Ep 2492b – [DS] Panic, The AZ Audit Will Be The Gold Standard, Trump Explained The Way Forward
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The [DS] is now panicking. The patriots are moving forward with the audits and it is spreading to other states. Hunter’s laptop points to [JB]. Obama says everyone is one place pushing the [DS] agenda. Fauci is on the hot seat. The protest on Jan 6 is falling apart as more videos emerge. Trump explains the only way forward. The election fraud must be revealed.
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- ← Ep 2492a – [CB] Exposes Playbook For All To See, Event Initiated For Great Reset, Right On Schedule
- Ep 2493a – The [CB] Is Struggling With Their Narrative, Patriots Controlling It All →
No confidence or trust in our government (all departments), all court systems, judges, prosecutors, lawyers/attorneys, un, federal reserve, corporations, big pharma, big tech, mlb, nba, nfl. Nuff said.
Trump didn’t say “I’ll be back in the WH by Aug.” It was Sidney Powell who said she thought there was a chance Thump will be in the WH by Aug.
Ya know Dave, I very much like the way you think. I deduce and evaluate things and come up with a lot of the same suspicions and speculations that you do. I don’t do one tenth as much as you do in research, but of what I do, your work validates my thinking more often than not.
I will say however, that I’m very concerned about the military. It gives lots of signs strongly indicating that it is compromised. Also the Supreme Court. After what the world has seen, why should we believe that they will do the right thing when the election fraud is proven and shown to SCOTUS?
What recourse do we, the citizens of the United States of America have?
I try to sit back and watch the show, but it is very difficult not to loose focus when the deep state reveals itself in another dirty trick like stalling the audit. To me, that judge that granted the stall is compromised.
Mark Kaye is telling people during his radio show that even if fraud is proven, Trump cannot be reinstated because the electoral college votes and was certified. Is this true, Dave?
Dave between 2008 to 2015 a group of doctors who had received noble peace prizes for their work in the medical field called out internationally to the Obama government ie the US government to stop the resumption of the development or H10 swine flu, H10 irrespective of china was developed in the USA
Dear Dave:
I would love to receive your reports sent to my E-Mail address so I would no longer have to watch them on You Tube.
Mickey Monett
Kissimmee, Florida
I’m struggling with everything going on, esp Pres. Trump pushing for Healthcare workers to get the experimental jab. He says everyone should get it. I fear it is dangerous and with Bill Gates and Big Pharms involved, I don’t trust it. Why does Trump trust them?
I’m a nurse and a Naturopathic doctor and think all vaccine are now tainted and do harm. I’m not against vaccines, I only demand safe vaccines.
Thank you for all you do and God bless you and your family.
What is the point of doing these audits? Mainstream media will never speak of them, so the people that believe there was fraud are the ones who don’t listen to mainstream in the first place. None of my neighbors who are Democrats believe there wasn’t any fraud and nothing you can say will change their minds. Trump or the Military is going to have to shut down those channels and broadcast the truth. Something he could have and should have done months ago. Sometimes I feel like us Patriots are being duped and are being fed false hope. I keep praying I’m wrong.
We need to get Biden out of the office of the president and get the real President back in the highest office in the land.
That would be President Trump, the best president we have ever seen!!
Sidney Powell says Trump should simply be reinstated after the audits prove he won.
I agree with Sidney Powell. Trump already won. Once that is proven and states decertify Biden, Trump must be certified. No one wants anew election. Most peopl would be mad and stay home thinking the same cheating would happen again. Many.people are totally discouraged from future voting. A new election does not correct the fraud. Recognizing the legitimate winner and arresting the fraudsters corrects the election..
Sidney Powell statement on video about Trump being reinstated.
1. Fauci will be lucky to SEE the end of this year, never mind counting profits from a “book deal”.
2. There WAS NO “LEAK” from the Wuhan Bio-lab. Planned, deliberate dissemination is not a “leak”.
3. It’s so amusing when you say, ‘these folks committed treason; they’ll be going to jail.’ I’d just add, “briefly, until sentence is carried out.”
“Human kind cannot bear very much reality.” – T.S. Eliot, 4 Quartets
All of nthesse crises began the day we “elected” Biden. Now the rest of us will have to clean up the mess or continue to suffer and tolerate more lies.
Going to jail,…???
No one is going to jail. The proof is in the past,…all the talk of the treasonous seditious criminal behavior of the past 5 years is proof that nothing is going to come of all of the most recent narratives.
PANICKING,….!!!,…???,…there is no PANICKING,…other then the so called Patriots line of propaganda is not being believed any longer,…the Patriots line of,…”the Patriots have set a trap”,…”the Patriots knew the plan”,…is so far fetched that its clearly BULLSHIT.
TRUTH,…???,…we are still waiting on the truth of,…indictments coming soon, arrests coming soon, military tribunals coming soon, jailing in Gitmo coming soon,…which we were led to believe,…but then are told,…the reason we are disappointed,…is because we got our expectations up to high,…its our own fault,.. which is true,.. for BELIEVING in these so called Patriots.
” ….we will never let you down”,…
We won’t be let down,…as long as we don’t believe in the BULLSHIT,…propaganda that is being pumped at us,…agin.
Lol…There was more than enough evidence to expose the cheating on Nov 3rd. By not doing so immediately is a treasonous act. The military could have taken over the airwaves that night and the following days but did nothing. Sounds like more treasonous behavior to me. Sadly, nobody will hang for their deceit. Those in charge would never allow that.
Trust the plan? LOL
The military was always the only way? LOL
You crack me up.
I just listened to a blog from India. They interviewed Dr. Li-Meng Yan. They discussed a Chinese Military Report about the Covid 19 virus being developed and used as a BioWeapon for World War 3. The BioWeapon would be used to paralyze the world economies and paralyze the medical field. “Biological Warfare”. The blog name was “Republic World”. The Covid 19 virus was created to be used for Biological warfare.
Dave, you say we could see an “insurrection” but the DEEP STATE, which will be countered by the military! BUT WHAT IF THE MILITARY IS CONTROLLED BY THE DEEP STATE? WHAT IF THE DEEP STATE IS CONTROLLED BY THE CCP? Do you have ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that the Military is on the side of the people? For all we know the Chinese are ready to send in a million troops which will JOIN FORCES with our military, and essentially SUMMARILY EXECUTE or IMPRISON Well over HALF the US population! WHY is a “red dawn’ scenario out of the question? THE MILITARY HASN’T DONE A DAMN THING so far, SO, why should we trust them?
You also say these “traitors” will be “arrested”? BY WHO? THE DOJ? THE FBI, Anyone in the federal government! Do you really thin the CCP CONTROLLED Federal government OR the CCP controlled Courts are going to “allow” anyone to be arrested? Wake up pal, OUR GOVERNMENT IS NOW CONTROLLED BY A FOREIGN POWER! This “government” doesn’t give a damn WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT! They don’t have to BECAUSE THEY COUNT THE VOTES!
Oh it’s fine to have your little “audits”, go ahead and have your useless Trump rallies , boat parades and “freedom marches”. BUT REALIZE that it is all FUTILE because this government WILL NEVER GIVE BACK POWER! “We the people” that you always talk about WILL HAVE TO FORCE THEM TO GIVE US BACK OUT LIBERTIES! The only way that will happen is by “armed force”! WE ALL KNOW it but are afraid to face reality!
I miss the Trump administration, because Trump is the first POTUS, since JFK, who works for the benefit of the people. Like you say, there is NO pandemic (the flu variant for 2020 was covid19) Unfortunately, people die each year. Heart disease remains the biggest cause of deaths world wide.
I am confident TRUMP will return. He is the duly elected POTUS. Imagine the sigh of relief world wide when the crooked officials are arrested and punished for their crimes against humanity. We know most Politicians LIE all the time. They spin the truth and gaslight the masses, like blaming us for “global warming” climate change” etc. We, the people , are so tired of the hardships placed on our lives, when it could be so different. Trump gave us a taste of economic prosperity, the right to pursue peace and prosperity. I MISS Trump! If anyone can crush the CB, it is Trump and the patriots. Come back soon Trump. May God ( truth) and the LAW be on your side. In the meantime, Dave, you truly pass on hope via your educated and informative Geopolitical perspective. So important to keep moral up because many people are disheartened yet remain confused in their programmed state. What is happening in America will prove the CB crimes for sure. In order to prevent exacerbation of a volatile situation, Patience is necessary, patience is truly a virtue.