[DS] Has Been Blocked, [Renegade] Is On Deck, The First Will Send A Shock Wave – Episode 2151
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Current News – 04.17.2020
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- The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has joined the U.S. Treasury Department in debunking a Washington Post report that coronavirus stimulus check delivery to qualified Americans was being delayed so that President Donald Trump’s name could be put on them.
The IRS said that the payments [will] be distributed as planned after a Washington Post report on Tuesday said that the Trump administration made a last-minute decision to order the president’s name to appear on the left side of the paper checks. The report cited unnamed IRS officials who said the decision could delay the mailing of the checks by a few days.
Source: breitbart.com
The Paycheck Protection Program is supporting over 1.6 million small businesses in all 50 states. Congress should provide more funding NOW to keep #PPP going! https://t.co/xnelCWj8Iv
— Steven Mnuchin (@stevenmnuchin1) April 17, 2020
Today people started losing their jobs because of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, who should immediately come back to Washington and approve legislation to help families in America. End your ENDLESS VACATION!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
- The Senate Judiciary Committee has just released a bunch of documents, some of which were on the original 2018 congressional request for declassification. The documents are considerably interesting; perhaps even EXPLOSIVE.
- [Start Digging Here]
- The documents include more Papadopoulos transcripts from wired conversations with FBI confidential human source Stefan Halper; and also for the first time less redacted version of all three Carter Page FISA applications.
- The declassification and release includes some seriously interesting documents the DOJ submitted to the FISA court, as far back as July 2018, which completely destroy the prior claims made by Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, James Baker, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and their very vocal media and Lawfare defenders. Here’s one example:
- Lisa Page testified to congress, and claimed in media, that the FBI never had any contact with the Steele dossier material until September 2016. However, the DOJ directly tells the FISA court that Chris Steele was funneling his information to the FBI in June 2016.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
🚨🚨🚨 Dig in 👇👇👇 https://t.co/uAGdvGyqyS
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) April 17, 2020
Here’s @GeorgePapa19 denying any involvement in the DNC hacks to Stefan Halper pic.twitter.com/qMt7f4LgtG
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) April 17, 2020
Here’s Stefan Halper bragging about his connections to Russian intelligence (Trubnikov likely misspelt by the FBI transcribers which really inspires confidence in the CI shop) pic.twitter.com/63J1gq8eJs
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) April 17, 2020
Here’s the entirety of the justification for opening Crossfire Hurricane, from a more declassified FISA warrant application:
“Some kind of suggestion”
“it was unclear whether @GeorgePapa19 or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly or through other means” pic.twitter.com/h8lYuDpCuy
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) April 17, 2020
Here’s the FBI being incredibly misleading to the FISC about what Steele’s so-called “Primary Sub Source” told the FBI when they interviewed him. He actually disavowed a lot of the dossier, couldn’t explain the sourcing, and denying having a “network” of sub sources pic.twitter.com/QuDORjrjbw
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) April 17, 2020
BTW, “Source descriptive” is where it says this key Primary Sub Source was “Russian-based”. Which the source apparently wasn’t. Whoops pic.twitter.com/f6v9AQH8XP
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) April 17, 2020
3 1/2 years of lies just went up in smoke.
IF the FBI is getting Steele’s dossier info in JUNE OF 2016.
And this says they were.https://t.co/zicqrLk7xX
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! (@drawandstrike) April 17, 2020
- After two months as acting director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell has more than made his mark by carrying out President Trump’s directions to make American intelligence more efficient and less political.
- Grenell’s loudest critics are Trump’s political opponents who have used U.S. intelligence as a weapon to destroy the Trump presidency: former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, former DNI James Clapper former CIA Director John Brennan, as well as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.
Source: newsmax.com
Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:
→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting
→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places
→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting
→At least 20 days of early votingVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) April 17, 2020
- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a waiver, which will ensure expeditious construction of approximately 15 miles of new border wall system, consisting of five non-contiguous segments in locations where no barriers currently exist, within the U.S. Border Patrol’s (USBP) Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector in Starr County, Texas.
- The waiver was published in the Federal Register on April 15, 2020. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2020, pending availability of real estate. The contract for this project was awarded on March 13, 2020.
- RGV is the busiest Sector in the nation and, for the FY to date, accounts for approximately 25% of the illegal alien apprehensions and ranks first in seized cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana along the southwest border. The majority of its activity is occurring in areas where RGV has limited infrastructure, access and mobility, and technology. This project will improve RGV Sector’s ability to impede and deny illegal border crossings and the drug and human smuggling activities of transnational criminal organizations.
Source: breaking911.com
False Flags
Facebook will start warning people who ‘like’ or react to fake coronavirus news
- Facebook announced Thursday that it will start warning users if they have liked, reacted or commented on harmful Covid-19 posts that the company has found to be misinformation and removed.
- The feature will roll out in the coming weeks, Facebook said in a blog post.
- “These messages will connect people to COVID-19 myths debunked by the World Health Organization including ones we’ve removed from our platform for leading to imminent physical harm,” Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice president of integrity, said in a blog post.
Source: cnbc.com
Why did the W.H.O. Ignore an email from Taiwanese health officials in late December alerting them to the possibility that CoronaVirus could be transmitted between humans? Why did the W.H.O. make several claims about the CoronaVirus that ere either inaccurate or misleading….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
….in January and February, as the Virus spread globally? Why did the W.H.O. wait as long as it did to take decisive action? Lanhee Chen, Hoover Institution Fellow @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
Trump Outlines 3-Phase Approach to ‘Opening Up America Again’ Amid COVID-19
- Phase one is designed to “mitigate the risk of resurgence” and would allow public venues, such as arenas, theaters, and restaurants to reopen, only under certain social distancing conditions. However, “all vulnerable individuals should continue to shelter in place,” and low-risk individuals should continue social distancing.
- Phase two only applies for regions with no evidence of a rebound. Visits to hospitals, nursing homes, and similar locations will remain prohibited. However, schools, day care centers, and camps can reopen, and nonessential travel can resume. Public venues can begin to ease social distancing restrictions.
- Phase three is also for states or areas with no evidence of a rebound, but has fewer restrictions than phase two. Even vulnerable individuals would have more freedom, but should still practice social distancing, while others are urged to avoid “crowded environments.”
- The president noted that “benchmarks must be met at each phase.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
The [DS] wanted Trump to do the following during the pandemic
- Lockdown the country like a dictator, he didn’t
- Tell the states what to do and give them demands, he didn’t
What did you he do
He did the opposite, he kept on saying it is the responibility of the States, Governors and mayors to do testing, they should have been prepared.
Trump doing everything in his power to prevent unnecessary federal intervention and overreach.
He is now having states open up, other states are going to feel the pressure, especially when meet the requirements to open up.
Why did he put the Guidelines out there, it is for accountability.
If Trump and his administration look at the data and the state meets the criteria and they decide to stay closed for no reason, that governor is exposed.
The 16 year plan was a globalists, DS plan, top down approach, the dependency on the Federal Government, Trump is now pushing what the founding fathers wanted, the states, mayors etc decide what to do
Governor Cuomo should spend more time “doing” and less time “complaining”. Get out there and get the job done. Stop talking! We built you thousands of hospital beds that you didn’t need or use, gave large numbers of Ventilators that you should have had, and helped you with….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
….testing that you should be doing. We have given New York far more money, help and equipment than any other state, by far, & these great men & women who did the job never hear you say thanks. Your numbers are not good. Less talk and more action!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
China has just announced a doubling in the number of their deaths from the Invisible Enemy. It is far higher than that and far higher than the U.S., not even close!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 535f3c No.8825272
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 No.300345
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 No.300473
What if cures already exist?
What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?Q
Every attempt to remove Trump has failed.
Trump is dismantling the DS, removing their power, he has destroyed their 16 year plan, the DS thought that with the Pandemic this would be their chance to continue with their 16 year plan, this has failed.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 879143 No.4409412
What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?
Why did HUSSEIN install traitors at the highest levels of our Gov’t?
Think DOJ.
Think FBI.
Think C_A.
Think NAT SEC.
Why did HUSSEIN bring people into the WH who HATE AMERICA and what we stand for?
What years did HRC serve as Sec of State?
What years did ISIS expand?
QQ !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 535f3c No.8825320
If you rearrange the letters it is HCQ, Q confirms this in this post
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 535f3c No.8825333
894 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: afa548 No.598581
Anonymous ID: 853fdd No.59822

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 535f3c No.8825961
Friend Dave,
One FINE show tonight! Re the declassified docs and where the content /logically/ leads to, Yours Truly finds your inevitable conclusion SPOT ON.
They BOTH knew. And by piecing together the now-available fragments with things YT has known for decades in this life, the reason nobody ever expected Herself to lose Herself’s very own personally hand-rigged election looms large as a Key Strategic Omission by YT’s logical extrapolation. To wit:
In light of the emerging evidence of Chinese malign influence in the event, things could have turned out Completely Different for Herself if only China’s great universities had been teaching American Constitutional construction and the basics of American Common Law as masterfully as they /do/ teach the English *language*. But those uniquely American root-level cultural topics simply are not taught there, in turn leading to a certain pre-programmed naivete on the part of the participating operatives. “Electoral College? What’s THAT?”, in effect… So that matter simply was NEVER addressed in the theft’s planning – and then came Surprise Night. 😉
As to the Lawful outcome of any conviction obtained against either of the two Likely Ones, well, there’s the rub. A close associate in this deep-digging, backchannel-watching exercise wants to know how THIS instance of TOP-level criminality can reliably be trusted to be Lawfully adjudicated and sentence /genuinely/ carried-out on the Gallows. He knows of all too many cases of lower-level (mostly city or State LE) officials in these parts (MA) being shown as taking a well-deserved conviction and duly sentenced (sometimes to BIG time), being paraded before the cameras on their way to the Jailhouse, and then being quietly allowed out the back door a week or two later – after public perception has gained an embedded impression that Sweet Justice had indeed prevailed , when in reality only the farcical resemblance and subsequent dramatic performance was provided. (One becomes jaded with enough of those…)
It /is/ a real concern that imvho likely lurks deep in the experience-traumatized Hearts of many another homeboy as well. Epstein’s first paedo sentence… Voluntary(!)and minimal(!!) jail time, otherwise out back of his own home, by the pool with a Margarita… EVERYONE knows of THAT one now. Which has eroded MUCH long-standing (though in reality sadly misplaced) trust in Our Lawful Republic’s LE System. (Ergo the logical application of Creative Thinking in service to the Cause on YT’s part.)
To my own mind, the matter devolves into whether Mr. Trump is still the Honest Effective Sheriff at his own top level – or whether, conversely (as many, many others sure do fear), he has instead been quietly /turned/ by means of any, many or even /all/ of the Usual Persuasive Measures. For example: Would DJT allow a treason-convicted BHO to escape to Kenya and a life of ease with all his stolen loot? Or consent to a treason-tainted Hillary being banished to some rather luxuuious private island estate to wait out Herself’s own allotment of days in relative ease, even splendor in the isolation? (Wouldn’t stay hermetic for long imvho…)
Or would a Rommel Death (the convicted prisoner Lawfully executed in *private*, but publicly proclaimed to have died in a far more honorable manner (as is rumored to have been done with respect to the treason cases against John McCain and GHW Bush) in exchange for the lives of his family and/or himself?
Gold or Lead. /That/ deal works in BOTH directions… Similar deals are indeed already cut every day, one place or another on this Earth. Your own “take” on this aspect, if ever expressed through an upcoming show, would therefore meet many receptive ears, methinks.
For my own part, it seems that the ultimate eye-opener – the final event that would reliably cleanse and galvanize the rocked-to-sleep Constitutional American Nation into a rustproof state of aware and /pro-active/ National Consciousness – would indeed be a nationally televised Lawful drop-hanging of one, the other or both as per the Letter and Spirit of our Constitution. (Soros is definitely for the Followup Encore on that event-line imvho.)
But the /clincher/ – in a /perfectly/ restored Constitutional Republic – would be for one of Our Own Long-Deplored Number, with skill and inclination appropriate to the matter, to be the one to drop the Trap. Yes, there are challenges unavoidably embedded in the nuances of that notion’s carrying-out. But really, won’t you give the notion some serious thought? Might lead to another elevation of our Genuine American Consciousness if carried-out in that uniquely American manner, HM.
One who is inexperienced but truly willing as well as skilled could certainly work with the assistance and under the supervision of a seasoned military officer… The point is that One of *Us* should pull the Latch. ON camera. Before ALL, coast to coast and border to border. /Then/ comes the unifying National Exultation of, “WE DID IT!” that could not be otherwise arise to re-unite a criminally divided although still-breathing nation, healing the entirety imvho at the ROOT CAUSE SOURCE of all the previous suffering and death at [their] hands. 😉
As always, thank you again and again for all you do. Your team is AWESOME in its backchannel-aggregating net effect! Your own classical Greek-model epic-narrative style imvho suits the average Retail Media-conditioned Seeker very well indeed. (Grabs em’ by the BRAIN!) 😉
Stay well and keep ’em coming! [THEY] die of embarrassment a little more every day. We’ll LARF the last of ’em off the surface of this planet yet… And that is all. 0{;-)o[
Obama…never happen!
Hillary…never happen!
Just all a bunch of hot air, dribble, BS…blah, blah, blah, same ol’, same ol’, talk is cheap.
What is the deep state paying you to keep spitting out this unbelievable false hope?
You are doing an injustice to we the people with your speculations, accusations and guess work thinking you know what is coming next…everyone is just…sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired!
CDC Director Redfield spins graphed data during Friday’s task force briefing. He expects us to trust his interpretation of ILI data that separate spikes of influenza A then B are followed by a 3rd spike of Wuhan virus. And Dr. Birx conveniently implies that influenza has disappeared.
Prior to the briefing I interpreted the ILI graph on CDC website differently. In Western Massachusetts many were very sick December through February with ILI. Anyone living in New England is accustomed to the cold, flu, virus season in winter and views it as simply part of life. A high percentage that I spoke to describe it as worst case of flu or virus they ever had. Doctors told many that it was not flu but a (unnamed) virus.
Looking at CDC graph, I believe it is likely that the Wuhan virus arrived in November. As testing and reporting of COVID-19 did not begin until mid-March, any cases of Wuhan virus would be included in ILI data prior to then. The slope of cases in November through Christmas/New Year’s seem to illustrate the potential start of a pandemic. After decreasing, the 2nd spike would come from the population mixing at homes, restaurants, and bars for Christmas, New Year’s, bowl games, and start of NFL playoffs. After another decrease in cases, could 3rd spike have been caused by shutdowns and funneling everyone into grocery stores over just a few days?
How many deaths from ILI occurred prior to mid-March and start of COVID-19 testing? And what does ILI graph look like after mid-March with Wuhan virus included? Redfield and Birx are very good at presenting data without proper reference and apple to apple comparison. If the data was properly presented according to clinical or scientific method standards, I wonder if it would be able to justify shutdowns?
The American people are a lot smarter than the elite. The elite lack common sense. This is why protests will increase. NUMBERS DON’T LIE! PEOPLE DO!