Jordan Sather – UFO, Communications Blackout Will Be Used As An Election Audit Distraction
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Today’s Guest: Jordan Sather
Jordan Sather is the creator and owner of Jordan begins the conversation talking about the pandemic, the pandemic is just that and planned false flag used for the elections and to bring us into the great reset. The [DS] is prepared and ready to use major distractions from the election audit results, they are now playing up the UFO, power grid angle. They will even go as far to say that there was a space anomaly that brought down the grid. The patriots have always known of this plan and countermeasures are in place.
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@5:47: “…emergency YOUTH authorizations” [X2] – Interesting THLIP of the ‘Tung’. (The vaccine harms particularly YOUNG MALES aged 12~20ish. Heart & circulatory inflammation, blood clotting, etc.)
Jordan’s been onto the whole DS’s – BS for an admirably long time. Congrats to you BOTH!
@5:47: “…emergency YOUTH authorizations” [X2] – Interesting THLIP of the ‘Tung’. (The vaccine harms particularly YOUNG MALES aged 12~20ish. Heart & circulatory inflammation, blood clotting, etc.)
“Emergency Use” when there are effective TREATMENTS KNOWN & AVAILABLE IS CLEARLY ILLEGAL!
Jordan’s been onto the whole DS’s – BS for an admirably long time. Congrats to you BOTH!
I’m running outta popcorn !!
Thank you for your work! I see Jordan Sather has come a long way in his understanding from a couple of years ago! But I wanted to mention 1 thing re:the “alien” hoax, that is being discussed in end time prophecy watcher circles: the rapture of the church. (The church being believers in Yeshua, both Jew and Gentile.) It could be a way the “cabal” (satanic) is positioning to explain the disappearance of millions of people (alien abduction). Sounds ridiculous maybe, but would t put it past Saran and his minions! A resource that might be helpful to get a quick grasp is Jan Markell (yt) recent video w/ Amir Tsarfati, for one. It’s time to “get prepared” before the Lord God as well. Would you tell Jordan also? Thanks again!
Wow, Twitter being eclipsed by an alternative website that offers the same speed and quality provided by the 2 top corporate owned/monopolized platforms is a true stealth bomb! ! The truth would finally be exposed to far wider community (lets face it, people are curious and want to know more regardless of their political/spiritual views) and the spell of MSM will shatter. Yes! The likes of John P will be fully exposed/held accountable Yes! The cabal will be exposed one by one, as indictments’ are unsealed, assuredly, until not one of them can walk down the street ever again. These people are sick!
This is biblical. Patience is a virtue.
Really great interview. Thankyou both of you.
Love in truth and justice from Australia. WWG1WGA
Still not explained: If this was an accident at Wuhan, how did it all of a sudden reach all over the world? If it was on purpose, then the CCP would have to send tens of thousands around the world to many cities. Africa had very low cases because they already use HCQ.
Again how did it expand all over the world in such a short time without the CCP and tens of thousands infected people traveling?
Watch this. Word from God about the UFOs. Great deception. Not just a distraction
Sather is a false spiritual prophet..he took david wilcock’s place amongst the Gaia t.v. imposter’s..they were outed in the spiritual community back in 2012 with there E.t. coming to save us b.s….this includes most from Project Camelot interviews…they spoke about—Blue Avians—Pleaidians—Sphere being alliance crap coming to save us in 2012…..there goal..Lead people in the wrong spiritual direction.. Watch as people like simon parkes—david steele—–sather—sasha stone—mcallister t.v start talking about U.F.O’s …….again….there is a e.t.component to all of this—-but there take on it is complete b.s. they have found a new audience ridin the patriot wave….they are master’s of deception…..don’t be fooled.. the mantid’s—reptilian’s–pleidian’s are real —and they are the enemy…..these people infiltrated the patriot movement some time ago…they use truth as the hook—and once they have your confidence they will implement there plan….E.t. is your friend…..don’t be surprised if they say Jesus was an e.t……im not joking…also david icke…and alfred webre … they are covering for the people involved in child human trafficking….thats there job….if you want more info on this——-just ask……wwg1 wga……peace!!!
Hi Dave/Jordan, another scource of funding for covert US activities over the last 70yrs is Yamashita’s Gold and other treasures hidden by the Japanese in the Phillipines and other SE Asian countries, found by US forces, Gen MacCarthur & Co. See the book ‘The Gold Warriors’ by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
Best regards,
I can give you answers on the UFO thingy. I actually had a friend in the 50’s that flew in one that was developed on a govt’t contract, based from Tesla technology.
I will make a nickel’s worth of the bottom line so I am not long winded.
Remember that guy (English) who could not be expedited to the states? He opened Pandora’ s box and he was just a normal guy. Can’t think of his name now, but he will lead you in the right direction
When can we expect the release of the ARIZONA Audit,…??? Maybe a week or two,…???
WE SHOULD NOT GET OUR EXPECTATIONS UP,…!!! We have seen this before,…when we were told, indictments coming SOON, arrests coming SOON,military tribunals coming SOON, jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…that never materialized,.. and then we were told,…its our own fault for being disappointed,…because we got our expectations up to HIGH. We are not the believe that we were lied to,…by these so called Patriots,…???…there is no reason to believe that this ARIZONA audit is going to materialize,…or change anything,…IF it comes out. This looks like more allegations,…as before,…for propaganda purposes,…ALLEGATIONS WITH NO SUBSTANCE,…OR EVIDENCE,…JUST LIKE THE DS DOES.
There’s no difference between the DS, and the so called Patriots.
The talking heads for the, ” PATRIOTS “, are nothing more then PATRIOTS FOR PROFIT, the perfect example is the pushing for bitcoin and crypto’s, and calling them currency, and IGNORING ARTICLE ONE SECTION EIGHT AND TEN OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION,…and sound money principals of the CONSTITUTION.
The UFO’s are ours …. the U.S.’s. They used to be just the CIA’s, but the U.S. military eventually “acquired” the technology from the CIA.
Surely you know the recent appearance of Fauci is not the original Fauci. Take a good look at this new guy acting as Fauci. I caught it immediately when I seen this character as Fauci. My greatest skill is facial recognition. Maybe it’s the games I played as a young boy, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Very popular in my youth before computers and shared party lines were around if you wanted a landline phone. Not everyone had a private line. That guy you see now in interviews is NOT Dr. Fauci!!
I’ve got a problem with Jordan Sather, and that problem is named David Wilcock.
Sather has gone on tour with Wilcock in the past, and Sather lives very lavishly, as does Wilcock who has been making millions off of every esoteric subject for the past 20 years. Whether it’s Planet X, 2012, Q, etc.
David Wilcock is the worst kind of snake oil salesman, and I just don’t trust anyone who’s attached their name to him.
Looks like everyone will die from the vaccine before we get justice.