Ep 3150b – [BO] Coming Into Focus,Election Rigging Door Opened,War Like Posture Activated,Trap Set:Show Starts At 8:30 PM EST
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[BO] is now coming into focus. Biden is on his way out and the new candidate is going to take his place and all eyes will be on Obama. The election rigging door has been opened. Trump will have the country watching him as he proves election fraud. War like posture has been activated, the trap has been set and the patriots are bringing the [DS] exactly where they want them. Justice will be served
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- ← Ep 3150a – The Climate Fire Narrative Falling Apart, Nations Moving Towards Gold
- Ep 3151a – [CB] Time Is Almost Up, Their System Only Allows Them To Exist The Economy One Way →
Greetings Dave,
Increasingly, I am not able to receive/open your report from my email. So, I go to your official site dot com. Also having a problem with todays report 3150a. Lastly, the volume on b was extremely low even though my computer volume was on the loudest setting. Sorry to give you a negative report after all you consistently good efforts for so many years, yet I thought you might want to be aware of how big tech is interfering with your product.
God Bless,
Notice how big Bidens plastic head is compared to his body.
We see it!!!! Time to end this madness….
I heard the NY Judge is sealing all the documents, so they will try hiding information again just like 1/6 committee. Will they bury the evidence of election interference so it doesn’t get out to the public ever?
March 4th – the original Inauguration date.
Have you interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits? She can explain that COVID was never isolated as a virus.
In God We Trust.
They sealed Obama’s college information too, probably because he claimed foreign status to get a break on costs?
Episode 3159a has been blocked? After only 16 views!
What now?
Gee, Dave. Your first part A won’t come up due to wordpress, whatever. Just so you know; I expect it to be even hotter than B if that is the case.
Great stuff! Thanks again.
President Trump filed Federal Commercial Lien places guilt-burden on Deep State Transfer all cases to CA; Upon wins, request CAL19280
Problem GONE!
Riches beyond your WILDEST dreams?Famous? / INFAMOUS!
Joe Biden, et al iceberg tip:
CA victim, damages / suffering, … CAL 19280!
2004 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! Criminal CFTB BILLED!
1995 CA Law Extreme juvenile criminals adult tried
CPC 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest, per payment,
CPC 1202.040 0 RIGHTs until Paid-In-Full! 0 Parole Departure, …
CRIMINAL CONVICT, juvenile parents $ENSLAVED to victims, CFTB: Crime, gangs cool? K12?
CA gov A SchwartzeNeGGER 19280 law sign; CA AG Kamala Harris?; CA Sen D Feinstein 19280 work?
Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura, NO HELP Hmmm …
Ventura DA Insptr Chris Morkavic 3x THREAT, 4x Insptr 0 HELP,
Police THUGS: Port Hueneme Piggers (3 Jan, 16 Aug 2016 Attempted MURDER, Ag Mayhem, Helmet Cam FELONY TAMPERING, Accident report PERJURY;
Ventura Sheriff Attempted MURDER;
Ventura Court DA Investigation FAILURE;
CA State Auditor WhistleBlower Act 8547 FELONY HARRASSEMENT et al, CAL 19280 MYSTERY
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
When you mentioned Roomers and Podesta brothers in the same thought…
And remember Joe relies heavily on “plausible deniability” when it comes to his family.
As I’ve said for the last 7 years now. Where is Barack Hussein Obama’s White House documents?
@37:57 – – Internet attack … “We can’t have election because it is affecting the voting machines!!”
REALLY???? YOU claimed in the past election that your machines were NOT connected to the internet!!! You claimed that there was security on the machines to prevent hacking!!! Now you are saying that both of those were lies???
This is the argument IF IF IF they try to stop the vote with a cyber attack and it is a strong argument for paper ballots
@42:21 – – STOP SAYING AGE!!!! The DEEP STATE/CRIMINAL CABAL will turn age against Trump …. MENTAL CAPACITY should be the guiding principal
Although it is tempting to use age to get rid of Feinstein, Pelosi, lots of RINOS
@1:07:00 – – Take back this country … The Deep State is not going to relinquish the reins of Government willingly … IF IF IF push comes to shove can we count on seeing these traitors actually jailed and in front of a court (public executions would be nice for these traitors) – –
I love your show.BUT I think you know that Obama’s Mother was a USA Citizen.That automatically makes him a citizen even though he was born in Kenya. X22 you know that I love TRUMP but he knows this. he just wants to rock Obamas boat
We’ve never seen Barrack Obama’s birth certificate, we don’t know anything about his early years, and we’ve never seem a picture of Michael Obama pregnant. They’re just a couple of frauds.
Come on Dave. You & lots of your listeners would have seen Obungo in Kenya
not long after he was arseholed out of the WH. He was in Kenya talking to a group
of Kenyan people & he said. quote: ” I am the first Kenyan born President of the United States” end quote.
PLEEEZE turn down the volume on your intro! I like to listen using a head-set and now simply mute the first 2.5 minutes to get to your message, then turn it on again. Would like to NOT have to do this because sometimes I forget and it’s very painfully LOUD! Thanks for your consideration. I love X-22.
Dave; I am a long time listener to your program and I along with many of your listeners have some questions.
1. Since President Trump is being tried by people that are intent of putting him in prison. Even if he presents rock solid evidence that the Election was stolen, the Grand Jury will still find him guilty.
2, If the Grand Jury finds him guilty and sentences him to prison, what is the Military going to do? The Military is our only hope and I believe that they need to start making mass arrests now instead of waiting around. Charter a plane and send them to GitMo.
3. What are your thoughts of taking President Trump off of Ballot in key states?
4. Please answer these questions on a future broadcast.
URGENT DAVE!! Re. air “TOXIFIERS” – they emit OZONE as a biproduct of ionizing tech that KILLS LUNG TISSUE!!! I know .. because it gave me C.O.P.D. and a stroke and I “proved” it thru’ my lawyer. Simply put – ANYTHING STRONG ENOUGH TO KILL BACTERIA IN THE AIR ALSO KILLS “LUNG TISSUE”.
Those with early stage lung cancer usually have about 4 yrs before they die .. BUT THOSE who got such machines to presumably ELONGATE their lives, died within a few months after breathing in the ozone which SMELLS FRESH and CLEAN .. and unfortunately also HYPERINFLATES THE LUNGS and causes slow DEATH.
I call this AIR TERRORISM. Sadly most like you and Glenn Beck and Dr. Steve Turley all promote what I call death machines .. basically you pay quite a high price to pay the ULTIMATE PRICE to GAS YOURSELF IN YOUR OWN HOME.
There was a CLASS ACTION suit in the USA I wish I could have joined (I’m in Canada). My own doctor told me that at least 5 of her respirology patients got these machines and once they stopped using them, THEIR SYMPTOMS DISAPPEARED.
I’m begging you to NOT SUCCUMB TO GREED from YOUR CUT off of what could be considered the EVIL EQUIVALENT of promoting in-home gas chambers. ANYTHING STRONG ENOUGH TO KILL MICROBES/BACTERIA “also” KILLS LUNG TISSUE!!! A slow but very certain early death.
You’re NOT “THAT” GUY, Dave.
I PRAY you will do your research and NOT PASS A BLIND EYE to this URGENT WARNING. I love your summaries – I’m one of your greatest fans.
Thank you for all you do to SAVE LIFE … but KNOW that this MOST HEINOUS BIO-WEAPON also comes in the form of THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL – “purifying” your AIR .. while KILLING your LUNG TISSUE towards a much MUCH earlier death.
PLEASE .. I BEG of you to not only cancel your financial alliance to such a heinous invention that all too many people have already been injured and killed by. I now have C.O.P.D. and know my own life has been shortened. Thank God I survived the stroke.
Thank you again. Let your research and your conscience be your guide. Better yet, SPEAK to this deadly danger now that you know what they do and use that knowledge to SAVE MILLIONS OF LIVES instead of being PART OF THE PROBLEM by pushing these onto your loyal audience like me. If I “can” help, I “must” .. and so I felt compelled to write and educate you about just how DEADLY DANGEROUS these in-home gas chambers are. http://www.rosemarystorm.com FutureProvesPastByStorm.com TrumpByStorm.com xo
Can’t get enough of your excellent summaries, Dave.
I’ve been one of your biggest fans and you inspired me to buy Trump Psychology .com … your analysis is always brilliantly expressed.
PLEASE speak more about the fact that Trump’s VACCINE push was for what HE received which worked literally 100% for THOUSANDS according to a lovely RN who recently testified in Congress/Senate Hearing (?) to this fact having been fired by the hospital where she witnessed HydroxyC working 100% of the time – fired for knowing the TRUTH and asking “why” … Hydroxychloroquine was “suddenly” swapped out for the much MUCH more expensive drug Remdesivir (nurses nicknamed “Run! Death is near!” .. the euthanasia drug …
I feel President Trump must have BELIEVED the ingredients in the vax given to HIM, would logically be what HE was given and thus could safely presume was the Vax that was going out to ALL – jabs that contained LIFE-“SAVING” ingredients – Hydroxy/Ivermectin/D3 et al – not the CERTAIN DEATH treatments that led to 380 thousand PER covid death TO the Hospital .. “PER” death .. 380 grand!!!
Also highly important is that President Trump put PENCE in charge of Operation Warp Speed. Please look into the reports of P being the real BTK. Reported P was shot in the back trying to escape arrest?
You do such an excellent job – I always look forward to every new show you post. Just X22-cellent! lol
With Gratitude …
Rosemary Storm
http://www.rosemarystorm.com … aka,
“The Good Storm.”
ps. Trump Tower “happens” to be the COVER of my “1999” cd aptly entitled, “NEW ATTITUDE!”
My music contains contradiction connected to Obummer and Oprah, the slave traders/TRAITORS. I was vilified for telling people I believed Obummer to be a traitor, so they dared me to write HIM a song and I only did, to get them off my back .. and the video of Obama’s Recession Blues – The First 100 Days, ends in a VERY “SARCASTIC” letter on what I encapsulated in his FIRST 100 DAYS – his National Report Card – a sarcastic A+ (?) (with a QUESTIONMARK). “Really???” A+??? Some day SOON I can say “I told you so.” – R.
Barack Obama *IS* a U. S. citizen!
Frank Marshall Davis was an American Citizen. Barack
Obama, Sr. was paid to marry Obama’s mother.
Frank Marshall Davis / Barack Obama / Obama’s real father, Obamas real father, ObamasRealFather.com: