Ep 3252b – Change Of Batter Time Frame Set, What President Used The Military To Save The Republic?
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The [DS] is now preparing for the change of batter. They have now changed the state of the union until March after super Tuesday. Trump sends messages to all of us letting us know the plan is on track. He avoided a civil war and he has studied the civil war and Abe Lincoln. Lincoln used the military to save the Republic. Trump is doing the same thing.
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Was Austin killed in Kiev, or did he have a semen overdose?
When is someone going to teach Dave that “Conspiracy” is the polar opposite of “Conspiracy Theory”.
Conspiracy is fact or truth, unless specified that it is only Conspiracy Theory/Speculation/Conjecture.
My wife and I have not missed a post in over two years. Thank you for all your hard work. We have two questions that maybe you could explain in a post to come. You said that Biden is not in control of the military , yet, it will be he who calls out the military when the riots begin. If he is not in control of the military, how will he have the power to call out the military? And, as a corollary, if it is he who quells the riots by calling in the military, won’t he be considered a hero? Thank You. NLB and CKB
Criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was allegedly killed in Kyiv on January 3 when Russian cruise missiles peltered a command bunker where Austin and Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commander in chief of the Ukrainian Army, met secretly to discuss mounting an asymmetrical offensive to “bring Vladimir Putin to his knees,” claims a Russian FSB source known for providing invaluable intelligence and the truth behind Putin’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine.
Re the ‘secret hospitalization’ of Secdef Austin, I’ve read he was killed in Ukraine in a missile attack. And that “hospitalization” is a quickie cover story. Life’s confusing these days.
What I read or think doesn’t matter much, as I’m NOT American, not an office holder, not surrounded by people who have ideas beyond mainstream TV News content.
Yes, the tens of thousands of military age migrant/invaders in ALL “Western” countries is a vast danger to their societies, current religions, genetics, political systems, ethics & citizens’ physical safety.