Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped- Episode 1976
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Trade talks between the US and China are continuing, Trump hopes to have a full deal before the election in 2020, if not the deal will be a tougher deal for China. Trump is using debt as his weapon, the debt load on the US and every country is harming the people and not benefitting the countries. Trump calls out the Fed again for not lowering the interest rates. The [DS] for impeachment has fallen apart, they know it but they are trying to use the whistleblower narrative to push the impeachment talks, this is failing. Trump and the patriots have flipped the narrative in the MSM and the DS and they are struggling to regain it. [JB], [HB], [BO] and [HRC] are not in the crosshairs. The truth is coming out and it doesn’t look good for the [DS] players. This was part of the plan, expose it all, this is the next wave. The patriots are continually dropping carpet bombs and the DS/MSM are trying on the defensive.
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Current News – 09.22.2019
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- Trade talks are on , the dates for those talks have not been confirmed, they look likely to be scheduled for Oct. 10 and 11,
- “I’m looking for a complete deal, I’m not looking for a partial deal,” Mr. Trump said on Friday during a joint news conference with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia. “We’re looking for the big deal.” Source: zerohedge.com
- Chair Powell said that “It is certainly possible that we’ll need to resume the organic growth of the balance sheet sooner than we thought.“
- the Fed had indeed resumed the growth of the Fed’s balance sheet “sooner than everyone thought.”
- the Fed “may have to expand the central bank’s balance sheet through outright purchases of U.S. Treasury securities, to ensure stable liquidity conditions at the end of the quarter as well as at year-end.”
Source: zerohedge.com
“Go across the world and you’ll see either very low interest rates, or negative rates. The President wants to be competitive with these other countries on this, but I don’t think he’ll fire Jay Powell (even if I should!).” We should always be paying less interest than others!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019
Trump and the patriots are in control, they played the DS and the MSM and used everything the DS was trying to do with this whistleblower to their advantage, Trump basically let the story evolve and once it did and the MSM took the ball and ran with he let them expose it all for them. He let the DS and the MSM do what they do best push propaganda and once it was out there they patriots flipped the entire story , the MSM and the DS took the bait, we will be breaking this down a little later in this report, welcome to the 2nd Wave, release the carpet bombs. but first we have learned that Ed Buck as one of 55 electors of the electoral college in california, trump soldier tweeted out the following
Ed Buck was one of 55 electors of the Electoral College of California.
Source: Certificate of Vote For President and Vice President of the United States of America 2016 (pg2) #EdBuck
PDF> https://t.co/64oWIilYPU pic.twitter.com/rjCIT5MNPT
— TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii) September 21, 2019
The DS has finally realized that they will can’t impeach trump, why because trump and the patriots setup a firewall, the senate was the key
‘No matter how soiled’: Schiff concedes Senate GOP will not throw Trump out of office
- Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff admitted that there’s “no chance” the Senate Republicans would vote to convict President Donald Trump in an impeachment trial.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.430
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.428
Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Trey Gowdy!
Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Bob Goodlatte!
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
While we cannot telegraph everything, for reasons all can understand, we do try in our own way to inform loyal Anons & Patriots.
What are the odds “thank you for your service” was posted less than 1 hour prior to POTUS re: Sessions “thank you for your service?”
Do you believe in coincidences?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Enjoy the show!
Pelosi Calls For New Laws So Sitting Presidents Can Be Indicted
- Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that Congress should change the law so a sitting president can be indicted.
- “I do think that we will have to pass some laws that will have clarity for future presidents. [A] president should be indicted, if he’s committed a wrongdoing — any president. There is nothing anyplace that says the president should not be indicted,”
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
The DS has nothing , the carpet bombs are being dropped and they are hitting and more are coming, the DS will be bombarded
Rep Collins tweeted out the following
Friday FOIA dump confirms coup planned to take down @RealDonaldTrump, and McCabe used the FBI to pursue the collusion narrative.
Two years of investigating debunked that narrative—and showed bad actors used the FBI to settle personal scores.
Where are the other McCabe memos?
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) September 20, 2019
The DS is now trying to get ahead of the FISA and spying accusations
Democrat Lawmaker Defends Obama Admin’s Spying on Trump Campaign during Committee Hearing
Rep. Steve Cohen also defended the DOJ’s and FBI’s handling of the FISA court.
“It appears that some on the other side have got a problem with a lot of things that have gone on in law enforcement,” the Tennessee Democrat said. “I read all those FISA applications in the Carter Page and saw nothing wrong with any of them.”
Rep. John Ratcliffe, disagreed.
“I’ll just leave it at the inspector general has written a report and we’ll see who’s right and we’ll see who’s wrong,” Ratcliffe said. “And I’m afraid, unfortunately, that the inspector general is going to find that folks on my side of the aisle are right that FISA procedures were abused and were not followed and will offer recommendations to correct that. But again, we’ll see.”
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Now Trump and the patriots have just launched the 2nd Wave, each wave is going hit hard and make the DS and the MSM go on the defensive, the entire story about the whistleblower and ukraine has nothing to do with Trump but everything to do with obama, biden’s and clinton…
Biden is now on the defensive,
Biden Says He Never Discussed Hunter Biden’s Ukraine Deal. Hunter Says He Did
- Joe Biden claimed he never discussed Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine. However, a July article from The New Yorker belies that contention.
- The New Yorker article, titled “Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?” is an in depth look at Hunter Biden’s life and business dealings. It also contains a segment where Hunter apparently recalled discussing Ukrainian natural-gas producer Burisma “just once.”
In December, 2015, as Joe Biden prepared to return to Ukraine, his aides braced for renewed scrutiny of Hunter’s relationship with Burisma. Amos Hochstein, the Obama Administration’s special envoy for energy policy, raised the matter with Biden, but did not go so far as to recommend that Hunter leave the board. As Hunter recalled, his father discussed Burisma with him just once: “Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do.’ ”
- The inconsistency was pointed out on Twitter by Daily Mail U.S. political editor David Martosko:
Here’s a problem: Joe Biden *did* discuss overseas business with his son Hunter, at least once. This is from The New Yorker, about 2 months ago. https://twitter.com/dmartosko/status/1175447818900783104 …
David Martosko
Joe Biden just said he *never* discussed his son’s foreign business dealings (Ukraine, China, etc)
He was VP, making diplomatic overtures & decisions, dropping the hammer on foreign leaders. If he didn’t try to identify his own conflicts of interest, that’s a big problem
Source: dailycaller.com
Biden is in trouble and this is just the beginning, this was planned perfectly and the DS and the MSM are scrambling because they are caught in a story which they were going to use against Trump and now it has turned and OBama, Clinton and the Biden’s are in the crosshairs.
Trump tweeted out the following
“Ukraine Foreign Minister disputes reports of any pressure from Trump. This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions.” @NBCNews Correct. If your looking for something done wrong, just look at the tape of Sleepy Joe. He is being protected by the Media!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
Take a listen to what Trump said about Biden
And with this news another Fake News Media Cycle is Now Complete.
The Fake News Media Cycle:
1.) Deep State leaks classified information to liberal press in attempt to ruin President Trump
2.) the press gladly take the information and blast it in a damning Special Report to take down Trump
3.) Every MSM outlet regurgitates the smear in screaming headlines
4.) The smear falls completely apart
5.) Within hours the MSM is backed into a corner and they start to backtrack, retract, clarify or update their smear
6.) The MSM is then exposed again for pushing fake news
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Trump continued and lets everyone know that the fake new media does not report or check any facts
The LameStream Media had a very bad week. They pushed numerous phony stories and got caught, especially The Failing New York Times, which has lost more money over the last 10 years than any paper in history, and The Amazon Washington Post. They are The Enemy of the People!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019
…The Fake News Media nowadays not only doesn’t check for the accuracy of the facts, they knowingly make up the facts. They even make up sources in order to protect their partners, the Democrats. It is so wrong, but they don’t even care anymore. They have gone totally CRAZY!!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019
Then trump lets everyone know that this is really about the bidens and their scandal, he tweeted out the following
“They’re trying to turn what was a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal.” @PeterSchweizer The problem is, “Trump” did nothing wrong!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
Then trump brings it all together
“The pretend Ukraine scandal is an another malicious seditious effort to protect the Obama/Clinton gang. Criminal classified leaks and spying targeting Trump — again.” @TomFitton
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
“The real story involves Hunter Biden going around the world and collecting large payments from foreign governments and foreign oligarchs.” Peter Schweizer Laura Ingraham Hunter made a fortune in Ukraine and in China. He knew nothing about Energy, or anything else.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019
BRILLIANT! President Trump DESTROYS Joe Biden Crime Family on REAL UKRAINIAN SCANDAL (Video)
- After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.
- Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was in on the threat.
- Poroshenko was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time.
Joe Biden had him fired. - The setup is now complete, Trump brought the entire scandal into the public arena, slowly but surely they patriots need to get all the information out to the public, why? Because the public needs to understand the truth, the truth will combat the fake new stories the MSM and the DS try to push out to the public, Trump tweeted out the following
This is the real and only story! pic.twitter.com/4z8eOcm6PA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Now lets talk about the whistleblower, this is also falling apart and it just what we thought it was, the whistelblower has no information, no recording and never heard the conversation, predictable.
Whistleblower ‘didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications’ between Trump and Ukraine
- The whistleblower who filed a complaint with the intelligence community inspector general did not have direct knowledge of the communications between President Trump and the foreign leader in question.
- An official who has been briefed on the matter, said that the whistleblower “didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications.” The official said that the concerns and subsequent complaint came in part from the whistleblower “learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work.”
- Those details have reportedly played a role in the administration’s determining that the complaint, lodged in August, didn’t fall under the reporting standards for intelligence whistleblower law.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
Trump then asks the question to make everyone think about spying, why would he do this? He is getting everyone prepared for the Declas.
“It appears that an American spy in one of our intelligence agencies may have been spying on our own president. The complaint suggests that this intel agent was listening in on Trump’s conversation….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
….with a foreign leader. Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in?” @GreggJarrett
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
Whistleblower Story Flips On Dems, Trump the patriots control the narrative, Boom!!!
Jeffrey Epstein Paid Doctors To Drug ‘Sex Slaves’:
- Report Victims of dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein say he paid doctors and psychiatrists to dope them up with anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, according to a new report in the Miami Herald.
Attorney General Barr Appoints Nine New U.S. Attorneys to Advisory Committee
- Attorney General William P. Barr today announced the appointment of the following nine U.S. Attorneys to serve on the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee
- “I am pleased to appoint these nine outstanding U.S. Attorneys to this key advisory committee. I am confident that they will serve with distinction,” Attorney General William P. Barr said. “The U.S. Attorneys who comprise the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee play a critical role in carrying out the Department of Justice’s important work, including its efforts to reduce violent crime, combat the opioid crisis, protect the most vulnerable, and enforce the rule of law.”
Source: justice.gov
Lets head down to the border
- President Trump worked around the open borders Democrats again this week and reached a deal to send asylum seekers to El Salvador.
- The Trump administration has reached an accord that could allow the United States to turn away asylum seekers at the U.S. border and send them to El Salvador to seek refuge, pushing migrants into one of the most dangerous countries in the world. U.S. officials describe the deal as an “asylum cooperation agreement,” insisting that such an accord does not amount to what is known as a “safe third country” deal.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- North Korea‘s chief nuclear negotiator welcomed on Friday U.S. President Donald Trump’s suggestion that a “new method” be used in talks on Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons programs.Kim Myong Gil praised Trump’s “wise political decision” to seek a new approach to the stalled talks without a “troublemaker” in the U.S. administration – an apparent reference to John Bolton, Trump’s hawkish former national security adviser, who was fired last week.
Source: jpost.com
USA has had 45 presidents, 44 w birth certificate on display in their presidential libraries.
Not Obama. No physical records at all.
Electronic files only.
How does a man born in 20th c. not have a real birth certificate?
Only one way.
And only one reason.
— Philip Schuyler (@FiveRights) September 20, 2019
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/411247268763676673📁How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2013
“Y hit the target”
If BO can’t prove he was born in the United States of America then everything he did as “President” should be rescinded at once! And his so called “retirement pay” should be rescinded also. And he should pay back the salary for the 8 years he lied to the American people.