Ep 2613a – [CB] Is Losing The Trust Of The People, The Economic Truth Is Building
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The [CB] is now in the process of destroying the world economy, this will backfire on them because the people are losing trust in their system and when they present the new system nobody will be on board. The US economy is imploding, the excuses made by the Biden administration is failing. Welcome to the Dark Winter, What comes after Winter ,Spring.
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Page 126 of 253
- ← Ep 2612b – The Dominos Are Beginning To Fall, All Roads Lead To [HRC], Everything Is In Motion
- Ep 2613b – Message Sent & Received, Who Is Commander And Chief Of The Military? →
I think the ‘Private Western Central Bank” is too nice a title for these people ,more like ” Psychopathic Rulers of the World “
JB said he would raise minimum wage to $15/ hr ,, so if Americans are making too much why raise wages? I have cats and cat food seem short in many places, we must get alot of cat food *( pet food ) from other countries. There is not much selection. Many cost are up on everything.