[D] Corruption & Election Interference, [DS] Fighting For Their Lives, Something Big Coming – Ep. 2958
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Putin bans all oil sales to ‘price cap’ states
- The move is in response to a Western coalition price limit on Russia’s seaborne oil exports. The $60-per-barrel price cap on Russian seaborne oil exports was introduced by the EU, G7 countries, and Australia on December 5. It bans Western companies from providing insurance and other services for Russian oil shipments unless the cargo is purchased at or below the set price.
- Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree
- according to the decree, the ban on oil supplies in response to the price cap comes into effect on February 1, 2023 and is valid until July 1, 2023. The effective date of the ban on supplying petroleum products will be determined later by the government.The president can grant special permission for the supply of oil and oil products prohibited by the price ceiling, according to the decree. The Russian Ministry of Energy will monitor compliance with the presidential order on retaliatory measures.
Source: rt.com
Germany Returns To Coal As Energy Security Trumps Climate Goals
- Germany is returning to coal as it faces its worst energy crisis in decades, even as it officially pursues its climate change goals.
- The central European nation is consuming coal at the fastest pace in almost six years, as it becomes one of the few countries to increase imports of the fuel in 2023, reported Bloomberg.
- One of the oldest and cheapest sources of energy, coal, has made a comeback after soaring energy costs worldwide, particularly in Europe, which is suffering from an acute economic crisis due to declining relations with Moscow.
- A few coal plants were temporarily reactivated in Europe this year because of gas shortages after being closed or mothballed to weather the current energy crisis.
- Global coal consumption hit a record high of over 8 billion tonnes this year, said the International Energy Agency (IEA).
- Despite the spike in coal use in the European Union, carbon emissions for November were at their lowest in 30 years, according to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.
- Nuclear reactor capacity in France is now at about 68 percent, from 50 percent last month, according to Bloomberg.
Source: zerohedge.com
Massive Number Of People Moved Out Of Failed-State California In 2022 – More Than Any Other State
- Americans are fleeing far-left California.
- Over 300,000 people left California for another state in 2022 – this is more than left any other state.
- Breitbart reported:
- 2020 was the first time in the history of the state of California the population contracted.
- Sacramento Bee reported:
- The Public Policy Institute of California reported that between 2015 and 2021, 413,000 adults cited housing as a primary reason they moved out of state; a majority of those leaving were middle- or low-income people. The institute’s state survey found that 64% of adults in California say housing affordability is “a big problem” where they live.
- If California’s liberal policies work why are people leaving?
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
BIDEN ECONOMY: Fed is Raising Rates Faster and Higher – And Inflation Is Still Out of Control
- The Fed is raising rates at a faster pace than ever in the last 40 years. They believe this is needed to stop Biden’s inflation from destroying the economy.
Elon Musk replied to my Tweet.
Might faint. pic.twitter.com/2jX8HAlKWn
— Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA (@GRDecter) December 22, 2022
source: thegatewaypundit.com
- “The prevailing view that rate hikes are causative in curbing inflation implies a negative correlation between the two variables,” writes David Ranson, director of research at financial analytics firm HCWE & Co.
- Or put another way, if the Fed’s policy of raising interest rates works, we should see falling inflation in the months after rate hikes get announced. It should also work vice-versa with inflation rising after rate cuts.
- First, rate hikes are generally positively correlated with the current level of inflation. That’s normal. Based on the Fed’s policies you’d hardly expect the policy team to raise them when there wasn’t inflation problem.
- However, it the next finding that is both intriguing and worrying.
- “U.S. history plainly shows a positive correlation, […] Rates movements are [also] positively related to the following year’s inflation.” Ranson emphasis.
- Ranson conducted his study using data going back tot he 1955, and did a separate study using monthly data back to 1954. The results were the same.
- “[The data] shows no sign that changes in the Fed’s target interest rate affect inflation in the expected way,” Ranson writes. “If anything, a rate hike is consistently followed by more inflation than rate cut.”
- Put bluntly, the data doesn’t support the idea behind the Fed’s recent interest rate hikes.
- Before jumping on the idea that when Paul Volcker ran the Fed and crushed inflation in the early 1980s, its worth considering the role that the gold market plays.
- Ranson points to the fact that gold is generally sensitive to future inflation. In the case of 1980, gold prices were falling before any action was taken by the Fed. He explains as follows:
- “It [gold prices] famously peaked above $800/ oz in February of 1980, and thereupon began a dramatic decline. This occurred before chairman Volcker pushed interest rates to their high point, which was reached in August 1981.”
- Again, the falling inflation rate in the early 1980s coincided with rate hikes. But those interest rate increases weren’t necessarily the cause of the fall in inflation.
Source: forbes.com
Hollywood And The Woke Entertainment Industry Lost Hundreds Of Billions In Market Value In 2022
- Americans are tired of woke Hollywood.
- The market value of studios and other Hollywood-associated companies declined from $1.35 trillion to $808 billion – a loss of $542 billion.
- This decline outpaced other sectors.
- Breitbart reported:
Major studios, streamers, cable providers, and other media giants lost a combined $542 billion in market value in 2022, with left-wing studios the Walt Disney Co., Netflix, and Comcast accounting for the bulk of the bloodshed.
The losses outpaced indices for other sectors, including banking, which saw a 14.5 percent drop for the year, and telecommunications, which fell by 11.2 percent.
- Disney stock is on pace for its worst year since 1974.
- Go woke, go broke!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2022
Sam Bankman-Fried Allegedly Made Up ‘Our Korean Friend’s Account’ To Hide Customer Funds
- Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly hid customer funds from his crypto exchange FTX in what he described as “our Korean friend’s account” to prevent them from being detected.
- Bankman-Fried referred to Alameda Research’s account on FTX’s system as “our Korean friend’s account” and “the weird Korean account” to conceal Alameda’s $8 billion in liabilities, according to the CFTC complaint. The account was an Alameda sub-account but did not have an identifier used by the hedge fund’s other sub-accounts, the CFTC claimed.
Source: dailycaller.com
Trump retruthed
MSNBC Host Says ‘Some’ Are Describing Issue At Southern Border As A ‘Crisis’
- MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire said Tuesday that “some” people are describing the ongoing crisis at the southern border as a “crisis.”
- “The Supreme Court is set to decide whether to lift or keep in place the border policy known as Title 42. Enacted during the height of the pandemic, it allows border officials to deny asylum seekers entry into the United States due to public health concerns. It was set to expire last Wednesday before Chief Justice John Roberts issued a stay on the expiration pending a final decision.”
- “Meanwhile, the developing situation at the border is being described by some as a crisis, with multiple border towns and cities overwhelmed by the influx of migrants. In El Paso, Texas alone, as many as 5,000 migrants per day are anticipated to enter if Title 42 is lifted,” Lemire continued.
source: dailycaller.com
- TITLE 42 is saving what’s left of our Country. Ending it, on top of our incredible, but now decimated, STAY IN MEXICO Policy, would greatly speed up the destruction of our Country. Both could have been put into the horrendous Mitch McConnell inspired “gift to the Democrats and China” OMINOUS Bill. What a disaster this Administration, coupled with the almost as bad RINOS, is. JUST CAN’T GET ANY WORSE!
When you step back you can see Trump set them up, with pandemic in place title 42 keeps millions of illegals out of the country, remove the pandemic, the vaccines, control slips away and allows them to bring in more illegals, the people will recognize that title 42 kept millions out of the country and the biden admin knowingly removed it to allow the invasion to testify.
Geopolitical/Police State
Some nights … pic.twitter.com/BLAUsJr4wb
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2022
May it always be so. It is the most treasured item on my bedside table. pic.twitter.com/rJ1pWlUfLs
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2022
1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community.
Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.”
Here’s the breakdown:
— Name Redacted (@NameRedacted247) December 27, 2022
- Still out of commission but everyone needs to understand, social media (not TS) and messaging apps are not just monitored for content in messages, BUT they also are the largest provider of geospatial data to the federal government through the tagging on the apps.
- I was asked not to share this but people need to understand this is a key part of the patterns of life: who you are, exactly where you are, and what you are saying.
- Elon needs to release all of this. @Kash
- Earlier this year, the Alabama Legislature ratified House Bill 272, which makes the state the 22nd in the country to permit individuals to carry concealed pistols without acquiring a permit or undergoing a background check.
- The new law goes into effect Jan. 1, according to the law.
- Under the law, the requirement for a person to obtain a concealed carry permit to carry a loaded pistol under their clothes, in a vehicle or in a purse or other carrying bag is dropped.
Source: justthenews.com
Taiwan to extend compulsory military service to one year, citing China threat
- Taiwan will extend its compulsory military service from four months to a year starting in 2024,
- China’s People’s Liberation Army in particular has stepped up its military harassment of Taiwan, sending fighter planes and navy vessels toward Taiwan on a near-daily basis in recent years. In response, the island’s military actively tracks those movements, which often serves as training for its own military personnel.
- Of Taiwan’s 188,000-person military, 90% are volunteers and 10% are men doing their required four months of service.
source: france24.com
False Flags
End of Pandemic: Israel to Downgrade COVID-19 to Flu Level on January 31
- the coronavirus pandemic in Israel will soon be officially over.
- on Jan. 18 the Home Front Command’s COVID-19 testing facilities will be closed and the responsibilities will be transferred to the health care service providers.
- Then on Jan. 31, the coronavirus will be considered a viral disease similar to the flu. The control center for the pandemic will be closed and at this stage, according to the plan, there will no longer be a need for isolation for COVID-19 patients.
Source: algemeiner.com
It is hard to understate the levels of dishonesty we witnessed during Covid.
No amount of political doublespeak can make this poof away. The game has changed – once the internet has receipts, the evidence is forever. https://t.co/NZuhR68T5K pic.twitter.com/2KweCNF6OT
— The Rabbit Hole (@TheRabbitHole84) December 26, 2022
Twitter silenced a Harvard MD for saying children don’t need to get vaccinated.
Why would twitter & the federal government so desperately want kids to receive an experimental vaccine?
Congress needs to figure out who in gov made this dangerous policy the approved narrative. https://t.co/0p5nUOVum9
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) December 26, 2022
Deleted https://t.co/U4olzTEqot
— Daniel Chaitin (@danielchaitin7) December 26, 2022
🚩 Out of 44,000 participants in Pfizer’s clinical trials, the mRNA doses were approved based on 170 participants. Of that 170—162 received the placebo and 8 participants received 2 doses of the mRNA. That’s how Pfizer claims to have reached 95% efficacy.
Receipts from Pfizer: pic.twitter.com/6gcb4N0Bsb— Defeat The Mandates (@dchomecoming) December 26, 2022
Again—if a few of the 170 participants data were based on fraudulent data (which @IamBrookJackson claims) then irb would throw off the entire basis of Pfizer’s results. And we now know that some of those 170 participants were from her clinical trial sites.
— Defeat The Mandates (@dchomecoming) December 26, 2022
- The FBI tried to shut me down when I was being positive, and way ahead of the curve—as opposed to Governors that shut their States down, even for short periods. dailycaller.com/2022/12/26/tw
- Ex-FBI Twitter Lawyer Questioned Why Trump Wasn’t Censored Over ‘Optimistic’ COVID Tweet, Docs Show
- Jim Baker, Twitter’s former Deputy General Counsel, contacted high-ranking execs to ask why a Trump tweet was not in violation of the company’s COVID-19 policy.
- dailycaller.com
- Remember when our gov’t incentivized hospitals to overreport/diagnose COVID cases with $13,000+ payments per patient and $39,000+ if they were put on a ventilator?
- I wonder why they don’t make similar payments to hospitals that treat vaccine injuries like myocarditis and clots…
Everything we are witnessing has been going on for years. By Trump reversing alot of their policies, allowing the [DS] to use the pandemic, to cheat in the election, try to bring us into the great reset, big pharma to push vaccines, [WEF] believing they were in control the [DS] players went all trying to control over everything, they were no longer doing all of this in the shadows, they were brought out into the light for all to see.
Remember Fauci, CDC, FDA, Big Pharam censored all other treatments, they even went as far as banning doctors from getting these drugs , Ivermectin and HCQ,
We have the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ and now the White House directly pressuring Twitter execs to censor Americans’ speech. How can anyone take seriously legal pundits who continue to insist this is not a problem? https://t.co/caxyec6JG8
— Megan Basham (@megbasham) December 26, 2022
- With the recent revelations, anything is possible. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let the TRUTH be known

School hides National Merit awards for students to promote “equity”
- Located in Fairfax County, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology has long been ranked as one of the premiere high schools in the nation. It’s a “magnet” charter school that focuses on the sciences and STEM curricula. But for several years now you wouldn’t have guessed that based on the school’s record of students receiving National Merit awards. That’s because none of the students reportedly received those honors. Except that’s not true at all. The top students in the school did indeed receive National Merit awards, but two administrators at TJ have been withholding notifications of the awards from students.
For years, two administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) have been withholding notifications of National Merit awards from the school’s families, most of them Asian, thus denying students the right to use those awards to boost their college-admission prospects and earn scholarships.
Source: hotair.com
- Whoa – J6 coverup gets *much* darker
- House Sgt. at Arms & Senate S.a.A. both fired from Capitol Police Board on 1/7 as “fall guys”
- Pelosi staff texts now *prove* they helped block nat’l guard troops
Michael Stenger, Senate security chief on Jan. 6, dies before hearing
Michael Stenger, who resigned a day after pro-Trump rioters easily stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, died Monday morning.
Trump retruthed
- Nancy Pelosi must be investigated for her refusal to secure the Capitol on January 6th.
- She knew.

- Very interesting, because until recently the political Hacks and Thugs of the highly partisan January 6th Unselect Committee were seldom talking about your favorite President, me, as it related to the PROTEST on Election Fraud. NUMBER ONE, as President, I have total Immunity. Number two, I did nothing wrong. Then the Committee members, mostly the same sleaze that pushed the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, started saying that “Trump” did it. Even Shifty Schiff got into the act again. SAD!!!
Arizona's Gov.-elect Katie Hobbs filed a separate motion detailing what she wants Kari Lake to pay in sanctions: more than $550,000, mostly to @MarcEElias's firm.
Maricopa County filed for separate sanctions.
More details, @LawCrimeNews https://t.co/XFM0ZYn4BN pic.twitter.com/G6FYEvcO3i
— Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) December 26, 2022
- I know it hard to watch when situations like the Lake case happen. The appeal will go forward.
- However, some of the testimony from enemy was extremely helpful.
- DNC Expert testified that long lines and Election Day chaos have little to no impact on voter turnout and there is no evidence that voter suppression under the circumstances seen in Maricopa County occurred.
- The “expert” directly contradicts every single voter suppression case the DNC has ever brought.
The man whose sole responsibility in Arizona is to count Maricopa County's votes not only lied under oath about starting an anti-@KariLake PAC, but was forced to acknowledge the complete breakdown in the chain of custody on Election Day.
Is this Justice? https://t.co/q6vN1quyYH
— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) December 27, 2022
- @KariLake will be appealing the lawsuit this week. She’s sent her response to the judge over sanctions because her team believes they had absolute merit. This should move quickly because Katie’s Hobbs inauguration is set for next week.
- Don Jr says the #1 focus needs to be elections: “You could run someone just shy of Jesus Christ himself right now against the dumbest and most radical liberal and not win…. It has to be our #1 focus and there’s nothing even close as far as I’m concerned.”
- U.S. Voters (Overwhelmingly) Want Their Old Election System Back: I&I/TIPP Poll
- More than eight in 10 support photo I.D. requirements.
- Issues & Insights
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8kun/qresearch: 7638553
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You continue to defend Elon. He lied about the WEF school. You can go to the website and find his pic, bio, and more. Everyone is lying about it (Tulsi Gabard lied, Dan Crenshaw lied, all of them). Elon graduated with Macron and Trudo.
You need to listen more to the demons themselves. Oddly enough they are the only ones telling the truth. They have clearly stated they intend to sow distrust in the government to the point that the people want them gone. Then they are going to step in with their “new” government. Everything Elon is doing is promoting exactly that. I’ve been right on all the other communications with you and I’m right about this. With so much controlled opposition running around, your making me wonder. Alex Jones has been in the game a long time, but he is 100% one of them. Joe Rogan, Russel Brand, Awaken with JP and more are all controlled ops. How do I know? They throw the gang signs and tell me. Think Trump is a good guy? He is part of an opposing gangster group and they are simply fighting over who is going to control the cash. There is a civil war, but not in America. What families went down with the titanic? What families have been shot. The world is run by gangsters and they are in a fight for the world. You have to control the cash to control the world.
I ride with Trump because the other option is worse. Trump is not what people think he is though. And I can prove it. Don’t forget the CBDC point of no return is rapidly approaching. After that ALL fights will be OVER. Don’t believe me? Look at China.
…something big is about to be dropped, BUT we’ll have to see how all this plays out.”
You can’t even hear yourself, can you? And you’re still mentioning “the Durham boat”???
And I guess you no longer mention “the military stepping in”, because Kash Patel kind of blind-sided you on that one, eh?