Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near – Episode 1999
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BJ is now pushing the BREXIT deal on the EU, the deal is very similar to Theresa’s May deal, but there is one difference, within the deal there is another deal that will cripple the EU in trade deals. Trump wanted to have the G7 at this resort for no profit, MSM/Politicians went crazy so he is now backing off. The [CB] is panicking, they attacks begin. The [DS] is panicking, they attacks are intensifying, stories are getting crazy and more outrageous. This will continue as Barr and Durham investigate and the declas and IG report are both prepared for release. The fake impeachment is falling apart. NP takes off to Jordan to talk about Syria. The patriots hold all the cards, the end is coming and the [DS] knows it only a matter of time.
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Current News – 10.19.2019
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BJ is ready to make a deal with the EU, when you look closely at the deal there are agreements within the agreement and it works in favor the UK and the US and not the EU,
The Brexit Deal, The EU, and the North American Trade Aspect…
- Within the agreement as it appears the EU can, likely would, punish the UK for having more favorable trade agreements with other nations. Meaning if the UK gives better deals to others than it does the EU, the EU will increase tariffs against the UK intended to punish the UK by restricting access to the EU market for UK products. But that’s the limit of what the EU will be able to do….
- Meaning, the EU cannot stop the UK from entering a trade deal with North America (think USMCA). And there’s every visible likelihood President Trump is constructing a U.S.-U.K trade agreement with that in mind…. Meaning the U.K. will have preferential access to North America, and the USMCA countries (Mexico, U.S. and Canada) will in turn have preferential treatment in trade with the U.K.
- This is important. The EU will not be able to influence the U.S-U.K. trade agreement beyond imposing tariffs on Britain as punishment. This is where the importance of Donald Trump comes in…. Trump can, I would say: likely will, give preferential treatment to exports from the U.K., so long as PM Boris Johnson is reciprocal toward the U.S.
- Simultaneously, President Trump can hit the EU much harder than the EU can hit Great Britain. If, say, the EU hits the UK with a 25% tariff as punishment for a better trade deal with the U.S. on any individual segment, Trump can hit the EU with a 25% tariff back on the EU.
- The EU needs access to the $20 Trillion U.S. market much more than the EU needs access to the newly freed U.K. market. Brexiteers should remember this. President Trump and PM Johnson can work together to leverage this trade situation to both of their benefits. The EU will want to keep selling their stuff into the U.K. (less important); but the EU *has to* keep selling their stuff into the U.S. (very important) in order to survive.
- Trump and Johnson can work on a U.S-U.K. trade superhighway. Our research already sees this construct in the discussions. Simultaneously, Trump can pummel the EU with tariffs. [Keep in mind the U.S. just won a WTO ruling for $7.5 billion a year in countervailing duties the EU cannot legally try and counteract.]
- Combine the $7.5 billion WTO ruling with the potential for President Trump to hammer additional duties against the EU for adverse trade action within the Brexit customs authority, and what you see is an EU that can threaten action, but has limited recourse (just like China).
- President Trump is itching to trigger more tariffs against the EU and looking for any economic excuse to do so. Brexit provides just that excuse.
- This is why, despite the flaws inherent within the UK-EU Brexit agreement, it would be in the best interests of the U.K. to vote in support of the current deal and get out.
Now here in the US Trump put out the idea that the G7 meeting would be hosted at his Florida Golf resort at no profit, the MSM went crazy over this.
Trump tweeted out the following
I thought I was doing something very good for our Country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting the G-7 Leaders. It is big, grand, on hundreds of acres, next to MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, has tremendous ballrooms & meeting rooms, and each delegation would have…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2019
…..its own 50 to 70 unit building. Would set up better than other alternatives. I announced that I would be willing to do it at NO PROFIT or, if legally permissible, at ZERO COST to the USA. But, as usual, the Hostile Media & their Democrat Partners went CRAZY!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2019
The CB are getting very nervous about what the patriots are doing, they see what is happening and they are trying to control the narrative. We said that they would push the idea that the trade wars are the problem around the world
Fallout from Trump’s trade wars felt by economies around the world
- Central bank governors and finance ministers traded grim tales of suffering economies because of the trade wars
- The damage is being particularly felt in European countries which “rely on exports and are open to trade,” the European Union’s Economic and Financial Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said.
- More than 40% of Germany’s GDP was derived from exports in 2018, the most of any major global economy. Uncertainty in the business community is widespread, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz told reporters.
- German trade group BGA recently revised down its growth forecast for German exports in 2019 to just 0.5%, from 1.5%. As a result, many companies are scaling back their investment plans, something that will have repercussions for years to come.
- If the stock market is down or bad economic data prints, one can always assume President Trump will make time out of his day to bash the Federal Reserve on Twitter.
- President Trump’s Fed bashing, sometimes a daily occurrence, if not at least several times a week, has irritated incoming European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde, who says in an upcoming 60 Minutes interview, expected to air on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. ET/PT on CBS, that “Market stability should not be the subject of a tweet here or a tweet there. It requires consideration, thinking, quiet and measured, and rational decisions.”
- Lagarde responds by saying, “a central bank governor does best his job if he is independent.”
- Lagarde also criticized President Trump’s Twitter practices as a whole and his trade war with China that has sent the global economy into one of its most vulnerable periods since the last financial crisis.
- Lagarde will replace outgoing ECB Chief Mario Draghi on Nov. 01. She’s entering the position as Europe’s manufacturing complex is sliding into a technical recession along with the rest of the world.
- Largard’s absolutely disastrous tenure at the IMF, most recently the failed $57 billion bailout of Argentina through an IMF loan, has left the country of 45 million, essentially bankrupt, but more importantly, it shows that she will destroy the Eurozone as ECB head.
Now the [DS] is now panicking, the high level players and the MSM are now pushing as much out there as possible to discredit those investigating them, they are pushing reports that it is not them, but Trump who is involved in high crimes, he and his lawyer did something wrong in Ukraine, that he is hiding his taxes because he manipulated them to hide crimes in his businesses. The [DS] will use everything that they have done and they will place it on Trump, this is what you are seeing. Think about, nobody shows up at his rallies, it is their rallies where they don’t have the crowds. Trump committed crimes in his businesses, the DS have the foundations where they launder money from other DS players and countries, Trump colluded with Russia/Ukraine, HRC, JC, JB, BO,HB, JB etc colluded, this will intensify with the MSM and tweets and as Barr, Durham, Horowitz get closer and closer to releasing the information it is going to worse because they are trying to convince the public that its Trump not them, but this will backfire, it will boomerang on them, we will talk about this a little bit later in this report but first we know Elijah Cummings who just passed away was signing the fake subpoenas from this death bed and the signatures don’t match to his
Elijah Cummings Signed Subpoenas From His Death Bed – But Signatures on Two Subpoenas Don’t Match
- In fact, it was revealed that he signed subpoenas from his death bed just hours before he died.
- Or did he?
- The signatures on Cummings’s October 16 subpoenas look completely different from a September 30 subpoena so people are asking who really signed the documents.
- Rep, Cummings signed subpoenas directed to two US immigration agencies just hours before he died.
In one of his last official acts before his death, the late House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings signed two subpoenas for documents related to a temporary end to a policy change that allowed some immigrants with severe health issues to remain in the US.
Hours before his passing, staffers drove the subpoenas to Baltimore for Cummings’ signature, said a Democratic committee aide.
“Chairman Cummings felt so strongly about the children, that he was going to fight until the end,” said the aide.
- Elijah Cummings’ signature on the October 16 subpoena looks very different from his signature on other documents.
- Screenshot of October 16 subpoena:
Cummings’s signature on page 3 of the October 16 subpoena looks different from page one:
- A couple weeks ago, Chairman Cummings sent Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani a subpoena-letter demanding he produce documents related to Ukraine.
- Cummings’ signature on the document dated September 30 looks completely different:
- Were the documents signed by Cummings or forged by his staffers?
The [DS] players are doing everything they can to stop Trump from winning the 2020 election, they tried Russia, they are now saying that Trump is rigging the election so he cannot be forced out of power, isn’t this exactly what the DS players have done for years.
Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Is Trying’ to ‘Rig’ 2020 Election So He Can’t Be Forced Out of Power
- Hillary Clinton said President Donald Trump was “trying” to “rig” the 2020 presidential election like an authoritarian.
- “Since it worked for them, why would they quit.”
The DS players are now attacking those within their own party, they need to stay in control, they do this on purpose to maintain control, so they are going after Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein, they are using the same strategy they used with Trump, this is being done on purpose, it is making way for the candidate they really want.
Hillary Clinton Reignites Her “Vast Russian Conspiracy Theory” Against Tulsi Gabbard…
- Former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is accusing current Democrat Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard of being a secret Russian agent:
“[Tulsi Gabbard is] the favorite of the Russians, and that’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset. She’s a Russian asset! I mean, totally. They know they can’t win without a third-party candidate.” (link)
- Tulsi Gabbard hit back
So now Crooked Hillary is at it again! She is calling Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard “a Russian favorite,” and Jill Stein “a Russian asset.” As you may have heard, I was called a big Russia lover also (actually, I do like Russian people. I like all people!). Hillary’s gone Crazy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2019
Since we are talking about HRC, lets talk about CRowdstrike
- Crowdstrike reportedly didn’t determine that ‘Russia’ hacked Hillary’s emails until June 2016. So how could Australia’s Alexander Downer know that ‘Russia’ hacked her emails in May 2016?
- The dates just don’t add up. In May 2016 George Papadopoulos was contacted by Australian Alexander Downer and told you that Russia had Hillary’s emails.
- But Crowdstrike didn’t investigate Hillary’s emails until June 2016 when they somehow claimed that the Russians had hacked into the DNC.
The state department investigators who have been probing HRC private email servers have discovered something very interesting
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Says It Found Nearly 600 Security Violations
- that nearly 600 security incidents violated agency policy,
- The investigation, conducted by the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, found 38 individuals were culpable for 91 security violations. Another 497 violations were found, but no individuals were found culpable in those incidents.
The impeachment push is failing for the DS, Pelosi is panicking this is why she stormed out because it is not going the way she wants, we know that Schiff and Pelosi fake impeachment, subpoenas have not worked and the patriots are rejected and calling them out on them. WE know Schiff had sent a staffer to Ukraine
- to meet with the former President Poroshenko after receiving the ‘whistleblower’ report.
- This trip was sponsored by a think tank that receives funding from a program of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation called “Open Society Initiative for Europe”
- Now this…
A convoy of trucks were seen emptying former President Poroshenko’s home this weekend. - CD Media reported:
KYIV — CD Media broke news yesterday of allegations by intelligence sources of extensive money laundering and corruption by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. We will be releasing detailed information on the schemes to embezzle hundreds of millions of IMF aid money to Ukraine and we can confirm that investigations are under way by the Ukrainian special prosecutor’s office.
- CD Media is posting updates.
- If the reportes are accurate this will be horrific news for the Democrats and Biden Crime Family.
Poroshenko was behind all of the dirty dealings between the corrupt Obama admininstration and the Biden family corruption.
“Because the House has already voted against the Impeachment Proceeding, the current inquiry is totally invalid. The current sham of a so-called investigation is nothing more than an unconstitutional power grab. It needs to end.” @JasonChaffetz @seanhannity Corrupt Adam Schiff
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 19, 2019
House Republicans ‘demand the release of the rules’ on impeachment
- House Republicans are calling for the committee leaders overseeing the impeachment inquiry to release the guidelines and regulations under which depositions and transcriptions of testimony are being conducted.
- “We write to demand the release of the rules that are governing the depositions and transcribed interviews being conducted by the joint action of your three committees,” nearly 80 GOP lawmakers said in their Friday letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Oversight and Reform Committee acting Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.)
- “The secrecy in which these depositions and interviews are being conducted, and the lack of clarity on the rules that govern attendance and access to records, are deeply concerning in the context of such a serious inquiry,” the letter read.
Now it seems the entire impeachment just came back to haunt the DS, this is the year of the boomerand the patriots set this up to trap the DS and they fell right into it.
- Democrats called in the wrong witness.
- Democrats wanted to go after Trump – Instead their witness, George Kent, told the truth on the Biden Crime Family.
- A State Department official testified to investigators that he raised alarms about Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings with Ukraine back in 2015, but he was rejected by a Biden staffer.
- The Washington Post – George Kent, told investigators that he was worried Hunter Biden’s seat on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company would complicate relationships with other diplomats and their ability to convey to Ukrainian counterparts the virtues of avoiding conflicts of interest.
The MSM is trying to get ahead of the Barr Durham investigation , NBC news reports
AG Barr expands mysterious review into origin of Russia investigation
- If U.S. Attorney John Durham is conducting a criminal investigation, it’s not clear what allegations of wrongdoing are being examined.
- A review launched by Attorney General William Barr into the origins of the Russia investigation has expanded significantly amid concerns about whether the probe has any legal or factual basis,
- Durham has also requested to talk to CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities, prompting some of them to hire lawyers, according to three former CIA officials familiar with the matter. And there is tension between the CIA and the Justice Department over what classified documents Durham can examine,
The MSM is still trying to keep the narrative that there was no wrongdoing, and they don’t know why there is an investigation going on,
Confirmed , John Durham has recovered Blackberrys used by Joseph Mifsud
The Washington Times reported:
It was special investigator John Durham who acquired two BlackBerrys used by Joseph Mifsud,
Lets talk about JE, Jason Leopold goes over the newly released FBI records,
The FBI has released a cache of records from its investigative file on Jeffrey Epstein. #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
From the FBI’s 2006 investigative file on Jeffrey Epstein.
Ongoing federal investigation involving child prostitution #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
The FBI opened an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein and other subjects (name redacted) on July 24, 2006 related to child prostitution. Investigation also involved the Albuquerque and San Juan field offices. #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
In July 2006, the FBI’s Palm Beach County office was looking to develop witnesses and identify victims of Jeffrey Epstein “from across the United States.” Agents said they had a target date of January 2007 for indictment.
FBI also created “analyst notebook charts” #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
FBI interviewed Jeffrey Epstein’s butler, Alfredo Rodriguez, on January 23, 2007 in connection with the bureau’s investigation into Epstein. The substance of Rodriguez’s comments are entirely redacted. #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
This is an FBI file memorializing the delivery of victim notification letters in the Jeffrey Epstein case following the non prosecution agreement between Epstein and the US government. The victim notification letters address the deal he struck. #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
The FBI subpoenaed MySpace during its investigation into Jeffrey Epstein. #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
On September 18, 2008, an FBI agent advised Jeffrey Epstein that he would not face federal charges for sex trafficking as long as he “continues to uphold his agreement with the State of Florida.” #FOIA
The FBI had spent two years investigating his crimes.
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
This an entire FBI file on MySpace and Google Maps web pages from the FBI’s investigative file on Jeffrey Epstein. #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 18, 2019
Geopolitical/Police State
- The Trump campaign threatened to sue CNN and demanded ‘substantial’ damages over ‘pro-impeachment bias’ following Project Veritas’ latest undercover exposé.
- Trump’s attorney Charles J. Harder wrote a 4-page letter to CNN, Jeff Zucker and Executive Vice President David Vigilante citing O’Keefe’s latest undercover videos showing CNN staffers talking about Jeff Zucker’s demands to go all in on Trump impeachment coverage and ignore other important stories.
- The Washington Examiner reported:
Ethical journalism should beaccurate and fair . Journalists should behonest … in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.”“Journalists should:“Verify information before releasing it.”“Provide context. Take special carenot to misrepresent or oversimplify inpromoting, previewing or summarizing a story“Label advocacy and commentaryNever deliberately distort facts or context including visual information.”“Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.Disclose unavoidable conflicts“[A]voidpolitical and other outside activities that may compromise integrity orimpartiality, or may damage credibilityDeny favored treatmentto advertisers, donors or any other special interests, andresist internal and external pressure to influence coverage“Abide by the same high standards they expect of others
If you noticed we are seeing more and more arrests that have to do with Human Trafficking, Child Porn, and crimes that have to deal with selling secrets to other countries
- On October 16, 2019, United States District Judge Diane J. Humetewa sentenced Tao Li, a 39-year-old Chinese national, to 40 months in prison, followed by three years of supervised release. Li had previously pleaded guilty to conspiring to export military- and space-grade technology to the People’s Republic of China without a license in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
- “This case is one of many involving illegal attempts to take U.S. technology to China. Li attempted to procure highly sensitive U.S. military technology in violation of our export control laws. Such laws are in place to protect our national security, and the Department of Justice will continue to vigorously enforce them,” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers. “We don’t take these crimes lightly and we will continue to pursue them.”
- “If you steal our military and space technology, you should expect to go to prison,” said Michael Bailey, United States Attorney for the District of Arizona. “But for the diligent work of HSI and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, our nation’s security would’ve been damaged by Mr. Li.”
- “Li’s sentencing was the result of a highly successful joint investigative effort with our law enforcement partners and the U.S. Attorney’s Office that prevented U.S. military technology from falling into the wrong hands,” said Bryan D. Denny, Special Agent in Charge of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Western Field Office. “It also reaffirms our commitment to protecting America from this type of activity and, equally so, serves as a warning to those intent on illegally exporting our technologies that the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and its partners will pursue these crimes relentlessly.”
- “This sentence is well deserved and further demonstrates the lengths of criminal activity by those who seek to engage in illegally obtaining sophisticated materials,” said Scott Brown, Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Phoenix.
Trump and the patriots plan in the middle east is working, the DS is panicking, those involved in these endless wars are panicking, Trump tweeted out the following
Just spoke to President @RTErdogan of Turkey. He told me there was minor sniper and mortar fire that was quickly eliminated. He very much wants the ceasefire, or pause, to work. Likewise, the Kurds want it, and the ultimate solution, to happen. Too bad there wasn’t…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2019
…..this thinking years ago. Instead, it was always held together with very weak bandaids, & in an artificial manner. There is good will on both sides & a really good chance for success. The U.S. has secured the Oil, & the ISIS Fighters are double secured by Kurds & Turkey….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2019
….I have just been notified that some European Nations are now willing, for the first time, to take the ISIS Fighters that came from their nations. This is good news, but should have been done after WE captured them. Anyway, big progress being made!!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2019
Syria’s Kurds say they’ll withdraw from an area of the border with Turkey after evacuation of …
- Syria’s Kurds say they’ll withdraw from an area of the border with Turkey after evacuation of besieged town is complete .
France Prepares to Relocate its Forces in Syria After US Withdrawal – And it Needs Russia’s Help
“The ceasefire is holding up very nicely. There are some minor skirmishes that have ended quickly. New areas being resettled with Kurds. U.S. soldiers are not in combat or ceasefire zone. We have secured the Oil.” Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense. Ending endless wars!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2019
- Lindsey Graham now says that Trumps plan is now working in Syria, Trump sent LG a signal that told him to start investigating and it seems it has begun.
Unhinged Nancy Pelosi and Top Lt. Adam Schiff Fly Off to Jordan for Meetings on Syria
- Pelosi and fellow Democrats arrived in Jordan on Saturday.
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other U.S. lawmakers announced late Saturday U.S. time that they had arrived in Jordan for meetings with King Abdullah II and other officials regarding the situation in Syria.
Here’s a list of the delegation.
Speaker Pelosi is in Jordan leading CODEL with Intel Chair Schiff, Foreign Affairs Chair Engel, Homeland Security Chair Thompson, Armed Services Top Republican Thornberry and other Democratic members for meetings with King Abdullah II and top US gov’t officials.
— Craig Caplan (@CraigCaplan) October 20, 2019
Pelosi is now leading a delegation of 9, including Corrupt Adam Schiff, to Jordan to check out Syria. She should find out why Obama drew The Red Line In the Sand, & then did NOTHING, losing Syria & all respect. I did something, 58 missiles. One million died under Obama’s mistake!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2019
False Flags
BREAKING: Man Arrested with Gun Outside of Trump Dallas Rally (VIDEO)
- A man was arrested on Thursday near the counter protesters outside of the Trump rally in Dallas, Texas.
- The man, whose name has not been disclosed was carrying a backpack with a gun, aerosol cans, a helmet and a breathing mask.
- The man was taken to a local hospital for evaluation.
BREAKING: A man wearing a vest, helmet and a backpack near President Trump’s Dallas rally counter-protestors was just detained by Dallas police. Officers confiscated a gun, breathing mask, knee pads & some type of aerosol can.
— NBC DFW (@NBCDFW) October 17, 2019
The DS and the MSM are going to intensify there fight against Trump, everything they tried has failed, now they are just pushing the propaganda like we never seen before, its an all out attack on Trump, they are pushing rigging the election in 2020, he committed crimes in Ukraine, he committed crimes in NY thats why he is hiding his tactics, the MSM are getting ahead of the Barr and Durham investigation, the walls are closing in on the DS/MSM and they are panicking, the attacks will continue, it will get worse to try to control the narrative, but the patriots want this, this will expose the DS/MSM,
- Election rigging propaganda as we get closer to the elections
- MSM will try to get ahead of the stories
- When accused politicians will defend themselves on the MSM, the MSM will say they fact check and they are innocent.
- Will we see outrageous stories about trump, making him look guilty but there will be no evidence to back it up
- They will push their investigation on his taxes
- Hollywood, MSM, Politicians will become desperate and show their true colors, they will call for the Presidents death, this will get worse as time goes on, they lash out, curse, do things that you never thought they would do
- More Politicians and those associated with corruption will become ill and pass away
- Events or attempts on the Presidents life
Brandon STraka tweeted out the following
Lately I’ve heard a few, “Trump has done an amazing job- but I’m getting so tired of the bad press”.
Are u kidding?
This is EXACTLY what the media wants- to burn u out & fatigue u into wanting him out. Have an espresso & buck the hell up. This is no time for Stockholm syndrome.— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) October 16, 2019
Q !A6yxsPKia. No.121
Psychological Projection.
Define Conspiracy.
1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
“a conspiracy to destroy the government”
2. the action of plotting or conspiring.
“they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice”
[Fake News]
Fake News collaborating and pushing knowingly false information?
Fake News ‘KNOWINGLY FALSE’ narrative pushes.
1. POTUS colluded w/ Russia to win the 2016 Presidential election
2. POTUS is puppet to PUTIN
3. POTUS to irreparably harm relationships w/ our allies
4. POTUS will collapse U.S. economy
5. POTUS will collapse stock market
6. POTUS will cause war w/ NK
7. POTUS will cause war w/ IRAN
8. POTUS will destroy the world.
9. On and on……..(knowingly false)
They would rather see NK peace negotiations fail (WAR!) than see POTUS resolve.
Scandalous Media Bias?
What are they hiding?
Think WL list of journalists who colluded w/ HRC/DNC (2016 Pres election).
They want you DIVIDED.
This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative.
This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.
Research for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
You are witnessing a FULL PANIC ATTACK by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA & COVERT ALT MEDIA AFFILIATES (foreign gov’t).
They cannot contain or defeat what they do not understand.
Is any of this normal?
Think sealed indictments count.
Think resignations of CEOs.
Think resignations of Senators.
Think resignations of Congress.
Think termination of sr FBI…
Think termination of sr DOJ…
Attacks will only intensify.
Logical thinking.
Ask yourself a simple question – WHY????
You guys are making too much out of the Elijah Cummings signature. Secretary sign for their boss all the time in letters. Attorneys sign for each other as well. It’s no big deal. It’s obviously cleaner if he signed the subpoena himself, but he wasn’t available and told a staffer to sign his name, that’s fine.
You neglected to mention that the deep state is shadow censoring millions of right wing viewers’ voices from social media to stop Trump. I know it’s a tiny, unimportant fraction of their fight. I realize it’s almost meaningless. It’s not nearly as important as their censorship of content creators’ sites. But, it should be included.
Spoiler alert: sadly, there is massive ignorance and dishonesty about the nature of politics. Politics is violence and political government is the bane of humanity; it is not Christian. Voting sanctions political violence. Ask the Lysander Spooner/Marc Stevens Question: What factual evidence do you, judge, prosecutor, politician, IRS agent, policeman or anyone, have that the manmade constitution and “law” apply to me just because I am physically present in some state such as commie/socialist, immoral, Democrat dictated corruptifornia? It doesn’t exist and never has else we would be stinkin’ slaves on the plantation state. Read Spooner’s No Treason No. 6, The Constitution of No Authority. Visit the No State Project on YouTube. Visit the Zero Aggression Project.
While switching from Democrat to Republicrat has some small merit, the reality is that politics is not the solution. Manmade “law” has supplanted God’s perfect law. Revelation teaches and warns us that the troika of evil, that wicked consort of politics, commerce and “false religion,” will be destroyed in the end. We would be wise to terminate/abandon political government. Choosing the lesser of two evils is not moral.
Politicians cannot correct themselves; politics is not Christian; it is immoral.j