Durham Has The [DS] Players, Elite’s Panic, Nobody Escapes This – Ep. 2785
Watch The X22 Report On Video
“People Are Not In A Good Place” – Mom-And-Pop Investors Panic As Fed Abandons Them
- retail ‘investors’ are suffering greatly as the market meltdown accelerates, with some wondering if they will live long enough to see their investments recover.
- As a reminder, the Nasdaq is suffering its largest drawdown since the great financial crisis and the S&P 500 is teetering on the brink of a bear market (while under the surface a number of the largest companies in the world are down very dramatically)…
The collapse in these widely-held stocks have sparked shock and horror among America’s investing class who have enjoyed a decade on ‘easy street’, buying every dip knowing The Fed will always be there for them.
WSJ cites one asset manager whose retired clients have thrown in the towel and moved to cash:
“Those people were not in a good place,” said the CIO.
“They had a lot of anxiety about goals and dreams and being able to live their lifestyles.”
Source: zerohedge.com
Biden Plans To Cancel $10,000 In Student Debt Per Borrower Ahead Of Midterms
- As soon as this weekend, President Biden could announce a plan to cancel $10k in student debt per borrower,
- Biden could make the announcement at the University of Delaware’s commencement ceremony on Saturday. The plan would apply to Americans who earned less than $150k in the previous year or less than 300k for married couples filing jointly.
- Notice how the number of stories in the news of “student debt loan forgiveness” is soaring ahead of the midterms, but Biden’s polling numbers remain cratered.
Student debt cancellation is nothing more than pure vote-buying for Democrats that will only benefit middle- and upper-income households.
Source: zerohedge.com
And for my next trick, I will give you three $600 checks and then next year I will crash your 401k and you will pay $2,000 more in property taxes or rent, $800 more for gas, and $3,000 more for groceries.
— Americana Mama (@AmericanaMama_) May 24, 2022
Elon Musk: Recession is ‘Actually a Good Thing’ And ‘Some Bankruptcies Need to Happen’
Yes, but this is actually a good thing. It has been raining money on fools for too long. Some bankruptcies need to happen.
Also, all the Covid stay-at-home stuff has tricked people into thinking that you don’t actually need to work hard. Rude awakening inbound!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 27, 2022
Based on past experience, about 12 to 18 months. Companies that are inherently negative cash flow (ie value destroyers) need to die, so that they stop consuming resources.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 27, 2022
- Russia’s Ministry of Finance is ‘actively considering’ the use of digital currencies for international payments, a government official reportedly said.
- “The issue of using such digital currencies as barter transactions for international settlements is being actively discussed,” said Ivan Chebeskov, director of the financial policy department of the Ministry of Finance, per the report.
- Russian officials have teased at this possibility a couple of times this year.
- Joe Biden and Democrats weren’t kidding about their pledge to transform public institutions into gender dysphoria contagion zones.
- K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
- “It seems to be playing politics with feeding poor kids, which is really unfortunate,” John Elcesser, executive director of the Indiana Non-Public Education Association, said via phone amid weeks of attempting to sort out these new demands with government officials on behalf of private schools in his state. “Because if a school feels like they cannot participate because it’s in conflict with their mission or values, if a religious exemption is not granted, you’re taking away a program that’s feeding low-income kids.”
- Before many schools shut down in response to Covid-19, the National School Lunch Program fed nearly 30 million kids every school day, in approximately 100,000 public and private schools and residential care facilities.
- Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.
Source: thefederalist.com
The letters to Banks + Treasury appear to provide the underpinnings for probes the House Committee on Oversight + Reform would pursue if Republicans take control of the House following November's elections. @RepJamesComer @GrahamKates https://t.co/l7253dyr5c
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) May 27, 2022
- Closing arguments have wrapped up in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. The jury is now deliberating. In an unusual twist, trial Judge Christopher Cooper said if a verdict arrives today, he will withhold reading the outcome until Tuesday due to prior commitments.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
Michael Sussmann and Tim Hale are on trial in the same courthouse in DC.
One man helped execute the biggest political fraud in history. The other man walked into a public building for 40 minutes on January 6.
Guess who’s faces the harshest punishment? https://t.co/mX4RWf2Syp
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) May 27, 2022
Geopolitical/Police State
- It’s Elon Musk vs. the titans of the Deep State.
- Elon Musk was sued by Twitter investors for failing to disclose his 5% stake in the tech company.
- Investors accused Elon Musk of stock manipulation.
- Like clockwork, the Democrats and their media stenographers are calling for more gun control laws.
- Governor Newsom announced his plans to sign over a dozen new gun control bills by the end of June as he attacked Abbott.
- A very alarming set of updates from the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting has everyone starting to question what was previously said by authorities about the events.
- The Wall Street Journal gunman, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, lingered outside Robb Elementary for 12 minutes firing shots before walking into the school and barricading himself in a classroom where he killed 19 children and two teachers.
- Mr. Escalon said he couldn’t say why no one stopped Ramos from entering the school during that time Tuesday. Most of the shots Ramos fired came during the first several minutes after he entered the school, Mr. Escalon said. People who arrived at the school while Ramos locked himself in a classroom, or saw videos of police waiting outside, were furious.
A mother had enough time to hear about the shooting, drive 40 miles (!), yell at the police to do something, get cuffed by them, talk herself out of the cuffs, and then jump the fence and rescue her kids…before the cops dealt with the situation.https://t.co/HvlmV8HyGV
— Antonio García Martínez (agm.eth) 🇺🇦 (@antoniogm) May 26, 2022
- Texas Dept of Public Safety (DPS) Official Lt. Chris Olivarez was asked why law enforcement retreated and waited an hour before reengaging the Uvalde elementary school shooter. In his response to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, after an initial few minutes of obfuscation, eventually Lt. Olivarez explains the responding officers could have been shot, if they immediately rushed the gunman.
- {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
It's safe to say the problem in Uvalde wasn't the fact that there are millions of law abiding Americans who own AR-15s
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 27, 2022
When are you visiting Waukesha?
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) May 26, 2022
Still can't get over the fact that Obama compared George Floyd's death to the massacre of school children in Texas while remaining deafeningly silent after Waukesha.
— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) May 27, 2022
Meanwhile last night a woman with a gun, stopped a mass shooting event. A crazed man pulled up to a party and started shooting people with his AR-15 , she quickly eliminated the threat, thank God she was carrying. https://t.co/UBn3OGeiiF
— Rosie Memos (@almostjingo) May 27, 2022
“Gun Violence” is part of the language leftists use to shift blame away from evil perpetrators of violence. The term suggests that guns are to blame instead of people, which sets the table for their anti-second amendment agenda.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) May 27, 2022
- Authorities are investigating whether a retired federal agent had foreknowledge of the Buffalo mass shooting.
- Investigators now believe a former federal agent from Texas was in regular communication with Gendron in an online chat room.
- According to Buffalo News, individuals in the online chat room – which possibly included the retired federal agent – asked Payton Gendron to read his mass shooting plans 30 minutes before the attack.
- Not one person in the chat room notified law enforcement about Gendron’s plans to murder black people.
- FBI agents are now working to locate and interview the six people in the chat – including the former fed.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Will soon be heading to the NRA in Houston and then, tomorrow, for a BIG Rally in the Great State of Wyoming!
The corrupt jackals telling you walls and guards don’t work spent billions making this picture a reality.
They deserve nothing but your mockery and scorn. pic.twitter.com/NA4DK2GpNG
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 26, 2022
- Former Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting with Iranian regime officials throughout President Trump’s administration.
- John Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage the dangerous Iranian nuclear agreement.
- Photos were taken of John Kerry following a secret meetings with Iranian officials in Paris in 2018.
The ALCJ reported:
In the FOIA lawsuit against the State Department that ensued, the ACLJ just obtained a never-before-seen “unclassified” October 2018 memo entitled, “Notes From ‘Iran and the US: An Off-the-Record Conversation with Foreign Minister Mohamad Javad Zarif.’”
According to this memo, the previously unreported “off-the-record meeting” took place at the “Iranian Ambassador’s Residence, NYC,” on October 4, 2018 – just days after major media coverage of Kerry’s admission of the secret efforts. The memo we unearthed contains notes on the former U.S. diplomats’ conversation with Zarif
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
8kun/qresearch: 9299205
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
— Rep. Liz Cheney (@RepLizCheney) May 25, 2022
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains to the WEF there's a surplus of 7,000,000,000 doses of his COVID vaccine sitting in warehouses because there aren't enough "educated populations that believe the vaccines are doing well.." pic.twitter.com/f3Be43WglA
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) May 27, 2022
"The vaccines don't have much in the way of duration, and they're not good at infection blocking." Bill Gates
So what do they do?
Many many people cancelled for saying exactly this over the last 2 years, but now it is not 'misinformation'.pic.twitter.com/VZyTALrw4C
— The Plymothian (@plymouthian) May 27, 2022
18 Major Airlines, FAA, And DOT To Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates
- John Pierce Law has filed a lawsuit against Atlas Air, on behalf of US Freedom Flyers (USFF) and Atlas employees, and plans to sue all major airlines, 18 altogether, plus the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT), contending that the vaccine mandates imposed by these agencies on the airlines’ employees infringed on their constitutional, religious, and medical liberties.
- The lawsuit against Atlas Air was filed in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, with over 100 plaintiffs pursuing litigation.
- “Fundamentally, this case is about whether Americans should be required to choose between their livelihoods and being coerced into taking an experimental, dangerous medical treatment,” reads the lawsuit (pdf).
- Plaintiffs are mostly unvaccinated pilots, flight attendants, as well as other Atlas staff.
source: zerohedge.com
World Health Organization Temporarily Withdraws Biden’s ‘Public Health Emergency’ Amendments
- The World Health Organization withdrew 12 of the 13 amendments submitted by the Biden administration to alter the International Health Regulations at the World Health Assembly annual meeting, Reuters confirmed on Thursday.
- The amendments would reform the International Health Regulations of 2005 to delegate U.S. medical sovereignty to the WHO during a “public health emergency” or outbreak.
- Brazil, Iran, Malaysia and some African nations reportedly objected to incorporating the amendments and insists the modifications proposed by Biden should be consolidated in a new “Pandemic Treaty.”
- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was the only leader to oppose the pandemic treaty and rebuked Biden’s amendments, assuring his country would not surrender its sovereignty to the globalist institution.
- e had to take care of the elderly and people with co-morbidities, and today studies outside of Brazil especially show that I was right.”
- But the U.N. agency is slated to readdress Biden’s amendments at its upcoming meeting on June 16 to 17.
- The WHO will also consider the separate Pandemic Treaty, which is currently being drafted, when it reconvenes on August 1.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Guillermina Fuentes, the Gadsden Elementary School District Board Member and Ex-Mayor of San Luis, Arizona, will appear in court next Thursday for a plea hearing.
- Fuentes was indicted for trafficking ballots in San Luis, Arizona,
- She was originally scheduled to appear on May 12, 2022, and plead “not guilty,” however, the plea has been changed because of the evidence presented in True The Vote’s “2000 Mules”.
- Guillermina Fuentes and Alma Juarez were both caught by David Lara and Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder, who set up a hidden camera after years of investigating the operation. Their undercover work was featured in True The Vote’s “2000 Mules” documentary.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- My (OUR!) Endorsements are stronger now than they have ever been. 98% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. 101 to 6 just in this cycle, including Dr. Oz. “Ultra” MAGA!
- Compare how great America was just two years ago, with today. No Inflation, the WAR with Russia going into Ukraine would NEVER have happened (zero chance!), $1.87 per gallon gasoline, Energy Independence & soon Energy DOMINANCE – leave Afghanistan with dignity and strength, not surrender, death, and 85 Billion Dollars worth of equipment left to the enemy – a completely REBUILT Military, and with the addition of SPACE FORCE – Biggest Tax and Reg Cuts EVER, historic Jobs numbers, and so much more!
8kun/qresearch: 9363013
8kun/qresearch: 9363305
Billions and billions of dollars worldwide are being funnelled into Ukraine to help them defend themselves from Russia and yet Russia has not had to defend one missile or serious attack on a major city or venue. No one is sending Russia billions of dollars to help them in this conflict. Strange kind of war when the richest side do not even attempt to hit back. All the money sent seems to be being used to destroy Ukraine infrastructure and people. Russia hardly need to fire a single missile as the Ukraine Nazis are destroying it all for the NWO to blame it all on RUSSIA.
What is more precious than our children?
Emotional pull.
Distraction event.
Gun grab event.
D security.
WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event?
[THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work].
Federal aid + donations.
These people are SICK.
http:// http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-sandy-hook-shooting-two-years-later-20141214-story.html
Follow the money.
It’s always about the money.
The patriots are not in control because the elections are dishonest. Measures have not been put into place to prevent continued theft
Will never win again until something changes.
I am finding it harder to believe X22 each week. Kash Patel flat out said to Dave in the spotlight interview, no way Trump is coming back before 2024. Dave did not even challenge it. That leads me to believe that x22 just like all the rest is guessing at best or are misleading people for monetary or other reasons. Enough already. Either challenge those that you interview that go against what your peddling daily or lose your credibly, which is what you have done with me and many of my friends at this point. Clif High is at least realistic in his videos in the sense of time. He says the fall of the evil empire, cabal, deep state or whatever one names them, will take one to two decades. Tell people the Truth or you become what your exposing, liars.
Sad to see you just don’t call out people when giving the chance. Why didn’t you ask Kash about devolution, since he is mentioned in many of the devolution documents. What a see through joke your program has become.
As well, stop re using the same boring titles for your episodes……. Your turn to wake up and understand when people wake up, its easier for them to see your lies as well.
Jonathan Jones
Thank you Dave for your reports , I have been following you for some time , and I’m one of those that didn’t pay attention to politics because I didn’t understand and I trusted our government to do what is right .. then I started to listen and pay attention and the things I was thinking were actually going on and it terrified me that the people we thought we could trust were really against us , our greatest threat is from “within “ Thank again for helping me understand!!! You are not boring and you’re easy to listen to and keep my attention. God Bless You and Our Country!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💕💕💕
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Hugh numbers voted in Georgia and still they cheated. Kemp in. You may have it all but it will make no difference if we can’t stop the cheating. Look at what’s happening in Pennsylvania. Lots of ballots everywhere. Still your site is one of the few that gives me hope that the patriots do indeed have everything under control.