[DS] Payoffs Threatened, They Never Expected Trump To Expose The Entire Scam – Episode 2063
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Current News – 01.06.2020
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Source: marketwatch.com
Gannett CFO to step down at end of 1Q; board launches search for replacement
- Gannett Co. said Monday that Alison “Ali” Engel is stepping down as chief financial officer of the media and marketing solutions company at the end of the first quarter to pursue other opportunities.
- Gannett’s board of directors has begun a process to identify someone to fill the role. Mark Maring, currently treasurer of Gannett, is expected to lead the company’s finance function after Engel’s departure until a new CFO is appointed, Gannett said.
Source: businesstelegraph.co.uk
Defense Secretary’s chief of staff Eric Chewning resigns
- Chewning’s departure comes after a series of senior Pentagon officials have announced their resignations in recent weeks.
- Eric Chewning, chief of staff to the secretary of defense, will leave the Defense Department at the end of the month, the Pentagon announced Monday.
ACTORS APPALLED! Hollywood elites offended by Gervais Golden Globes monologue
- Ricky Gervais skewered Hollywood elites and they were offended.
- Keith Urban wasn’t having any of Gervais’s antics, and Tom Hanks just couldn’t believe it was happening
- Tim Cook nervously waited for the joke bomb to drop on Apple:
- “So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a political platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything, you know nothing about the real world,” Gervais said.
- “Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So, if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your god and f*ck off. Okay?”
- Tom Hanks won the unfortunate award of having the camera on him the most during the blistering monologue:
Source: theamericanmirror.com
House impeachers can hide from a trial, but they can’t run
- Pelosi was still withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate. She is making demands that the Senate trial be run in a particular way, even though the California Democrat is not a senator and has no constitutional role in shaping the trial.
- What is going on between her and McConnell is not a “standoff” or an “impasse,” as the media would have you believe. It is a straight-up defeat for House Democrats.
- Having hastily impeached without gathering the requisite evidence and testimony that they are now demanding after-the-fact, Democrats are left with no good choices. They hardly sound credible whining that the Senate needs to hear from a bunch of new witnesses — after all, they didn’t need any of those witnesses to impeach, did they?
- If Democrats felt they had a serious case for impeachment that would convince the public, then they would be shoving the articles down McConnell’s throat right now with utter glee, excitedly looking forward to a Senate vote that would surely end the careers of multiple Republicans.
- Instead, they are despondent, fearful, wondering whether their conspicuous act of political self-gratification didn’t just hand Trump a second term.
- Meanwhile, support for impeachment has dwindled.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
- Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced on Friday if Democrats DO NOT deliver their articles of impeachment to the US Senate as is required by the US Constitution he will introduce a measure to dismiss Pelosi’s slapdash articles of impeachment on Monday January 6th.
- Nancy Pelosi was on notice
She had three days to decide but did not act. -
- The Senate has adopted a set of 26 rules that govern all impeachment proceedings, known as the “Rules of Procedure and Practice in the Senate When Sitting on Impeachment Trials.” Those Rules presume prompt delivery of the articles of impeachment to the Senate following their adoption by the House. Historically, the House delivered articles of impeachment to the Senate for action almost simultaneously with the vote to impeach. During the Clinton impeachment, for example, the articles were transmitted to the Senate the same day they were approved. Consequently, the current Senate rules have no mechanism to address Speaker Pelosi’s unprecedented attempt to prevent a Senate trial by withholding the articles after the President has been impeached.
- Speaker Pelosi’s gambit raises grave constitutional concerns. Article 1, Section 3 gives the Senate the “sole” power to try impeachment cases. But if the Speaker refuses to transmit the articles after the President has been impeached, she could prevent the Senate from exercising its constitutional prerogative, perhaps indefinitely.
- Senator Hawley’s resolution would amend the Senate’s impeachment rules to prevent this abuse of the Constitution and protect the Senate’s sole power to try impeachment. The resolution would allow the Senate to dismiss for lack of prosecution any articles of impeachment that the House of Representatives has delayed transmitting for 25 calendar days or more. Under this new rule, any Senator would be entitled to move to dismiss once the allotted time period had elapsed. Any motion to dismiss would be voted upon by the full Senate.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
BREAKING: Senate investigators seeking records & testimony from Biden adviser on Ukraine energy policy Amos Hochstein who in ’15 discussed w Biden his son Hunter’s sweetheart deal w corrupt Burisma oligarch. Hochstein briefing Biden on ’15 trip to Ukraine:https://t.co/R4QSmLxA0M
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 6, 2020
- Dr. Baden was hired by the pedophile’s family to observe the autopsy.
- Dr. Baden also joined Judge Jeanine Pirro later that week where they discussed Jeffrey Epstein’s death.
- During the discussion Judge Jeanine and Dr. Baden and showed convincing evidence that Epstein’s death was not a suicide.
Epstein’s bed was 5′ 6″. tall. Epstein was 4′ tall on his knees. The noose was found tied to the bed at 3’6′. According to Dr. Baden the height of the tie would not bring enough force to break ANY bones let alone three bones in his neck. - This weekend photos were released from Jeffrey Epstein’s prison cell and from his autopsy.
And the doctors who performed the autopsy want you to believe these neck cuts were caused by bed sheets!
It looks more like a wire cut.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Geopolitical/Police State
- Michael Bloomberg just declared open season on the Second Amendment
- Bloomberg made it explicitly clear that he wants to disarm law-abiding Americans completely —
- At an event in Alabama this week, Bloomberg said as much:
It may be true that someone in the congregation had his own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people, but it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.
- Well, this shooting would have played out much, much worse in that hypothetical scenario. The killer, of course, doesn’t care what law Bloomberg and his pals pass, so he would have stormed in with a gun regardless. But Wilson wouldn’t have been armed. Assuming the police are minutes away, and considering that the gunman shot two people in just a few seconds before being taken down, it’s likely that several dozen people would have been shot before police arrived.
- This is the outcome Bloomberg basically just said he would prefer.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires
- Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bushfires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame “climate change” for the disaster.
- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wrote a letter to her Democrat colleagues in the House on Sunday to reveal a new “War Powers Resolution” that amounts to a pre-emptive surrender to Iran in ongoing hostilities.
- Pelosi’s letter begins with the declaration that President Donald Trump’s airstrike last week targeting Iranian General Qasem Suleimani, leader of the terrorist Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC) Quds Force, responsible for the murders of hundreds of Americans and for recent attacks on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, was “provocative and disproportionate,” terms suggesting the attack was illegal under international law and could constitute a war crime.
- “The president has the constitutional authority to take military actions, short of declaring war, that he and his advisers deem necessary to protect American citizens. This authority is extremely broad, especially when the actions must, by their nature, be kept secret from the intended target.” Nonetheless, Pelosi’s letter indicates that the House will declare the president’s action illegal under international law.
- The letter goes on to describe a new resolution that would “limit the President’s military actions regarding Iran,” essentially signaling a surrender in the potential conflict before the Iranian regime itself had managed to respond.
- Pelosi’s letter indicates that the new “War Powers Resolution” will be introduced and voted on this week. She has not yet indicated when she will transfer the articles of impeachment passed by the House on Dec. 18 to the Senate, which she claims is a necessary prerequisite to the Senate holding a trial on the president’s removal from office
Source: breitbart.com
Kennedy was an outsider [assassinated]
Reagan was an outsider [assassination attempt]
POTUS is an outsider [CLAS HIGH]
How much money (CASH) was sent by the FED to Iraq (Iraq War)?How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish
How much money (CASH) was confiscated from the Iraq Central Bank?
If it worked in IRAQ, why not replicate in IRAN?
How much money (CASH) was sent to IRAN?
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-paid-iran-1-3b-two-days-after-400m-cash-transfer📁US paid Iran $1.3B two days after $400M cash transfer
Who controls the distribution of funds?
Who accounts for the funds?
Who has access to the funds?
Who ‘really’ has access to the funds?
Do funds return in the form of political donations?
Do funds return in the form of massive donations to ‘FOUNDATIONS’ and/or ‘INSTITUTES’?
Do funds return in the form of offshore bank accounts for future payments/payoffs?
Replicate: Environment (‘Green’), AID assist, etc.
Threat of an OUTSIDER becoming PRESIDENT?
“Trillions of dollars at stake.”
“Controlled by group of special interests.”
“Illusion of democracy.”
[Welcome to the Real World]
- President Donald Trump said that the United States would not leave Iraq until the country paid the United States for the military base built there.
- “We have a very extraordinarily expensive airbase that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time,” he said. “We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it.”
Source: breitbart.com
For non-Arabic speakers, reporting in the main news outlets NYT and Wash Post is so misinformed (either on purpose or because of incompetence) that you might think that the Iraqi State has officially voted for ejecting US forces from Iraq (because of Trump’s miscalculated move
Hussain Abdul-Hussain 🇺🇸 (@hahussain) January 5, 2020
3- #Iraq parliament barely had a quorum for session on ejecting US troops. Sunni and Kurdish blocs boycotted the session (thus taking America’s side over Iran), and thus quorum was 170 of 328 (half + 4, just like Hezbollah designated a PM in Lebanese parliament with half
Hussain Abdul-Hussain 🇺🇸 (@hahussain) January 5, 2020
4- The text Iraqi Parliament voted on was not a legislation, but a non-binding resolution.
Hussain Abdul-Hussain 🇺🇸 (@hahussain) January 5, 2020
5- To deflect Iranian anger, Abdul-Mahdi said US troops will leave, according to timetable. Troops of Assad dynasty occupied Lebanon for 29 years, with Assad and Lebanese saying withdrawal on its way, but tied to timetable. In Mid Eastern countries, timetables mean indefinitely
Hussain Abdul-Hussain 🇺🇸 (@hahussain) January 5, 2020
Bottom line is, Iraqi parliament vote was an Iranian face-saving measure. Iran is in a bind: If it retaliates without claiming its attack, it does not count as revenge for Soleimani. If Iran claims the attack, regime risks further wrath, in a country whose economy is in free fall
Hussain Abdul-Hussain 🇺🇸 (@hahussain) January 5, 2020
NEWS BREAKING ALERT: Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi is expected to officially tell the U.S. ambassador that U.S. troops must leave the country in a meeting on Monday, according to NBC News. (8:31 p.m. ET 1/5/20) https://t.co/F6FIVVd4W2
— LIVE Breaking News (@NewsBreaking) January 6, 2020
There is a letter going around, when looking at this letter their is no signature, and it seems the letter was draft, some took it and sent it around . there is no US troop movement out of Iraq.
Trump Threatens Harsh Sanctions on Iraq If US Troops Forced Out
- Ghaani wasted no time to make it clear that continuity would be preserved, saying that Tehran will avenge the assassination of Soleimani by driving the US out of the region, shortly after another Revolutionary Guard commander warned that dozens of American targets are “within our reach.”
Source: zerohedge.com
Iran [DS] players have been threatening America for a long time, Trump and the patriots have trapped them, Trumps move was military genius. the MSM [DS] would like you to think that this is going to start WW3 but once again they are pushing what they want, not what is really happening
Lets go back in time to 2010 when Wikileaks published papers that
- In February 2007 the United States military released photographic evidence supporting Administration claims that Iran was providing material assistance and training to the insurgents in Iraq.
This handout photo released by the US military shows an 81mm mortar round believed to be from Iran and found in Baghdad in January 2007. Sophisticated Iranian-built bombs smuggled into Iraq have killed at least 170 US and allied soldiers since June 2004 and wounded 620 more, senior US defence officials have said. (AFP) - The LA Times to insisted the U.S. could not prove an Iran link to Iraq strife.
Wikileaks documents support those claims that Iran was training and providing support to the Iraqi insurgency.
The Washington Times reported:
Field reports made public by the website WikiLeaks on Friday show that U.S. military intelligence agencies had many strands of evidence revealing that Iran provided paramilitary training to Shiite Muslim insurgents at the height of the civil war in Iraq.
In one case, the military circulated a Dec. 22, 2006, warning that a group known as Jaish al-Mahdi planned to kidnap U.S. soldiers. The man planning the operation, Sheik Azhar al-Dulaimi, was trained by Hezbollah terrorists near the Iranian city of Qom, the document stated. Hezbollah is a Lebanon-based militia that was founded, trained and funded by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
“This confirms the degree of operational involvement the Iranian Revolutionary Guard used in anti-U.S. operations in Iraq,” said Kenneth Katzman, a Gulf affairs specialist at the Congressional Research Service. “It confirms the degree to which Iran was involved in operations that directly targeted U.S. forces.”
- There is also evidence that the Iranian regime is providing assistance to terrorists in Afghanistan, too.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Trump takes a calculated risk on Iran
- US President Donald Trump’s decision to humiliate Iran with the assassination of a national hero on Jan. 2 is a calculated gamble and probably represents the best of a set of bad alternatives.
- . After 5,000 dead, 50,000 wounded and trillions of dollars in expenditures in Iraq, the US had succeeded in turning a former counterweight to Iranian ambitions into an Iranian satrapy. The embassy attack was intended by Iran as a public act of ritual humiliation, and the United States had no choice but to respond. Trump chose to respond by subjecting Iran to an even more poignant form of humiliation, by assassinating a national hero, Gen. Qassam Sulemaini.
- Trump sent a message to the DS leaders in Iran, the world is now looking at Iran, they have been exposed to the world, all eyes are on them
- The DS players and Iran never expected this, If it anticipated this sort of attack, Gen. Sulemaini never would have appeared in person at the Baghdad Airport.
- Trump’s preemptive action yet may turn out to be a masterful stroke.
Source: asiatimes.com
#UPDATE: When we look at the distance between Iran & Diego Garcia we can see the logic behind deploying B-52’s there & not in Qatar, as Al-Udeid is within Iranian missile range
Diego Garcia meanwhile is well out of Shehab-3 MRBM (2,000km) & Soumar cruise missile ranges (2,500km) pic.twitter.com/EIS32NZFXg
— ELINT News (@ELINTNews) January 6, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2020
Well done. This message is on Bulls Eye!
You either see the light, or you do not.
What does a chicken livered, YELLOW BELLY see?????
They wash their pants every day! Hmmmmmm?
Godspeed. ALL THE WAY!!!!!!