Ep 2773b – Trump & The Patriots Built A Weapon & They Are Ready To Unleash It, MAGA King Returns
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The [DS] is now scrambling, the plan has been accelerated, the people are seeing everything play out. Irrefutable election fraud evidence has been released and the [DS] apparatus is in shambles. Trump and the patriots built the most powerful weapon and they are ready to unleash it against the [DS]. [JB] helps Trump and calls him the MAGA King so Trump uses this to his benefit. The MAGA king is about to return. Game Over.
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- ← Ep 2773a – Watch The Corrupt Politicians Actions, Trump Calls Out Biden, It’s Over
- A Conversation with True the Vote Founder: Catherine Engelbrecht →
Now that we’ve all seen 2000 Mules from the ground level, let’s look at it from 40,000 feet. Let’s discuss how this piece fits into the overall puzzle, and how it is directly associated with C19 and Putin attacking the 30+ US biolabs in Ukraine.
What made this method of voter fraud possible? MAIL-IN VOTING. As a result of media generated fear over C19. We all remember the Dems foaming at the mouth over Trump’s pushback on mail-in voting. The only way their plan works, is if the Dems were able to abuse emergency powers to install mail-in voting, in the event of an emergency. So what did they do to ensure they won the election? They created an emergency.
As we all saw in my thread on the FOIA emails, the world’s top virologists, biologists and immunologists concluded that C19 was created in a lab. A lab that was run by the US NIH. And all of this was covered up by left-wing political bureaucrats Fauci and Collins.
So a leftist run agency in the US Government was circumventing congressional oversight to modify pathogens in foreign countries. One of these pathogens “got out”, which enabled the democrats to abuse emergency powers to implement mass mail-in voting, which allowed for them to subvert elections with the methods outlined in 2000 Mules.
Now does it make sense as to why Biden/Obama/DNC, using Hunter Biden as a proxy, via Rosemont Seneca, funneled US DoD money to Hunter Biden’s bio company Metabiota and other Biolabs in Ukraine? The DNC and globalists are all directly involved in biological gain of function research on pathogens. And the result of one getting out just so happened to benefit the DNC and Globalists on all fronts. And they just so happen to have a nationwide network of ballot harvesting and trafficking mules at the ready, in liberal cities, in key swing states. And the plan solely relies on mass mail-in voting in order to carry out.
Now does it make sense as to why Putin is attacking US biological facilities near his border? And why China, Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico and Gabon all voted at the UN Security Council, that the US biological network needs to be investigated…
This is why the media and the Dems are so worried about Ukraine. This is why the fact checkers and the left-wing media machine are still denying the existence of US labs in Ukraine at all. This is why the Dems wanted to send US troops to Ukraine to defend these labs. Because their bio capabilities are what allows them to retain power over the People. Stealing elections, implementing a police state, force vaccinating, censorship of political dissent under the guise of public health. C19 gave them the power to do whatever they wanted.
Did the DNC have another “variant” planned for release before the midterms so they could do it again? Did Putin know about it? Is that one of the reasons Russia targeted and attacked our Biolabs? Is that why Victoria Nuland and the rest of the DNC are terrified of their “research” falling into Russia’s hands?
Soon, they will start pushing for mass mail in voting again for the midterms. Watch. It’s their only way.
The Timeline:
-Hunter Biden funnels US DoD money to foreign biological facilities to modify pathogens
-A modified pathogen “escapes” a lab in a foreign country, which results in a global shutdown
-This “pandemic” results in the emergency implementation of mail-in voting by the DNC
-Mail-in voting opens the door for the DNC to utilize the methods outlined in 2000 Mules to commit mass voter fraud in swing states.
-Joe Biden “wins” election
The DNC created a biological weapon to win an election.
same scenario and words every fucking night!! my God this guy is milking us for money everyday….its so fucking hard to listen to the same wording and sentence structure every night…Dave, get a fucking life! Sat something new!! They are panicking…WTF….? you are a broken record Dave
Almost no one i know is awake and i live near DC.
It’s worse than anyone can imagine because we have been taught by the media and academia that nothing like this could ever have happened in our Country. So, It can’t possibly be happening now. It is horrifying to grapple with the implications of all this. Too bad the scum that controlled the media and academia and their supporters in Washington back in the 1950’s were able to convince Americans that Joe McCarthy was a crackpot, rather than believe him. He was absolutely right, and it has only gotten worse since then.
Why am I banded from comments on X22
Aloha Dave,
If you find time, maybe check out Prescott Bush and his real name; and his military service with the nazis?!! Another interesting tidbit is about curious George hw Bush and his cleptomania/theivery concerning Nicola teslas’ files/experiments!?? These people were traitors/infiltrators determined to create the new world order; and I believe have been working for the elders of Zion and implementing their protocols!!? The fact that they are bonesmen of skull and bones brotherhood of death is enough to condemn their family forever!!!
Aloha oi,
No more Rumble connection un Vietnam
Why stop with abortion only up to the time of birth? We need to legalize abortion at any time in the human life cycle. Call it “post-birth abortion”. God and the Devil BOTH know that this is necessary and ALREADY enshrined in the Constitution. WHAT? YES! Humans, Tyrants (and Devils) who seek to destroy the Constitution, American Exceptionalism and the Personal Dignity & Freedom of other humans, as that enshrined in that document, may already be (and in my view SHOULD be) TERMINATED, quite legally, by those who would be harmed, should their Tyranny succeed. “Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense.” MAGA!
Re: MUSK’S supposed “Late Disclosure” (20:47~) of acquiring his Twitter stake:
When Do The Feds Plan To Investigate The DS (Deep Shit) State’s UNIVERSAL Late Disclosure Of Their Unauthorized Takeover Of The Government, The Education System, Big Pharma, The Judicial System, The TV Stations, Newspaper Chains, The Research Industry, Hollywood, Politicians At All Levels And All Major Social Media Platforms & Sites? Why Must Private Citizens Describe the Situation Burdened by Their (DS’s) Strenuous Censoring, In Violation Of The People’s 1st Amendment Rights? [Seems comments here also go into a Black Hole, never to be seen or heard from again. What’s THAT?] How about Security of our persons & effects & the Rule of Law? A LOT of “Late Disclosure” to be Recognized & Rectified. Ah, Men.
Sooooo.. it looks like Portugal will be wiped of the map with all those vaxed people. At least their will be plenty of car spaces at the mall.
love you dude, no homo, k? you should create a shirt with that image on it, with the phrase on it also. the do one for the maga prince, then one for the whole family
ciao bro, notice the first three letters in c_ao?