Ep 2734b – Trump Sues [HRC] & The [DS], How Do You Introduce Evidence Legally, Define Treason
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The [DS] is trapped in their own narrative, each time they make a move the patriots counter it and expose the agenda. Trump is now suing [HRC] and the [DS] players. They are now panicking. How do you introduce evidence legally, define treason. The [DS] players are trying to start WWIII, but this will fail the patriots are in control and will counter the [DS] plan. The push into a new world order is not happening, the push into a peoples controlled country is actually happening.
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Page 149 of 248
- ← Ep 2734a – Globalization Is Ending, The [CB] Will Follow, Trump Was Right Again
- Flynn/Clark – Arrogance & Selfishness Will Be The Downfall Of The [DS], Patriots Are Winning →
Are they panicking or do they think they are in control. can’t be both.
Look forward to your information daily. Thank you
Notice who Pres. Trump is pointing to in the “FISAGATE” movie poster.
I’ve never taken ANY kind of medicine, not even aspirin. I’m 72 years old and very healthy.People are foolish to ingest drugs.
Invariably truth will win,sadly even “WE THE PEOPLE” will be forced to suffer, albeit short term, while all the criminals are brought to justice.
Here in the U S of A ,our Constitution requires justice.It is happening and those who have committed the most aggregus
Dave, every show now is better than the last one. You killed it today!! Brilliant!! I am enjoying the hell out of this now😁❤️ Thank you for breaking all this down, because the DS traitor’s level of deception and depravity is mind boggling.
How can 500,000 refugees be put back in the bottle?
Thanks for you great reports. Please say “Iraq invasion” instead of “Iraq war”.
There should be a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of US Citizens against Obama, Biden, Rice, Brennan, Clapper, Mueller, Wissman, Hillary Clinton, Schiff etc for not making public statement that the Russia claim against Trump was a concocted political attack; they should be sued for costs of investigations paid by taxpayers and restitution for citizens legal cost of defense. These people swear an oath to protect and defend but allowed lies to continue with full intent to destruct a presidency.
Republicans if in control after midterm should pass a law that any public official such as Schiff who claims there is proof of actions and does not provide proof of claims it should be publically declared that the person has provided no evidence of their claim. NO ONE should be able to hold a position on a classified committee and lie to the public and not be accountable because of classified information that cannot be released, they work for the people they can not be allowed to manipulate release of information
You can also bring out evidence legally, in a court of law AFTER the arrests are made.
Bro, why didnt you show links to the dia report and retired AF officer
Thank you, Dave, for all of your hard work.
My friend and I have been looking into all of this since 1999. John F. Kennedy Jr.’s plane crash never set well with me and neither did many other events.
We published our first books in 2013 and have been continuing our quest for the truth. Finding the X22 report was HUGE for us! You make it so easy to understand these confusing times and have given us confirmation on many things that we have concluded.
I have been listening to all of your reports. I want to believe that this will all get better, however, I don’t see the information getting out as you say it is? I am a healthcare professional that was in the Pharmaceutical Industry for almost 20 years. I am not an anti-Vaxer but do not want the Covid shot & don’t trust it. I know how big Pharma works! I am still seeing this being pushed & people not admitting that it isn’t working! So many vaccinated are still getting sick & transmitting it! Why isn’t the fake news reporting this yet?! It’s been months of seeing this! I am getting discouraged.
We are watching a movie anytime you watch the news, anyone of them.
trump going to put everything back the way it was before biden,….BULLSHIT,…there won’t be a country left,…the invasion from Mexico,…and all the refugees that are coming in,…are overwhelming the country,…we are supposed to believe that this can all be reversed,…from a guy that walked away from the election STEAL without a fight,…and handed the country over to biden and harris,…for them to do what they are doing,…we have learned from the past,…that trump and the patriots are LIARS,…indictments coming SOON, arrests coming SOON military tribunals coming SOON, jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…trust the plan,…but they never said what the plan is to support,…WHY,…because there never was a plan,…patriots are in control,…they are in control of nothing,…but the excuses, and propaganda that they are trying to sell to the supporters that trump walked away from and abandoned.
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Your reports are fantastic, please let us know if Podbean reports are legit because they seem different to the ones found here. Please reply
Define war: war is the attacking of one country party or group against Another. America has been at open war since the democrats decide to open the doors to Islam and Obama was pushed on us by the Muslim nations. It was a silent war at first just destroying our history, Constitution and allegiance and our government, to our country and flag. When Trump stepped in to stop the decay of America and was president. Trump did and excellent job putting a stop to Islam. The democrat then because they were losing went total Islam and world communist led by China. America saw the Advancement of communism by the democrat party and open war fare on our streets. people were killed injured and destroyed. By the way riots are nothing more than open warfare against the people. The democrat by doing that declared physically and verbally an open declaration of revolution from the democrats. they financed and backed the terrorist Armies of Antifa( known world terrorist) and Black lives Mater another world terrorist group. The fraud election is another declaration of war it isn’t just another coup. so that is how I explain war be it silent or physical. Treason is supporting the enemy of the people as the democrat party has been doing for years.