Ep 2789b – Durham Has It All Is Not Just Saying, The Hammer Is About To Fall
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The [DS] thinks they won with Sussman getting off. This is far from the truth, Durham got what he needed, he will be bringing down the hammer on the entire corrupt temple, he is going to bring the whole thing down. Think military strategy. True the Vote presented evidence in AZ, they have much more that is going to lead directly to the ring leaders.
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- ← Ep 2789a – Right On Schedule, [JB] Blames The Fed For Inflation, Trap Set
- Verdict: Sussmann Not Guilty; Attack and Remove Pawns first? →
Really, no one gets prosecuted and something is about to happen. We are told that we need to see the fall of America SO we will awake from our sleep…. I don’t get it? It seems that this PLAN is to keep us (The Patriots) subdued – THE PLAN.
I hate to be so negative but you keep on moving the goalposts every time you put out a report .I think that Trump has let the Deep State get ahead of him and there’s nothing that he can do. it is completely out of control and we are all screwed. I think they are enough people in America that are awake and see what is going on Trump needs to quit messing around and let the military takeover and get this idiot out of the white house before we lose everything we got.he is doing it because we all voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
Not just California not reporting Bad Students…
Remember Robert Runcie, the Broward County school superintendent created the “Promise Program” he used in his Chicago job to Not Report Student incidents of any kind… including Fights, Threats, Disruptions, Aggressions, even Expulsions to the Law Enforcement agencies and Handle these “Student Issues” internally to prevent a “Contact Record” with Law Enforcement while the students are still minors.
This program was fully embraced by State Attorney General Pam Bondi and Governor Rick Scott who thought not having Students have a “Record” for hijinks was “Brilliant”!
Then comes Parkland. Where we learn the depravities going on in Nikolas Cruz’s mind since middle school where he told school counselors he loved blood, he loved violence, he loved torture and he wanted to KILL EVERYONE AT SCHOOL!! Cruz was in constant trouble in High School, including violence and pulling knives. Was eventually expelled without the possibility to return.
Apparently more than Hijinks!!
Of Course the Program was rescinded and even Runcie arrested for multiple lies to commissions and even Juries during the Shooting trials.
But, by golly, Florida didn’t do it right! California will show the way!
Thank You for all you do. God Bless & Be Safe – from Franklin Owen @ vetparksign.org (.com LLC)
Earth Temp is changed by ocean volcanics.
Without CO2 the plants will starve.
Dave, my main concern about the military is along the lines of Trump’s recent post from a day or so ago. In that paragraph, to paraphrase one of the things he said, “Our top military brass is woke” along with the other bad aspects of the status quo in our Country today that he described. I have suspected a significant portion of our top military brass is deeply compromised for a long time now.
We have been hearing about General Miley (chairman of the joint chiefs of staff) and his deep leftists ways, and the fact that that transsexual pig (that they created a special department for) and him have been close friends since high school. So I pray that the patriots behind the scenes are doing something about the black hat brass, just like we are seeing the dominion voting machines being brought to light.
Both issues are absolutely crucial, and now I wonder about the news about AG Bronovich, if he timed this supposed request for the Maracopa fraud information
Anyway, Thanks Dude.
Question, if the army is in charge why is JB being allowed to send long range missle launchers to the Ukraine capable of striking Russia and provoking Putin into striking the USA with a nuclear weapon, this should concern every American.
Climate change is: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It always has been and always will be.
There’s always a ,…” …the hammer is about to fall,…” and it never happens. People have realized that this is nothing more than political posturing and propaganda,…with which side has the BIGGEST GOTCHA MOMENT. We were told,…years ago,..” if you want to see indictments and arrests,…elect trump,..” we have been told,…indictments coming soon, arrests coming soon, jailing in Gitmo coming soon, etc,…the patriots have it all,…and nothing happens. People just don’t believe in all the BS,and recognize it for what it is BS. Now its if you want to see a arrests elect Republicans in the mid terms,…Obviously political posturing and propaganda. This is all going to back fire on trump and the so called patriots,…at the mid terms, as no better then the demon rats.
the goverment has been controlling the weather with chemtrails and harp for years .look to the skys it’s not normal
David the quote by post : SunQTzu ” GHOSTS in the Machine ” is a reference to a video by the Whitehat good guys ( their HASH’tag # Darkness Falls ) accompanied with, posted with link from the 1’st Special Forces Command on Telegram on May 5’th 2022.
GHOSTS in the Machine is military WHITE HAT good guys + Digital Patriots.
i wish I had some of the potion you must be on. The DS is driving the country into the ground, even 95% of the Republicans seem complicit, the good guys are increasingly invisible and squelched, inflation surges on, the medical community continues to promote the jabs, the military is obviously now a dem enforcement squad, and on and on and on. your spin about Durham is creative but laughable. He has it all EXCEPT the courage and competence to win. True the vote proved fraud but NO action has been taken. As icing on the cake, Rush’s show is now hosted by conservative imposters without depth or compelling opinions. unless people become very active with massive protests, and literally throw the bums out, America will soon be defeated, after throwing away billions on Ukraine. At this point your positive narrative is more harmful than helpful.
Does ANYONE out there have ANY PROOF whatsoever that the military will “defend” the constitution? Is there ANY PROOF that the military will fight iF the CCP OR the UN decide to “occupy” America? Is there ANY proof that the military will refuse to obey “orders” to confiscate guns, and inprison execute “dissenters”? From what I CAN SEE, the military is under the TOTAL CONTROL of the president! BIDEN has total CONTROL of the military, they MUST follow ALL his “orders” even if they are illegal and unconstitutional! How in the hell can you expect any help from the military? Biden can simply “declare” marshal law, and THEN CANCEL ALL ELECTIONS, and even DISSOLVE CONGRESS! From what I’m hearing the military will go along with whatever Biden does!
Dave: I love your podcasts, and I believe your over the target on everything, However, You need to slow down and read more carefully. In yesterdays podcast # 2789b near the end you showed a conversation between SunQTsu and MAGATISM_369 where MAGATISM_369 clearly says ” I do think the military will step in…yada, yada”. You said ” I do (not) think the military will step in..etc “. I realize you inserting the word “not” was a slip of the tongue, but it completely changes the context of the sentence/message.
Please be careful. Keep up the good work. WWG1WGA. 🙂
I love your uplifting reports I look forward to them and listen to all the important information you offer. You keep me encouraged to a brighter future! Thank you so much for being a great American who truly cares and pushes the truth out there, I share with all who need to be awakened, so many are still sound asleep…
God bless, Kathryn
Hunter Biden lawyers missed a great opportunity to blame the police for “adding” porn sites and other information to the computer while it was under their control …
So the Complainant in the case (Government/Durham) will have to have a computer expert testify when the information was down loaded in order to clear the muddy water …
With the games that Biden is playing it would be very wise to have that expert in the court to testify for the truth of the matter because the Biden lawyer will continue to throw mud against the wall until something sticks – – A computer expert will make that wall teflon ….