Ep 2638b – Scavino Message Received, They Have It All, It’s Going To Be Biblical
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The [DS] needs to keep the news clogged with other stories, so they are using omicron to keep the world busy as the truth is presented to the people. The [DS] is continuing with their great reset program to depopulate the world and now they are building narrative that people will need another booster. The people are waking up and this plan has failed before it even got started. We were warned that Covid19 was going to become Covid 21 and they are now pushing this. Scavino sends message, they have it all.
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“They will never stop” – that is why it is imperative that these cabalists and deep staters (who have committed treason and crimes against the world’s humanity) must be eliminated from society permanently. Millions will not shed one tear drop if that is accomplished.
D0H ! It’s DICTATE, Dave ! (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTdNSA_CWvc .
Omicron is an anagram of Moronic. They’re taking the piss…
Whoa. WHAT is President Trump doing next February??
If they don’t get everyone vaccinated they can be charged with attacks on humanity, I believe it’s call murder.
Dave, I have sent you messages more than once about this. The Trump, military masterpiece plan is not working. I have heard that taking down the msm is the last step. The main stream media is the problem preventing people from waking up. The lying msm should have been one of the very first steps. Not the last step. There are millions of people who only get their news from the corrupt, lying msm. And Trump and the military are allowing the lying msm to continue to influence the American peoples beliefs about what is truly going on and the bs lies. How does Trump and the military expect to wake up the American people this way? Trump and the military need to take down the lying msm media NOW, not later. The lies and manipulation of the msm is the reason Americans are not waking up to the truth. Remove the lying msm and start revealing the truth to the American people and maybe they will wake up. I have heard Trump say many times that they know it all and have it all. Okay if that is true, then they should be able to arrest and remove all the deep state players from our society and quit playing the fucken games and issuing misinformation. Their plan is not a masterpiece. Remove the fucken lying msm if you want the people to wake up. And start telling the American people the truth about who has been arrested and what sick, evil crimes they are guilty of if they want people to wake the fuck up. This fucken movie shit needs to stop right now. Trump needs to stop the vaccinations that are killing people. Trump needs to stop the mask mandate for school children that are causing children health problems. Trump is standing back in the shadows while all this bs is happening and he isn’t stopping it. I have a real fucken problem with that. If Trump really loves America and the American people, then how can he sit back, watch this shit and not stop Americans from becoming homeless, losing their jobs, allowing people to die and children to get sick and not stop it. I say fuck that.
Planes,military are being flown in from Africa every night for months.monkey werx has monitored flights from there,South America to.this is criminal,insane.right in the middle of the country.these are huge planes.this is happening now again tonight.watch yourself.
Saw a recent comment. Anagram: omicron = moronic. (Ain’t we got fun?)
“Come FEBRUARY”? That a) is news b) seems very specific, and c) still feels very far off.
We hope & wish for the best. MAGA! (Again)
love ya work Dave, green car ….green light? ✌
Tried to find the Collagen you recommended could not locate.
PULITZER PRIZE – Should, esp. lately, be called the “Pull-it-sir” Prize, as in “should be RESCINDED.”
(Posted Comment even better, coming from a Hemingway.)
“Reserved for Green Vehicles” – Great Joke from Dan Scavino! MANY Thanks for posting these items.
Lol! The anagram
of Omicron is Moronic!
Well… COCA COLA corporate tried to turn Americans against each other…VERY BAD IDEA… now the corporate morons at SALVATION ARMY INC. have become political… it is already impacting on the kettle. Less folding money… replaced by notes from the former supporters saying… “We apologize to no one for being people who work, educate, and serve the country and donate to a good cause”. You pretend Army of morons have insulted the base line of the AMERICAN population… you have become as stupid as your master dopey demented “joe Brandon”… what has he promised you, “Our Tax Dollars” ? Look in the mirror and kiss your FREE ride good by ! Maybe Wal-Mart needs cart chasers dressed as “Bell Hops” armed with bells and bad ideas. A real ARMY quote= “YOU HAVE SCREWED THE POOCH”….
I wish the ‘Patriots’ would hurry up. They are the ‘Secular’ war, but an even worse war is the ‘SPIRITUAL’ war. The forces of the DS in collusion with the Antichrist and Antichurch. AB Vigano has said it all but also Mother Mary who has been warning us of OUR time now for the past 400+ years. It is here NOW. (Check out the timeline at Queen of Peace Media.)
The South Africa ban may have to do with Sxtrafficking. Might be a key hide out for Case of Maxwell.
The chef of the world doctor´s association Mr.Montgomery said here in Germany that the new variant is as dangerous as EBOLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT……
Greetings from Germany!
Take all of the ds out to boarder and put a bullet in their head and hang them all at boarder wall and be done with them all
And why am I the only person replying??? Don’t other people listen to you??
Reading today that Comby,s daughter is prosecutor on G. Maxwell case,trial made me sick plus reading they don’t want Mike Lindel to talk about stolen election.
Then still seeing ad’s to get vaccinated with a vaccine that is dangerous Having friends say that they have had 3 shots and no problems. Well people stop and think
a little bit. They can’t have a massive die off that would expose the plan. In my opinion the ones that are kill shots are sprinkled in, so there,s no pattern to trace.
I would like to see a “fast for justice “ called from Stew Peters or anyone with a large platform that can or will rally the Christians and the patriots together. Pray and fast and I will hear your voice