The BBB is having problems, when people read the plan they see what the money is funding and it is not funding the infrastructure, it is funding an agenda. South Korea is now preparing for inflation, they are stock up on rice to get ahead of what is coming. The middle class is the biggest part of the population and inflation is effecting them the most. The [DS]/Big Pharma has gone down the path of the collapse. They were given a choice, show the people the truth or collapse under the weight of fraud and criminality, it seems they are choosing option two, collapse. The fake news is already signaling that the pandemic is coming to and end, the clock is now ticking down. The next phase of the patriot plan is now in motion, take the bullhorn away from the fake news. All the pieces are coming together.
Sen. Manchin did the right thing for the right reasons
The climate change provisions alone in this bill warranted its demise, which was a key reason Sen. Manchin put the final nail in its coffin – at least for now.
The climate provisions of this bill contained $500 billion worth of “energy investments” which is a euphemism for corporate welfare. Indeed, the climate alarmist camp is beside itself thinking that Manchin’s action puts the planet itself at risk (e.g., see “Morano Minute” here). They were eager to see taxpayer cash used to manipulate the free market for their agenda and for handouts to companies to construct more solar panels, electric cars and wind turbines. This was ostensibly to meet President Biden’s artificial deadline of lowering greenhouse emissions to 2005 levels by 2030 and to reach carbon “neutrality” by 2050. Newsflash for the climate cottage industry: attaining carbon goals won’t matter, with or without Build Back Better, for the simple reason that China, India, Russia and Africa are not playing along. They are expandingtheir use of coal, oil and gas to build their economies and standard of living for their populations, just like the U.S. has done. Which means killing fossil fuel industries and jobs in West Virginia and throughout the U.S. to attain a national carbon reduction goal, if possible, won’t matter. Not even a little bit. It will be more than offset by most of the rest of the planet’s energy use.
Knowing this, why should Sen. Manchin sacrifice his constituents for this carbon fool’s errand?
The South Korean government said that it would purchase 200,000 tons of surplus rice on Tuesday in an effort to prevent a further price drop in the domestic rice market caused by oversupply.
The vast majority of Americans agree that there are only two genders — that an individual is either biologically female or biologically male, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.
The survey bluntly asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: There are two genders, male and female.”
Overall, 75 percent either strongly or somewhat agree that there are only two genders, male and female. Another 18 percent said they either somewhat or strongly disagree, and seven percent remain unsure. Notably, a majority across the board — Republicans (92 percent), Democrats (61 percent), and independents (73 percent) — agree that male and female are the only two genders.
However, the survey took the question a step further and asked about Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has been accused by radical transgender activists of engaging in “hate speech” for asserting that there are only two biological sexes — male and female.
“Do you agree with J.K. Rowling, or is it ‘hate speech’ to say there are only two genders?” the survey asked.
Overall, 58 percent said they agree with Rowling, while 17 percent said they consider it to be “hate speech.” While a majority of Republicans, 78 percent, and independents, 60 percent, agree with Rowling, Democrats are more split; a plurality, 41 percent, agree with Rowling. Thirty percent, however, remain unsure, while 29 percent consider it hate speech.
The woman caught on video slapping a passenger aboard a Delta flight last week was revealed as a one-time NFL cheerleader and former small-time actor with a role in “Baywatch.”
The man, who felt Cornwall’s comments were out of line, told her that she “isn’t black … this isn’t Alabama and this isn’t a bus,” according to the affidavit.
In the early 1990s, she was also a member of the Raiderettes — the cheerleading squad for the then-Los Angeles Raiders.
Cornwall could not be reached for comment Monday night.
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 are on the rise again due to the omicron variant and its high level of transmissibility. On Dec. 26, 189,714 new cases of COVID-19 were reported. Of those, 54,828 came from New York City. This means that 28.9% of new cases reported for Dec. 26 came from the Big Apple.
But with these numbers, the AP appears to focus on Florida’s new cases.
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s comments this morning all the more compelling. “When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get more people vaccinated,” he told MSNBC. “If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.”
Last week the narrative was “the winter of death” is coming. That effort didn’t faze anyone; the White House shifted messaging within days.
♦ First, the CDC is now saying the quarantine time for anyone vaccinated or unvaccinated and testing positive for COVID-19 is now changed from ten days to five days. If you test positive for COVID-19, Omicron or any variant therein, you only need to be quarantined for 5 days.
♦ Secondly, the CDC is now saying anyone who has been vaccinated and “boosted” who tests positive, does not need to quarantine at all. “Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure.”
We already understand that everything, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, about COVID-19 is driven by politics. No actions, lockdowns, mandates, rules or restrictions were ever driven by public health – if they were, the rules would not conflict with empirical evidence and outcomes.
After the “winter of death” statements, Biden met with corporations and people in the supply chain taskforce. Those conversations were all about the economics of the COVID-19 situation. The supply chain includes both “goods” and “services.”
This CDC shift in quarantine time for infection is significant, because it shows the impact of lost workers (sick time) to the aggregate economy. The Joe Biden policy response is to shorten the quarantine recommendations, because our economy cannot have millions of people taking ten days off work for a common cold.
Today, Joe Biden officially tries to take the U.S. government out of the COVID mess by saying “there is no federal solution” to the crisis their COVID-19 response created.
For two years Joe Biden has critiqued, criticized, complained and promised that his administration would handle the spread of COVID-19 and all the downstream consequences.
Why the shift? Because the crisis they created is about to be very visible, on a local level, in every town.
Obviously, the White House can NOW clearly see the looming crisis they have created by their COVID policies, dictates and mandates. A genuine shitstorm is unfolding in real time, and I guarantee you CoS Ron Klain (and the crew behind Biden) have been given detailed, specific briefings and information about the scale of the national COVID mess that is about to surface.
It’s not just the deadlines for the vaccination mandates hitting hard and creating an absolute mess with the testing requirements, and it’s not just a shortage of workers this vaccine requirement is creating, and it’s not just the amplified shortage of workers who test positive and must remain quarantined. It’s actually a much bigger mess within the cumulative economic and social ramifications.
Keep in mind the vast majority of Americans are done with two years of COVID-19 and variant fear mongering. That’s why the “winter of death” narrative backlash was so strong and so transparently dangerous on a political level to the White House after deployment. They started backtracking within 72 hours and trying to thread a needle between calm control and the more useful panic/crisis.
The federal government triggered mandatory vaccine or testing requirements. That process requires COVID tests. However, now the federal government is trying to back away from the crisis created by the testing demand and throwing the testing responsibility to the states. The testing mess has only just begun.
Testing is the springboard we need to help get our economy safely up and running again. Trump could rapidly scale it up. He hasn’t. Instead, he’s passed blame and pushed sole responsibility to governors.
Let us be specific about the massive scale of this failure.
Vaccinating the Unvaccinated is stalled because a growing number of Americans now realize that untested vaccines do not protect you from being infected again. What is the point of getting a shot that does not shield you from the disease? Making matters worse is the growing evidence that some who receive the vaccine are dying subsequently from heart attacks and blood clots. Pregnant women in their first two trimesters are experiencing miscarriages. And professional athletes, particularly those playing soccer, are going down with pericarditis and myocarditis.
Further Protecting the Vaccinated? MORE VACCINATED people are getting sick with COVID, including those with boosters. You can only lie to people so long before they get fed up with your mendacity and shut you out. That is one of the terrible legacies that Joe Biden has created.
Increasing testing and Requiring Masking? A strong percentage of Americans are fed up with mask mandates because the masks do not prevent the spread of COVID. If the masks actually worked according to Biden’s idiotic fantasy, then we would not be seeing the huge current wave of COVID infections sweeping through the United States.
a new study on natural immunity published in the European Journal of Immunology. The cutting-edge research shows that not only is natural immunity effective, it is superior to vaccinated immunity because it is much longer-lasting.
“Most subjects develop antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 following infection,” the study states. “In order to estimate the duration of immunity induced by SARS-CoV-2 it is important to understand for how long antibodies persist after infection in humans... We found that NAb [natural antibodies] against the WT virus [B-lineage variants] persisted in 89% and S-IgG in 97% of subjects for at least 13 months after infection.”
Eat your heart out, Big Pharma. Nature’s immunization system beats your leaky, ineffective products any day of the week. Let’s dig a little deeper and examine the results:
Omicron infection enhances neutralizing immunity against Delta — suggesting that Omicron will help push Delta out, as it should decrease likelihood that someone infected with Omicron will get re-infected with Delta. New preprint from Sigal Lab. @sigallab
The U.S. flu season has arrived on schedule after taking a year off, with flu hospitalizations rising and two child deaths reported.
Last year’s flu season was the lowest on record, likely because COVID-19 measures
As we recognize that covid-19 is not a deadly or even severe disease for the vast majority of responsible Americans, we can stop agonizing over “cases” and focus on those who are hospitalized or at risk of dying.
Q, how long will we have to wait for the cures of cancer and other sicknesses?
Chatter amongst those in control has begun.
They know we know which means the public will know.
Release prior to cover up.
Public informed and collapse.
Which option?
Taylor Budowich, the spokesman for former President Donald Trump, sued the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack — and all of its members — on Friday after the committee subpoenaed his private financial records.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who holds ultimate authority over the committee, is also named among the defendants.
Budowich is the latest witness to sue the committee, accusing it of violating the Constitution and its own enabling House resolution. Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sued the committee earlier this month, arguing that it is trampling on executive privilege and the separation of powers, and pointing out that it failed to comply with H. Res. 503 by rejecting Republican nominees to the committee and issuing subpoenas without consulting the ranking minority member
BIG – Reader Alert: Worst Full Week Right-Direction/ Wrong-Track Results For Biden Administration … Ever
Today for Dec 19-22, 2021
Is the …
Country Headed In The Right Direction – 27%
Country On The Wrong Track – 67%
Not Sure – 6%
I’d be willing to bet that there were people who were going to get paid from the BBB bill and since it was shot down by Manchin and didn’t pass, the money was stolen from the covid relief fund instead. After all, the money was supposedly taken almost immediately after the bill was rejected. I don’t think there is any coincidence here. Praying for justice.
Here in the UK Dave they’re using the same terminology – ‘Build Back Better’ – so hopefully you’re correct because we will follow the US.. Evil forces at work with ‘Klaus and Charlie’ for sure …
Dave I don’t know what you’re relationship with Trump is but now I believe he’s a player in this whole movie. To him, big pharma and the likes who are running the show, it’s All BS. Mike Adams and others have proven that. As far as I know he’s paying you to keep up the game of phony hope in him and the military. Good Bye.
so if trump and the patriots gave these people a choice – or they would collapse their system and they chose option two – then where in the hell is trump and the patriots collapsing the system – don’t see it???? How does letting them do what they do best collapse the system??? If it worked, they would have already been collapsed, but they aren’t – they are still pushing forward and as for the truth – STILL WAITING TO SEE THE TRUTH – Might Turn Out to be Deadly in the end – it is turning out to be deadly – I thought all the truth and the facts were already gathered – why isn’t anything coming out – Tired of hearing it will take some time – we don’t have time – people will be dead – people will be put in detention camps for not being vaccinated – people will continue to lose jobs – TIME WE DON’T HAVE ANYMORE!!!!! Everything is already being blamed on trump and the patriots – they are already saying it is Trump supporters responsible for this virus – why are you not being honest – people are looking for truth tellers, not people who care about optics. There are other ways trump could have handled this – as I said, trump and his supporters have already been blamed on this pandemic – they never stopped – so what difference would it make??? He also said he has taken the vaccine and the booster – he has already pushed the vaccines – doesn’t matter that he isn’t for mandates – he also said it was the unvaccinated in the hospital – why lie about that??? People tend not to do research – Trump knows these vaccines are deadly – why in the hell would he even tell the people it’s your choice, if he wants to save the people – why not be honest with them – but he lies!!!!!
You keep saying that the new test will show less people are getting the rona… that is not necessarily true. They gamed the numbers the whole time, what makes you think they won’t continue? What investigations have you seen of the companies running the tests? What investigations of the testing companies have been done to verify point to point tracking of the tests? Testing procedures? Yes they are at a legal cross roads that could expose them to heavy fines and more, but do you know who is doing those testing, their owners, their position on politics? Nope. Think about what that means.
What makes you think the new test will not be rigged as well? Who is creating the new test?
You might want to get away from saying the new test will show less rona. This is their lives on the line, their power and control. This is war.
Just a thought.
What is in the poison death injection as called by Dr. Zalinski? Is there Graphene Oxide and iron oxide?
Does the affect on the nucleus of the Cells DNA and other MRNA and organelles create a spike protein
factory that causes myocarditis and pericarditis as well as heart attacks, miscarriages and other serious adverse reactions that can actually hospitalize recipients of the poison death injection? Is the injection really a synthetic virus and all along just joined the mix of corona viruses, influenza and common cold viruses and because of the fear mongering rose to the top and last years influenza season disappeared to inflate the fear mongering while all along it was not the synthetic virus but all the others.Too much money was given to hospitals and Doctors to keep them honest and the Fed part of the equation was willing to the extreme to give them the money with little or no oversite.
PCR testing was misused as the inventor stated many times it was never meant for SARS-COV-2
DX so deaths in the 75 plus category were most likely not from covid. I smell tyrants in our midst
that do not believe or follow our Constitutional Repulic’s Constitution and that makes them traitors
and unworthy of ever holding any elected or unelected office. Now they want to inject our children
who do not need this emergency injection that is masquerading as a vaccine while all along it was the weapon of death.
Finally in the history of vaccines there has never been a mandatory registry for the tracking of
adverse reactions to prevent a mass die off by true vaccines , no less a weaponized poison
injection that some how never went through clinical trials and is loaded with poison. The die off
has already started and death and injury as well as the utter breakdown of science, medicine and
criminality by the government, the FDA, NIH, conventional medicine doctors and hospitals and clinics have put our nation at risk. Ironically, the illegal aliens not getting vaxed by the millions, are at less risk of the die off. We trusted you and you have all failed the citizens of the United States of America.
Hi Dave
I’m one of your subscribers and love all your work👍 But I want to ask you something, Do you believe Trump will be reinstated into the Whitehouse before 2024 because of the fraud.
Darrin mc Dougall
I’d be willing to bet that there were people who were going to get paid from the BBB bill and since it was shot down by Manchin and didn’t pass, the money was stolen from the covid relief fund instead. After all, the money was supposedly taken almost immediately after the bill was rejected. I don’t think there is any coincidence here. Praying for justice.
Here in the UK Dave they’re using the same terminology – ‘Build Back Better’ – so hopefully you’re correct because we will follow the US.. Evil forces at work with ‘Klaus and Charlie’ for sure …
Dave I don’t know what you’re relationship with Trump is but now I believe he’s a player in this whole movie. To him, big pharma and the likes who are running the show, it’s All BS. Mike Adams and others have proven that. As far as I know he’s paying you to keep up the game of phony hope in him and the military. Good Bye.
Pingback: Chatter Amongst The [DS] Has Begun, Option Two Chosen, Collapse – Ep. 2663 |
so if trump and the patriots gave these people a choice – or they would collapse their system and they chose option two – then where in the hell is trump and the patriots collapsing the system – don’t see it???? How does letting them do what they do best collapse the system??? If it worked, they would have already been collapsed, but they aren’t – they are still pushing forward and as for the truth – STILL WAITING TO SEE THE TRUTH – Might Turn Out to be Deadly in the end – it is turning out to be deadly – I thought all the truth and the facts were already gathered – why isn’t anything coming out – Tired of hearing it will take some time – we don’t have time – people will be dead – people will be put in detention camps for not being vaccinated – people will continue to lose jobs – TIME WE DON’T HAVE ANYMORE!!!!! Everything is already being blamed on trump and the patriots – they are already saying it is Trump supporters responsible for this virus – why are you not being honest – people are looking for truth tellers, not people who care about optics. There are other ways trump could have handled this – as I said, trump and his supporters have already been blamed on this pandemic – they never stopped – so what difference would it make??? He also said he has taken the vaccine and the booster – he has already pushed the vaccines – doesn’t matter that he isn’t for mandates – he also said it was the unvaccinated in the hospital – why lie about that??? People tend not to do research – Trump knows these vaccines are deadly – why in the hell would he even tell the people it’s your choice, if he wants to save the people – why not be honest with them – but he lies!!!!!
You keep saying that the new test will show less people are getting the rona… that is not necessarily true. They gamed the numbers the whole time, what makes you think they won’t continue? What investigations have you seen of the companies running the tests? What investigations of the testing companies have been done to verify point to point tracking of the tests? Testing procedures? Yes they are at a legal cross roads that could expose them to heavy fines and more, but do you know who is doing those testing, their owners, their position on politics? Nope. Think about what that means.
What makes you think the new test will not be rigged as well? Who is creating the new test?
You might want to get away from saying the new test will show less rona. This is their lives on the line, their power and control. This is war.
Just a thought.
What is in the poison death injection as called by Dr. Zalinski? Is there Graphene Oxide and iron oxide?
Does the affect on the nucleus of the Cells DNA and other MRNA and organelles create a spike protein
factory that causes myocarditis and pericarditis as well as heart attacks, miscarriages and other serious adverse reactions that can actually hospitalize recipients of the poison death injection? Is the injection really a synthetic virus and all along just joined the mix of corona viruses, influenza and common cold viruses and because of the fear mongering rose to the top and last years influenza season disappeared to inflate the fear mongering while all along it was not the synthetic virus but all the others.Too much money was given to hospitals and Doctors to keep them honest and the Fed part of the equation was willing to the extreme to give them the money with little or no oversite.
PCR testing was misused as the inventor stated many times it was never meant for SARS-COV-2
DX so deaths in the 75 plus category were most likely not from covid. I smell tyrants in our midst
that do not believe or follow our Constitutional Repulic’s Constitution and that makes them traitors
and unworthy of ever holding any elected or unelected office. Now they want to inject our children
who do not need this emergency injection that is masquerading as a vaccine while all along it was the weapon of death.
Finally in the history of vaccines there has never been a mandatory registry for the tracking of
adverse reactions to prevent a mass die off by true vaccines , no less a weaponized poison
injection that some how never went through clinical trials and is loaded with poison. The die off
has already started and death and injury as well as the utter breakdown of science, medicine and
criminality by the government, the FDA, NIH, conventional medicine doctors and hospitals and clinics have put our nation at risk. Ironically, the illegal aliens not getting vaxed by the millions, are at less risk of the die off. We trusted you and you have all failed the citizens of the United States of America.
Hi Dave
I’m one of your subscribers and love all your work👍 But I want to ask you something, Do you believe Trump will be reinstated into the Whitehouse before 2024 because of the fraud.
Darrin mc Dougall