Dr. Ladapo – CDC Did Not Attack The Study, They Attacked The Recommendation, Collusion
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Today’s Guest: Dr. Joseph Ladapo
Book:Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health
Get the book-> https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09YZ2DXB1&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_RG9809SEP4B8J8WYY66S
Dr Ladapo earned an MD and a PhD in Health Policy from Harvard University; he has served as a professor of medicine at New York University and the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr Joseph A. Ladapo the surgeon general of Florida. Dr. Ladapo begins the conversation with why he decided to the opposite of Fauci and the CDC. Dr. Ladapo came out with a new study that shows males between the ages of 18-39 have heart problems and this age group should not receive the vaccine. Children should not receive the vaccine. At this point people should question the vaccine.
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Plandemic or pandemic when the recovery rate even if you get it is 99+% why would you get the shot? Now the side effects are killing tens of thousandsand that will continue for years. Now they are going after your children wanting the shot manditory to attend school s that teach noting of value. Getting any shot now could be your death sentence.
Thank you Dr. Lapado for your most excellent work. You are a TRUE PATRIOT.
It is such a shame that Facebook is so CORRUPT that they will not allow this interview to be posted. I would guess “twiter”, too, since they are bad fruit from the same tree, but I avoid the twits.