheep knows) that it has to be unrooted and create a culture of transparency and truth to create man and woman that are willing to be always vigilant, up to fight to the death against THE SIGHT OF EVIL. YOU HAVE LET THE Republc of the United States of America create spineless people that perish; BECAUSE THEY do not want to receive with love the truth, that they might be saved. A strong delusion remains, as they love now the pleasures of living in lies FOR FAR TOO LONG AS EVERYTHING IS AS FAR TOO LONG, NOW. "Americans" have believed the lie of naming themselves proudly Americans as being the only Americans. America is a CONTINENT… whoever lives on this continent can tell any "Americans" to stuff it as a Mexican or Canadian or a South American. Here is a lesson to THE PLAN. Is MAGA intended to broader than you might have first imagined? To others not living in the United States, is a wonderful question.
The danger has always been the "normies". As much as you will hate to hear it, the Republic of the United States is PROFOUNDLY ENTANGLED WITH Canada as founders of "America" as not forgetting our precious friends of the First Nations". As i written here, the danger of this plan, is in the end, barely anything of the TRUTH shall be available (because it will be too much to the 'normies'' F*** Y** , give me a break.) AND THAT MY FRIEND WILL BE OUR DOWNFALL AS THAT WILL ALLOW THE RESETTING OF THE EVIL IN A NEAR OR FAR FUTURE, BUT INDEED IN A RESETTING AS IT DID BEFORE AND WILL AGAIN.
Everyone has to have the whole truth in summary, then let anyone examine in-depth the parts they want or need to spiritually, OR not… but cannot avoid at all the inevitable WHOLE ENTIRE summary, IN ORDER TO CREATE WE, THE PEOPLE who will ever be on the watch for this to never occur again.
Who AM i? i am a living soul that has lived in the tunnels bred by a GIRL that's been horrifically made pregnant before the 1960's… transported on rails to my end; that has reincarnated in 1963 before the end of JFK as the next wave that will END IT ALL, FOREVER. It has been going for a TOO LONG of a WHILE. TRUMP, you are an individual like me, not my President, nor superior, another living soul as me, both and the same. It has to end, not in 4 years, and made overt right away. THE TRUTH IS NOT A PUNISHMENT, BUT TO A "NORMY" – and they deserve the punishment of The TRUTH, as it is WRONG TO BE A SPINELESS DEEP SHIT LOVING COWARD GIVING A BLIND EYE TO THE SECURITY OF YOUR CHILDREN. IF YOU WANT CHILDREN, YOU HAVE TO BE PREPARED TO DIE FOR THEM.
i will also be only satisfied the day that a new financial system is installed where when you die, all your assets shall be the soul ownership to its immediate descendence. i care less of what the new financial system might forgive and give in anyone's account. WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE?
m. TRUMP, we are not expendable pawns of this chess game if we are not in the know. The danger of a civil war is all about the danger of breeding too many "normies". WHEN THE "NORMIES" get to an acceptable level, WE HAVE TO END IT OVERTLY, QUICKLY AND SWIFTLY. The die hard "normies" deserve to be collateral damage as they are the seed of yet another of our future demise
Corporations dont pay taxes, they raise price to pay taxes. We their customers pay their taxes.