[DS]/MSM They Know What’s Coming,The Entire Event Is Going To Be Turned Upside Down – Episode 2155
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Current News – 04.22.2020
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Harvard should give back the money now. Their whole “endowment” system should be looked at! https://t.co/LcjOcsnCWT
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
Why Is Harvard Getting $9 Million In Stimulus Money When It Has A $40 Billion Endowment?
- Harvard took $9 million in stimulus money it’s getting from the federal government.
- Harvard won’t use any of its $9 million stimulus check to make up for losses it has absorbed since it moved classes online in mid-March. “Harvard is actually allocating 100% of the funds to financial assistance for students to meet their urgent needs in the face of this pandemic,” says the statement.
- How did Harvard decide to pass all the money to students, who made the call, and when? Was it in response to criticism? “I’m not going to get into when the decision was made,” says Newton. Harvard declined repeated requests to interview President Lawrence Bacow and other university officials.
Source: forbes.com
- U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned on that larger companies could face investigation if they apply for small business coronavirus rescue money without carefully reviewing whether they qualify for
- Mnuchin said on Fox Business Network it was “questionable” whether some larger companies could make the certifications necessary for the Paycheck Protection Program, and firms needed to look carefully at the certifications they make to the Treasury and the Small Business Administration to get forgivable loans of up to $10 million.
Source: reuters.com
- President Donald Trump will “slash” regulations in a bid to jumpstart the economy as COVID-19 restrictions begin to loosen around the country.
Washington is eliminating a lot of red tape.
Source: pjmedia.com
- this price is not for oil, but for futures. And they mean only one thing: today’s production is such that there’s nowhere to put this oil .
- It is necessary to note only two fundamental points. The first – the mechanism of oil pricing created by transnational banks has become so detached from the real industry and the real demand for oil products that it has collapsed due to purely internal (i.e. financial) mechanisms. And the main victims will not even be small oil and processing companies, but banks. Since their magic faded a lot, if it is already such an important market as the oil one, they cannot keep it in a stable state.
- “the dollar is needed in the world to allow Saudi Arabia to sell oil to China”. Or, for simplicity, the world is ruled by the petrodollar. So, this world, like the petrodollar, is over. And if it is over, if the capitalisation of oil companies returns to normal numbers related to profit, production, and reserves (roughly speaking, like Rosneft, not like Chevron), then it is not the oil companies that will lose, but the banks, which were the main beneficiaries of the process of increasing capitalisation.
- The current situation shows that there can be no single pricing in Western Europe and the United States. I.e., prices will start to be determined in regional markets.
- The [CB] petrodollar is over. And if there is no petrodollar, then there is no need for a single dollar system, and in regional markets oil will start to cost differently. I.e., the mechanism that emerged in 1944 in the Western world at the Bretton Woods Conference and that spread to the whole world in 1991 no longer works.
- Trump is now managing the new oil system, this will be away from the [CB] system that was setup
Source: stalkerzone.org
First Mueller Report, then the IG, and now Senate Republicans. There really was a Russian attack in 2016 and those who investigated it were professionals. Facts remain stubborn things. https://t.co/eIlN25AYiY
— James Comey (@Comey) April 21, 2020
- But the corrupt Democrats and Republicans on the committee had to get this out now in an effort to protect themselves from the Durham investiga Nunes stood by his report which contradicts the Senate report. Nunes said he and his fellow Republicans on the committees will continue to pursue the truth no matter what the liberal media, Democrats, the DOJ, Durham or the Senate do.
Unfortunately for America and the truth, the Republican running the Intel Committee is Senator Richard Burr. Burr has been a Trump hater from the start. Burr was responsible for the horrible hearing with James Comey in early 2017 when Burr and Comey did all they could to slander President Trump and have him removed from office.
Burr also brought in the President’s son for hours of questioning before his committee related to the event in Trump Tower which we now know was a set up. Burr’s actions are abusive and corrupt.
And recently, Burr reportedly made hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock trades in January based on insider information and is currently under investigation by the DOJ for these trades. Burr does not like the President and has worked to impeach him but for some reason is allowed to continue to run the Republican led Intel Committee by Senator Majority Leader McConnell.
- The Senate Report
- Unfortunately for Senators Burr and Warner, their report was garbage and has been debunked numerous times already. The 85 page report looked like it was thrown together from debunked information that was first released a few years ago.
- But the Democrats and the New York Times are again pushing more fake news per a cursory review of the Intel report released yesterday. The report is all about how the Russians created a misinformation campaign in 2016 to help candidate Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the election. They claim a company by the name of the Internet Research Agency (IRA) used social media to conduct the Russian misinformation campaign:
- The report curiously omits Concord Management, or if it is in the report, it has been redacted. Concord was one of the companies the Mueller gang indicted along with its owner after the 2016 election and is one of the companies under the IRA umbrella.
The Intel report also claims that $100K in Facebook ads stole the election for President Trump:
- This is laughable at best as was the Mueller gang’s case against Concord Management and Concord Catering, two firms under the IRA umbrella.
- At a following court appearance, the attorneys representing Concord stated that the corrupt Mueller team’s allegations of 13 Russian individuals impacting the 2016 election were “made up” nonsense. The individuals were not even real.
Concord Management’s lawyers revealed that Mueller’s team had ignored over 70 discovery requests they had made for information in the case. In response Mueller’s team offered to give Concord Management’s lawyers a massive amount of social media data from those dangerous trolls who sought to influence the US election and the majority of the data was in RUSSIAN. Of course, the liberal media in the US ignored this huge development and continue to lie to the US public to this day.
Mueller’s lawyers then admitted that they didn’t even have English translations for the Russian social media posts. However, somehow Mueller’s lawyers believed Americans were influenced by these Russian language posts?
- In a hearing on October 15th, Concord Management claimed that the Special Counsel’s entire case is built around a 100 year old law that the Mueller team is trying to use in a manner it was not built for.
- in March 2020, the Mueller gang dropped their case against Concord Management:
- In essence the entire Intel Report released yesterday was thrown out of court a few weeks ago along with the Concord Management case.
- John Solomon obtained a 2019 letter House Intel Chairman Adam (D-CA) sent then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats revealing how he secretly hid dozens of transcripts in Obama’s Spygate scandal.
- Schiff got to work hiding the transcripts as soon as the Democrats took over the House in the 2018 midterms and he took over as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.
- According to John Solomon, the transcripts contain exculpatory evidence for President Trump’s team and Schiff demanded they be kept from Trump and White House lawyers — even if the declassification process required the transcripts to be shared.
- Via John Solomon:
- Shortly after Schiff took over from Republican Rep. Devin Nunes as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) in 2019, he sent a letter to the office of then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.The letter obtained by Just the News specifically ordered that the witness transcripts — some of which contained exculpatory evidence for President Trump’s team — not be shared with Trump or White House lawyers even if the declassification process required such sharing.“Under no circumstances shall ODNI, or any other element of the Intelligence Community (IC), share any HPSCI transcripts with the White House, President Trump or any persons associated with the White House or the President,” Schiff wrote in a March 26, 2019 letter to then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.“
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4accfb No.753509
The swamp runs DEEP.
Sleeper[s] everywhere.
Think Coats.
Wheels in motion.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7355626
AUS, IT, UK co-op DOJ (Barr, Durham, CLAS 1-4)
Non_FVEY official chan [US senior person(s) req given sensitive nature of ‘target’ re: presidential nominee(s) – POTUS + Cruz [CLAS 1-4]]
Who gave the order(s)?
Who signed?
Papered per normal NATSEC?
Comms to/from F + Domestic?
F2F 1-4 US person(s) initiate scope memo.
US AMB 1 & 2 NSA unmask req.
NSA > US AMB 1 & 2 > AUS, IT, UK
[special order per DIR [CLAS 1-9] AUTH unmask per US AMB]
C_A domestic assist w/ rogue FBI to avoid US law [non_op domestic]?
C_A HUMINT domestic placement > T campaign [1-3 jumps primary target], T WH spy_insertion NATSEC C, personal advisor(s), cabinet?
C_A organized under DNI?
2010 – 2017 [Clapper] [bulk]
2017 – 2019 [Coats] [sleeper/prevent [black op] release of incriminating docs]
- President Trump recently appointed Richard Grenell as Acting Director of National Intelligence
- Grenell decided to declassify the IG footnotes revealing the FBI was knowingly using Russian disinformation to spy on Trump’s camp,
- Adam Schiff on April 7 sent Richard Grenell a letter demanding answers on the agency’s personnel changes, including the firing of ICIG Michael Atkinson.
- “President Trump did not nominate you for confirmation as permanent DNI, and it would be inappropriate for you to pursue any additional leadership, organizational, or staffing changes to ODNI during your temporary tenure,” Schiff wrote in an April 7 letter acting like he has authority over the executive branch.And Grenell responded with fire.
- “I must disagree with your proposals to divest the DNI of managerial competence and personnel decision-making authority, and to replace your committee’s mandate for Intelligence Community oversight with a mandate for IC administration,” Grenell said.
- Grenell continued, “Going forward, I encourage you to think of the relationship between your committee and the IC as that between the legislative and executive branches of government, rather than that between a hedge fund and a distressed asset, as your letter suggests.”
- – basically saying no, your oversight doesn’t go that far.
#FISA During a phone-in radio interview @hughhewitt asked if the Durham investigation into the origins of the FBI 2016 Russia probe, and the four FISA warrants for a Trump campaign aide is on track, undisturbed by COVID-19? Attorney General Barr: “Yes” @CBSNews
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 22, 2020
#FISA Given guidelines for indictments or closing investigations before an election @hughhewitt asked if Durham has a deadline? AG Barr replied, “As far as I’m aware, none of the key people that, whose actions are being reviewed at this point by Durham, are running for president”
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 22, 2020
Don’t assume the Bidens are not under investigation because they’re not part of Durham’s investigation.
Durham is investigating Spygate.
A U.S. Attorney in Pennsylvania is coordinating the investigation of corruption related to Ukraine.https://t.co/oVpmSANUJr
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) April 22, 2020
Geopolitical/Police State
- Chinese company Da Jiang Innovations, the world’s largest maker of drones, has donated drones to 43 law enforcement agencies operating in 22 U.S. states to enforce social distancing rules.
- Police in Elizabeth, N.J., for example, are using the drones to surveil residents in places where patrol cars can’t easily reach, such as spaces between buildings and back yards.
- In 2017, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned in a memo that DJI was “selectively targeting government and privately owned entities within these sectors to expand its ability to collect and exploit sensitive U.S. data.”
- The Interior Department in 2019 grounded its entire fleet of DJI-manufactured drones, which had been used to surveil U.S. land, due to concerns that China was using the drones to gather data on critical U.S. infrastructure.
The mullahs’ regime ruling #Iran harasses UN Navy ships for propaganda purposes.
Thank you, President Trump, for reminding this regime that the Obama years are gone.
And BTW, this regime does not represent the Iranian people.pic.twitter.com/lBYjTGLltq
— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) April 22, 2020
Sleepy Joe thought this was OK. Not me! https://t.co/VgIlA4fJKF
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
False Flags
No, Trump didn’t ship 17 tons of ‘American’ masks and medical supplies to China https://t.co/a02NkS8hzj
— I Yam What I Yam (@Nvr4Get91101) April 22, 2020
Another FALSE ad by the Do Nothing Democrats. Almost all of their ads are False or Misleading, and the Fake News loves it! https://t.co/6osAQzyIEF
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
- Spain found faults in a batch of coronavirus tests sent by a Chinese company, which had been sent as a replacement for a first batch that the country received and then returned.
- Spain says it now wants a refund for its entire order of 640,000 tests after finding the tests in both batches weren’t sensitive enough to consistently detect the virus, El País newspaper reported.
Source: businessinsider.com
Remember That Hospital Ship NY Desperately Needed? Yeah, Cuomo Now Says It’s Not Needed.
- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo repeatedly claimed his state needed 30,000 ventilators to handle all the cases of COVID-1
- Turns out he didn’t — not even close.
- And the Democrat also said hospitals across the state were going to be overrun with critically ill patients, so he persuaded the federal government to pitch in millions to turn the massive Javits Center into a field hospital and rush to overhaul a U.S. Navy hospital ship, the USNS Comfort, outfitted with 500 beds to handle the overflow from packed hospitals.
- Turns out Cuomo didn’t need either of those.
- “The president sent up a Navy ship, the Comfort. A hospital ship which was very good to have if we need overflow,” Cuomo said Tuesday on MSNBC. “It did give us comfort, but we don’t need it anymore. If they need to deploy it somewhere else, they should take it.”
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
States are safely coming back. Our Country is starting to OPEN FOR BUSINESS again. Special care is, and always will be, given to our beloved seniors (except me!). Their lives will be better than ever…WE LOVE YOU ALL!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
- Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday told U.S. governors he’ll take action if they overstep their authority.
- “We initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them,” Barr said. “And if they’re not and people bring lawsuits, we file statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs,” he said, according to a transcript. “As lawsuits develop, as specific cases emerge in the states, we’ll take a look at them.”
Source: justthenews.com
- Rick Bright, one of the nation’s leading vaccine development experts and the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, is no longer leading the organization,
- The shakeup at the agency, known as BARDA, couldn’t come at a more inopportune time for the office, which invests in drugs, devices, and other technologies that help address infectious disease outbreaks and which has been at the center of the government’s coronavirus pandemic response.
Source: statnews.com
COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine showed no benefit, more deaths in VA virus study
- Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine showed no benefit in a large study of its use at U.S. veterans hospitals, researchers say.
- The research, which was published in the medRxiv online depository, evaluated data from 368 COVID-19 patients. The study, which was paid for by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia, has not been peer-reviewed.
- “In this study, we found no evidence that use of hydroxychloroquine, either with or without azithromycin, reduced the risk of mechanical ventilation in patients hospitalized with Covid-19,” the researchers said. “An association of increased overall mortality was identified in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone.
- The nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment but is the largest look so far of hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin as a treatment for COVID-19.
Source: foxnews.com
Why is the MSM suddenly in hardcore anti-hydroxychloroquine mode? HCQ destroys the narrative?
Very obviously coordinated… 4am talking points much? pic.twitter.com/yrYmGYUDnc— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) April 21, 2020
Early results are in for the drug Trump has been hyping as a cure, and unfortunately, it’s not good.
We need to be guided by science, not hucksters or hype. Irresponsibly promoting unproven treatments is not a strategy for dealing with a pandemic.
Only the absence of strategy. https://t.co/T0iCEmo03A
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 21, 2020
Zelenko used 200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine, 500mg 1x daily Azithromycin, and 220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate on 350 patients. Their breathing was fully restored in 3 to 4 hours, no one has died or was even hospitalized. There were zero intubations.
BUSTED: One of the authors of the “study” saying Hydroxychloroquine doesnt work at VA hospitals got research grant from Gilead, making a competitor drug
For Hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, deaths not substantial enough to rule out other factors
Retweet for Truth! pic.twitter.com/9w12VBtn3J
— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) April 21, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore. That’s why it works. It MUST be prescribed with zinc.
The Azithromycin was NEVER for the CoVid19, only multi-factor pneumonia.
This study did not include zinc and was only performed on patients in the worst health.
It’s a hatchet job. https://t.co/jts0iKW5Mr
— RU@N0NYM0U$? (@RUAnonymous1) April 22, 2020
This may help you to understand the action of HCQ.
How oral Zinc + HCQ, (a Zinc Ionophore), stops the COVID19 virus from making millions of copies of the virus & flooding your body with these copies of the virus. pic.twitter.com/RdKHFmq6iI
— Phil Wilson (@FxPhilW) April 20, 2020
When we are in a state of sin, we are like “human bats” who can move about only at night. We find it easier to live in darkness because the light reveals to us what we do not want to see. But then our eyes grow accustomed to darkness and we no longer recognize the light.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) April 22, 2020
- Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.
- After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.
- Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric, that published an article in a 2015 edition of Nature Medicine.
- In the article they discussed bat coronaviruses that showed potential for human emergence. The article was published in 2015.
This report was published shortly after their project was defunded by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The HHS in 2014 sent a letter to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where they announced they were going to defund the program.
Dr. Ralph S. Baric was identified in the letter.
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- After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species <-> specie transmission.
- It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people.
- This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate a delicious bowl of bat soup.
- From all of the published research papers that relate to this project going back to 2014, it’s clear that COVID-19 was already in a lab.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- The French were involved in the coronavirus as well.
- Now as we look further into the coronavirus facilities in Wuhan, China, we have determined that the French were involved as well.
- The French provided the design, engineering, and architecture for the Wuhan P4 site. Dr. Shi Zhiming (who ran the coronavirus program) has an advanced degree from a French school. She and the Yuan Zhiming, the manager of the P4 facility, were also awarded the highest France civil medals.
- We know that many manufacturers of vaccines moved their operations to China and these companies were involved in developing vaccines for the virus and still are.
- We also know that the Obama Administration awarded $3.7 million to the Wuhan lab for the study of the coronavirus.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
I will be signing my Executive Order prohibiting immigration into our Country today. In the meantime, even without this order, our Southern Border, aided substantially by the 170 miles of new Border Wall & 27,000 Mexican soldiers, is very tight – including for human trafficking!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
Peter Nygard, he is known as the Jeffrey Epstein of Canada (incredibly rich, sex trafficking, private islands, etc.) has had the case against him swell from 10 accusers to 46.
- The class action lawsuit contains 247 pages of detailed text about Nygård’s alleged crimes over a period of five decades. The company of the Helsinki-born fashion millionaire went bankrupt.
- A TOTAL OF 46 women accuse Finnish Canadian multimillionaire Peter Nygård of rape, kidnapping, sex trafficking and other crimes, according to a class action filed in New York early Tuesday.
- This is a significant extension of a class action lawsuit filed in February, as previously ten women accused 78-year-old Nygård of rape in the 2000s and 2010s.

- However, numerous of the new class action lawsuits are much older than neighborhood disputes. Nygård is now charged with crimes in five different decades: the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s.
Source: hs.fi
There have actually been lots of arrests. Nader, Buck, Epstein, Weinstein, NXIVM, Huawei CEO, former speaker of the house.
Greetings sir to you and staff. How did sound MONEY disappear? I always asked myself the question
and tried not to BLAME the older generation. Irwin Schiff LED the call! He suffered a harsh end. Just
must remember it was at the hands of the CHICKEN LIVERED YELLOW BELLIES sir. There is ALWAYS a reason! Can we just go ALL THE WAY? Hmmm?
Just hearing your voice throughout these years is VERY comforting. New from the onset that YOU would
not turn YELLOW! It is not in your gene’s. Hmmmmm? Will go dark soon but just GLAD that I met you ( even though thru odd circumstance and/or by chance on WEB! Funny how things work out. Never forget WHO you are or where you came from. Your ancestors deserve nothing less. Funny how Charlie is not in the BUSH anymore??? Hmmm??? ALL THE WAY SIR. L’Chaim…
Thank you for all the time you put into sharing this information with us.. you are a true Patriot. Can you tell me if the petro dollar is not going to be around what should we do with our money? Our retirement ? I am a widow with a 19 year old daughter in online colllege. Do I buy Gold? Go to crypto? Silver? I’d like to prepare… thank you and God bless you! Csn you emeil me?
Dave, I tried to find your message 2155b on bitchute but it was a mess. They did show some of your episodes But they were in a scrambled order and many repetitions.
Significant information
White House Press Corps Caught on Hot Mic
Take Off the Masks It’s a HOAX!