Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice – Episode 2038

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice
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Jobless claims dropped again last week, this is the lowest weekly jobless claims since 1969. The economic narrative belongs to the patriots. The FR officials make a lot of money and their track record is not that great. It’s time for a structure change. The USMCA is a brilliant plan, this will give the patriots time to restore the manufacturing base here in the US. The [DS] is now panicking, NP, JB are lashing out at people, they know what’s coming. NP announce that they are moving ahead with impeachment, we are now entering phase III of the plan, every American has a front row seat to the show. The Senate was the key, the draining of the swamp continues.

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Current News – 12.05.2019

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Jobless Claims Dive 10,000 to 203,000
  • Jobless claims unexpectedly fell last week by 10,000 to 203,000.
  • The fall in claims indicates that the labor market remains tight and layoffs scarce.
  • This was the lowest weekly jobless claims number since mid-April’s 193,000, which was the low going back to 1969.

Source: breitbart.com

Federal Reserve Governors make between $346,000 and $466,000. $2 BILLION in total systemwide salaries. The track record? 

  • Federal Reserve Governors make between $346,000 and $466,000. $2 BILLION in total systemwide salaries. The track record? 0-for-3 on greatest bubbles; o-for-every recession, system crashed in ’08 under their supervision; TBTF banks now much larger; Fed helping roll back Dodd-Frank 


Source: investmentwatchblog.com

USMCA, Trump knew that the manufactures would not be able to come back to the US with the short amount of time he had, this is why he needed the USMCA because the manufacturing was already in Mexico


It now looks like we are moving into Phase III, the Senate Trial, unless the [DS]/Dems backtrack, if they do, do this then their entire case Trump completely falls apart and they are doomed, the patriots prepared for both scenarios, but I do believe they are going to move forward in pushing this into the Senate, Remember the senate was the key we will talk about this a little later in this report, we now see the MSM spinning everything they possibly can, trying to get ahead of the FISA report, we have [DS] players trying to get ahead of what is coming out to control the narrative, but you cannot spin the truth, this will fail. Now we know that the Biden’s have been pushed out into the open on purpose, the patriots are educating the people on what was going on, recently Joe Biden was holding a tiny rally and a farmer heard about Ukraine, about Hunter and Joe Biden went off on him and never answered the question, this man is now thinking logically, questioning it all, and now we have Hunter   

  • Originally Judge Don McSpadden, who is presiding over the court in Batesville, Arkansas, had only asked for three years’ records.

    But now he says he needs five years of records before making a decision on how much the former vice-president’s son should pay to support his child.

    On Tuesday, McSpadden sent out a blunt letter to attorneys in the case — including the one that Biden fired minutes before a hearing on Monday. –Daily Mail

  • The 49-year-old Biden and 28-year-old Roberts were given 10 days to produce their financial records, though they will be sealed from the public.

Source: zerohedge.com

CEO departures hit a new high in October, on pace for a record year

  • October marked the highest month on record with 172 chief executives leaving their posts, according to  Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
  • 2019 is on track to be the highest number of CEO departures on record.

Source: cnbc.com


Mar 10, 2018 2:29:24 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ff7ea4 No. 614493 
Keep the RESIGNATION list updated.
Keep the graphics updated.


Dec 21, 2017 8:18:38 PM EST
Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143174 
Then we have another government employee that is not seeking re-election

The [DS] now know they are getting with nowhere with these impeachment hearings, the people are not behind it so they needed to speed things up, because if they continued it was not going to go the way they thought it was going to go, we will talk about what Pelosi decided to do, but first lets talk about Adam Schiff and his spying on members of congress, reporters etc. John Solomon tweeted the following

Devin Nune’s Phone logs are not what everyone thinks they are, they will not help Schiff. Remember the MSM/[DS] is going after certain players, now 

  • CNN’s source for its story was Joseph Bondy, the lawyer for the Russian-born American Lev Parnas, the latter of whom is currently under indictment for federal election crimes. In addition to telling CNN that “Parnas was told directly by the former Ukrainian official that he met last year in Vienna with Rep. Devin Nunes,” Bondy also told CNN that Parnas “and Nunes began communicating around the time of the Vienna trip.”
  • “Parnas says he worked to put Nunes in touch with Ukrainians who could help Nunes dig up dirt on Biden and Democrats in Ukraine,” CNN reported Bondy as relaying. Not so, according to Nunes’ lawsuit: He “never communicated with Parnas in December 2018 at the time of the ‘Vienna trip’ (that also never happened),” the complaint stated.
  • That CNN had peddled yet another fake news story garnered little attention, however, because the same day Nunes filed suit, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the intelligence committee, dropped his 300-page report on the House’s “impeachment inquiry.” Thus attention quickly focused on the listing of Nunes in a telephone log showing calls between the California congressman and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, as well as four April 12, 2019 calls between Parnas’s cell phone and Nunes’s number.
  • The press   nonetheless portrayed the phone log as a smoking gun proving Nunes was complicit—of something. However, the real complicity lies between the press and Democrats on the Hill.
  • Had CNN not run the fake story in late November tying Nunes to Giuliani, Parnas, and Ukraine, and invented a plot between the group to dig up dirt on Biden, the telephone contacts would mean nothing. After all, the calls all occurred in mid-April, before Ukrainians elected Volodymyr Zelensky president on April 21, 2019, and months before Trump supposedly threatened to withhold aid to the country.
  • Nunes agrees, telling The Federalist, “CNN’s false Vienna story set the stage for Schiff’s stunt with my phone records. There is a constant symbiosis between the Democrats, particularly Schiff, and the mainstream media. They’re always on the same page, working toward the same goals.”
  • The end goal, of course, is impeachment,  House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has Nunes’s back, telling reporters, “there’s nothing wrong that Devin has done except once again to get accused of something.”
  • the problem for Democrats is that their case for complicity is just as weak as their case for misconduct.

Source: thefederalist.com

  • Representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said   that Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) violated Nunes’ civil liberties when he examined his phone records and published them in the Tuesday-released impeachment report so now Nunes  is Pursuing “All Legal Options” After Schiff Spied on His Phone Records

Source: theamerican.com

Now this is interesting

EXCLUSIVE: Shifty Schiff Obtained Rudy Giuliani’s Phone Records A Day After AG Barr and US Attorney Durham Traveled to Rome – What Was He After?

  • Representative Adam Schiff from California reported earlier this week that he had obtained the phone records of President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.  The date of the phone records shows as September 30th.  This also happens to be the Monday after the weekend that AG Barr and his US Attorney Durham went to Rome.  What was Schiff after?

So Pelosi went ahead and annonced that they are moving forward with the impeachment, I think after the fake impeachment circus with the professors they knew right there and then we need to stop this, it is not going to help our case, this was show anyway we already have the impeachment papers ready, take a listen to Pelosi.

Then during the press conference with Pelosi   A reporter asks Nancy Pelosi if she hates the President, and she loses her cool, take a listen

Trump tweeted out the following

We’ve hit 170 judges appointed by and confirmed 

Biden and Pelosi are showing signs of panic, fear, they lashout at people because they know what is coming, they know the people are now awake

Julian’s Rum points out that today is December 5, 

To understand just how fake this impeachment is Undercover Huber lays out some facts about other impeachments.

To add to all of this, HRC tweets out the following in response to NP announcement about the impeachment

Can anyone say boomerrang….

And now House Judiciary Committee  is going to hold the hearing to receive presentations of evidence in impeachment inquiry on Dec. 9 –   Wait isn’t this the Same day as the IG FISA Report

Trump warns Pelosi impeachment logic will be used ‘routinely to attack future presidents’

  • Now most likely they will try to get this done before Christmas 

Source: washingtonexaminer.com

The MSM is working over time to discredit the IG FISA report, remember nobody has seen it, nobody has read it, the MSM is even saying that nobody spied on Trump and the report confirms this., But clapper said that the headline might be premature, because nobody read the report and nobody knows what it says,  

the MSM is just trying to get ahead of what is coming and control the narrative, their latest fake story which is being distributed to 

 The Washington Post, New York Times and CNN Now Declaring Professor Mifsud is *NOT* A Russian Asset?…

  •  Obviously the prior Washington Post effort to conflate the Durham investigation with the Horowitz investigation didn’t get the desired result.  As a consequence it only took a few days before the Washington Post was back at it   with Joseph Mifsud.


  • For three years the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN have sold the FBI claim that Professor Joseph Mifsud was a Russian operative passing information about Clinton’s emails to George Papadopoulos.

  • It doesn’t matter if Mifsud is Maltese, Taiwanese, Sicilian, Italian, British, Canadian, Chinese, or a half-breed Congolese migrant from Morocco… for the CIA and FBI justification to stick Professor Joseph Mifsud has to be a Russian operative.
  • Yet for some reason the PR outlet for the CIA and FBI are spending an inordinate amount of time trying to say Mifsud isn’t an American intelligence asset.   A ridiculous amount of energy spent on a claim that no-one has ever made.  The question remains: Is Joseph Mifsud a Russian Operative?
  • If no, the CIA and FBI have a world of sh!t on their hands.  Period.

Source: theconservativetreehouse.com



Now as we know Trump was meeting leaders in London at the Nato Summit, the fake news is trying to make it seem like nothing was done, he left early, but once again this is not true. 

When we hear stories from the MSM, and they say Trump is preparing troops, getting ready to go to war, or you here threats from other countries, this is the [DS]/[CB]/MSM trying to push the agenda they want, which is the event of all events, war, the MSM is now pushing the story that Trump is sending 14000 troops to the Middle East because we are getting ready to go war with Iran, logical thinking, Trump doesn’t not like endless wars, doesn’t like war, why would he end wars in the middle east and try to start the biggest war with Iran, who does this sound like, does it sound like the [DS]/MSM or Trump, its the [DS]


Then we have NK, the MSM is working over time to try to start something with NK

North Korea warns US to prepare for ‘Christmas gift,’ but no one’s sure what to expect – cnn

North Korea gives fiery reply to Trump after president’s ‘undesirable remarks’ at NATO meeting – usatoday

Timing is everything, Trump corresponds with Kim Jong Un by letter , the DS/MSM are in the dark, the intelligence organiztions are in the dark, they no longer control the news, this is why they are trying to push this agenda. trump will most likely respond soon 

While Trump was at the NATO Summit he discussed the Space program , he tweeted out the following

The question is why was Obama purposely trying to kill our space program. Because remember the push was to have the US lose in a war, if we didn’t have a space program  bad actors could easily take down our MIL SATs and leave us vulnerable 



Lets talk about what comes next, now I do believe there are different levels of the corruption, if you have ever worked for a corporation you will understand what I mean, there are different departments and they are insulated from the decisions that are made from those above them. the same goes with corrupt [DS] 

  1. The low level, in it for the money, they become wealthy being in government, when they are told to push certain agendas they do it, push control, push health insurance, and any other law they are instructed to push, they do not know what the upper level corrupt leaders plans are. 
  2. The next level run the blocks, these are low level individuals in the  the FBI, CIA, Ambassadors, they are just following orders.
  3. Then we have the upper corrupt DS players, they are the ones that drive the plan and are part of making the plan, Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper etc..
  4. Then we have the people that are behind the curtain

This plan to drain the swamp there are different strategies for each level

  1. low level, they won’t be relected because they will be exposed for going along with the impeachment, they are exposed on how they are not working for the people. Some will seek not to run for re-election and others will resign
  2. the next level will be fired, they will resign, the will be named in the IG report siting violations, Trump will just fire them to remove them
  3.  then we have the upper corrupt DS players, these people will be put on trial for Treason’s crimes, crimes against humanity etc…
  4. then the people who are behind the curtain will be exposed, these are the real controllers, the CB.

Keep this in mind, as we talk about the what comes next, remember the senate was the key, what happens with a senate trial. 

Impeachment? Bring it on. Trump can put the Dems on trial in the Senate

  • .
  • Everything will be relevant in the Senate trial, and everyone, no exceptions, should be subpoenaed and interrogated under oath.  That means Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, James Comey, Peter Strzok, and the entire gang behind the coup.
  • That includes Strzok, his girlfriend Lisa Page, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and whatever Deep State apparatchiks lied to the FISA judge to enable a spying operation on the Trump campaign and transition team — a crime without precedent and one that massively outweighs anything that could credibly be alleged against President Trump.
  • Here is the most important benefit of this broad and aggressive approach to the president’s defense: in confronting all those who have ceaselessly sought to reverse the 2016 election, President Trump’s legal team this time will have a critical tool thus far denied them: the power to subpoena any and all persons, including all those who were elbow-deep in the Russia collusion hoax.
  • The Senate was the key—  the Republican Senate majority will be in command of the scope and duration of the trial and that the truth-revealing power of the subpoena, followed by public testimony under oath, is the surest route to exposing lies and crimes.
  • The senate trial would be televised for everyone to see
  • 1. the evidence of their crimes
  • 2. the evidence of crimes against humanity
  • 3. explaining how these players actually committed these crimes
  •   a Senate trial would destroy them all 

Source: americanthinker.com

Now through this process we are not going to thousand upon thousand arrested, remember there are different levels and different strategies are being used to drain the swamp, Q does mention this, Julian’s Rum tweeted the following out

2 thoughts on “Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice – Episode 2038

  • December 5, 2019 at 10:20 pm

    I’d like for the first time that I can remember a real trial for high reason. This nothing more than sedession, which is done by military tribunal. If the defendant is convicted he/she is summarily hung/shot. Under the constitution of the United States of America this is a capital offence. Do any of you clowns understand this is not politics. You all are provoking either a civil war or an armed revolt. The ones pushing for impeachment in both parties need to get off the drugs and grow up before no one has any respect for any of you. God have mercy of all of your souls.

  • December 8, 2019 at 10:49 pm

    Hey Hillary! If no one is above the law then why are you still running loose? The Demografts have, so far, have had a field day trying to sink Trump without much opposition from the Repuglikins, because the biased rules are against them. Meanwhile, the Dem Presidential candidates rave on and on, and rage on Trump, but he hasn’t even started his campaign yet. If this impeachment fails then will there be another, and another, and another one – until one is successful? This is do or die for the Demografts, but we’ve yet to see the other sided…

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