Big Tech/[DS] Panic, Strategically Planned, Dark To Light, [TRUTH] = END – Ep. 2607
Watch The X22 Report On Video
- Economic experts pushed back on the Biden administration’s claim that widespread supply chain issues in the U.S. were the result of its successful economic agenda.
- “Demand is up because income is up because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said during an interview Sunday.
- More than half of American adults said an item they recently shopped for was out of stock while 54% encountered the same issue online shopping, according to a Morning Consult survey published Friday.
- “This isn’t the first time that we’ve had increases in our shipment activity,” Casey Mulligan, former White House Council of Economic Advisers chief economist and a University of Chicago professor, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the third quarter review of average weekly wages [Main Data Here]. The results of the year-over-year comparison should alarm everyone. This is a very serious data point that likely means we are in a recession, it just has not been quantified yet.
- By now everyone knows the term “stagflation”, which means a stagnant economy and large inflation (price increases), the easiest comparison is Jimmy Carter economic program in the 1970’s. What you are seeing here is a comparison of weekly wages for the third quarter (July, Aug, Sept) of this year, compared to the weekly average wages in 2020:
- Weekly wages went up a sum total of seven bucks [$7/1,000 = 0.7%] year over year. THAT is ridiculously low. However, worse yet look at all the categories of workers who saw an actual decline in wages. This is not a decline in wage value, this is an actual decline in net wages earned. WAGES HAVE DROPPED !
- ♦ Now Factor Inflation – The inflation rate is stunning [Table 7 data Here]. Examples: Beef costs 20% more (year over year). Bacon costs 20% more. Eggs cost 12% more. Peanut butter costs 10% more. Home heating oil costs 42% more. Unleaded gasoline costs 43% more. Natural gas costs 20% more. Used cars are 24% more. The list goes on (SEE HERE).
- Farmers stand to be hit hard by President Joe Biden’s supply chain crisis if they are unable to get the equipment they need before harvest time
- “Crops can be damaged if they are planted or harvested late, and the insurance provided by the Agriculture Department requires that seeds are put in the ground and produce is pulled by a particular date to be fully insured,” according to the report.
- President Biden last week announced plans to increase the capacity of the Port of Los Angeles by extending its hours. So far, it is not working.
- Biden announced on Wednesday of last week that the Port of Los Angeles has agreed to go to 24/7 operations. Essentially, this would mean allowing cargo owners to pick up goods between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m.
- “This is the first key step to moving our entire freight transportation and logistical supply chain nationwide to a 24/7 system,” Biden said.
- He added that it could be a “game changer.”
- After a week, the game is largely the same. There are a record number of container ships in the waters near the Port of LA and the Port of Long Beach, which together handle 40 percent of container traffic coming into the U.S. The Port of Long Beach opened itself up to similar nighttime and weekend shifts a few weeks ago.
- The problem is that there have been no requests from cargo owners to use the red-eye shift at the Port of L.A., according to a person familiar with the operations of the port. It’s not clear if Long Beach has seen a pickup in demand for loading trucks during the 3 am. to 8 a.m. time slot.
- The Federal Reserve announced sweeping new rules for its top officials Thursday, banning trading in individual stocks and bonds.
- Those new rules come on the heels of a swelling ethics controversy over whether central bank officials should be able to trade while their policies can and often do move markets.
- Officials will be restricted primarily to owning mutual funds, which they will have to hold for a year and will need permission to buy or sell.
Former House Speaker Gingrich: Central banks will hold #Bitcoin as “reserve against inflation”
— Bitcoin Magazine (@BitcoinMagazine) October 21, 2021
- Just 41% of the public approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, compared with 52% who disapprove, according to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey.
- Fifty percent now approve of his Covid-19 handling, compared with 53% in July, and 45% disapprove, compared with just 38%.
- Inflation now ties with the coronavirus as the biggest concern for Americans, up 16 points from the prior survey.
- A whistleblower CEO and Biden insider, Tony Bobulinski, released a public statement on Wednesday evening backing up the reporting of the New York Post from last week and claiming that he personally witnessed Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden discussing business deals with his son, Hunter Biden.
- Bobulinski’s statement also seemingly authenticates at least one of the bombshell emails obtained by the New York Post, purportedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop retrieved from a computer repair store in Delaware. The statement also contradicts claims from some Democrats that a Russian disinformation campaign is at the center of the burgeoning scandal currently engulfing the Biden campaign in the final days of the election.
- Bobulinski said in a press statement he released Wednesday night:
My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine.
- According to Bobulinski, the use of the term “the Big Guy” in one such email was a direct reference to Joe Biden himself.
- A new filing in the Michael Sussmann case has revealed the depth of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation. It doesn’t look good for former DNC lawyer (and former Perkins Coie partner) Sussmann or for the group that pushed the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax.
- Special Counsel Durham has filed an opposition to Michael Sussmann’s motion for a bill of particulars. (To summarize, Durham argues that the 27-page speaking indictment against Sussmann “more than adequately” informs him of the charges he is facing.) Read it here.
- What’s really notable about the motion is that Durham discloses the volumes of evidence to be produced to Sussmann and the number of entities and people Durham has subpoenaed.
- According to this latest filing, Special Counsel Durham has produced “more than 6,000 documents, comprising approximately 81,000 pages” to Sussmann. This includes “documents received in response to grand jury subpoenas issued to fifteen separate individuals, entities, and organizations – including among others, political organizations, a university, university researchers, an investigative firm, and numerous companies.”
- Let’s decipher that last sentence. Who has received a subpoena from Durham?
- “Political organizations” likely refer to the DNC and the Hillary Clinton Campaign/Hillary for America.
- “A university” = Georgia Tech.
- “University Researchers” = the team involved in the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax.
- “An investigative firm” = Fusion GPS.
- “Numerous companies” = the companies involved with Rodney Joffe (named Tech Executive-1 in the Sussmann indictment).
- As we have previously observed, Durham was already in possession of:
- E-mail records from Joffe, the research group, and Sussmann/Perkins Coie.
- Perkins Coie billing records.
- Perkins Coie records (notes, etc.) relating to calls and meetings re: Alfa Bank.
- Grand jury testimony.
- And that’s just on the Alfa Bank issue. (Durham apparently remains focused on the broader FISA issues as well as other matters.) The filing also notes that Durham is “working expeditiously to declassify large volumes of materials to provide to the defense.” This includes:
- But there’s still more. Durham states after the production of these records, “the government expects to produce additional materials in subsequent productions, which will include additional interview memoranda, emails, and other records.”
- Why this matters.
- We anticipate that Durham is gearing-up to charge the group that created and pushed the Trump/Alfa Bank hoax. This is based on the volume of information Durham possesses on this issue, which reflects substantial expenditures of time and energy and resources to put all this together. In other words, you don’t call the grand jury on this issue – and pursue this matter this far – if the Alfa Bank researchers acted properly.
- But if we are correct that the Alfa Bank researchers acted improperly – if the Trump/Alfa Bank data was manipulated – exactly how did they do it? An Ankura report from 2020 has thoughts on what went down:
- This theory of manipulating the data is consistent with the communications revealed in the Sussmann indictment, where a member of the Alfa Bank “research” team explained that it would be possible to:
- “fill out a sales form on two websites, faking the other company’s email address in each form,” and thereby cause them “to appear to communicate with each other in DNS.”
- It also puts into context the August 22, 2016 observation from Researcher-1: “How do we plan to defend against the criticism that this is not spoofed [] traffic we are observing? There is no answer to that.”
- If this is the case, then Sussmann faces more serious legal consequences than a simple false statement charge. He didn’t just take their information to the FBI and later to the CIA.
- Instead, it was Sussmann who spent long hours drafting the “white paper” that summarized and explained the purported Trump/Alfa Bank links. This white paper was produced to FBI General Counsel Baker on September 19, 2016. And it was Sussmann who provided “new details concerning the [Alfa Bank] allegations” to the CIA in February 2017. Details that ultimately proved false.
- This leads to the potential for potential obstruction (18 USC 1503) or conspiracy charges. As we have stated, for some of this group (Joffe and some of the Georgia Tech researchers) there might be charges relating to the misuse of classified government data from DARPA.
- Reconsidering CrowdStrike.
- I leave you with one last thought. Aaron Mate has a great piece over at RCP discussing the history of DNC lawyers from Perkins Coie – Michael Sussmann and Marc Elias – in furthering the allegations, made through CrowdStrike, that Russians hacked the DNC.
- For background, Crowdstrike was retained by Perkins Coie on May 2, 2016 on behalf of their client, the DNC (and really the Hillary Clinton campaign) to assist Perkins Coie in “providing legal advice or related legal services to Firm Clients [DNC/Hillary].”
- What event triggered the retention of CrowdStrike? In late April 2016, the DNC noticed suspicious behavior on its network. They contacted Sussmann at Perkins Coie, who then got the help of old friend Shawn Henry at Crowdstrike. “Within the day, the CrowdStrike team concluded that the intruders were Russian government operatives.”
- In light of Michael Sussmann’s indictment and the apparent attempt by those working on behalf of the DNC to push the false Alfa Bank hoax on the FBI – consider whether the deception started earlier.
- There have long been suspicions of CrowdStrike as being the entity that manipulated data showing Russians allegedly hacked the DNC/Clinton servers and extracted the e-mails.
- What if Crowdstrike was a patsy, there to unknowingly reach false conclusions of a “Russian hack” based on information provided to them by Perkins Coie and the DNC?
- JEFFREY Epstein’s notorious Zorro Ranch had three computer rooms “the size of houses” to spy on famous guests including Prince Andrew, one of the pedophile’s victims has claimed.
- Former employee Maria Farmer alleges footage would include the Duke of York’s alleged seven-day stay at Epstein’s 33,339 square foot desert estate in New Mexico in 2000.
- reveal a huge underground floor, around 8,000 sq ft in size, which includes exercise, massage and jacuzzi rooms, later transformed into a pool area.
- They also show three unusually large “mechanical rooms” on this lower floor.
- Farmer claims the rooms, usually for a boiler and electrics, were packed with Epstein and alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell’s computers and video equipment for his spying network.
- “These rooms were enormous – bigger than houses. I have no idea why anyone needs so many computers in one room.
- “There were pinhole cameras to record everything on every estate. The cameras were ubiquitous. You couldn’t see them unless they were pointed out to you.”
- Epstein had many guests at his ranch over the years, including Prince Andrew, who allegedly vacationed there with his neurosurgeon ‘friend’ Dr Melanie Walker, whom former Zorro housekeeper Deidre Stratton described as “beautiful, young and brilliant”.
Geopolitical/Police State
- China has carried out two tests of an orbital vehicle believed to be a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile
- First test took place on July 27 while second took place on August 13, intelligence sources have claimed
- Scientists are still trying to work out exactly what the ‘weapon’ is capable of and say it appears to ‘defy the laws of physics’ and is unlike any technology the US has developed
- Beijing has acknowledged one of the tests, but says it was actually launching a ‘peaceful’ civilian spacecraft
- Circle-back Psaki said — incredulously, but not for her — “We welcome stiff competition.”
- John Ratcliffe, . said the following about the missile test
- U.S. intelligence has been aware of Chinese hypersonic tests since 2013 and Ratcliffe said that when he was DNI, he commissioned and cleared several intelligence products on the state of Chinese hypersonics.
- “But I don’t want obscure the point,” Ratcliffe said, as I transcribed from the below video:
“This is a really troubling development. It’s not surprising but it’s… frankly one of the reasons last year I increased our intelligence spending on China by 20 percent.
“Our intelligence very clearly told us that there are discrete areas — hypersonics was one of them — where we didn’t know exactly where the Chinese were, but we were afraid that they were ahead of us in terms of hypersonic technologies.”
- “China [is] attempting to dominate us economically, technologically, and militarily,” Ratcliffe warned, “and this is all part of why I called for increased spending on China and why there has to be a greater focus and influence on this, going forward.”
- Ratcliffe’s points out that the, U.S. currently has 14 ballistic missile submarines, each of which carries a maximum of 20 missiles with multiple, independently-targeted warheads. The subs serve as undetectable launch platforms for intercontinental missiles and are designed specifically for stealth and the precise delivery of nuclear warheads.
- Translation: If Xi Jinping and his Communist comrades in Beijing were foolish enough to take out, say, Los Angeles or New York, with a hypersonic missile or two, the United States Navy has the current capability to turn every major Chinese city into a parking lot in retaliation.
False Flags
- WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. regulators on Wednesday signed off on extending COVID-19 boosters to Americans who got the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccine and said anyone eligible for an extra dose can get a brand different from the one they received initially.
- T
- Sheriff’s offices surrounding the metropolitan area of Chicago are stating they will not send their officers to cover the shortfall in city police officers as an outcome of the vaccine mandate. Keep in mind the elected county sheriff is the highest constitutional officer inside each region.
- Chicago Mayor Lightfoot has released all the city officers who refused the vaccine mandate. Factually it makes no sense according to DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick, who points out that his office does not have mandatory vaccines and as a result could only be providing assistance with officers who may or may not be vaccinated.
- “It doesn’t make sense to say, ‘I only want my residents touching vaccinated people, but I’m going to send all these potentially unvaccinated people from other municipalities to replace them,’” Mendrick said.
BREAKING: @GovRonDeSantis just announced an Emergency Legislative Session to BAN private sector employee vaccine mandates
For the last 3 months, I’ve been the SOLE voice in the Florida Legislature fighting for this
This is a HUGE WIN for medical freedom
And a HUGE L for RINOs
— Rep. Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) October 21, 2021
- Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contrary to what Dr. Anthony Fauci had testified to the Senate.
- Fauci testified to Senators at a hearing in May that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
- However, the NIH’s October 20 letter to House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) showed that the NIH grant, which was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance and then sub-awarded to the Wuhan lab, funded a research project during 2018 and 2019 that tested “if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.”
- The letter added: “In this limited experiment, laboratory mice infected with the SHC014 WIV1 bat coronavirus became sicker than those infected with the WIV1 bat coronavirus.”
- According to the Department of Health and Human Services, “gain-of-function” research is research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.
- Ebright tweeted that in the letter, the NIH “corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.”
Guess who is responsible for millions of deaths around the world?
AG Merrick Garland Admits Federal War On Parents Sprang From School Boards Letter, Not Evidence
- Attorney General Merrick Garland admitted that the basis for targeting and potentially charging parents concerned about what their children are learning in schools with domestic terrorism was a letter from the National School Boards Association, not real evidence.
- “When did you first review the data showing this so-called disturbing uptick?” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan asked during a House Judiciary hearing on Thursday.
- “I read the letter, and we have been seeing over time—” Garland began before Jordan interrupted him.
- “So you read the letter? That’s your source?” Jordan asked incredulously. “Is there some study, some effort, some investigation someone did that, said there’s been a disturbing uptick, or you just take the words of the National School Board Association?”
- Garland then confirmed it wasn’t until NSBA contacted him that his department began to investigate claims of violence and terrorism.
- During his hearing, Garland also confirmed that no one involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has been charged with “insurrection.”
Rep. @chiproytx presses AG Garland on the Loudoun County sexual assault scandal.
GARLAND: “This sounds like a state case, and I’m not familiar with it…I don’t know any of the facts of this case.”
— (@townhallcom) October 21, 2021
MILLIONS pouring into our Country illegally
Fauci lying under oath about developing China virus
Big Tech buying our elections
No memo from the corrupt Biden DOJ
But parents showing up at school boards to oppose Marxist critical race theory? Send in the feds!@andybiggs4az 🔥
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) October 21, 2021
- House Rep. Louis Gohmert had Attorney General Merrick Garland stammering i
- “How many protesters on January 6 were charged with obstructing an official proceeding for four to six hours, do you know?” he asked.
- “I don’t know the exact number,” Garland responded. “Obviously, there were 650 who were arrested, some for assaulting officers, some for obstructing proceedings, some for conspiring to obstruct proceedings… I can get you numbers for each of the specific…”
- “Well, thank you,” Gohmert responded. “I would be interested in getting that number.”
- Then Gohmert hit Garland with a question that gave him serious pause.
- “But regarding the men who broke the glass in the two doors there at the Speaker’s lobby, when the two capitol police who had been standing there moved to the side to allow them access,” he continued. “Were any of those people who broke glass and did damage to those doors working for the FBI or federal law enforcement entities?”
- “Uh, uh, this is an ongoing criminal investigation, and I am really not at liberty to discuss,” Garland stammered. “There have been some filings, umm, umm, of, uh, in the nature of discovery, which has been provided to the defendants. But I, uh, other than that, uh, I can’t discuss that now.”
- In 1987, the New York Times reported Merrick Garland’s marriage to Lynn Rosenman, who took the name Lynn Garland. She is the granddaughter of Samuel Rosenman, a judge at the New York Supreme Court who had served as Special Advisor to Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman.
- In the Times’ announcement, it provides the background that Lynn Garland worked for E-Systems, which specializes in electronic and information warfare.
E-Systems, a defense contractor based out of New Jersey, has quite the shadowy profile. This is how the Washington Post described the firm in 1994, when it still did actual journalism:
If Big Brother ever took control of the United States, E-Systems Inc. would surely be its prime contractor. Consider:
* E-Systems designs spy satellite gear that can snap photographs of automobile license plates from space and capture electronic communications, from phone calls to rocket telemetry.
* E-Systems software can analyze those spy satellite photos to see if anything has changed — a Russian tank moved or an Iraqi missile site built — since the last shots were taken.
* E-Systems can build “electronic fences” to police borders. It helped build one such network of sensors to monitor drug traffickers along the U.S. border with Mexico, and the company says it hopes to build a more sophisticated one for Saudi Arabia.
* And E-Systems hardware can help federal drug enforcement agencies track cocaine planes and tap drug dealers’ telephones.
- “In short, E-Systems’ technologies, part of the central nervous system for the nation’s intelligence community, are regarded as brilliant by intelligence agencies and Wall Street,” WaPo added.
- Lynn Garland would go on to work with the Election Verification Network, which describes itself as a network of professionals who consult on elections (she is listed as a member on the EVN website):
- It should come as no surprise, then, that Merrick Garland’s wife was deeply involved in the 2020 election debacle, and his son-in-law is cashing in on American schools’ disgraceful Critical Race Theory agenda.
- Cyber Ninjas has issued a new report to Maricopa County in response to the County’s audit “analysis”.
- One of the major questions that remain unanswered is, why was a script with over 37,000 log-in queries anonymously executed to delete security logs from election day, on March 3rd?
- Maricopa County continues to dodge this question but the Senate auditors have acquired photographic evidence of this activity and the user who did it.
- Cyber Ninjas reports,
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors stated the following in response to the Audit report concerning the County’s failure to preserve the operating logs on the EMS server “The system automatically logs all actions taken on the equipment. These logs are configured according to factory settings and have a storage limit of 20 megabytes.” This statement ignores the crux of the finding. FAILURE TO PROPERLY RETAIN LOGGED DATA
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Maricopa county had full administrative authorities over the configuration and maintenance of the logging functions and the log retention duration operations. To claim that the reason the log data was not retained because the log size default setting was only 20MB is disingenuous at best when the county had the full control to properly modify this setting to ensure that the logged data was properly retained. The retention period for these log artifacts should have been for twenty-two (22) months but wasn’t. INTENTIONAL EXECUTION OF SCRIPTS TO DELIBERATELY ENSURE THAT LOG ENTRIES WERE NOT RETAINED
The response by Maricopa County does not address the fact that a user leveraging the emsadmin account deliberately and purposely executed a script that checked the accounts for duplicate passwords 38,478 times. This deliberate execution of the script occurred over three days, specifically on 2/11/2021 there were 462 log entries overwritten, on 3/3/2021 there were 37,686 log entries overwritten, and on 4/12/2021 there were 330 log entries overwritten. Given that the Maricopa County knew that the setting on the log retention was limited to 20MB, the act of executing these scripts had the effect of deliberated ensuring that the Windows security logs covering the dates of the general election would not be available for review.
- All evidence has been turned over to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and it now lies on him to investigate these crimes and save our Republic.
- President Trump has officially announced that he will be launching his very own social media platform, which will be called ‘TRUTH Social.‘
- The TRUTH Social app is currently available for pre-order on the Apple App Store, with plans for a beta version for testers sometime in November. After the testing is finished, a nationwide public launch is expected in the first quarter of 2022, according to the TMTG announcement.
“TRUTH Social is America’s “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology
Follow the TRUTH!
What exactly is TRUTH Social’s “Big Tent” approach?
Big Tent is a new way to describe “inclusivity” in America. Think of a giant outdoor event tent at your best friend’s wedding. Who’s there? The combination of multiple families from all over the United States, and the world. Uncle Jim from Atlanta is a proud libertarian. Aunt Kellie from Texas is a staunch conservative. Your cousin John from California is a die-hard liberal. And guess what? They’re all together to have an amazing time and share their viewpoints of the world. Although we don’t always agree with each other, we welcome these varied opinions and welcome the conversation.
Trump’s “TRUTH Social” SPAC Doubles Shortly After Start Of Trading
Confirmed… Trump’s new company is a SPAC. A Special Purpose Acquisition Company.
It’s chartered (and flush with $293Mil cash) with the express intent of acquiring and operating media assets. That could be social apps, but also cable channels, or other things. It is NOT just a social app. It will raise more money and begin announcing acquisitions soon. Initial valuation posted at $1.7B.
Pingback: Big Tech/[DS] Panic, Strategically Planned, Dark To Light, [TRUTH] = END – Ep. 2607 |
The corporate entity is an abomination against Life.
It will be undone.
All of its servants, and their criminal associates, will be held to the same Light and Justice will be done regardless of anyone’s Celestial House of origin.
Why is Trump only launching on the latest Apple platform?
Surely if he wants worldwide coverage, he will provide android and windows platforms too???
Pingback: Big Tech/[DS] Panic, Strategically Planned, Dark To Light, [TRUTH] = END – Ep. 2607 - Seek the Truth
I’ll believe it when I see it – The Truth Teller Will Take Us From The Darkness To The Light – Right Now – All I see is Darkness and more Darkness- Trump says everything will happen it does – but I don’t see him taking us from dark to light – UNTIL SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL HAPPENS!!!!! It seems to me WE ARE IN A CRISIS WORTHY OF THE MILITARY – WHERE ARE THEY???? WHEN THERE IS A SHORTAGE OF FOOD – YOU NEED THE MILITARY!!!! So Let’s Just Have The Economy and America DESTROYED – You Call this walking through the darkness – If the Country is destroyed and not Free anymore or destroyed in the worse way possible – Who will help the people – While They are all insulated – we the people ARE NOT!!!! But The Fake News Is Hiding This News – If The People Don’t Understand What The Deep State Is – Or What Their Plan Is – The People Will Never Know – and We Are Not CHILDREN – We Don’t Need To be taught – Which is what it seems – Let’s Teach everyone – People Need to Hear It – With The Evidence – They Will Believe It – But Sitting Around and Waiting for the Next Crisis – Will Only Destroy Everything!!!!! Facebook – Twitter – THEY DON’T CARE – THEY WILL ALWAYS HAVE PEOPLE – UNLESS THEY GET TAKEN DOWN AND THE CEOs ARRESTED – Then Things Will Change – 81,000 pages – where is it – because NO ONE IS SEEING IT!!!!!! Just What The People Have Already Seen – Should Be Enough To Warrant Walking Through The Darkness – The Information Already Out – is very damning – Biden’s actions are already treasonous – the Covid-19 debacle with Fauci and his gang of criminals is already Crimes Against Humanity – What More Is Really Needed – There are enough crisis to show the people what the DS is all about – There is enough crisis to bring in the Military – The people have seen it – Now Show it – They have everything they need – bring it out – no more drip – flood gate. If this game is already won – they just WIN IT!!!! Movies Don’t Hurt People – What’s Happening Is – Where Was It Revealed??? No One Is Reporting It – How Can People Live Through It – If They Don’t See It and the Media is Not Showing It!!!! Exactly – Do We Have To Let That Happen – Tie Us Down, Shut Us Up and Force Inject the Vaccine – DO WE HAVE TO LIVE THROUGH THAT TOO????? But They Aren’t Showing The Fake Numbers – They Are Still Pushing Fear – and Vaccination – So When??? PROTEST GREAT – BUT STILL NOTHING WILL GET DONE OR CHANGE AS LONG AS THESE PEOPLE ARE STILL STANDING IN THE ILLEGITIMATE OFFICES!!!!!!!!!!! How Many RED LINES – To The FINISH LINE????
As I listen, watch, post much info on many platforms to inform… Sadly the truth is if the Mil & Patriots don’t bust a move & fix this by dealing with what happened there will be nothing left as CCP is ready & waiting for the vaxxed mil the ones who resigned same on many branches with chaos over the mandates…
We know what receiving the vax means for those who stepped up, they won’t be around let alone to function seriously…
People have been dropping like flies… The longer you wait for people to wake up & a whole lot are still upside down the harder it will be to have a strong Mil to defend the whole package…
Or as Sun-Tzu states, “Every battle is won or lost before it is fought.”
I listen to your x22 report everyday and it’s very inspiring while informative. However, the country continues to decline and heading quickly to a socialist/communist state. The Durham report at one point was encouraging however, despite all you and other Patriots report, no one of significance is being held accountable or going to jail. We’re living in “bizarro world”. The GOP hold these investigated sessions, aggressively questioning the far left liberal commies, but nothing happens. No need to pontificate on all the other crazy things that are occurring that are contributing to the decline of our wonderful country. You discuss them consistently. Starting to lose fate this nightmare will never end.
Nevertheless, keep reporting, God Bless you.
Outstanding report and great work Dave.
I’ve known what you’re telling us but allowing mandates ondeath jabs which my children have taken is going to far Enough now!!!
I find your updates factual, but your supposition about Trump and the patriots leaves me skeptical. To date, Trump and the patriots have done nothing to restore our republic and elections. I simply cannot believe the people had to see it all. I have been discussing election fraud for over 20 years. Nothing has been done. Personally, most of these internet channels are simply operating to make money and to control the opposition of the people. I hope to be proven wrong!
So, now, the BIG EVENT will be in February, 2022. A year ago, it was going to be in February 2021.
I’m 91, and I sure hope that it will happen in my lifetime.
In the meantime, I sit here, patiently waiting as fast as I can, clutching my Bible and my gun.
Just a question. Wouldn’t these (so called, vaccine) mandates, that are forcing people to get jabbed or loose their jobs, fall under the Equal Opportunity Employment Act? Discrimination of “Genetic Information”
(Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), which prohibits genetic information discrimination in employment, took effect on November 21, 2009.) Thanks Mark
it’s interesting how the government wants to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of court while the government disregards the election in Arizona and those questioned about integrety are not held in contempt.