[DS] Walked Right Into The Trap,Precedent Was Established,Epstein Coverup – Episode 2013
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Current News – 11.05.2019
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- Brexit is a lesson to populists everywhere not to promise simple solutions that turn out more difficult than expected, Latvia’s foreign minister said, adding that Britain and the EU had no choice but to keep working for an amicable divorce deal.
Source: reuters.com
- The Dow Jones, S&P and Nasdaq ALL HIT NEW HIGHS on Monday – the first time in four months.
- With today’s new record high — Since the 2016 Election, the DOW is up 50%!
- On Election Day 2016 (November 8th) the DOW closed at 18,332. On Monday the DOW closed at 27,457 – up 50% since the 2016 election. The DOW is up 9,125 points since the 2016 election!
- Unemployment is at 50 year lows, wages are going up, corporate earnings are at all-time highs and expected to get higher and the markets are at all-time highs.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
BREAKING: No Recession on Horizon: “We think US economy is poised to grow 2.5% in 2020, about the same pace as this year. The key M2 measure of the money supply has accelerated; M2 is up 6.6% in the past year versus a 3.5% gain the year ending one year ago.”–First Trust Advisors
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 5, 2019
- The Justice Department announced a strike force aimed at identifying and prosecuting companies that fix prices or collude to push up the cost of the billions of dollars worth of U.S. government purchases,
- The Procurement Collusion Strike Force will be made up of the department’s Antitrust Division, 13 U.S. attorneys’ offices, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the offices of inspectors general from the Defense Department, Justice Department, General Services Administration and U.S. Postal Service.
- I
- The strike force will use data – such as selective bidding that suggests companies are splitting a market – to seek out and prosecute government contractors that are colluding, the official said.
- About 40% of U.S. government discretionary spending, or about $550 billion in 2018, is disbursed via contracts for goods and services, according to the watchdog Government Accountability Office.
- Executives of companies caught bid-rigging can face prison time and the companies themselves can face fines that are triple the gains made in the price fixing.
Source: reuters.com
The [DS] is now struggling, the impeachment narrative is detoriating, everything else failed, the Biden are more trouble than before, memos show Obama, Biden pressuring the prosecutor, the fake impeachment is falling apart, the selective pieces of the transcripts released from the secretive hearing show nothing, watch how the patriots inflict pain on the [DS], next wave coming.., but first Julian castro’s presidential run is in trouble
Julian Castro Lays Off Teams in Several States
- Julian Castro plans to lay off his New Hampshire and South Carolina staffers . To be included in the next debate, Castro needs to hit 3 percent in four polls approved by the Democratic National Committee or 5 percent in DNC-approved early-state surveys. Castro hasn’t qualified in a poll yet, but he has until Nov. 13 to qualify.
Source: newbreakinglive.com
Thanks brings us to Biden, John Solomon obtained memos that show that
- -> Hunter Biden and his Ukrainian gas firm colleagues had multiple contacts with the Obama State Department during the 2016 election cycle, including one just a month before Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company for corruption, newly released memos show.
- During that February 2016 contact, a U.S. representative for Burisma Holdings sought a meeting with Undersecretary of State Catherine A. Novelli to discuss ending the corruption allegations against the Ukrainian firm where Hunter Biden worked as a board member, according to memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
- Just three weeks before Burisma’s overture to State, Ukrainian authorities raided the home of the oligarch who owned the gas firm and employed Hunter Biden, a signal the long-running corruption probe was escalating in the middle of the U.S. presidential election.
- Hunter Biden’s name, in fact, was specifically invoked by the Burisma representative as a reason the State Department should help, according to a series of email exchanges among U.S. officials trying to arrange the meeting. The subject line for the email exchanges read simply “Burisma.”
- “Per our conversation, Karen Tramontano of Blue Star Strategies requested a meeting to discuss with U/S Novelli USG remarks alleging Burisma (Ukrainian energy company) of corruption,” a Feb. 24, 2016, email between State officials read. “She noted that two high profile U.S. citizens are affiliated with the company (including Hunter Biden as a board member).
- The emails show Tramontano was scheduled to meet Novelli on March 1, 2016, and that State Department officials were scrambling to get answers ahead of time from the U.S. embassy in Kiev.
- The records don’t show whether the meeting actually took place. The FOIA lawsuit is ongoing and State officials are slated to produce additional records in the months ahead.
- But the records do indicate that Hunter Biden’s fellow American board member at Burisma, Devon Archer, secured a meeting on March 2, 2016 with Secretary of State John Kerry. In addition to serving on the Burisma board, Archer and Hunter Biden were partners at an American firm known as Rosemont Seneca.
- “Devon Archer coming to see S today at 3pm – need someone to meet/greet him at C Street,” an email from Kerry’s office manager reads. “S” is a shorthand frequently used in State emails to describe the Secretary of State. The memos don’t state the reason for the meeting.
- The same day that the Zlochevsky seizure was announced in Ukraine, Hunter Biden used his Twitter account to start following Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, a longtime national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden who was promoted to the No. 2 job at State under Secretary John Kerry.
- The Feb. 4, 2016 Twitter notification from Hunter Biden to Blinken was captured by State email servers and turned over to me as part of the FOIA release.
- Within a few weeks of Tramontano’s overture to Novelli and of Archer’s overture to Kerry, Vice President Joe Biden took a stunning action, one that has enveloped his 2020 campaign for president in controversy.
- By his own admission in a 2018 speech, Joe Biden used the threat of withholding $1 billion in U.S. aid to strong-arm Ukraine into firing Shokin, a prosecutor that he and his office knew was investigating Burisma.
- Biden has said he forced Shokin’s firing because he and Western allies believed the prosecutor wasn’t aggressive enough in fighting corruption.
- Shokin disputes that account, he said was fired specifically because he would not stand down from investigating Burisma. In fact, Shokin alleges, he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden about his Burisma work and payments when he got the axe.
- The question now is: Did any of those contacts prompt further action or have anything to do with Joe Biden’s conduct in Ukraine in March 2016 when he forced Shokin’s firing?
Source: johnsolomonreports.com
Lets summarize all of this with a tweet from matt Wolking
BREAKING: FOIA’d email shows Burisma’s lobbyists used Hunter Biden’s position on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian gas company to request a meeting with Obama/Kerry State Department officials while Joe Biden was Vice President.
This is the evidence the media said didn’t exist. pic.twitter.com/4cL9k1S9DY
— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) November 5, 2019
Another FOIA’d email shows that Hunter Biden’s business partner and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer was set to meet with Secretary of State John Kerry on March 2, 2016, a week after the email mentioning Hunter. pic.twitter.com/9MtqQSSg87
— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) November 5, 2019
Email shows Hunter Biden started following Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, a longtime national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, just as Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin announced a raid on the home of Burisma’s founder https://t.co/WhSorRgeqX pic.twitter.com/c0nvoNiYzl
— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) November 5, 2019
DOJ will fight impeachment subpoenas unless Trump administration witnesses are allowed attorneys
- The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel released a new legal opinion stating that subpoenas from House Democrats in their impeachment investigation into President Trump will be considered “legally invalid” if Trump administration witnesses aren’t allowed to have an attorney with them while testifying.
- The new legal stance by the Trump DOJ is detailed in a five-page legal memo dated Nov. 1,
- “Congressional committees participating in an impeachment inquiry may not validly compel executive branch witnesses to testify about matters that potentially involve information protected by executive privilege without the assistance of agency counsel,” Assistant Attorney General Steven Engel wrote. “Congressional subpoenas that purport to require executive branch witnesses to appear without agency counsel in these circumstances are legally invalid and are not subject to civil or criminal enforcement.”
- DOJ also said that, in addition to fighting new subpoenas that don’t allow witnesses to have a lawyer at their side, they would continue to fight subpoenas issued in September and October, noting that before the Oct. 31 vote, the House “had not vested any committee in the current Congress with the authority to issue subpoenas in connection with an impeachment inquiry. As a result, subpoenas issued before that date purporting to be ‘pursuant to’ an impeachment inquiry were not properly authorized.”
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
“Democrats have threatened to withhold salaries of State Department officials who ask for the presence of State Department lawyers in depositions” – @Jim_Jordan during former Ukraine Amb Yovanovitch testimony https://t.co/xt7cnNUBhW
— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) November 4, 2019
- Rumors surfaced last night that House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy may move Rep. Jim Jordan to the Intelligence Committee for the ongoing impeachment proceedings.
- Jim Jordan also said the anti-Trump CIA “whistleblower” must testify in public before the House committee.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Marie Yovanovitch Transcript Shows ‘Quid Pro Quo’ – Or Does it
- Democrats claimed that in Trump’s phone call with Zelensky, he had clearly delivered a quid pro quo — Javelin anti-tank missiles for Ukraine in exchange for investigating how the Russia collusion narrative began and dirt on Joe Biden.
- The Trump administration had frozen some $400 million in military assistance in July, but Yovanovitch’s testimony revealed that Javelins were not part of the assistance being held — thus it would not have constituted part of the “quid pro quo” as Democrats have asserted.
- Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) pressed Yovanovitch on whether the Javelins were ever being held from Ukraine.
- “Ambassador, there’s been, and Chairman Schiff kind of alluded to this, and when we start talking about Javelins and foreign aid, for the record, I want to make sure that we’re clear. The foreign aid that was has been reported as being held up, it doesn’t relate to Javelins, does it?” he asked Yovanovitch.
- “No. At least I’m not aware that it does,” said Yovanovitch.
- Meadows continued, “Because foreign military sales, or FMS, as you would call it, is really a totally separate track, is it not? Foreign military sales (FMS) get approved, but they’re actually a purchase that happens with, in this case, it would have been Ukraine. Is that correct?”
- Yovanovitch responded, “So, yes. President Zelensky was talking about a purchase. But separately, as I understand it, and, again, this is from news accounts, the security assistance that was being held up was security assistance, it wasn’t the FMS.”
- Meadows replied, “But it was actually aid that had been appropriated and it had nothing to do with Javelins. Would you agree with that?”
- Yovanovitch replied, “That’s my understanding.”
- Meadows then drove the point home that Javelins had nothing to do with security assistance, which had been temporarily frozen.“And when the aid ultimately came through, it didn’t impact the purchase of those Javelins even when the aid ultimately was approved. Would you agree?” he asked.“Not to my not to my knowledge,” she responded.
- The recently released transcript for former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch reveals that the purported “quid pro quo” in the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky does not exist.
Source: breitbart.com
- Excerpts from new testimony given by Gordon Sondland, the US Ambassador to the European Union were released on Tuesday.
- Sondland ‘s testimony was revised after his ‘memory was refreshed’ from reading other testimony to reflect what he described as a ‘quid pro quo message’ delivered to Andriy Yermak, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
- Sondland said in his new testimony that he believed that withholding a $391 million aid package from Ukraine was “ill-advised” but admitted that he didn’t know “when, why or by whom the aid was suspended.”
- “I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Sondland said.
- A text exchange in early September between Sondland and the Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Bill Taylor show Sondland defending Trump and making it clear there was no quid pro quo in Trump’s communications with Zelensky.
- Before sending the text message, Gordon Sondland had a phone call with President Trump.
- Sondland asked Trump, “what do you want from Ukraine?”
- Trump responded, “I want nothing I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing…to do what he ran on.” (screenshot of excerpt below):
- Congressman Jim Jordan, a member of the House Oversight Committee said very clearly this week that the fundamental facts have never changed.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Rep Jim Jordan tweeted out the following
Before sending that text, Ambassador Sondland had a phone call with the President.
Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?”
The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing… to do what he ran on.” https://t.co/OHPUcli9Zz pic.twitter.com/HvkpxIgYwy
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) November 5, 2019
So who got to him, was he blackmailed, starting to look like that, plus this person lied to congress and to the people, he just trapped himself with this lie,, remember we have the phone transcripts
I asked Volker: And in no way, shape, or form in either the readouts from the United States or Ukraine did you receive any indication whatsoever for anything that resembles a quid pro quo?
Volker: Correct pic.twitter.com/vdmJnSWPyo
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 5, 2019
Devin Nunes: House GOP Will Call Adam Schiff As Their First Witness, And There’s A Precedent
- Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), currently the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, confirmed that House Republicans will call Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) as their first witness in the Democrats’ bogus impeachment inquiry.
Only Adam Schiff can subpoena Adam Schiff, but there’s a precedent for this. Remember, last Congress, they were hell bent on making sure that former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) testified. I said, ‘Look, I don’t think this is a very good idea to turn around and have members of Congress come testify and give depositions. So, congratulations Democrats that were on the House Intelligence Committee that’s now become the impeachment committee. They have set the precedent for members of Congress to give depositions and so you heard the Minority leader the Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, say that Schiff is our first witness. You’ve had John Ratcliffe, a former U.S. attorney in Congress, say Adam Schiff is our first witness. So, yes, he in fact is going to be our first witness that we are going to ask to come and give a deposition.
- Now we talked about this yesterday, it is all connected, During the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, the Democratic members insisted on calling Rohrabacher to testify about his August 2017 meeting with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Source: redstate.com
- Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a letter seeking information on what administrative steps were taken to hold accountable the staffers who “deliberately” mishandled classified information that was transmitted over then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server system.
- A few weeks ago the State Department completed an internal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server system and cited 38 people for violations.
- Grassley is seeking the identity and titles of the officials and what sanctions were imposed, and for each of them, at what level was the material classified.
- Grassley said in his letter to Pompeo that the State Department has until November 19 to answer the following questions:
The State Department identified 91 security violations attributable to 38 people. What are the names and titles of these officials? For each official, what sanction was imposed and at what level was the mishandled information classified?
The State Department identified an additional 497 security violations where culpability could not be identified. Please explain in greater detail why culpability could not be identified and at what level was the mishandled information classified?
The State Department found that some of its officials “deliberately transmitted” classified information via unclassified email. What are the names and titles of these officials, at what level was the mishandled information classified, and has the State Department referred any of them to the Justice Department for potential prosecution? If not, why not?
The review noted that some officials were not interviewed. Please list each individual that was not interviewed and the reason why.
Please provide all email communications between Secretary Clinton and President Obama, including those emails referenced by the Strzok text. In addition, in your written response, please note the classification level of those emails and whether they were part of the security review.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
The whole time #MeToo was going on, the powerful media companies that control Fake News Media were covering for serial sex abusers among their friends & employees at ABC, CNN & NBC.
3 yrs ago there an election going on where Bill Clinton & other elites were needed. So…
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
Now let’s bring in the OTHER half of what these Fake News Media companies were doing while they killed stories about Matt Lauer, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein and others.
They were relentlessly trying to use #MeToo to take down @realDonaldTrump during the 2016 election.
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
And Trump wasn’t the only one these hypocrites were targeting while covering for all their elite friends in high places the last few years.
I guess “hypocrites” isn’t a strong enough word to use when discussing people who ENABLE SEXUAL ABUSE by covering for habitual predators.
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
This Epstein coverup might be what takes these media goons out for good…on top of Lauer, and Weinstein….and Ronan Farrow saying its time to revisit Juanita Broaddick…
Does he know something? 🤔
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
Watch how #EpsteinCoverup and #ABCNews never trend together today.
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
Right there in the @JamesOKeefeIII video from @Project_Veritas you can HEAR Amy Robach clearly discuss the level of evidence they had.
They had MULTIPLE witnesses, and photos. She says they had EVERYTHING.
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
How politicized have these media goons made EVERYTHING?
Even exposing SEXUAL PREDATORS is a political issue to them.
They cover for the “right” people and go after the “wrong” people.
And as we saw with Kavanaugh, they’re willing to attack based on the flimsiest evidence.
— Just Here For The Coming Fake News Media Meltdowns (@drawandstrike) November 5, 2019
NBC killed story on Harvey Weinstein, saying it didn’t meet their editorial standards.
ABC spiked story on Jeffrey Epstein, saying same.
Both orgs (& rest of media) went wild running uncorroborated stories about Brett Kavanaugh being a gang rapist.
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) November 5, 2019
Clinton Advisors Silent After Ronan Farrow Said Former President Was ‘Credibly Accused Of Rape’
- Investigative reporter Ronan Farrow said that the rape allegation Juanita Broaddrick made against former President Bill Clinton is credible and should be revisited.
- Some of former President Bill Clinton’s closest former administration officials have remained silent after investigative reporter Ronan Farrow said the former president was ‘credibly accused of rape.’
Source: dailycaller.com
- Several people have been arrested in a child pornography sting in Ohio.
- Included in the nine people arrested are a local youth soccer coach and a former school teacher from Walnut Hills. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters did not provide details into the allegations brought against all nine, but did say the children involved were as young as a few months old in some cases.
- “My office handles many murders, rapists, horrible offenders but these offenders are some of the most disgusting, depraved offenders we ever face,” Deters said.
Source: newsbreakinglive.com

- Police in Wichita, Kansas, say that over a dozen men have been arrested in a prostitution sting in the city.
- Officials say that 16 people were arrested on sex-trafficking charges . Wichita police have arrested a total of 154 people, 27 women and 127 men, in 18 stings since the Broadway Corridor Project began launched in August of 2017.
- T
Source: newsbreakinglive.com
- At least nine Americans including 6 children were killed in an apparent cartel ambush attack Monday in Mexico.
- The cartel ambush was so severe that one of the cars EXPLODED!
- President Trump offered the Mexican government military assistance to clean out the killer cartel “armies” in northern Mexico.
Trump tweeted the following
A wonderful family and friends from Utah got caught between two vicious drug cartels, who were shooting at each other, with the result being many great American people killed, including young children, and some missing. If Mexico needs or requests help in cleaning out these…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
….monsters, the United States stands ready, willing & able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively. The great new President of Mexico has made this a big issue, but the cartels have become so large and powerful that you sometimes need an army to defeat an army!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Women killed in Mexican cartel murders had alleged ties to sex cult Nxivm – Rhonita Maria Miller
#UPDATE Yemen’s internationally recognised government signed a power-sharing deal with southern separatists Tuesday, in a Saudi-brokered initiative to end a conflict simmering within the country’s civil warhttps://t.co/o9FfnSlTyO
— AFP news agency (@AFP) November 5, 2019
A very good start! Please all work hard to get a final deal. https://t.co/IYGeBqQIQ9
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
Good evening sir. Glad I can communicate with you via this site. Am very saddened that I could not see the PLAN from the beginning, but I could not. My training would not let me. Guess I was trained in the OLD days, early 72″ & 73″??? Since 35 sir, we think differently. Just so proud of you. I do not know what else I can say. How many citizens have you touched? You picked up the baton. You answered the call. I just thank GOD for you and never doubt. GOOD WORK! ALL THE WAY!!!