Did You Hear The Cannon, The Hot Summer Is Here, Evil Is Being Exposed – Episode 2215

The stock market is holding steady, the NASDAQ has now hit its 23rd record close of the year. The patriots have the control. The economy is going to do something like we never seen before, its going to take off. The [CB] time is now coming to an end, the clock is ticking down and there is nothing that can stop this. The [DS]/MSM propaganda is now falling apart. HCQ has gone through the trials and it shows that it cures the virus. The MSM has been telling us that it would kill people and it turns out that was wrong. Evil about to be exposed by the patriots and the [DS]/MSM cannot do anything about it, once people see the truth it will be impossible for the [DS]/MSM to put them back to sleep, everything is about to change, it’s going to be a hot summer.
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Current News – 07.03.2020
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— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 3, 2020
First Bank of the United States[edit]
The First Bank of the United States was modeled after the Bank of England and differed in many ways from today’s central banks. For example, it was partly owned by foreigners, who shared in its profits. Also, it was not solely responsible for the country’s supply of bank notes. It was responsible for only 20% of the currency supply; state banks accounted for the rest. Several founding fathers bitterly opposed the Bank. Thomas Jefferson saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption.[1] In 1811 its twenty-year charter expired and was not renewed by Congress. Absent the federally chartered bank, the next several years witnessed a proliferation of federally issued Treasury Notes to create credit as the government struggled to finance the War of 1812; a suspension of specie payment by most banks soon followed as well.
Second Bank of the United States[edit]
After five years, the federal government chartered its successor, the Second Bank of the United States (1816–1836). James Madison signed the charter with the intention of stopping runaway inflation that had plagued the country during the five-year interim. It was basically a copy of the First Bank, with branches across the country. Andrew Jackson, who became president in 1828, denounced the bank as an engine of corruption. His destruction of the bank was a major political issue in the 1830s and shaped the Second Party System, as Democrats in the states opposed banks and Whigs supported them. He was unable to get the bank dissolved, but refused to renew its charter. Jackson attempted to counteract this by executive order requiring all federal land payments to be made in gold or silver. This produced the Panic of 1837.
HUGE! Supreme Court Stops Obama Judge From Ending Voter ID For Voting in Alabama
- Last month, Obama-appointed judge Abdul Kallon waived the requirement for photo ID or that voters get their absentee ballots notarized.
- The US Supreme Court blocked a lower-court ruling that would have allowed residents of Alabama to vote by absentee ballot without providing a copy of a photo ID.
- Alabama also requires the absentee ballot to be signed by two witnesses or notarized.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
False Flags
There is a rise in Coronavirus cases because our testing is so massive and so good, far bigger and better than any other country. This is great news, but even better news is that death, and the death rate, is DOWN. Also, younger people, who get better much easier and faster!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 3, 2020
US COVID testing has expanded from around 100k per day in March and April to over 600k now. If we had been testing 600k per day the entire time, and we use the previous positive test rate (which is an assumption), this is what it would look like. Today’s surge would be small. pic.twitter.com/7BOoCkEeP3
— Brian Wesbury (@wesbury) July 3, 2020
- Dr. Fauci warned that an unforeseeable mutation could create serious problems for humanity, such as by making the virus even more infectious.
- After explaining to the Senate that the US is “going in the wrong direction”, Dr. Fauci warned the US may see as many as 100k new COVID-19 cases a day if drastic actions weren’t taken. States from California to New York have rolled back their reopening plans.
Source: zerohedge.com
and then the MSM finally admitted hydroxycholorquine helps with covid,
A surprising new study found that the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped Covid-19 patients better survive in the hospital.https://t.co/j6zs4SI2Su
— CNN (@CNN) July 3, 2020
notice how they didn’t use the word cures, but instead uses helps
CNN is surprised because they have been lying to their audience for the past 4 months to make President Trump look bad.
Class Action Lawsuits are very effective
The large-scale analysis, conducted by Henry Ford Health System, was published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The study examined 2,541 patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.
More than twenty-six percent (26.4%) of patients who did not receive hydroxychloroquine died.
But among those who received hydroxychloroquine, fewer than half that number — 13% — died.
More than 90% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine within 48 hours of admission to the hospital. Scientists say giving the drug early during illness may be a key to success.
The study’s authors also found one concern flagged in previous reports about hydroxychloroquine did not materialize: heart-related adverse events.
“The data here is clear that there was benefit to using [hydroxychloroquine] as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients,” said Dr. Steven Kalkanis of Henry Ford Health System.
Source: justthenews.com
Trump signs bill giving terminally ill patients ‘right to try’ experimental drugs 2018
- the “right to try” experimental drugs, cementing a major policy priority for the White House.
- The bill gives a terminally ill patient an avenue to try an experimental drug that has gone through the first of three clinical trials required for Food and Drug Administration approval. The first clinical trial reviews whether or not a new drug is safe, but not if it is effective.
Governors, pharmaceutical association kept this drug from the American people.
I want to ensure that everyone understands the gravity of the situation here. Hydroxychloroquine worked this whole time. The media said it would literally kill you if you took it simply because POTUS promoted it as a cure. Thousands of people likely DIED because of this.
A very real question should be asked by real journalists:
Did some US media outlets encourage people to NOT take a drug that could have saved their lives- all because they hate Trump? https://t.co/QiSiXwQpmr
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) July 3, 2020
People marching in Florida protesting against a mandatory mask order are chanting “My body. My choice.”pic.twitter.com/Zk0jl5N8JA
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 1, 2020
- The top prosecutor in the nation’s capital said the Justice Department has charged 150 people in cases related to acts of violence during protests that followed the death of George Floyd.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
Speaker Pelosi and Democrats want to cancel everything about America. 10 years ago today, Pelosi called former KKK leader, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd a “friend” and “great person.”
Cancel Pelosi? pic.twitter.com/baMPw9kofa
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) July 2, 2020
Impressive, most impressive.
Argument: “Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening.” [example]
Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of ‘worth’ and/or ‘value’. Do not think ‘today’ but rather ‘after’ today.
Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].
Have faith in Humanity.
What was Berman blocking, The Clinton Foundation Case, Epstein, this is just the beginning, remember the stories when police saw the images on Weiner’s laptop so got sick, Sidney Powell even mentioned this, it’s happening .
Prince Andrew with his arm round sex slave Virginia Roberts. So after the arrest of Maxwell Q started to remind us who is involved with Maxwell and Epstein, this fits right into the July 2019 timeline posts.
This pics of Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton were in an article that the The Sun put out .
The former US President is seen smiling on the steps of the plane – dubbed the Lolita Express – next to Maxwell, in astonishing pictures exclusively obtained by The Sun.
all three arrested, it has begun, crimes against humanity is now being exposed, it will be hard for some, the truth needs to be shown for people to believe.
epstein didn’t kill himself, weinstein in prison, ghisillaine maxwell arrested, will she end up like epstein, will we be reporting ghisillianmaxwell didnt kill herself
The MSM is involved, those who scream the loudest
CNN, can you comment on your President’s relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell? The public would like to know. pic.twitter.com/ldFlQUIgAn
— Launa #It’sHappening 🇺🇸⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸 (@launa_usa) July 3, 2020
Thank you, Sam.
We are in this together.
Trust Dan.
Clinton was pictured with his arm around Epstein’s private masseuse Chauntae DaviesCredit: The Mega Agency
Rachel Chandler is pictured with Bill Clinton.
Does this single picture of BC on Epstein’s plane w/ RC refute his entire statement?
FAKE NEWS disinformation campaign FAILING.
Targets (‘models’) made to fill out an extensive background report?
Targets (‘models’) asked in detail re: family?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘loner’ ‘insecurity’ ‘depressed’ P_eval?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘humble’ ‘poorer’ family background? [prevent possible ‘legal’ retaliation]
Highest Level Security + MAX Protect
This image is from the same article.Bill Clinton was in relaxed mood on the humanitarian trip to Africa
But Chauntae, who suffered a series of rapes and sexual assaults at the hands of disgraced Wall Street tycoon Epstein, opened up about the September 2002 Africa trip for the first time.
It was part of a project for Clinton’s foundation, in order to raise awareness about poverty and the AIDS crisis.
with America’s former commander-in-chief and other A-list celebs
Five young women, including Chauntae Davies, sit on a balcony in the sunshine with the idyllic backdrop of the Caribbean. Davies said it was on the island of Little St. James where Epstein raped her.
These are names of many famous people who have flown on Epstein’s plane Lolita Express to Orgy Island found in Epstein’s “black book”. Look at the names and then look at those who are screaming and yelling
Prince Andrew was involved, he will not cooperate with authorities even though he said he would .
, he still has it proudly on show in his van, they have built up quite a friendship over these last few weeks
Have faith in Humanity.
When Q posted a tweet from .@Goodable, he said nothing at all about their logo… but they deleted the tweet AND CHANGED THEIR LOGO WITHIN A FEW MINUTES.
Now 100’s of anons are digging like crazy to find out why Goodable had a p3do logo.
Goodable is like “Oh shit” pic.twitter.com/kTeZlZSHwi
— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) July 3, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 3, 2020
Did you hear the canon shot.
“Deep knowledge is to be aware of disturbance before disturbance, to be aware of danger before danger, to be aware of destruction before destruction, to be aware of calamity before calamity. Strong action is training the body without being burdened by the body, exercising the mind without being used by the mind, working in the world without being affected by the world, carrying out tasks without being obstructed by tasks.”
― The Art of War: Complete Texts and Commentaries
“Conform to the enemy’s tactics until a favorable opportunity offers; then come forth and engage in a battle that shall prove decisive.”
― The Art of War
Gee sir. Faith? FAITH?? I have have faith in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
For humanity, I have HOPE! YES. You are either in the light
or the darkness. Those in the shadows deserve HOPE. Wish
I would of thought of ( FishersOfMen7 ) sir. Hmmm??? Then I
would have FAITH in man be it ( Male or Female ). How many mankind’s
can one invent? Buckle up please. We see Human Race. Others tell us
THE RACES!!! Really??? Will stop there. Sinatra ( The best is yet to come ).
Sorry no NY,NY. Hmmm??? Godspeed.
About 99.9% sure you knew this before I did, but I wanted to share the info, just in case.
Love you, brother.
Thanks for all you do.
Um…. It might help if I included the link. 😉