“Every Battle Is Won Before It’s Ever Fought”, The Truth Is About To Shine – Ep. 2554

Trump and the patriots needed the pandemic to play out, there are many agendas associated with this but for the economy the patriots needed to begin dismantling the [CB] system. The [CB] is a globalist system and what we are witnessing is the global economy unraveling. The [DS] just played their hand, they pushed a [FF] event in Afghanistan, but their real mission was to create a distraction and use this event for additional distractions. The other part of this is preparing for elections, now they are bringing in thousands of refugees into this country, just like the open borders. This has always part of the [DS] plan. Now that everything is in motion the [DS] has setup the narrative for a cyber attack/communication blackout and riots. The patriots already know the playbook, “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought”. The truth is about to shine.
Watch The X22 Report On Video
- the global economy is unraveling, we have to look past the headlines to the primary dynamic of globalization: Neoliberalism, the ideological orthodoxy which holds that introducing market dynamics to sectors that were closed to global markets generates prosperity for all.
- This is known as Neoliberalism, as liberalizing markets means opening up sectors that had previously been restricted. Neoliberalism holds that global market forces introduce efficiencies and opportunities that then pave the way for growth. Global market forces include not just new buyers and sellers of goods and services but the introduction of vast new markets for credit and risk that far exceed what was available in local marketplaces.
- Neoliberalism concentrates financial power and risk in a handful of financial nodes which every market participant unknowingly becomes dependent on. When a developing-nation village was largely self-sustaining and not exposed to global markets, it was largely unaffected by global financial crises.
- But once the village entered the global marketplace via credit-fueled tourism and development funded by global capital, the sudden contraction of credit in a global financial crisis is devastating. Since the village has become dependent on tourism, its self-sufficiency has been replaced by a dependence on wages from tourism and access to goods supplied by global corporations.
- Now that the village is dependent on wages, credit and global goods, it is exposed to potentially catastrophic risks that are completely out of its control: the collapse of credit, the closure of foreign-owned hotels and the vagaries of currency devaluation, which may cause the purchasing power of their wages to drop sharply.
- Even more perniciously, the flood of global credit washing into the village offers the enticing prospect of buying previously unattainable goods on credit. Globally sourced items such as motorcycles become affordable in monthly installments once the worker abandons farming and takes a wage-paying job at a foreign-owned hotel.
- Neoliberalism generates systemic fragility by organizing what were once decentralized, redundant connections through credit/trade nodes controlled by elites. Global supply chain logjams and global credit/financial crises aren’t bugs, they’re built-in features of Neoliberalism’s fully financialized global economy.
- The unraveling we’re witnessing is just getting started. The first dominoes have fallen, and there’s no going back to the artificial stability that was sold as permanent stability. Instability and collapse are the inevitable result of the system’s structure.
Source: zerohedge.com
- It appears that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation will not be enough for citizens of his state, a majority of whom want him to face criminal charges after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women.
- According to a new poll from Data for Progress, 52 percent of New York voters want soon-to-be-former Gov. Cuomo to face criminal charges for his alleged abuse of power while in office.
On Afghanistan Fiasco, Biden Says ‘Buck Stops With Me’ While Blaming Everyone Else
- “The buck stops with me,” said President Joe Biden in an address to the nation after blaming his presidential predecessors for continuing a long war in Afghanistan.
Source: dailysignal.com
- While the Biden administration has already attempted to shift blame to Donald Trump for the scenes coming out of Afghanistan, Biden owns both the decision to leave and the catastrophic withdrawal he oversaw as commander-in-chief.
- “When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. forces,” Biden said in a statement released Saturday.
- “Therefore, when I became President, I faced a choice — follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our forces and our allies’ forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict,” President Biden maintained in the written statement.
- Bunk. President Biden was no more bound by former President Trump’s agreement with the Taliban than Trump was required to abide by former President Barack Obama’s Iran deal, known formerly as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Neither agreement bound future presidents because neither deal was presented to the Senate for ratification.
Sending more than 5000 troops back in AFTER you withdrew a couple thousand of them is proof that you are disconnected from the reality on the ground and aren’t serious about protecting Americans.
As the current commander-in-chief, Biden holds power to decide every aspect of the withdrawal decision. Biden already extended Trump’s May 1, 2021 deadline to September, and if he believed the Taliban too strong, the Afghanistan government too weak, or the withdrawal decision entirely misplaced, the current president could have changed course.
Source: thefederalist.com
Sending more than 5000 troops back in AFTER you withdrew a couple thousand of them is proof that you are disconnected from the reality on the ground and aren’t serious about protecting Americans.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) August 16, 2021
Taliban Reminds Us Why We Must Protect the Second Amendment
- The situation for Afghan civilians continues to devolve. Now, Taliban operatives have begun confiscating people’s personal weapons, promising that they “can now feel safe” and that they no longer need firearms.
Source: redstate.com
Source: dailymail.co.uk
- reports have estimated somewhere between 10,000 to 40,000 American citizens are still in Afghanistan
Source: breitbart.com
- 100,000 thousand refugees are being flown in from Afghanistan to Texas and Wyoming and given every comfort possible.
- Meanwhile, 72% of blacks and countless others can’t buy groceries in New York because they aren’t vaccinated.
Poll: 69 Percent Disapprove of Joe Biden’s Handling of Afghanistan
- Sixty-nine percent of likely voters disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of Afghan military operations,
Source: breitbart.com
The [DS] decided to bring as many Afghan refugees to the US first before Americans. Why would they do this. What we are witnessing was planned by the [DS], this many agendas associated with this
- [DS] opened the Borders and illegals are flooding the country
- [DS] bringing in refugees from Afghanistan,
See the pattern
Think about what is playing out right now. The Biden administration [DS] does not care about optics, they will deploy all assets and use all of their ammunition to stop the truth from coming out. They will use this to further there agenda with bringing illegals into the country. What do they need the illegals for, the vote, what do you they need the Afghan refugees for, the vote, are they pushing another election bill, yes
Pelosi Statement on the Introduction of H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
- Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement upon the introduction of H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021:
- “The House today is taking a momentous step to secure the sacred right to vote for generations to come. With the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, proudly introduced today by Congresswoman Terri Sewell alongside Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, Democrats are fighting back against an anti-democratic tide, protecting access to the ballot box for every American and carrying on the cause to which our beloved John Lewis devoted his entire life.
Source: .speaker.gov
At the same time they are destroying themselves and the people are seeing the truth and people are turning against Biden/[DS]. In the end the [DS] will be destroyed and the patriots will win.
False Flags
At a time when the #DeltaVariant is surging, an additional vaccine dose for some people with weakened immune systems could help prevent serious and possibly life-threatening #COVID19 cases within this population. Learn more: https://t.co/ra0JGwit8W https://t.co/ugOgsGyHhi
— Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH (@CDCDirector) August 13, 2021
NIH Director Francis Collins Admits Masking Rules For Kids Are Based On Rare Anecdotes, Not Data
- National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins admitted that masking recommendations are based on anecdotes (an eck dotes) and not scientific data.
Afghanistan was the start for the [DS], they needed to create the narrative. What narrative?
1. If the [DS] knows that the election fraud report is going to be released, what narrative must be in place to create distractions, to create a [FF]
2. Watch the news, Iran accelerates enrichment of uranium to near weapons-grade, IAEA says
Iran accelerates enrichment of uranium to near weapons-grade, IAEA says
- Iran has accelerated its enrichment of uranium to near weapons-grade, switching to two clusters of advanced centrifuges enriching up to 60% purity from one, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said in a report on Tuesday seen by Reuters.
Source: reuters.com
Archive Bread/Post Links: 2765849 / 2766234
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3. It’s only a matter of time before another 9/11′: Fears withdrawal from Afghanistan means US has ‘taken eyes off overseas terrorism’: Experts say airport security is weaker than ever
- Attempts to smuggle banned objects sometimes had 95 percent success rate
- Report from Axios revealed Afghanistan fell to the Taliban sooner than predicted
- Mark Milley said he’ll update terrorist group reemergence from ‘medium threat’
Source: dailymail.co.uk
BREAKING REPORT: Taliban Tells Joe Biden to WITHDRAWL ALL US TROOPS by September 11 – The 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 Attacks…
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) August 17, 2021
4. China urges the U.S. to immediately stop official contacts, arms sales to, and military ties with #Taiwan – Chinese MFA
- FEARS of World War Three have been reignited after China warned Taiwan it should be “trembling” as the US “won’t protect” the island from invasion.
- With chaotic scenes erupting across Afghanistan amid a Taliban takeover after President Joe Biden decided to withdraw US troops after 20 years, Beijing has warned Taiwan “can’t rely” on America in a crisis
- Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the China Foreign Affairs University, said he believes the US is set to “cast aside” Taiwan should Taipei push for independence.”The US’ fleeing action is a warning to the Taiwan secessionists, or rather, a forecast,” he told the Global Times.Meanwhile, Jin Canrong – associate dean of the School of International Studies at the Renmin University of China – accused the US of holding “empty promises”.He told the outlet: “Those who have a clear mind should understand that Taiwan residents can’t rely on the US.”However, given the ideology-driven influence, some observers may see the situation in the island as being different from that in Afghanistan, but there’s one thing in common – America’s empty promise.”
Source: sun.co.uk
Now think about what Biden and Austin said
Next major war will be ‘very different,’ U.S. defense secretary says
Next major war will be ‘very different,’ U.S. defense secretary says
- The United States needs to prepare for a potential future conflict bearing little resemblance to “the old wars” that have long consumed the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Friday in his first significant policy speech.
Source: reuters.com
Biden: If U.S. has ‘real shooting war’ it could be result of cyber attacks
Biden: If U.S. has ‘real shooting war’ it could be result of cyber attacks
- President Joe Biden on Tuesday warned that if the United States ended up in a “real shooting war” with a “major power” it could be the result of a significant cyber attack on the country, highlighting what Washington sees as growing threats posed by Russia and China.
Source: reuters.com
DHS warning of domestic terrorism Aug 11, 2021 – Nov 11, 2021
— The Bias (@thebias_news) August 17, 2021
What narrative are they now creating?
Do the patriots know the playbook, have we been told about this, YES
Trump: September National Preparedness Month
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.
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If Biden is illegitimate, so is Kamala. If we recall the electors, they both go.
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 16, 2021
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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f2dcba No.2770117
Double meanings exist.

Stay LOCAL (U.S.)
GLOBAL = reflection of LOCAL.
Know your enemy.
“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.”
Knowledge is POWER.
Listen carefully.
Part (2) – Rally [RED October]
Mouthpieces do not think or speak for themselves.
Pingback: “Every Battle Is Won Before It’s Ever Fought”, The Truth Is About To Shine – Ep. 2554 - INFOCLASH NEWS
So let’s break everyone’s back and life just so the DS gets caught – people will be dead – people will start committing suicide???? Everyone is playing with everyone else’s life (meaning the US people). When is it every Checkmate. We know and you’ve been saying the DS will never, never stop they will also make up new moves – someone has to step in and just say Checkmate – we aren’t playing any more because it is killing and doing more damage than its worth – Everything is being exposed – but nothing is being seen on the news – As for Cuomo, he resigned because they dropped the criminal investigation – I’ve yet to see any real action being taken against Cuomo (and I live in NYC). Exactly – they don’t care – they don’t care about the people – this is VERY DEADLY!!!!! They will do anything and everything to hurt us – who stopped the hurt on innocent Americans while they play their deadly game of chess with OUR LIVES – NOT THEIRS – THEY ARE ALL INSULATED- WE AREN’T ????? They don’t care about optics, but they don’t care about us either!!! I think they should redpill people on the Covid – I think it’s a bigger crisis then the election fraud results. What about that ???? Covid needs to be exposed first – and/or at the same time as the fraud – NOTHING CAN STOP THE COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF THE US – How will they be able to correct all of this???? They’re testing it all out – but they are succeeding – people are losing. People are pushing back – but each time they make it worse for the people pushing back – then everyone gives up – now they are talking ANTIFA targeting unvaccinated – who is going to fight ANTIFA???? BUT NO ONE IS SEEING THIS INFORMATION – IF PEOPLE WERE SEEING IT WE WOULDN’T BE IN THIS SITUATION – WHY WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER 31 – ARE WE SUPPOSED TO CONTINUE TO BE INIALATED UNTIL END OF THE YEAR – THE FEAR IS WORKING – PEOPLE ARE CAVING!!!! If we do see terrorism – how will the real news get out – because everyone will be focused on terror and fear!!!!! I hope they have a plan for that – Too Late for No Blood Shed because many people have already lost their lives because of the misinformation on covid and the livlihood of everyone or most has also been destroyed – people and children committing suicide – IS THIS NOT BLOOD SHED – for a “so called” information war!!!! HOW IS THAT HAPPENING – HOW IS EVERYONE GETTING EXPOSED – IF THEY AREN’T SHOWING ANYTHING ON THE NEWS – AND CENSORING EVERYTHING WE OBJECT TO – HOW DOES ANYONE GET KNOWLEDGE – WHERE IS THE INFORMATION COMING OUT ?????
Pingback: “Every Battle Is Won Before It’s Ever Fought”, The Truth Is About To Shine – Ep. 2554 | awarecitizen.com
This is what happened to Jamaica. Britain bankrupted the island nation and then handed them “independence” in 1963. You still see the effects of the corrupt banking kabal when you visit today. The schools, the roads, the infrastructure is all in poor repair amd there’s no money to fix any of it. A great nation and people ruined by the world bank.
Here is a rumble.com link to the 2016 Trump speech you refer to on youtube:
Just in case it gets taken down on youtube.
The plan has merit, I hope it all works out as intended.
If people still can’t see the corruption after all this is being revealed,then they must either be blind fools or complicit.How much longer must this debacle continue before critical mass has been achieved, with regards to exposing the traitors and their enablers ? people will lose hope at some point and take matters into their own hands and upset the delicate balance between order and chaos ?
In a recent podcast you expressed the idea that crypto could act as world currency. I agree. Besides the obvious benefits of financial fairness and liquidity, it would eliminate much of the political posturing nation states now engage in.
Dave, your very good at saying Patriots are in control, so far we have not seen anything close to control with criminal Joe at the helm Afghan this week Taiwan war with them next week? China already asserting war due to a classified leak of our troops in China which they saw and immediately said if true or not its war with Taiwan. We need action, not words , with unconstitutional mandates pilfering from big business to its workers and customers and next interstate mandates where does it end ? China has many forces along our North border thanks to Trudeau allowing them to buy up his land, and open Southern borders also has China staging for entry ya Patriots are in Control, in war at some point in time you must act, or its to becomes late, to do anything, that’s what took place in Afghan, no action just allowed the enemy to walk in. Is this going to the same with our patriots too ? Do we have to be bond slaves to China before Patriots act? No scenario is going to be just perfect D-day was not perfect we lost many in the on slot, but prevailed to win the war so where are the Patriots just making Pedo arrest, which is good but does not restore the Republic. Pray all the more patriot action happens sooner not in 2-3 months, criminal Joe and his unqualified VP need removed ASAP. She’s unqualified as she has no American born parent required by the constitution. We haven’t seen any thing Patriots are in control of the narrative is being changed by war nd roomers of war China Joe has his orders from the CCP Taiwan America will abandon you in war time like Afghanistan.
Dave, your very good at saying Patriots are in control, so far we have not seen anything close to control with criminal Joe at the helm Afghan this week is Taiwan war with them next week? China already asserting war due to a classified leak of our troops in China which they saw and immediately said if true or not its war its with Taiwan. We need action, not words , with unconstitutional mandates pilfering from our big business to its workers and customers and next interstate mandates where does it end ? China has many forces along our North border thanks to Trudeau allowing them to buy up his land, and open Southern borders also has China staging for entry ya Patriots are in Control, in war at some point in time you must act, or its to becomes late, to do anything, that’s what took place in Afghan, no action just allowed the enemy to walk in. Is this going to the same with our patriots too ? Do we have to be bond slaves to China before Patriots act? No scenario is going to be just perfect, D-day, was not perfect we lost many in the on slot, but prevailed to win the war, so where are the Patriots just making Pedo arrest, which is good but does not restore the Republic. Pray all the more patriot action happens sooner not in 2-3 months, criminal Joe and his unqualified VP need removed ASAP. She’s unqualified as she has no American born parent required by the constitution. We haven’t seen anything, Patriots are in control of the narrative, its being changed by war and roomers of war China Joe has his orders from the CCP Taiwan America will abandon you in war time like Afghanistan.
Hi Dave
Thank you for your steadfast reporting. Its got to be grueling these days.
I have a few thoughts about 9/11. Maybe we went to afghanistan under a false premise of them executing 9/11. If our govt took down the towers and flattened building 7 because of ‘misplaced’ $$$$, maybe that should be revealed to the American people. I also feel like traitor 44 has grown out his beard and put on his turban and is using biden to plan and execute ALL of this mess. He’s got new recruits from the border, NOW he’s got his isis on the planes to America. What about all the terror camps? They must be pretty full by now. When will this shadow moslom be publically outed for what he’s doing? His destruction is mounting up day after day. Irreparable damage is being done. He told us 13 years ago that he was going to fundamentally transform America – here we are. It feels like he’s winning it all.
Thank you Dave
Trump’s speech at the end is so powerful, accurate and meaningful, that every time I hear it there is a vital resonance! He is totally on target, and any plan, storm or playbook must move forward to save humanity from the non-populist and globalist elites.
Hi Dave.
We have been listening to your podcasts almost every day for the last year and a half, consistently share your links with others, and enthusiastically await each next podcast.
These past days my wife and I noticed that the “hamburger” link at the upper left corner of your website no longer functions to open the drop down menu, as it used to.
I wanted to write and bring this to your attention, and while I am doing so, want to say, “Thank you” for your lucidly insightful and entertaining commentary.
Keep up the good work.
Steve McPhail
Hey Dave,
I think the show is so good, that you should do a cyber symposium like how Mike Lindell had his last week. It is just a thought. I have been following your show since earlier this year.
I feel you should cover more on the crimes against humanity relating to the Wuhan Coronavirus restrictions and also cover Fox News’ role in the election fraud that was going on. I have been wondering myself if either someone from Fox News like the Murdochs have any connection to China. That seems to be a good question.
Anyway, please keep up the good work. I will let you know if there is anything I have to say about anything else relating to what is going on.
See what’s happening in Montreal Canada. Over 1000000. Real patriots. But the main stream media just got 66 million from Trudeau before election call No info on who got it.
No reporting I’m hoping Lindell has the Pcaps on Trudeau
Although President Trump had a great speech in 2016 and it still sounds great to this day, I don’t see the same level of command and I’ll bet you the is support is not as strong as it was. only because we’re all getting dicked around here, we’ve all been listening we all know what’s been said starting back in March when President Trump was being sworn back in or whatever. We’re losing interest, the highways are jam packed with commutes, to many shitass programs on the net that have lied to us. And now your dangling the carrot into next year? Get a grip on reality, work Toe to Toe with the American people like I do, you’re full of it. nobody’s talkin about Trump’s return or payin attention.
SORRY…Were goin with the flow.
Hi Dave can you possibly email me the link to the statement that president Trump made in your video yesterday it was awesome to hear his words again and I would like to share that clip. I love listening to your reports and appreciate your dedication and your ability to stay positive. Thank you