Ep 3198b – Patriots Have It All,Election Fraud Declas,Trial Of The Century,Shot Heard Around The World

9 thoughts on “Ep 3198b – Patriots Have It All,Election Fraud Declas,Trial Of The Century,Shot Heard Around The World

  • October 27, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    Not getting into this war crap. I know by now that it is just a weapon against us.
    Turn away from it.
    Turn to peace.
    That is the Godly and moral thing to do.
    Just turn away.

  • October 27, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    Dave, are we being deceived by anyone? Who could it be?

  • October 27, 2023 at 10:32 pm

    Since the Central Bank is a private contractor, and the IRS collects taxes for the Central Bank from the US Citizens, and now being armed, does this mean that IRS and its agents should be declared a Terriorist Organization? IRS is not for the people.

  • October 28, 2023 at 6:05 am

    Why is it ALWAYS next week next month next year next decade next century?? The PEOPLE are sick of waiting….NOTHING is EVER done to give US hope NOTHING!! Sooner or later, if NOTHING is given to the PEOPLE, the PEOPLE will stop believing and hoping for JUSTICE! Frustration and hopelessness will rule the day….it it fast approaching, because of inaction!

  • October 28, 2023 at 6:37 am

    You’re doing a great service to the American Public! Keep up the good work and continue to fight the BS Narrative the MSM is trying to feed us.✊🏽✊🏽

  • October 28, 2023 at 11:11 am

    I believe LaHaina Hawaii was a nuclear attack…check for radiation fallout (residue)..

  • October 28, 2023 at 8:42 pm

    Thank you Dave. Your reports mean more to me than you can possibly imagine. I never miss hearing them.

  • October 29, 2023 at 10:02 am

    I have heard that hearing aids have bluetooth capabilities, what will they be connecting to or what will be connecting to the hearing aids? Are there sublimital messages on our televsions , radios on our online devices, on our refrigerator that has online connectivity ,what signals , messages are being broadcast to us ,whats imbedded on our devices? Are they making killers out of us, are some of us more vulnerable than others? What are they adding to our food that can effect our minds, our thoughts!

  • October 29, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Maybe that Maine shooter reconized that something was wrong with him, he went for help told he had violint thoughts, heard voices in his head! The medical people reported it to the authorities, government but they eventually had him released from the mental health hospital! Several month later he goes out and shoots alot of people, most shooters kill themself at the scene of the shooting or the police take them out! So he killed himself or maybe he was killed by someone so we would not know more about him!


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