• The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules.
  • Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, last week instructed the military commands that engage in psychological operations online to provide a full accounting of their activities by next month after the White House and some federal agencies expressed mounting concerns over the Defense Department’s attempted manipulation of audiences overseas, according to several defense and administration officials familiar with the matter.

Source:  msn.com


  • Now why would the DOD need to investigate itself for psyop programs on social media?
  • How do they themselves not already know what they’re doing?
  • Are there parts of the DOD acting outside the chain of command?
  • msn.com/en-us/news/us/pentagon
  • Pentagon opens sweeping review of clandestine psychological operations
  • Complaints about the U.S. military’s influence operations using Facebook and Twitter have alarmed some in the White House and other federal agencies.
  • www.msn.com