[DS] Pushes Same Hacking Tactic, The Coverup Already Failed – Episode 2070
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Current News – 01.14.2020
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U.S.T.R. Robert Lighthizer Discusses China “Phase One” and Enforcement Tripwires
- Ambassador Lighthizer has been consistent over multiple years, on his intention to create enforceable trade reform between the U.S. and China, or, if needed, decouple the two economies if China fails to accept the necessary structural reforms.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
- The Treasury Department removed the label of currency manipulator from China
- The change comes as part of the Treasury Department’s semi-annual report on “Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners.” It comes just two days before China and the U.S. are expected to sign a phase one trade deal at the White House.
- the currency practices of ten countries were found to require close attention, no major U.S. trading partner at this time met the relevant 1988 or 2015 legislative criteria for currency manipulation. The “monitor” list includes: China, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Vietnam
Source: breitbart.com
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Accuses CNN Of Bringing On Liars, Supporting Trump
- MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell accused CNN of bringing on people who back President Donald Trump in a podcast Sunday, adding that his network won’t “bring on liars.”
- He said the following
- “Because he knows on MSNBC there will be no one defending him,” O’Donnell said. “Because we don’t bring on liars. I don’t bring on a liar. I won’t do that.”
Source: dailycaller.com
House to vote Wednesday on sending articles of impeachment to Senate
- The House will vote Wednesday to send impeachment articles to the Senate, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Source: thehill.com
JB said he would testify during the impeachment trial, the MSM and the D’s have been making this a big deal
John Bolton’s Testimony Would Not Be The Smoking Gun Democrats Need
- So what are they expected from JB what can John Bolton possibly say that would prove Trump’s intent was malicious, and not genuine concern about taxpayer dollars falling into corrupt hands? Is he really going to say, “The president told me he doesn’t care about corruption, he just wanted to get that pesky Joe Biden and get him good?” Is there anyone on the face of the planet who thinks that such a conversation could have taken place?
- The best plausible testimony Democrats can hope for is that Bolton reveals he expressed opposition, but so did a half dozen people who already testified, and just like them, nobody elected John Bolton to be president.
Source: thefederatlist.com
yesterday we talked about the AWAN brothers, how they were back in the news and how JW is going after them, Q has also told us that they are being investigated that the plea deal was not the end, JW just announced the following
- that a federal court yesterday ordered a snap hearing after the Justice Department submitted information under seal on Friday following the court’s demand for an explanation of why no records have been produced in the ongoing legal battle for documents about the Congressional Democrat IT (information technology) scandal involving the Awan brothers. The hearing is set for tomorrow, January 15, at 10 am.
- Remember
- The Awan brothers reportedly “were not given background checks before being given access to highly sensitive government information and no explanations have been given as to why.” Additionally, “If they would have run this background check it would have found out not only multiple criminal convictions, but $1 million bankruptcy, a dozen lawsuits … it would have found a whole host of major red flags and the Democrats didn’t do any of those checks.”
- The status hearing is before Judge Amit P. Mehta:
- Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
- Time: 10:00 a.m. ET
- Location: Courtroom 10
- U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
- 333 Constitution Ave NW
- Washington, DC 20001
Source: judicialwatch.com
The [DS] is panicking, Trump and the patriots have been educating the people on the BIdens and what took place in Ukraine, now the [DS] is pushing the Russian hacking story as they did with the DNC, same hoax different day, this is coming from the NYT
Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment
- hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.
- It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens
- The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Source: nytimes.com
The only problem is that Russia did not hack the DNC, Assange is the key, Binney and others have already shown why this was impossible and Assange has repeately said it was an inside job. Even HRC is pushing this fake story
Russians appear to be re-running their 2016 hacking playbook, once again to benefit Donald Trump.
Will the media play along again?
Will the GOP open the door again?
Will the Russians help pick our POTUS again? https://t.co/cfVPcqbY5w
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 14, 2020
The question is why now, and who is involved in the hacking scheme
First lets start with the energy department
Energy Department agrees to begin releasing Ukraine-related records
- The Energy Department agreed to begin releasing a cache of Ukraine-related records, including former Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s communications with high-level Ukrainian officials,
- The agreement came in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by American Oversight, an ethics watchdog group. The group in October sued the department in an attempt to gain access to documents relating to Perry’s communications with key Trump administration and Ukrainian officials. It also sought records relating to the department’s contacts with President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani.
- The DOE agreed to start releasing documents relating to Perry’s communications with his former chief of staff Brian McCormack by Jan. 28. The first set of documents will also include records relating to the presidential delegation Perry led to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s inauguration last May.
- Another package of documents, focused in part on Perry’s and McCormack’s communications with Giuliani, are scheduled to be released on Feb. 4. A third cache of Ukraine-related documents will be released by March 16.
Source: thehill.com
@BreakingNLive just got their account suspended after posting this story:
Control of narrative = control of public opinion
Control of public opinion = power
How do you control the narrative?
Information warfare.
[HUNTER]s become the hunted.
Senate was the target.
- And now this…
- The firm behind these latest accusations is called Area 1 Security.
- It appears Area 1 has a lot in common with Crowdstrike Security.
- Area 1 Security’s co-founder is Blake Darche. .
- Blake Darche also happens to be a founding member of Crowdstrike Securities.
- Of course, Crowdstrike is the same firm that claimed Russia hacked the DNC Computers during the 2016 election BUT WAS NEVER ABLE TO PROVIDE PROOF OF THEIR CLAIMS!
- So now a founding member of Crowdstrike has been instructed to create the same fake story for Burisma.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
The MSM during the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation changed their story 5 times to spin it in all different ways when they got caught.
- 1.
- The media pushed glowing accounts of FBI source Christopher Steele, portraying him as a top MI6 Russian spy, the man behind the dismantling of the international soccer FIFA bribery conspiracy, and a long-time reliable source for U.S. intelligence agencies. The IG report revealed the press accounts greatly embellished the dossier author’s resume and that the Crossfire Hurricane team regurgitated the press’ puffery to the FISA court.
- 2.
- Another media myth the IG report revealed the FBI and DOJ believed concerns Republicans’ role in the Steele dossier. There was none, but the press’s careless reporting quickly conflated a previous Republican contract with Fusion GPS to perform general opposition research on Donald Trump—which did not involve Steele or a focus on Russia—with Fusion GPS’s hiring of Steele in June 2016 on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
- The DNC/Clinton contract was specifically to “obtain information about whether Russia was trying to achieve a particular outcome in the 2016 U.S. elections, what personal and business ties then candidate Trump had in Russia, and whether there were any ties between the Russian government and Trump or his campaign.”
- This distinction matters, because if Republicans had previously hired Steele, that fact would counter claims Steele held a pro-Democrat bias that influenced his reporting. Also, by conflating the two separate contracts, it creates the appearance that Trump’s Republican opponents were pushing the Russia collusion hoax before Hillary got involved. But neither is true.
- 3.
- A third time the FBI fell for the media spin concerned former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page’s supposed involvement in massaging the Republican Party platform concerning Ukraine. According to the IG’s report, “all of the Carter Page FISA applications alleged that Page participated in drafting the RNC’s platform change on providing lethal assistance to Ukraine. The FISA applications alleged that the platform change on Ukraine would not include a provision to provide weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, controverting Republican Party policy.”
- Again, this allegation followed the conventional wisdom but was wrong, in two respects. First, the Republican Party platform never called for providing “weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces.” Rather, as reporter Byron York detailed, the draft platform read: “We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.”
- the FISA secret surveillance applications all painted Page as responsible for changing the platform, just as the media had. Plus, the FBI did more than merely believe the press’s narrative—they cited the fake news from “identified news organizations” in the FISA applications to bolster the charge that Page bore responsibility for weakening the platform.
- In fact, the FBI believed the media narrative about the platform change over the intel the bureau’s own CHS, Stefan Halper, had obtained: In an October 2, 2016, monitored conversation with Page, the Trump advisor told Halper, with regard the platform committee proceedings, that he had “stayed clear of that,” even though there were “a lot of conspiracy theories that I was one of them.” “In retrospect,” Page added in the secretly monitored conversation, “it’s way better off that I remained at arm’s length.”
- 4
- A fourth narrative that took hold with the Crossfire Hurricane team concerned Trump’s late-July joke, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
- Many in the press played Trump’s comments as “quite literally” an entreaty to Russia to hack Clinton’s emails. However, this narrative made no sense because “the 30,000 emails” were ones Clinton had deleted from her homebrewed server, so there was nothing to hack.
- Soon, however, the media narrative took on a life of its own, with the press and Democrat politicians painting Trump’s comments as concerning the DNC’s emails that were hacked and later released by WikiLeaks. The IG report now reveals that the FBI fell for the press and Democrat’s dissembling, as seen by the FBI’s misinterpretation of a comment Page made to Halper in August 2016.
- During that FBI-monitored meeting, Halper asked the Trump aide whether there was an “October Surprise” in the works. According to the IG report, “Page stated that there would be a ‘different October Surprise’ this year.” Page then shared what he called his own “conspiracy theory” about “the next email dump,” saying it would be the “33,000.”
- Anyone would have known then that a reference to “33,000” emails meant Clinton’s missing emails and not the DNC’s hacked emails. Yet, in the FISA application, “the FBI assessed that these statements, along with other evidence, indicated that Page was aware of the pending leak of DNC emails,” proving yet again that the FBI fell for the press’ propaganda.
- 5. Russian Collusion
Source: thefederalist.com
BREAKING: Deep State Snake Mary McCord Goes from Setting Up General Flynn to Working for Adam Schiff
- Former Obama DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord was involved in setting up General Flynn in the White House days after the 2017 Inauguration. Now she is reportedly working for Adam Schiff with her former lawyer at the DOJ, the now ICIG Michael Atkinson.
- Julie Kelly at American Greatness published a post about the ICIG Atkinson. She pointed out his ties to his former boss, McCord:
A report issued last month by Atkinson’s counterpart at the Justice Department, Michael Horowitz, offered a detailed account of how that agency, specifically the FBI, violated the law to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page for a year. Horowitz identified 17 “significant errors” on the initial application and three subsequent renewals submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
The office responsible for the government’s FISA process is the Justice Department’s National Security Division. The head of the NSD during the first several months of the secret surveillance on Carter Page was acting Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord.
McCord’s senior counsel? Michael Atkinson.
From July 2016—the same month the FBI opened its investigation into the Trump campaign—until he was appointed the intelligence community’s watchdog in early 2018, Atkinson served as a high-ranking official in the same Justice Department attempting to take down Donald Trump.
McCord, an Obama appointee and Atkinson’s boss for seven months, not only managed three of the four FISAs on Carter Page, she ran the department’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion until she resigned in the spring of 2017.
McCord is mentioned more than two dozen times in Horowitz’s report. She became the division’s acting chief right before the department approved the first FISA application on Page.
Atkinson was her lawyer.
According to the Horowitz report, McCord “was involved in certain aspects of the [Trump campaign] investigation . . . with the first Carter Page FISA application in September and October 2016.” McCord also attended numerous briefings related to Crossfire Hurricane, the official name of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into four Trump campaign associates.
McCord, who was interviewed by Horowitz, told the inspector general she informed Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director, that the first FISA application “needed to include more information about who hired [Christopher] Steele.” She recalled “asking about Steele’s fee arrangement with Fusion GPS” just days before the first application was filed on October 21, 2016. (An interesting detail since McCord unconvincingly claimed in a podcast interview last month that she didn’t see Steele’s dossier until it was published in BuzzFeed in January 2017, a common trope recited by Obama loyalists.)
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
(VIA DOJ) Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards Illegally Repeatedly Transmitted SARs and Other Sensitive Government Information To A Reporter Resulting In Approximately 12 News Articles Over 1-Year Period.
Ms. Sours-Edwards, a former senior adviser at the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), pled guilty today to conspiring to unlawfully disclose Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”).
Beginning in approximately October 2017, and lasting until her arrest in October 2018, EDWARDS agreed to and did unlawfully disclose numerous SARs to a reporter (“Reporter-1”), the substance of which were published over the course of approximately 12 articles by a news organization for which Reporter-1 worked (“News Organization-1”).
The illegally disclosed SARs pertained to, among other things, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Maria Butina, and Prevezon Alexander.
EDWARDS had access to each of the pertinent SARs and saved them – along with thousands of other files containing sensitive government information – to a flash drive provided to her by FinCEN. She transmitted the SARs to Reporter-1 by means that included taking photographs or images of them and texting the photographs or images to Reporter-1 over an encrypted application.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
Wisconsin judge orders commission to purge up to 209,000 names from voter rolls
- A Wisconsin judge on Monday found the state’s Elections Commission and three of its members in contempt of court and ordered the commission to remove up to 209,000 names from the state’s voter rolls, in a case that could have major implications later this year in a key battleground state.
Source: foxnews.com
Geopolitical/Police State
- Project Veritas released part 1 of his “Expose 2020” series showing a Bernie Sanders Iowa field organizer calling for mass murder of opposition if President Trump wins reelection.
- “F*cking cities will burn” if Trump gets reelected Bernie Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek told an undercover Project Veritas journalist.
- Kyle Jurek calls for a “reign of terror” and for opposition to be killed or thrown into a gulag:
- Project Veritas will be releasing the undercover videos on their website Expose2020.com this week.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Bernie’s Field Organizer has a long arrest record.
- Kyle Jurek was arrested on drug charges back in 2016.
- Jurek was arrested in 2004 on operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
- He was arrested again in 2009 on drug charges.
And Kyle Jurek was arrested again in 2016 on drug charges and operating while intoxicated.
- And Kyle Jurek was arrested last year in September in Urbandale, Iowa, again on drug charges.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Canadian PM Justin Trudeau really did just blame President Trump for the downing of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752, which was shot down by an IRGC missile operator just minutes after taking off from the International Airport in Tehran.
Iran state TV sees at least 2 news anchors quit: ‘Forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies’
- At least two Iranian journalists at a state-owned media outlet reportedly resigned from their jobs, and another left a while back, apologizing for “the 13 years I told you lies” to her supporters as Tehran grapples with the fallout from protests stemming from a cover-up of its accidental downing of a Ukrainian airliner.
- .
Source: foxnews.com
The Iran Nuclear Deal Is on Thin Ice as France, Germany, and the UK Begin to Look for an Exit
- European countries on Tuesday triggered a dispute mechanism in their nuclear deal with Iran, a move that could lead to the return of United Nations sanctions on Tehran.
- Britain, France and Germany said that they had been “left with no choice” but to make the move.
- Tehran had been gradually reducing its commitments under the deal since the United States withdrew and reimposed sanctions in 2018. With Washington threatening secondary sanctions against European businesses dealing with Iran, Tehran argued it could no longer reap the financial benefits laid out in the pact in exchange for curbing its nuclear program.
Source: redstate.com
- Following Iran’s proclamation that it would no longer abide by the terms of its nuclear deal (JCPOA), Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for a “Trump Deal” to replace the failed Obama era agreement.
- Hailing President Donald Trump’s negotiating skills, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom called on President Trump to craft a replacement deal and deescalate tensions with Iran.
- “I e
AG Barr Reveals Stricter Procedures For Counterintelligence Investigations Of Presidential Campaigns
- The attorney general and FBI director will have to approve counterintelligence investigations of future presidential campaigns, Attorney General William Barr said
- “The opening of a counterintelligence investigation of a presidential campaign would be something that the director of the FBI would have to sign off on and the attorney general would have to sign off on,” Barr
Source: dailycaller.com