Ep 2511b – Fraud Vitiates Everything, Panic, Wait For The Signal, The Heat Is Building
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The [DS] is getting ready to make their move, they are putting the pieces in place for a [FF]. If they cannot stop the voter laws from being changed in GA, they will move to an event. Why are the panicking, fraud vitiates everything. August is approaching and the heat is building, Scavino points to the red line, will it be crossed, wait for the signal, the patriots are luring the [DS] players in.
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If we can be arrested for obstructing justice…why can’t the political players, wealthy puppeteers and the deep state members? They feel they can just do all the obstruction they want and need.
The colonists actually did have better weapons than the British .The Colonists had ”The Kentucky long rifle” An accurate and long range rifle leaving the british musket balls as slow and inaccurate by comparison
Love the X22 Report! Look forward to every time it’s on. I agree with everything your saying Dave! Keep up the good work! I’ve been telling everyone who will listen since biden decided to run for president that his mental declining or whatever is absolutely 100% fake! He only stumbles when the cameras are rolling!
It’s tragic that we have to spend any time at all using logic to explain the validity of voter id. It is blatantly self evident to anyone with a fourth grade education or higher that no one has the right to vote in a country that they are not a citizen of, and that means America. America set the example to all developing nations most of which followed that example, but today we need to use those other nations as reasons why we should have voter id laws. Absolutely staggering what a pitiful transgression of morality and consciousness we as a society have undergone.
We are to believe that counter measures are in place,…IF,…the DS, crosses the RED LINE.
BULLSHIT,…we can’t believe anything that comes from trump,…q,…the so called patriots,…were still waiting on the DEFINITION OF ” SOON “.
What happens if the DS,…doesn’t cross the RED LINE,…what is the RED LINE,..???
Sending all those three letter agencies down to the collapsed high rise could preclude another bigger false flag operation?
I really don’t know geographics and don’t have a map in front of me but, isn’t Mara Lago near there?
Also, extremist and extremism are both three letter agency propaganda words from decades ago designed to stifle those who object to the official narrative.
Also, in consideration of the military’s support of transgenderism, homosexuality, and critical race theory, (Miley) – (or did he do it for optics) are we fooling ourselves when we keep saying “the military is the only way”?
How much of our military is not corrupt at the higher levels? We know the rank and file love Trump.
All of this is leading up to the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of, and then climaxes to Jehovah’s great day Armageddon (Matthew24:21 Revelation 16:14-16). Now is the time to reconcile yourselves to our father and creator Jehovah God Almighty (Psalm83:18 Exodus6:3 Revelation 4:11 John17:3).Jehovah (YHWH) God has promised everlasting life on a paradise earth (a new righteous society of people) for all who obey Him and His son Jesus Christ (John17:3 Psalm37:9-11,29 Matthew5:5 Matthew 7:21).Give your allegiance to Jehovah’s Kingdom (theocratic heavenly government) the one that Jesus told us to pray for, because very soon it’s going to destroy Satan’s system and all who support it! (Matthew 6:10 Daniel 2:44 Revelation 16:14-16) please read the scriptures.
It seems to me that the real bio-weapon released on the USA and other nations is the (19) vaccine. It seems that the vaccine has caused more(real) deaths than (real) covid deaths.
Building collapsing in Florida is probably the result of cheap weak steel from China
Why do they want us all vaccinated?
The DS might be using the access to FL as can opportunity to introduce the new covid variant to the maskless rebels.
I love your podcast and listen to them all. Thank you, Dave!!🇺🇸❤️
Biden’s EGO will surely bring him down. He crossed his own red line with his thinly veiled threat toward the ordinary American people. He has gotten away with his obnoxious behaviour for 40 years far too long. He is corrupt to the core now. He is a criminal.
DS is going to assassinate Biden blame it on a Q supporter that’s the faults flag .
I am sure the false flag thing will actually be a more deadly strain of the covid virus, one that contains added goodies that will cause even greater deaths. If not another virus release, something that relates to the vaccines that people have already had triggered by an incubation period or something similar. There is also the fact that the use of the space canon was ratified…..what is it called the hammer of Thor.
And they may just decide there is an inbound “meteorite” and it is heading for impact on Arizona.
Don’t you have to show an ID to get a vaccination? So Mr. attorney general of the federal government what’s up with that? You don’t have a problem with having to show an ID to get a vaccine or get on an airplane but you have a problem with having a show ID to vote for the highest office in our land?
Greetings from France !
You made me smile when you mentioned a hypothesis : what about thousands of Americans migrating to France and trying to vote in our presidential bid next year in 2022 ?!
Must say that the image was compelling. But you’re right : as a poll worker on election days, I can tell you that voter ID verification is the most important position in a precinct here in France. It happened I refused people because they had no proper ID documents to make sure they are who they are and therefore are legit citizens entitled to vote.
We had local elections last Sunday and have the 2nd round tomorrow. Paper ballots may look archaic but honestly, it is still the best way to avoid fraud. So I encourage the American people to revert to paper ballots. WIth a good organisation at the precinct level, counting can be done in an effective way.
Yet, more and more French people are persuaded now that Macron was elected in 2017 fraudulently. Because when the results are transmitted from the precinct to the higher levels up to the Ministry in charge of elections, there are no more citizens to look this up – and everything can happen, including manipulating data.
And Moron Macron wants to reintroduce mailing voting for the next elections in 2022… while it had been banned in France in 1975 because of… fraud !!! Clearly, some never learn.
My prediction would be the deep state will assassinate Kamala and Bido, blame the patriots, install Clitons, start a civil war.
Sorry people.
Thank you, for sticking in here! Even when we were at our lowest hours. (Nov. 4, 2020; Jan. 6, 2021) Thank you for the truth! I so enjoy your words of encouragement and hope! I pray Father God protects you and your family! In Jesus Name!
Now, about winkem – harris; and blinkem – biden. Winkem, she could travel alone on a motorcycle and no one would try to come near her! So could blinkem, for that matter! Unless it was her “friends,” example like the DNC was to Seth Rich. Did you see how many vehicles were with her?
Then about blinkem, he during the second amendment speech, was threatening We The People Of The USA! Have these two baffoons ever read The Constitution and The Bill of Rights? Second amendment was designed for protection AGAINST THEM! I would say there definitely is panic in D.C.! I’m hearing that F B I headquarters in D. C. is boarded up. Also strange things with other places like an agriculture buiding in D. C. The street was totally deserted / no cars on a regular weekday! WHY❓
THANK YOU! Ann from Alabama!
Under Obama, during the period of time when he was firing all the generals (men who suddenly turned into drunks on the way to Russia, I believe there was a General in Japan that was suddenly let go, there were about four of them that just “needed” to be gone) There was a mayor during this time, that was making noises about how a Southern city in the Georgia (?? South/North Carolina??) was in danger of being bombed and coincidentally, at the very same time, there was an earthquake off the coast of USA … speculation was that Obama wanted a huge false flag and had ordered the military to drop a bomb and instead they flew it over the ocean and detonated it past the continental shelf (the earthquake) …
And with all the aerial spraying that they do we really are under bombardment by our government ..
In a country in Africa where people make about $2.00 per day, yes per day have a picture ID to get any services from their government. Many of these people never went to school. So even uneducated people can figure out how to get a picture ID as is necessary for them to live. John MacAfee had an Apt. in that building that came down and thought to contain servers with information that would incriminate Cabal Members working in the US Government. 31 Terr-bites of info.
How in the #ell is Camalalalala Hairass ‘Black’ when both of her parents are NOT! She’s of MIXED race.
Yeah but, if the Biden Admin gives drivers licenses to Illegals then they all can vote anyway.
If people are looking for an indicator of a Red Flag, look no further than what this Russian movie suggests might happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSd96aFAPmQ
We have had a world wide virus and we have be offered a vaccine with virus RNA in it, if the lights go out, head for the bunkers. I have already heard a guy talking about increased solar flare activity which is expected to damage electricity networks if we are not cautious.
We have had talk about alien invasions, and UFO activity.
We have had talk about economic resets.
We have had talk about Tall Whites being in charge of the world governance program, especially in America.
So what gives?
US gov thinks the rebels would wear fatigues, and mass up in open formations to take on the gov so F-15 and gunships will mow them down? Try IED and a bombing campaign along the lines of the IRA in Northern Ireland and Iraq. The IRA had only 500,000 Catholics to draw fighters from in Northern Ireland and they managed to force a draw on Britain. The Democrats and Deep State need to measure twice before they decide to take the US into the abyss. A similar rebellion with 74 million MAGA sympathizers and supporters would be costly for the US.
Hey Man! Keep up the great work brother! You must have had the assholes who rigged the election on your mind when you said “Georgia Cuts” in your last video because it definitely didn’t come out as “Georgia Cuts”!!!!!!! Lol there was an extra letter in there and I believe it was an N!!!!! Thanks good the good laugh today! I needed that and I definitely agree the Denomrats are all Cuts!!! lol
Fellow Patriot, Q follower & Trump Supporter for Life!
The whole world knows that Biden/Harris cheated with a rigged election. We want our President Trump back. Biden/Harris & others need to be arrested for Treason & corruption & executed. Comey, Schiff, Swalwell & others including Obama & Mike his partner & others also need to be locked up or executed. I hate cheaters & people that make stupid decisions that hurt our country.