Ep 2513b – Irregular Warfare, Optics Are Very Important, B2 Bomber No Longer Stealth, Where’s Durham
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The [DS] is panicking, they are readying a [FF] to distract from the election fraud. The fake news is pushing every angle but it is not working. Durham is in the shadows, optics are very important. This is irregular warfare, everything is not what it seems. The clock is ticking down, nothing can stop this, nothing.
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- ← Ep 2513a – People See The Economic Difference, [CB] Begins The Great Reset Completely Exposed
- Max Porterfield – The Transition Out Of Fiat Has Already Begun,[CB] Losing Control Of Precious Metals →
So many people I know are still totally asleep. It’s not working. These people stopped watching TV long ago. Their heads are in the sand. I think they all need to be shocked. All my left friends and right family are sleeping. They don’t care about politics, they just want a quiet life with no BS.
How long do we need to wait for real action? They are awake in Europe. In America only Trump supporters are awake.
We have family in Germany, and no, they are NOT awake. Still SO MANY sheep over there…it’s so sad.
I’m confused u used to say what the ds does best is destroy itself now what they do best is take over the world Barr is corrupt Durham will never see the light of day and I also heard the Arizona audit will b done in August August 2187 just before they released who killed Kennedy go vote but wait the vote is rigged Man U r a bigger liar than cnn
The people will wake up after America is completely gone I predict 3030 like Biden’s jo 3030 campaign
I don’t want to see us get into the trap of believing that all or most or even some of the crooked politicians are to some degree innocent because they were bribed or blackmailed into comitting the political crimes that they have. If they accepted a bribe that led to them doing a treasonous act, or a crime against humanity, then they are guilty, and need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Also, Yes. We are the greatest Country in the world because of we defeated the tyrants who were trying to enslave us just like they had been in Britain for thousands of years, and we shed blood and sacrificed lives to give us our God Given Rights in our constitution. No other Country in the world has done this. And all of Humanity deserves this, and we are the only ones.
thank you. very good analysis. please remember, if there is no FINAL military solution with tribunals [as the entire judicial system is corrupt] the deep state criminals will be LEFT INTACT, and this coup will never end. they have infiltrated EVERY aspect of government, of institutions across the entire land [ie, gov agencies, teachers unions, schools, medicine/doctors, legal, media], and private corporations. this needs to be addressed please. please remember, if all who fight [legally] against the coup simply get arrested and framed by the fbi/doj, then civil war becomes the only option, and trump and the white hat military will be responsible for their dereliction of duty.
Why is it that no one know the proper word? AWAKENED is the proper word. Not “woken up”
People have been AWAKENED.
Or people have awakened.
The persistent Black-white wealth gap is not an accident but rather the result of centuries of federal and state policies that have systematically facilitated the deprivation of Black Americans. From the brutal exploitation of Africans during slavery, to systematic oppression in the Jim Crow South, to today’s institutionalized racism—apparent in disparate access to and outcomes in education, health care, jobs, housing, and criminal justice—government policy has created or maintained hurdles for African Americans who attempt to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.
In 2019, the Center for American Progress invited a number of leading national experts on racism and wealth to join the National Advisory Council on Eliminating the Black-White Wealth Gap2 to make eradicating this racial disparity a pressing policy goal for the next presidential administration and to identify steps necessary to accomplish it. This group engaged in a yearlong discussion guided by the following principles:
Wealth is crucial for households’ economic security, their economic opportunities, their protection against economic crises, and their access to political power.
The large and persistent Black-white wealth gap follows from centuries of policies that have systematically disadvantaged Black Americans’ ability to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.
Successful policies—either singularly or in combination with others—will need to be large in scope to meet the challenge of eliminating the Black-white wealth gap.
Policy interventions must focus on reversing centuries of exploitation and discrimination against Black Americans.
Policies that will ultimately eliminate the wealth disparity need to provide tangible assets and debt relief to Black families.
Eliminating the Black-white wealth gap will need to go beyond just securing more money to African Americans. Policies will also need to ensure that the structures supporting wealth creation deliver equitable outcomes
The persistent Black-white wealth gap is not an accident but rather the result of centuries of federal and state policies that have systematically facilitated the deprivation of Black Americans. From the brutal exploitation of Africans during slavery, to systematic oppression in the Jim Crow South, to today’s institutionalized racism—apparent in disparate access to and outcomes in education, health care, jobs, housing, and criminal justice—government policy has created or maintained hurdles for African Americans who attempt to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.
In 2019, the Center for American Progress invited a number of leading national experts on racism and wealth to join the National Advisory Council on Eliminating the Black-White Wealth Gap2 to make eradicating this racial disparity a pressing policy goal for the next presidential administration and to identify steps necessary to accomplish it. This group engaged in a yearlong discussion guided by the following principles:
Wealth is crucial for households’ economic security, their economic opportunities, their protection against economic crises, and their access to political power.
The large and persistent Black-white wealth gap follows from centuries of policies that have systematically disadvantaged Black Americans’ ability to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.
The persistent Black-white wealth gap is not an accident but rather the result of centuries of federal and state policies that have systematically facilitated the deprivation of Black Americans. From the brutal exploitation of Africans during slavery, to systematic oppression in the Jim Crow South, to today’s institutionalized racism—apparent in disparate access to and outcomes in education, health care, jobs, housing, and criminal justice—government policy has created or maintained hurdles for African Americans who attempt to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.
In 2019, the Center for American Progress invited a number of leading national experts on racism and wealth to join the National Advisory Council on Eliminating the Black-White Wealth Gap2 to make eradicating this racial disparity a pressing policy goal for the next presidential administration and to identify steps necessary to accomplish it. This group engaged in a yearlong discussion guided by the following principles:
Wealth is crucial for households’ economic security, their economic opportunities, their protection against economic crises, and their access to political power.
The large and persistent Black-white wealth gap follows from centuries of policies that have systematically disadvantaged Black Americans’ ability to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.
Gready report tonight, Dave. (Mon, 6-28-21)
Dave you keep saying the people must make the chance during the next election. When and if all the election cheating and fraud is revealed to the American people. Do you really think the American people are going to trust in the election process and vote in 2022? I think exposing all the election fraud will cause millions of Americans to not trust in the election anymore and will cause millions of Americans to not vote in 2022.
Kim Jung un is western educated. He may be a dictator but that fact doesn’t makes him evil. IE: it may be he isn’t evil. consider this with China up his ass and all the generals / key officers are old school. You can be a dictator but if its mono e mono Mike Tyson will successfully kick your ass.
what do I mean? What if Kim’s real intentions are to westernize his country and possibly reunify the Korea’s. Hmmm. Think China is gonna give him a thumbs up? How about any CB? Russia – not sure.
Could Trump be the guy Kim’s been waiting for. No BS and HE KEEPS HIS WORD!
I think your right about war as a cover and China most likely pushing it. Knowing Trump he’s working with Kim to turn that tide. I’m also not so sure Putin isn’t working with him also. don’t know why but something tells me Putin isn’t as bad as we think.
Love Durham flying the B2 😂🤣
RealRawNews.com reports that barr was convicted during military tribunal at Gitmo. I don’t know the authenticity of the report but I haven’t seen barr anywhere on msm. Please, comment on this.
I certainly hope and pray that Durham will come through with the goods, at the right time. Waiting for justice is very difficult, but we must. So glad that President Trump has started rallies again. He is such an encouragement, as you are, Dave! 🇺🇸
In many high schools, “History” is not even taught to the full extent anymore. So any hope of picking up worthwhile info on the Constitution is hampered. Sad.
Love your show! Just wanted to comment on your saying that schools should teach civic responsibility. When I was in school 50 years ago, we had a class in 9th grade – CIVICS. Our class was taught by a WW2 veteran – a Marine. We learned all about our great republic, the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Right and about the differences between types of governments and how our government worked. It was one of my favorite classes, as was the teacher. He made sure we knew what it took to keep this country free! He was on Iwo Jima.
Bring back Civics class for all students so they learn about their government. You can’t love what you don’t know.
Thanks for all you’re doing!
The only problem with all of this, sadly, is that the only people that know what is going on are Trump followers to begin with. Half the people either don’t care what’s going on (and never did), or are so misinformed by mass media that it doesn’t matter. They can’t even see the most bizarre optics if it hit them in the face. They need a HUGE wake-up call. I still don’t know what that can or will eventually be. And even then, they will have no idea…
When you mention all the weapons the DS has, you forgot to mention that for a long time they have had the schools , universities, and libraries.
The propaganda that the PATRIOTS, set a trap for the DS is just not believable. The people have been led to believe so much BULLSHIT, and allegations in the past without any substance, or anything coming out of it all.
All the BULLSHIT,…of,…coming SOON,…coming SOON,…is not just disinformation,…it’s DESPERATION,…that the PATRIOTS, are not being take seriously.
The only panic that is visible is from the patriots,….people have,…though about it,…they are not as gullible as they once was.
The audio on 2513B sounds like cable when it is having digital interference.
Love your videos. I watch everyday.
I’m not so certain that Andy Jackson is a good role model. After all, he tried to eliminate the Electoral College; he threatened to use the military to force states to accept federal taxes (South Carolina and the Nullification Crisis); a stand for centralized authority over states’ rights. He did veto the banking charter renewal; but he helped establish the Democratic Party (specifically as an election-victory-machine). Also, he had the nasty habit of shooting anyone who disagreed with him or calling him out for eloping with a married woman. Not to mention, his handling of the Cherokee.
Oh, by the by; when I was in high school (last century) we did have a required civics class – government – and R. Nixon, then president, gifted all a copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (obviously the DS didn’t like Nixon and took him down; not to defend old RN, he had his flaws, but those ‘campaign workers’ who broke into the Watergate office, were ‘former’ clowns as defined by Q).
Barr… first appointed by a Bush. There’s your first clue, Sherlock! Don’t expect anything good from the corrupt. But this was known… ah, wheels within wheels.
One last comment: beware, certain prosecutors have a nasty habit of making-up laws and charging people with ‘crimes’ or ‘violations’ that don’t exist… always, read the actual statute if in that position (do not count on your lawyer knowing the law, or the judge for that matter).
Greatly enjoy these reports!
Friend in military said they’re preparing for deployment to Cuba in Aug/Sept. Not sure if it’s a false flag operation or just SOP but thought it was worth a mention.
Look at realrawnews.com seems Duram has been striking for awhile. Think about it when is the last time you seen any of these people
yet Bill Barr placed Durham…
You’re so positive. The world is looking UP! God is in charge and He is on the move! Whaaaat a glorious time to be alive. We have to pray against that false flag.
Love love love what you do. Thanks Dave.
Love your show
More people need to hear this
Hey Dave!
Re: 13:00
They ,,the dems.,, they have the “midas” touch,,everything they touch turns to SHIT !
No dice Dave.
I’ve come across at least two reports stating Barr and his wife received $7 million distributed in various bank accounts by a CCP operative to keep their mouths shut.
I also think it’s safe to say that all the “stuff” about waking up the masses is just a cover story to pass the time for the QFS or Global Currency Re-Evaluation rollout along with the full activation and implementation of the Starlink satellite system. The alliance is using the reason of having to show the people as a stall tactic. There’s really no reason to spend any time going through the full charade of various state audits other than to buy the “white hats” time to complete QFS and Starlink rollout.