Ep 2784a – The Economy Is Falling Apart, & There Is Another Ticking Time Bomb
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The economy is heading right into a recession, optics are perfect, the puppet masters will take the fall. While the economy is falling apart, something else is on the horizon, it’s a ticking time bomb, the subsidies for Obamacare end and if congress doesn’t do something people will need to pay double or triple for health insurance. Oil companies are not helping power bitcoin mining.
- ← Bob Kudla- The Economic Crisis Will Bring Down The [CB] System, Watch Alternative Currencies
- Ep 2784b – The [DS] Lost Narrative & Power, Patriots Ready To Move The Next Chess Piece →
Every night you say the same thing.
Dave we love each and every one of the reports you put out. Gives a little hope.
Thanks for all you do 🇺🇸
what happens to retirement accounts once the economy flips to bitcoin?
There is a gigantic paradox with any form of blockchain coin that I would like to point out: Essentially none of the blockchain currencies are backed by anything of value. In addition, almost all of them are pump and dumps. This means the present holders are fully dependent upon you, driving the relative to the dollar appearance up, by way of your purchase. This is the same essence as any ponzi scheme or stock market racket, only it is electronic in nature and can move about very quickly.
In addition, although the end number of coinage is claimed to be finite in a self term-limit sense, there is precisely nothing in place for any issuer of blockchain currency to self inflate and thus devalue by way of the methodology of simply creating any additional quantity they may wish: You hold the bag as they select to water the value down to any amount they so choose as there is positively nothing to stop them beyond a pig in a poke promise not to do so. This is the exact same danger as any currency not backed by species or at least tangible commodity as well as the same problem with all fiat currency worldwide. Therefore the much oversold blockchain currency is speculation at best for the purpose of investment, and a set you up to be crushed situation at worst and guess what: You will obviously have no recourse whatsoever. As ever, the sing song of of “convenience” should be a serious red flag, no pun intended as it is no different than any other magician’s trick where the not shown hand holds the truth.
I inquire as to what happens when your private sourced electronic coin gets outlawed for use in locations desiring to force in their dark version, central bank coin?
When the petro giants switch gears into backing blockchain fiat currency this might be a clue; as their ownership by way of shell corporations, traces right back to Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street. I would think X22 would know all this. Therefore enjoy the good portion of the information and use a great deal of discernment on everything as always and from any source. Gold backed, will be your operative key phrase in this regard as that is the inflation stopper.
The Bit coinages of the world are indeed a fair methodology to keep prying eyes out of one’s financial business. It is indeed a statement of independent thinking. The central bank, quasi-government version positively will not be–as the entire construct in that model will be to establish eyes on every nature of transaction and by way of social credit score, terminate all political opposition, period.