Ep 2903b – Trump Confirms The Path Forward,Much Has Been Exposed,More Than Anyone Thought Possible
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Durham is doing exactly what he needs to do to bring down the top level criminals. The [DS] knows that more information is going to be coming out this winter, they are already planning to shutdown communications. Trump confirms that so much has been exposed, more than any could have imagined. The path is set, Durham is going for [HRC] and the [DS] is panicking, they don’t want the Durham report to come out, they are trying to control it all but this will fail.
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- ← Ep 2903a – [D]s Economic Cover Story Plan Exposed, No Place To Hide
- Dr. Ladapo – CDC Did Not Attack The Study, They Attacked The Recommendation, Collusion →
Keep pushing it down the road Dave. This winter….. Blah Blah Blah Red October 3.0 is another bust. But you’re making tour money. You would like this shit to last forever.
Dave, you need to leave Bitchute. They are blocking many people from liking and commenting.
Wonder if the fact that Durham had quit the FBI a whole back is going to circle back to something?
They are past the point of caring what ANY one thinks. They are moving forward with the steal.
Prepare for WAR!
Look into the fact that the food in schools is absolutely toxic. It’s being revealed by those concerned.
GB, UK, EU all suffering potential energy loss and freezes and blackouts.
Was watching a MotoVlogger from Austria pointing out that she can’t buy gas at most Autobahn plazas and when its found its almost double the price.
Then she said what really hits home. She said throughout Europe and UK, Firewood is the New Toilet Paper! Can’t find it because it’s being hoarded. Can’t produce it, because the crazy environmentalist and governments have passed logging and tree falling restrictions.
Then… she points out that the EU and UK led by Liz Truss, Schmidt, and Macron just met with NATO and collectively promised its continued support of Ukraine and approved another multi-billion Euro spend package… despite massive economic and hardships throughout Europe and the UK.
Coming to a Joe Biden speech near you!
Please repeat how we find you if systems go down. Thank you. And, thank you for being such an encouraging beacon of light. (I am sure at no small cost to you on every level.) blessings.
I have a crank radio that hopefully will work.
Seems like Dechenko was going to be the big dam buster just a few days ago. Just like every other big red October. I have heard this for the last 6 years. Good things the patriots are in control, other wise I heard a lot of BS for the last years that always changed as the forecast failed time and again. I remember warning Patriot Soapbox not to trust Barr, who orchestrated Ruby Ridge and Waco…They also treated me like a hater of Q. I was right. Barr is an idiot and I seemed to remember trust Wray and trust Sessions and trust everyone till they all turned out to be full of Biden. Ever hear of the boy who cried wolf?
The American people should not have all this squabbling among the politicians pushed upon us. We have lives to live and important things to do. We don’t have time to put up with such political squabbling and it’s not fair that politicians should push this upon us. Let them get a life or GET OUT of our country We’ve had it with these little bastards. We need government officials who have the citizens’ interests in mind and not always trying to screw us and get our attention. We don’t have time to babysit them.
So, has all of this already happened years ago??? How can anyone know what would happen in 2011 in the year 2022??? Or 2017. I try really hard to follow you but when things are read from 2011, my mind goes south. It is like a movie…. Except, I lost my older brother and 2 friends to the hospital “care”.
THE LEFTIES WERE PROBABLY RIGHT – U.S. PARENTS ARE/WILL BECOME SUBVERSIVES & REVOLUTIONARIES – TAKING BACK BASIC EDUCATION of THEIR CHILDREN from the Transgender, Woke, Pedophilic, Brain-addled, Gender-altering, Gender-denying, Egotisical, Self-absorbed PERVERTS NOW APPARENTLY IN CHARGE of SO MUCH of school systems. MAGA! I predict they will step down, leave town or get tarred & feathered & ridden out on a rail (the pervs’d love it!) In short: Hearing the word “NO” is a Revolutionary experience!
What do the normies think this morning?? No conviction AGAIN! Laughing….kidding….making jokes. JUST WHAT THE NORMIES AND EVERYONE NEEDS!! So what Sussman/Danchenko don’t get justice?? What are you going to say when the midterms don’t happen?? What’s the story going to be that morning??
I’m praying that our TRUE President Donald J Trump will be re in stated and he can un do all the damage and harm that Americans and our world has suffered thru. Praise God for the exposure and Americans unite and get these UnGodly Satanic leaders out!!
80 percent of mice died, not humans
Come on, we need to get this kind of stuff right or we lose credibility.
Danchenko wasn’t on trial? You dont know what Durham is doing. He will not even be allowed to present his report! Garland is in control, and he will not honor referrals from a republican congress. Yes Trump has an airtight case but the judges are deep state. Love the program though what you are saying will not come to pass. I gotta admit you had me hoping!
Sometimes I wonder of this is all just a distraction to keep us all thinking we are making progress when behind the scenes they are actually setting up their new corporation. For example… There is info out there stating that a PEACE AGREEMENT WAS ALREADY REACHED ON UKRAINE/RUSSIA ON SEPT 24. All of the oil rich countries and China are all lining up on their own so called gold back money system which DOES NOT INCLUDE U.S. Putin in this same agreement becomes PART of the new GOLD BACKED CABAL, and they get their corridor to run their pipelines, gas lines etc. (Could NESAR/GESAR bue a pile of bullshit and will never happen?? I don’t know!!) In this agreement: A payment goes to the Rothchild Oil cartel of $549 Billion paid by the Int’l Banks, ( OF THE WHITE HATS: Tesla is setting up all the satellites for the new SPACE WARS program and communications network making a fortune, possibly by agreement with the Bidens tid-for-tat. He dropped out of the electric car industry handing his share over to Biden family, and cleaning up in the U.S. SPACE FORCE Industry. So he could be playing us too!! Besos has been cleaning up with his relatives deeply involved in US COMMERCE DEPT, and laughing up his sleeves at all of us! ) In the meantime, Durham could be running interference with his so called investigations and just keeping us all calm… MY QUESTION – WHY DON’T WE JUST GO AFTER THE ROTHCHILD FAMILES, THE SORROS THE JP MORGANS, THE ROCKERFELLERS ET AL — AND EITHER ROUND THEM UP IN GUANTANAMO, OR JUST WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH AND CONFISCATE ALL THEIR HOLDINGS…. It all just seems like a big enigma and pile of bull…. But I stand strong knowing I am born again and will be with the Lord no matter. That handles my eternal life, but my physical existence I have nothing more to lose… I lost it all and will stay the course JUST IN CASE … so GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!