Ep 2645b – What Advantages Might Exist When You Know The Other Sides Playbook?
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What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook? How do you expose the [DS]/Big Pharma and remove the pandemic at the same time. How do you expose election fraud, treason and crimes against humanity and then return if there is a pandemic, what must the patriots do, remove the pandemic? The [DS] is panicking they are realizing that the people are no longer controlled by their narrative and the people are talking amongst themselves. Time is ticking down, the [DS] knows this, time to take everything to the next level and create FF. Countermeasures in place.
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If someone gets an flu shot, they get the flu shot for the seasonal strain; they don’t have to get shot for previous year’s strains.
Ep 2645b – What Advantages Might Exist When You Know The Other Sides Playbook?
Hey Dave, your video “cuts off at 44:41 no sound–same picture till the end
Here’s some info for you blessings
Download the PowerPoint, Before and After Blood Treatment HERE or on her website
Download the PowerPoint, Before and After Blood Treatment HERE (on Stew t v)
Devin Nunes Resigning From Congress To Become CEO Of Trump’s New Media Business
Wikileaks Releases Moon Landing Cut Scenes in Nevada Desert https://www.bitchute.com/video/m7UgUBADy0Ei/
Hey Dave!
Hope you are well and healthy!
The look of sheer terror and being completely overwhelmed,,That would be scranton joe,,,he`s FUCKED,,,and he KNOWS it,,,he may be a two bit hood but ,, he knows!! LMAO!!!
Why is President Trump still advocating the vaccines and not recognizing the adverse affects? Your listeners are wondering why he’s not addressing this beyond the Operation Warp Speed, which was good but the more we see how dangerous the vaccines are, the President is still making it sound like it’s the thing to do. Not a good look.
Can we have a fair election with Biden dumping thousands, if not millions, of illegal parasites, I mean aliens, in red states?
Pelosi knew about the election fraud. She said she felt Trump would have to be dragged out of the Whitehouse.
Dave, what really needs to happen is the Vaxed need to be Quarantined because they are Diseased! They are a real problem to all us Un Vaxed!
Dave, your enthusiasm and dedication to Truth is a Godsend! Thank You for all your research; your message of constant hope has been, and remains, a beacon and my strong tower throughout the extreme devastation beginning in earnest with the stolen & illegal power grab.
Yes, we ride it out – praying every hour for each & every single one to, at last, make their final decision – which will enable the Almighty to bring about the Judgement that will finally end the rebels’ false regime – opening up the way for the universal righteousness to pour into this world!
Lift up your heads, you everlasting gates;
And be ye lifted up! And the king of glory shall enter in. Psalms 24:7
Fighter! And willing to learn, too
“PLEASE” stop using the term “nothing burger”… It is a mainstream media made up word… It is also idiotic, and the word “burger” offers no representational or metaphoric value in the meaning… It’s dumb, and I get irritated every time you say it… Please stop… Love the show…
My friend said he called the Red Cross, and they DO accept blood from the vaxxed. Please confirm.
Dave LOVE your Episodes and listen FAITHFULY always. Just a funny for you and it may not set well with everyone. If you HAVE to delete, I understand. On this Episode at the end when you stated that TRUMP and the MILITARY are ready to bring everything done, I AGREE with completely with the exception of the AIR FORCE. Unfortunately, I have had the misfortune to watch their daily activities for 6 years as I am right in the flight paths of the fighter jets, chemical jets, and planes not occupied, but controlled from a monitor on the ground by a person. The only thing the Air Force is ready to bring down is their PANTS!!! We, the American people are paying for the STALKING of women on the ground daily just about every minute these boys are flying. I have watched this and have been fighting with this base, at the HIGHEST LEVELS for years with nothing being done. I can only speak for this TRAINING BASE in Arizona, but pretty sure it is Nationwide. The Enlistees are off the charts since the word is out to all young men what they do most days once allowed in the air….