Ep 2843b – Optics Are Important, War-Like Posture Activated? Key Unlocks The Door Of All Doors (Info)
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The [DS]’s narrative, agenda, infiltration is collapsing on them. The patriots are taking it all back. The Senate is the key, not a paper Senate but a patriots senate. Trump and the patriots have now taken a war like posture. The people see how powerful they can be and how they can override the cheating system. The people are the stone, military intelligence is the key.
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- ← Ep 2843a – The Economic Narrative Is Going To Collapse Around The [DS]/[CB], Tick Tock
- Peter Navarro – Decertification Is Possible,History Will Show The [DS] Cheated In The Election →
So let me understand this.We the people know of entities,just for the sake of argument.,like Soro,s the Cabul and others that have been known to be infiltrating our country are Givin a free pass to disrupt our way of life with no repercussions at all for the sake of power and money.
If the “white hat patriots are in charge” they should have stopped this destruction long ago. Why are they letting them destroy the US military with these toxic “jabs” which will kill very many of them, if their careers are not destroyed for not taking it? We are suffering under all this patriot “allowed destruction” and much of it is irreversible.
What was there to have prevented ‘China Joe’ from giving the CCP top US military secrets on day one of his presidency? Treacherous, insubordinate, “woke” Milley and his transgender crew?
We must change the minds of the medical community. They are the most brainwashed people on the planet right now. I cannot speak for the educational community, but I imagine they are just as bad.
What is going on with Pelosi? Flying around to other countries, trying to look presidential or like a VP? Where is Kamala? Joe getting sick again and again. Isn’t there a post from Q that says, “Watch Pelosi.” Looks like they are going to try and pull something.
If war breaks out, or chaos, could they use that to hold onto power? It seems they’re setting up for that, with China’s help. Biden did have a 2 hr phone call with Xi, the details of which were not released. And we now have a foreign army flooding across our southern border as well.
Don’t de-certify the election. Let it stand. Then after the Conservatives take over the two houses, Biden can be left to twist impotently in the wind for the next two years as the inept poster child for the Democrat Party. Then a Trump-DeSantis 2024 ticket followed by two terms of a DeSantis presidency. It will be glorious!
Dave ~ I leaned tonight you have been slamming and bashing Phil Godlewski. I really pray this isn’t you and may be someone acting as you. However, until it is cleared up, I will never listen to you again.
D Western ~ A Patriot that won’t stand for dirty games against other Patriots
The narrative has been warehouses full of the vaccine/booster…we were told those vaccines were to be kept at a very cold temperature. I guess that was phony/fake/false once again.
Yeah, “it can all be reversed”.
What a sad, sick, grifter.
The Pied Piper has no clothes.
DC and New York can’t get away with treating immigrants like they treat Americans,they’ll actually have to use some of the millions they stole and take care of these ppl,they are a sanctuary city even if they hate to admit it!